posted here by Wes Penre, for
Illuminati News, June 8, 2004
IlluminatiNews Website
While the true G.W.B. (Great White
Brotherhood) dates back to Sumeria at 6000B.C, and even before in some
guise, it was not until Egypt where this society became first OFFICIALLY
documented as a working sect...
The high priest cult was under the leadership of the initiating God
Figure of
THOTH, who was the God Of WISDOM.
His symbol was of the WINGED SERPENT STAFF symbol of Thoth. This symbol also
relates to the earlier Sumerian God of
the Anunnaki Ninhursag who held the
symbol of the winged, intertwined serpents as well. Ninhursag was the
Sumerian God of Wisdom.
The Greek god of HERMES also held the Double Serpent Staff of Wisdom.
It is the modern day symbol of the medical Caduceus, as well as a
revised version is on U.S. medic ambulances, and the emblem is even on U.S.
Firetrucks (which is also on a 6 rayed, stylized, Star of David
Thoth was the lead figure of the mystery teachings of the Egyptian GREAT
WHITE BROTHERHOOD, and this "hero" of wisdom has been passed on in many
forms throughout many cultures historically.
And we can't forget all of the Biblical accounts of the wisdom bearing
serpent symbol. Moses was granted a serpent staff to defeat the
wizards of the Pharaoh in the Exodus. The staff was given to Moses by
"God" at the BURNING BUSH. It gave Moses the ability to defeat the pharaoh,
as his snake staff ate all the other snake staffs, and it allowed Moses to
lead his people into the 40 year wilderness... Finally resting on Mount
But, my point being, that the G.W.B. is a HUGE FACTOR in all
of this
NWO AGENDA, and cannot be ignored. If we
really want to uncover the greater truth it must be realized, just because
we don't like "reptilian"
topics, or "mythology", doesn't mean that the SUMER-EGYPTIAN
It relates directly to the U.N. Earth Charter, as well as statues of
Americanna like Liberty, and Justice... Goddess and Sun worship...
It is the same mythology that is being followed today by
Elites. The Brotherhood is, if not the same BLOODLINE-LINEAGE,
then is at least the SAME IDEALS of the ancient Brotherhood as it HAS PASSED
ILLUMINATI. Do you see a running theme here..?
It can be argued, but not easily denied, that this serpent symbol is one of
a Phalic and D.N.A. nature. A third eye equation that cannot be ignored,
unless one wishes to avoid the esoteric beliefs of
the Illuminati Brotherhood all together...
This is the covenant of the circumcision, revealing the nature of the third
eye, and the "divine" connection to "god".
www tagnet.org/llt/SecretSocieties.htm
Within the "sacred Temple" is the Lodge,
In the east of the Lodge is found the "Altar
of the Master, who represents the Greater Light." The Altar is to be
"sacred and holy." The Shekinah is found in the center of the Lodge,
"which also has a Sanctum, upon entering
which the devotee must at once face the East and make the sign of
the cross. Upon leaving, he must back out, so that his back may
never be turned upon the holy place."
--id., pp. 31,32.
The Grand Master of-the lodge is to be
addressed as "Most Worshipful Grand Master." Each lodge also has its
Matre, or Mother, before whom the devotee is to kneel. p. 33.
Vestal fires and vestal virgins, called
Colombes, are to be found in the lodge. These virgins are to be
between 13 and 18 years of age upon entering, and must remain until they
reach 21. Each is to,
"retain her virtue (remain
unmarried).... Colombes are, in fact, 'Brides of the Order'
during their term of office."
id., p. 34. (Throughout the
mysteries, the word virgin means only that the person is unmarried,
having nothing whatsoever to do with the individual's morals.)
Rosicrucians speak of death as a,
"transition, immortality of the soul is
its foundation doctrine, reincarnation is one of the chief
teachings, and each candidate, when he has been properly prepared is
to be contacted by his "secret master," among the "Great White
Brotherhood," a term which refers to the ghost world.
--id., pp. 140, 141.
There is a "Master K-H-M" who is the "Deputy
Grand Master of the Great White Lodge of the Great White Brotherhood."
This master was once the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III who has gone
through several incarnations.--id., loc. cit.
To become a Master, the student may take an
entire lifetime before he will "manifest occult or mystic powers." id.,
p. 151. (The dues must continue during this period.)
In the Rosicrucian Dictionary to be found at
the end of the Rosicrucian Manual, we find that Astrology, the religion
of Babylon, is accepted as a true science. p. 160.
Black magic (the calling up of evil spirits,
in contrast with the communion with good spirits as in white magic) is
declared to be,
Under Death we read that,
"The soul is immortal and cannot be
destroyed....Neither the body or soul ever dies, and there is no
id., p. 164. (Thou shalt not surely
The only God of the Rosicrucians is the "God
of our hearts...." In ancient rituals, we find this as part of the
Rosicrucian pledge!
The soul of man is a divine spark which is
but a part of the central fire or divine essence. id., p. 169, 187.
The Shekinah in the temple is a triangular
solid or "Altar" which is 36 inches in length, breadth, and height. p.
(We have already noted that the number 36 in
the Babylonian religion referred to the 36 divisions of the zodiac in
the astrological religion of Babylon. Since the Rosicrucian ever-burning
lamps have on them the signs of the zodiac and the symbols of the 7
planets, the number 36 seems significant here.)
TemplesOfWisdom Website
Environment and Grounds
The central structure in the Temples of Wisdom is the center of nine
halls. It is like the capital rotunda in Washington with a great dome
overhead. The dome is gold and white, with carved and jeweled ribs and it
lights the building. If you look up, you can see the dome of white light
become rainbows, and then see the eternal story of creation. The dome itself
is a kind of hologram for visions, and beautiful three dimensional images
are often displayed there.
The other temples can be reached from this central dome via different
These temples also have external entrances. For instance, to enter the
Temple of Healing, one first walks through a green field with golden wheat
swaying in the distance, and blue-purple mountains far away. The sky is
bright blue. The road is made of white sand and it leads to the temple of
healing and purification.
It is modeled after the temple of Aesculapius, the Greek god of
physicians. It is of white marble with large pillars and there is a statue
of the god outside. Inside it is lit by tall, elaborately carved floor
lamps, which shed bright golden light throughout the interior. There are
carved censers which spread different kinds of incense. The floors are also
In the front and center of the main room is an altar to the lords of all
worlds. There are many hallways connecting to rooms off to the sides. These
are used for healing, purification, and therapy.
There are eight other temples besides this one.
From the central dome, one corridor leads to the Temple of the Past.
This temple, also called the Temple of the Knowledge of Many Worlds,
is a museum that contains the recorded experience of many realms of being.
When there are visitors from new worlds, they are asked to visit the museum
and donate some of their memories. They then think of their past and the
world they inhabited, and the information is reflected or recorded in the
records of the museum.
These memories are then available to those who
wish to learn about these worlds. When these visitors are professionals,
memories of their expertise are also recorded. They are often asked what
they consider most important, most beautiful, or most unusual in their
worlds and this information is recorded. This temple is often visited by
souls before they do spiritual travel to familiarize them with other
cultures that they wish to visit.
The "research on worlds" area acts to give information to the Meeting
Center. At the Center, there are representatives from many worlds who speak
and share ideas. There is much debate about what to do with worlds that are
spiritually advanced, but have no current representatives, like earth. For a
while there were several representatives, and much rivalry between them.
Currently there are none.
The Temple of Spiritual Arts is rose-colored, with walls showing the
sunrises and sunsets of many different worlds. There are buildings for the
visual arts, music, dance, and changes from one sensory modality to another.
There is no need of museum guards to protect the artwork, and visitors are
encouraged to interact with the art. There is a room for transcendence where
the art functions to bring souls to other worlds and a room of immanence
where the art opens the individual's heart to emotion, contemplation, and
The works of art come from the Brotherhood's artists, and from the memory of
visitors who remember the arts from their worlds. Music may be localized in
one place, or it may fill the buildings, which resonate to the sounds. The
spiritual arts in this temple focus on dramas. The music and light most
effective for spiritual travel are found in another temple, the Temple of
Sometimes when there is an influx of souls from a particular area or
culture, there are special exhibitions on the arts of that region. The
displays are not political - their intention is to share the spiritual and
aesthetic sensibilities among individuals from different worlds.
The Temple of Archaic Spiritual Paths collects ancient religious
beliefs and practices, which have lost popularity on their worlds of origin.
Spiritual pathways are ladders through the heavens, and the steps are still
there, even if nobody ascends them anymore. In this temple, this information
is collected for people who are dissatisfied with the religious paths that
they have learned, and want other options. There are experts in the
Brotherhood that have tried them, and can discuss their advantages and
The Temple of Transformation (or "soul travel central") is where the more
disciplined and difficult spiritual travel occurs. This is where there are
specific instructions for spiritual travel, and moving from ego to ego, and
body to body.
If a group trip is organized, the people sit in meditation, leaving their
bodies meditating in rows or circles, and travel together to their new
destination. In this temple, there are charts, and maps of the many worlds
which are relatively close and accessible. For higher and more distant
spiritual worlds, there are instructions on going from one intermediate
world to another, each subtler than the next, until the traveler reaches a
level of discomfort. At that point, travel should cease until the person is
better prepared.
There are also descriptions of the farther worlds, and warnings of dangers
if any are known. For those worlds with guardians or sentries, the guardians
are described, along with proper greetings, passwords, offerings, and
legitimate reasons for visiting.
One hallway that proceeds from the central great dome of light has golden
floor tiles and crimson walls. It is the pathway to the Halls or Temples of
There are three meeting rooms that compose the Halls of Justice. The
first has high ceilings, royal blue walls, and Persian carpets. It is
furnished with large oval tables, and the room is used for mediation. When
there are fights and struggles and disagreements, the parties sit around the
tables to negotiate.
Mediators from the Brotherhood spend time here
trying to get representatives of warring factions to talk to each other. The
representatives come from many different races, with different personalities
and desires but they have one thing in common - they are fighting with each
other. The members of Brotherhood try to be peacemakers.
The second meeting room has crimson colored walls, and is for evaluation.
Here the Brotherhood has panels of judges, which review cases of karmic
uncertainty, of unwillingness to accept reincarnation and responsibility for
previous actions, and of special requests for delay of karma in order to
accomplish some specific task. There are criminals claiming innocence,
desirous souls claiming compulsion, and sneaky souls trying to get out of
their obligations.
The third meeting room is for formal meetings, for treaties, for state
functions, and for public tribunals. The room is dark green with ebony wood
and gold fixtures. There are rows of seats for spectators, and a stage upon
which commitments are made. It is also a place used to welcome new members.
The Brotherhood has been misrepresented as controlling the universe. It does
not do this. However, the Halls of Judgment are the closest the Brotherhood
comes to this function. They have met with beings who could accurately be
described as gods and angels. The Brotherhood understands them as beings
seeking help with their problems, and they do not ignore those who are weak
and low-caste just as they do not grovel before those who are powerful. They
welcome the company of a wide range of beings and work with them.
The universe is composed of many layers. Souls from other worlds visit
through the Brotherhood's spiritual area, and the reason for their visit is
often the Halls of Justice. They may wish a respected place for negotiation,
or a neutral ground for investiture. The rooms are large, but can expand to
become much larger. The Brotherhood has fit thousands of visitors in these
rooms with the help of some visualizers who can expand their capacity.
In the Temple of Records, there is a center for the study of karma.
Karma is really an enormous topic, and there are records of the deeds and
actions of universes. Of course all that information is not stored locally.
No matter how compressed the information, it would still take universes to
store all of it. What is present at the temple is basically the card
catalog, which gives the means to look up the desired information.
People who had skill in this area left detailed instructions for meditation,
mantras, and visualizations which allow the researcher to locate the records
of a person's life, and specific memories or emotions within the life. All
people have karmic records. For those who possess the ability to perceive
them, the records look like a comet's tail behind the person as he or she
passes by.
The center of the study of karma is confidential - people should not spy on
each other. It is only open to counselors and judges, who use the
information to help others.
The Temple of Wisdom is the academic area, with large auditoriums for
classes in meditation, karmic analysis, and comparative religion and
spirituality. When great souls visit, they are asked to teach and share
their wisdom. There are also more practical classes in maintaining the
grounds, extended visualization, defense of the gates, and processing of
visitors. There are also guest speakers with specializations in counseling,
negotiation, and other valuable skills.
The ninth and final temple in the Temples of Wisdom complex is the
Temple of Compassion. It is an extension of the healing area which is
focused on the development of compassion towards all forms of life. Here,
there is contemplation of suffering, discussion of morality, and praise of
helpfulness and sacrifice of personal pleasure for the sake of others. While
the healing center is run by experts, this temple is for ordinary souls, to
encourage them to develop the qualities of love and forgiveness.
There is also a center of Light - the light which runs the complex. It is
not electricity but perhaps some spiritual analogue. It too is used for
travel but in very limited ways.
The Garden Area and Beyond
There is also an outdoor garden area on the grounds surrounding the
Temples of Wisdom. At the garden gate, there are two swans, carved out
of marble, their great-feathered wings lifted for flight. They represent the
paramahamsas, the great souls whose light shines out like the
feathers of a swan.
As one walks into the garden, the trees are made of gold and silver, with
jeweled leaves and fruit. The paths are made of tiny white quartz crystals
of sand, and the plants have flowers which shine with light and spread their
sweet fragrances. There are hedges carved in the shapes of animals, and rest
areas with mosaic floors. One mosaic represents the sun, with many colored
rays. Another shows wooden ships sailing beneath a starry sky.
The garden has fountains, and in their water and spray can be seen many
worlds. There are small rivulets surrounded by wild-flowers, and grassy
fields in the distance with bright birds and butterflies flying above them.
Looking beyond the garden, one can see land stretching to the seashore. In
the distance are great cliffs of rose and lavender, silver through the ocean
mists. At their foot, where the water meets the cliffs, there are caves.
Some of them are under water, and they reflect the deep blue of the water on
their turquoise walls. These are meditation caves for those close to the
water element.
Higher on the cliffs are caves facing the sun full of golden crystals for
those closer to the fire element. Deeper into the cliff are darker caves for
those who appreciate earth, with sand floors, and sandstone walls.
Atop the cliffs are gazebos for teaching, delicately arched in gold and
marble, and also caves open to wind and air. These are for those that
appreciate the air element. Here the cool winds take away one's sins and
distractions, as the sun burns them away, and the water washes them away.
The earth just has them settle or drop away.
The garden is for beauty, thoughtfulness, and purification.
The Visitor's Areas
The Brotherhood accepts many visitors and has varied accommodations for
Within the lodge, there are tapestries that depict the history of
civilizations. These hang behind couches full of mandala pillows,
tables of beaten brass, and decorated hookahs. These rooms are for visitors
from the East so that they feel at home.
For visitors from the West, there are different sorts of decor. There are
tall simple white walls, with arches and pillows. The couches are plain and
white, and the floors are black and white marble. There is fruit and
flowers, and a library-wall of leather-bound books. For other visitors,
there are Persian rugs, and carved furniture. It is important to have
familiar objects so that visitors feel comfortable.
For souls that are anxious, crazed, and in need of therapy, there are
beautiful and well-kept gardens. Desperate souls can walk along the garden
borders, and along rivers splashing over rocks, and find peace. Beyond the
gardens, there are beautiful mountains and valleys, pearly sunrises and
dramatic sunsets.
The garden walks lead into rooms where the visitors stay. The rooms are very
simple, like monastic rooms, for souls must learn not to be attached to
their soul-bodies. The beds are covered with rough cotton, and there are
wooden floors.
Books are placed on the tables that might be
suitable for these visitors.
The History of the White Brotherhood on Earth and
Its Teachings
Chapter 4
Now we will review some of the ancient writings of the various mystic
schools of the Orient that were standard at just about this time in our
historical review. By 1350 BC we find several systems of mystical and
religious philosophy very well established in various lands.
The real leaders in each one of these various mystical schools were
connected directly with the White Brotherhood and this fact alone
prevented the leaders in the different lands, who represented their
different schools, from being rivals or opponents, although the
followers of these various leaders were opponents to some degree.
Among the oldest of the Aryan writings we have the beautiful Brahmanic
books of India called the Vedas, or Books of Holy Knowledge. The
original writings of these books were never allowed to be changed, even
so far as a single word was concerned.
Many of the foreign words in these hymns are difficult to translate into
English, or to translate into thought expressions in keeping with modern
Here is the Rig-veda which contains the old hymns regarding creation and
adoration to God and the other principles taught by the White
Brotherhood which were embodied by the Hindu school of Philosophy.