by Rady Ananda
July 30, 2010
GlobalResearch Website
At an international symposium held in Ghent, Belgium May 28-30, 2010,
scientists asserted that,
“manipulation of climate through modification of
Cirrus clouds is neither a hoax nor a conspiracy theory.”
It is “fully
operational” with a solid sixty-year history.

Though “hostile” environmental
modification was banned by UN Convention in 1978, its “friendly” use today
is being hailed as the new savior to climate change and to water and food
The military-industrial complex stands poised to capitalize on
controlling the world’s weather.
“In recent years there has been a decline in the support for weather
modification research, and a tendency to move directly into operational
World Meteorological Organization, 2007

Rainmaker Charles Hatfield,
in 1915, destroyed much of San Diego.
The only conspiracy surrounding geo-engineering is that most governments and
industry refuse to publicly admit what anyone with eyes can see.
Peer-reviewed research is available to anyone willing and able to maneuver
the labyrinth of scientific journals. So, while there is some disclosure on
the topic, full public explanation is lacking. A brief list of confirmed
cloud seeding events is produced at bottom, starting in 1915.
Going under a variety of names - atmospheric geo-engineering, weather
modification, solar radiation management, chemical buffering, cloud seeding,
weather force multiplication - toxic aerial spraying is popularly known as
However, this is merely one technique employed to modify
weather. The practice of environmental modification is vast and well funded.
Hosted by the Belfort Group, which has been working for the last seven years
to raise public awareness of toxic aerial spraying, the Symposium included
chemtrail awareness groups from Greece, Germany, Holland, France and the
Belfort published five videos covering only May 29,[1] when filmmaker
Michael Murphy (Environmental Deception and What in the world are they
spraying)[2] and aerospace engineer Dr. Coen Vermeeren [3] gave the most
dramatic presentations.
Dr Vermeeren, of the Delft University of Technology, presented [4] a
300-page scientific report entitled, “CASE ORANGE
- Contrail Science, Its
Impact on Climate and Weather Manipulation Programs Conducted by the United
States and Its Allies.” (large pdf file) [5]
Case Orange notes it was prepared for the Belfort Group by a team of
scientists but presented anonymously. It was sent to embassies, news
organizations and interested groups around the world “to force public
The report spends some time on
HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral
Research Program, [6] which is a military endeavor focused on ionospheric,
electromagnetic, and global electrostatic field manipulation, and on other
exotic weapon systems that manipulate the environment. While related, they
go beyond this discussion of chemtrails.
In the interest of brevity, the health and environmental implications of
cloud seeding is not discussed in any depth herein. Case Orange does go into
it, as did most of the speakers at the Belfort Symposium.
Cursory research
reveals a debate among researchers as to chemtrail toxicity, but whether
that’s a 50-50 or 99-1 argument is unknown.
Contrails Are Chemtrails
Case Orange rejects use of the term ‘chemtrails’ because it is associated
with amateur conspiracy theorists. The only credible document it could find
that uses it is the Space Preservation Act of 2001 introduced by U.S.
Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-OH). [7]
H.R. 2977 sought to ban the use
of exotic weapon systems that would damage climate, weather, tectonic and
biological systems. “Chemtrails” are specifically listed. Though later
removed, no version of the bill ever became law.
Instead, the writers prefer the term ‘persistent contrails’ to describe the
phenomenon since all contrails are chemtrails. ‘Persistent contrails’
distinguishes those that contain weather-altering additives from those that
represent normal aircraft exhaust that dissipates after a few seconds or
Case Orange also rejects misanthropic intentions behind persistent
It shows that geo-engineering is fully operational, but rejects it
is used to sicken people on the assumptions that,
public health agencies
have the public interest at heart
the economy is consumer driven
The authors indicate no awareness of numerous reports of collusion between
the pharmaceutical industry and government health agencies.
This year, a
significant conflict-of-interest report appeared in the prestigious British
Medical Journal, which further heightened suspicions that the H1N1 flu and
its vaccines were a scam.[8]
Nor do the authors consider that sick people
will spur economic growth in a capitalist (for profit) health system.

Dr. Vermeeren gave his own introductory remarks and conclusions, but spent
the bulk of the hour presenting information from Case Orange.
He frankly
admitted the existence of persistent contrails.
“We also know that
chemtrails do exist because we do spraying; for crops,
for example, and we know that they have been spraying for military purposes.
So, chemtrails is nothing new. We know about it.”
Dr Coen Vermeeren Symposium speech
Afternoon Part 1 video
(starting at about 35 mins.)
29 May 2010
“Weather manipulation through contrail formation … is in place and fully
Case Orange cites publicly available material that shows geo-engineering has
been ongoing for “at least 60 years.”
Used as a weapon of war in Hamburg by
the UK during World War II, it was also used in the Vietnam Conflict by the
US. Controversy over its use, revealed by investigative reporter Jack
Anderson, spurred Senate hearings in 1972. During those hearings, military
officials denied the use of cloud seeding technology. Later, a private
letter from Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird admitting that his testimony
was false surfaced.
He, again unbelievably, claimed he didn’t know what was
happening. [9]
Environmental modification (EnMod) weaponry was finally banned by treaty in
1978. The UN Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile
Use of Environmental Modification Techniques forced the end of such
programs, overtly anyway.[10] (Case Orange authors seem unaware of this
international ban, as it is one of their recommendations.)
However, with widespread reporting of rising global temperatures, increasing
population, and degradation of water supplies, renewed interest in EnMod is
now becoming broadly supported.
(See, e.g., Top economists recommend climate
engineering, 4 Sep 2009 [11] and similarly, Top science body calls for geo-engineering ‘plan B’, 1 Sep 2009.)

The crew in Operation Stormfury in 1963.
Note the special belly on the
Douglas DC6-B for cloud seeding purposes.
(From Case Orange)
Building a case for old technology finding a new market, Case Orange
discusses several U.S. patents.
For example, authors describe a 1975 patent,
“Powder Contrail Generation,” [13] for the invention of a:
“specific contrail generation apparatus for producing a powder contrail
having maximum radiation scattering ability for a given weight [of]
material. The seeding material… consists of 85% metallic particles and 15%
colloidal Silica and Silica gel in order to produce a stable contrail that
has a residence period of 1 up to 2 weeks.”
In 2009, researchers published “Modification of Cirrus clouds to reduce
global warming,” which proposed two methods of delivery for this same
proportion of metallics to silica and the same staying power of one to two
Case Orange also reveals a 1991 patent held by Hughes Aircraft Company [15]
“contains 18 claims to reduce global warming through stratospheric seeding
with aluminum oxide… thorium oxide… and refractory Welsbach material...”
The report notes that,
“the proposed scenario by the
IPCC [Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change] in 2001 is identical to the claims” in Hughes
Aircraft’s 1991 patent.
Hughes was acquired by Raytheon, a private defense
contractor, in 1997,
“the same company that acquired E-systems and the HAARP
Case Orange presents evidence that Raytheon stands to control all weather,
which the authors find repugnant given that it is a private corporation.
authors recommend suing private corporations instead of governments. But
subcontracting is quite common for governments and agencies, especially the
US military. The distinction between large, powerful corporations and
governments is a fine line obscure to common folk. And, the effect is the
same whether governments are spraying us with nano-sized metals, chemicals
or biologicals, or whether corporations do.
The authors’ protective posture
toward governments is nonsensical.
Case Orange suggests that geo-engineering found new life in the global
warming scare. Old patents are being dusted off and private interests stand
to make substantial sums now that Cap and Trade has been exposed as
ineffective in reducing greenhouse gases. (Although, lawmakers are still
considering it since substantial sums can be made from the scheme, to wit:
Al Gore reportedly achieved billionaire status from it.)
Since 2007, billionaire
Bill Gates has spent at least $4.5 million on geo-engineering research. [16]
Since reducing emissions is not popular with
industry, ‘Plan B’ - geo-engineering - is being touted as the answer to
climate change and water shortage.
A longer description of Plan B is:
more pollution to the sky and water to offset industrial pollution, without
reducing industrial pollution.
Human rights and environmental watchdog, ETC Group, describes the momentum
“The roll-out of geo-engineering as Plan B is being skillfully executed:
prominent high-level panels sponsored by prestigious groups, a spate of
peer-reviewed articles this January in science journals, and a line-up of
panicked politicians in northern countries, nodding nervously in agreement
as scientists testify about the ‘need to research Plan B.’”
ETC reports that Gates’ top geo-engineering advisor unveiled a plan to grow
solar radiation management research,
“one-hundred-fold, from $10 million to
$1 billion over ten years.”
Indeed, several watchdog groups recently ramped up calls to address
water shortage.
“At the end of July 2010, the United Nations General
Assembly will vote on an important resolution, initiated by the Bolivian
government, which would make clean water and sanitation a human right,”
reports Food and Water Watch.[18]
Weather as a Force Multiplier - Owning the Weather in 2025
Case Orange ties a 1996 report by top military personnel in the U.S.,
“Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025”
[19] to
evidentiary details (like governmental spraying schedules, chemical orders,
correct nomenclature used in airline operating manuals, and calls for geo-engineering by economists) to support its notion of “heavy involvement of
governments at top level in climate control projects.”

Owning the Weather in 2025 provides a specific timeline for the use of EnMod
technologies in cooperation with the Weather Modification Association (WMA),
a business-government group promoting the beneficial uses of environmental
2000 Introduce ionic mirrors, with a
sharp increase from 2008
2000-2025 Use chemicals for atmospheric
seeding by civilian (as well as military) aviation
2004 Create smart clouds thru
nanotechnology, with exponential increase after 2010
2005 Introduce ‘carbon black dust’
Though Case Orange decries the paucity of research into EnMod, in 2009 WMA
published its position statement on the safety of seeding clouds with
silver-iodide, citing three dozen research papers from 1970 through 2006.
In 2007, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) published a
statement that included “Guidelines for the Planning of Weather Modification
Acknowledging that the modern technology of weather
modification began in the 1940s, it is still “an emerging technology” today.
[22] WMO indicated disappointment that research is being abandoned for
Case Orange contains no reference to the WMA position statement citing all
that research, although it cites the group. Nor does it mention the World
Meteorological Organization, an agency of
the United Nations, which has a
link to its Weather Modification portal on its Index page.
At the end of the section, the bare necessity of geo-engineering through
cloud generation for survival of the planet (5.2.7), Case Orange states:
“[O]ur investigation team comes to the conclusion that climate control
programs, controlled by the military but approved by governments, are
silently implemented in order to avoid the worst case scenarios they
obviously do not want. The two basic instruments are temperature control
through generation of artificial clouds and manipulation of the ionosphere
through ionosphere heaters.
“Both remain basically military combat systems with the option to go into
the offensive if deemed necessary. However since several ionosphere heaters
are installed on various places around the globe one can assume that there
is wide cooperation between governments in order to reach the climate
targets by 2025: controlling the weather and thus the planet.”
The report published shown the following images provided by a former meteorologist
at the Ontario Weather Service, showing spraying schemes for Europe.
December 6, 2008:
“The spraying schemes seem to be organized in a logical pattern so that the
whole of Europe is covered in a 3-day period,” the authors write.

following images cover January 3-5, 2010:

Case Orange agrees that climate change needs to be addressed.
Climategate, the authors suggest that the University of East Anglia
deliberately manipulated the climate data to gradually prepare the global
population for its future on a hotter planet.
They also cite research that supports the notion that climate change is
real. During the three-day grounding of most aircraft after 9/11, scientists
noticed an increase in temperature of 1.1°C (2°F). [23]
This is an
astounding increase in such a short time frame. The incidence of cloud
seeding reports by the public increases exponentially after this.
The 1996 military piece,
Owning the Weather in 2025, gives climate change
skeptics “an insight in what to expect in the 21st century:
"Current demographic, economic and environmental trends will create global
stresses that provide the impetus necessary for many countries or groups to
turn weather modification ability into capability.
In the United States
weather modification will likely become part of national security policy
with both domestic and international applications. Our government will
pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels.”
“Persistent contrails,” however, “have a devastating impact on eco-systems
on this planet and quality of life in general.”
Case Orange joins the call
of Bill Gates’ geo-engineering advisor and the WMO for new research measuring
the impact on human health and the environment from
EnMod programs.
Case Orange also recommends an immediate and full disclosure of current EnMod activities to the public; and that all civil aviation laws be abided.
Of note, in response to policy interest in geo-engineering as a means to
control climate change and enhance water supplies, on May 14, 2010, the
science subcommittee of the United Nations Convention on Biological
Diversity proposed a geo-engineering moratorium. [24]
This proposed ban on
“friendly” EnMod programs will be heard at the Tenth Conference of Parties
to UN Convention on Biodiversity in Nagoya, Japan this October.
Case Orange reports that China and Russia openly admit to cloud-seeding,
while the U.S. denies such activities.
The U.S. does permit open air testing
of chemical and biological weapons but not under the law the authors cited,
which they paraphrased:
The secretary of defense may conduct tests and experiments involving the use
of chemical and biological agents on civilian populations.
Public law of the United States, Law 95-79, Title VIII, Sec. 808, July 30,
Codified as
50 USC 1520, under Chapter 32 Chemical and Biological Warfare
Program, Public Law 85-79 was repealed in 1997 by Public Law 105-85. In its
place, 15 USC 1520a provides restrictions (such as informed consent).
50 USC
1512, however, allows open air testing of chemicals and biologicals and
allows presidential override of notices and of public health considerations
for national security reasons. [25]
Case Orange authors are thus correct in
asserting that such programs are legal in the U.S.
Having heard enough conspiracy theories to last me a lifetime, I hesitated
researching the subject of
chemtrails, and maintained skepticism. That all
changed in March when I personally observed two jets seeding clouds, along
with about 30 other people in the parking lot at lunchtime.
Someone took a
picture from her cell phone:

The trails lasted for hours, and looked distinctly different from other
Since then, I’ve been watching the skies and can now tell when
they’ve been seeded. We often have a white haze instead of a deep blue sky,
even when persistent contrails aren’t visible.
A few days ago, someone sent me a link to the Belfort Symposium videos.
hours into it, I became riveted when Dr. Vermeeren began his presentation of
the Case Orange report. That’s when I decided to seriously look into the
subject. As informative as Case Orange is for the newcomer, any serious
research into the subject reveals that what all those “conspiracy theorists”
suggest is true: they are spraying the skies, and they’re not telling us.
Discovering that the World Meteorological Organization has a tab on its
website called Weather Modification shocked me. Reading their disappointment
that governments are going ahead with operations instead of doing more
research confirmed all of it for me. And that was published in 2007!
So, while we’re not being told, the information is publicly available to any
armchair researcher.
Being so late to the game on all this accords me sympathy for others.
Military leaders have for centuries recognized that it rains after a heavy
battle, but harnessing that power in a way that doesn’t cause a deluge like
in San Diego in 1915 has been a task. I came upon other stories like that in
my research - misdirected hurricanes, farm wars, massive flooding and
mudslides. It’s no wonder there are so many books on the subject. It’s no
wonder this turned into a 3,000-word essay.
Chemtrails are no hoax; I spent time going to as many original sources as I
could find.
The record is replete with mainstream news accounts of the early
days of the modern EnMod program. If its birth can be marked by Britain’s
successful use of chaff in 1943 to jam enemy radar, the program is 67 years
old. That’s quite a history to keep under the radar of most people.
reflects most poorly on mainstream news sources, who are supposed to expose
government shenanigans.
A Brief History of Cloud Seeding
Cloud seeding, as a US military research project, began as early as the
1830s, according to Colby College professor, James R. Fleming. [26]
Verifiably successful rainmaking attempts did not occur until 1915.
1915 To end a prolonged drought, San Diego hired reputed rainmaker
Hatfield, who claimed that the evaporation of his secret chemical brew atop
wooden towers could attract clouds. San Diego was rewarded with a 17-day
deluge that totaled 28 inches. The deadly downpour washed out more than 100
bridges, made roads impassable over a huge area, destroyed communications
lines, and left thousands homeless. [27]

Charles Hatfield's rain washes out dam 1915, San Diego.
Dozens died.
1943 “The first operational use of chaff (aluminium strips which are
precisely cut to a quarter of the radar’s wavelength) took place in July
1943, when Hamburg was subjected to a devastating bombing raid. The radar
screens were cluttered with reflections from the chaff and the air defense
was, in effect, completely blinded.” [28]
1946 General Electric’s Vincent Schaefer dropped six pounds of dry ice into
a cold cloud over Greylock Peak in the Berkshires, causing an “explosive”
growth of three miles in the cloud. [29]

New York dry ice seeding 1946
(Life Magazine)
1947 Australian meteorologists successfully repeated the process.
1949 Project Cirrus: Nobel Laureate Irving Langmuir and General Electric
researcher Vincent Schaefer fed ten ounces of silver iodide into a blowtorch
apparatus and brought down 320 billion gallons of rain across half of New
Mexico from a desert near Albuquerque. [31]
1950 Harvard meteorologist Wallace Howell seeded New York City skies with
dry ice and silver iodide smoke, filling the city’s reservoirs to near
capacity. [32]
1952 The UK’s Operation Cumulus resulted in 250 times the normal amount of
rainfall, killing dozens and destroying landscapes. [33]
1962-1983 Operation Stormfury, a hurricane modification program, had some
success in reducing winds by up to 30%. [34]
1966-1972 Project Intermediary Compatriot (later called Pop Eye)
successfully seeded clouds in Laos. The technique became part of military
actions in Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos from 1967 to 1972. Initially revealed
by Jack Anderson in the Washington Post, 18 Mar 1971. [35]
1986 The Soviet air force diverted Chernobyl fallout from reaching Moscow by
seeding clouds. Belarus, instead, was hit. [36]

China weather rocket
(2008 by ImpactLab)
2008 Chinese government used 1,104 cloud seeding missiles to remove the
threat of rain ahead of the Olympic opening ceremony in Beijing. [37]

2009 Moscow Halo. Case Orange cites this as evidence of cloud seeding, but
others suspect it is electromagnetic in origin. Russian authorities said it
was an optical illusion. [38]
This is by no means a comprehensive list; indeed, volumes are dedicated to
the subject.
[1] Belfort Group videos of International Symposium on Chemtrails, May 29,
2010 proceedings. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/belfort-test
[2] Michael Murphy website: http://truthmediaproductions.blogspot.com/
[3] Dr Coen Vermeeren, Delft University of Technology bio, n.d.
[4] Dr Coen Vermeeren Symposium speech, Afternoon Part 1 video, (starting at
about 35 mins..) (29 May 2010) http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/7299427
[5] Anonymous, “CASE ORANGE: Contrail Science, Its Impact on Climate and
Weather Manipulation Programs Conducted by the United States and Its
Allies,” 10 May 2010. PDF without appendices:
[6] High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, Fact Sheet, 15 Jun 2007.
[7] Space Preservation Act of 2001, H.R.2977, 107th Congress, 1st Session.
Introduced by U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich.
[8] Deborah Cohen and Philip Carter, “Conflicts of Interest: WHO and the
pandemic ‘flu conspiracies,’” British Medical Journal 2010;340:c2912, 3 Jun
2010. http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/340/jun03_4/c2912
[9] The Sunshine Project, “The Limits of Inside Pressure: The US Congress
Role in ENMOD,” n.d. Accessed July 2010. http://www.sunshine-project.org/enmod/US_Congr.html
[10] United Nations, “Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other
Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques,” Resolution 31/72, 10
Dec 1976, effective 1978. Geneva. http://www.un-documents.net/enmod.htm
[11] Copenhagen Consensus Center, “Top economists recommend climate
engineering,” 4 Sep 2009. Press release
[12] Catherine Brahic, “Top science body calls for geoengineering ‘plan B’,
New Scientist 1 Sep 2009.
[13] Donald K. Werle, et al., “Powder contrail generation,” U.S. Patent
3,899,144, 12 Aug 1975. Assignee: U.S. Secretary of the Navy.
[14] David L Mitchell and William Finnegan, “Modification of Cirrus clouds
to reduce global warming,” Environmental Research Letters Vol. 4 No. 4, 30
Oct 2009. Available by subscription: http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/4/4/045102
[15] David B. Chang and I-Fu Shih, “Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for
reduction of global warming,” U.S. Patent 5,003,186, 26 Mar 1991. Assignee:
Hughes Aircraft Company.
[16] Eli Kintisch, “Bill Gates Funding Geoengineering Research,” Science
Insider, 26 Jan 2010. http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2010/01/bill-gates-fund.html.
[17] ETC Group, “Top-down Planet Hackers Call for Bottom-up Governance:
Geoengineers’ Bid to Establish Voluntary Testing Regime Must Be Opposed,” 11
Feb 2010. http://www.etcgroup.org/en/node/5073
[18] Food and Water Watch: http://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/water/world-water/right/
[19] Col Tamzy J. House, et al. “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the
Weather in 2025,” Department of Defense U.S. Air Force, 17 Jun 1996.
Publicly released August 1996. Reproduced at Federation of American
[20] Weather Modicaton Association website: http://www.weathermodification.org/
[21] Weather Modification Association, “Position Statement on the
Environmental Impact of Using Silver Iodides as a Cloud Seeding Agent,” July
[22] World Meteorological Organization, “WMO Statement on Weather
Modification,” UN Commission for Atmospheric Sciences Management Group, 26
Sep 2007.
[23] Donald J. Travis, et al. “Contrails reduce daily temperature range,”
Nature 418, 601, 8 Aug 2002. Reproduced in full by University of Washington,
Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences:
[24] Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice,
“In-depth Review of the Work on Biodiversity and Climate Change, Draft
Recommendation,” Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations
Environmental Programme, UNEP/CBD/SBTTA/14/L.9, 15 May 2010. http://www.cbd.int/doc/meetings/sbstta/sbstta-14/in-session/sbstta-14-L-09-en.pdf
[25] United States Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, “Chemical and Biological
Warfare Program.” http://uscode.house.gov/download/pls/50C32.txt
[26] James Rodger Fleming, “The pathological history of weather and climate
modification: Three cycles of promise and hype,” Historical Studies in the
Physical and Biological Sciences, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2006. Available at
[27] Stephen Cole, “Weather on Demand,” American Heritage, 2005. http://www.americanheritage.com/articles/magazine/it/2005/2/2005_2_48.shtml
[28] Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese, “The History of Radar,” BBC, 14 Jul
2003. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A591545
[29] Fleming, citing New York Times, 15 Nov 1946, 24.
[30] Squires, P. & Smith, E. J., “The Artificial Stimulation of
Precipitation by Means of Dry Ice,” Australian Journal of Scientific
Research, Series A: Physical Sciences, vol. 2, p.232, 1949AuSRA…2..232S,
1949. Republished at Harvard University:
Also see: Stephen Cole, “Weather on Demand,” American Heritage, 2005.
[31] Life Magazine, “Solution to Water Shortage: Rain makers’ success shows
how New York could fill its reservoirs,” p. 113, 20 Feb 1950.
[32] Life Magazine, “U.S. Water: We can supplement our outgrown sources at a
price,” 21 Aug 1950, p. 52.
[33] John Vidal and Helen Weinstein, “RAF rainmakers ’caused 1952 flood’:
Unearthed documents suggest experiment triggered torrent that killed 35 in
Devon disaster,” The Guardian, 30 Aug 2001.
Also see: BBC News, “Rain-making link to killer floods,” 30 Aug 2001.
[34] Jerry E. Smith, “Weather Warfare: The Military’s Plan to Draft Mother
Nature,” Adventures Unlimited Press, 2006. pp. 47-54.
[35] ibid. pp. 54-60.
[36] Richard Gray, “How we made the Chernobyl rain,” Daily Telegraph, 22 Apr
[37] Ian O’Neill, “The Chinese Weather Manipulation Missile Olympics,”
Universe Today, 12 Aug 2008.
[38] Anonymous, “Moscow Halo,” cell phone video uploaded to YouTube, 7 Oct
2009. reposted at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXF9HSB627U