by Spencer Brown
March 20,
TownHall Website

Frank Franklin II
The generally pointless and
chronically hypocritical United Nations
is back to preaching about
climate change rather than taking
meaningful action to punish bad actions by nations such as China,
Russia, and Iran.
This time, the global
wokescolds at the UN are
calling for massive acceleration of "climate" efforts that include
ending oil, gas, and coal - and redistributing wealth on a global
scale to achieve its goal of "net zero" emissions worldwide.
The latest nonsense came on Monday from the UN's
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
via a
new report declaring that,
"[h]umanity is on
thin ice - and that ice is melting fast" while also blaming
humans for "virtually all global heating over the last 200
years" that has caused the "rate of temperature rise in the last
half century" to become "the highest in 2,000 years."
According to the UN, the
of carbon dioxide is also at its,
"highest in at least
two million years" and the "climate time-bomb is ticking."
Conveniently, and
by design, the UN claims to have the,
"survival guide for
humanity" that will "diffuse the climate time-bomb."
As always, the answer
from the UN is more centralized nongovernmental control
over nations of the world to inflict policies that will leave
economies - including the United States -
in ruin...
The UN's climate alarmists, therefore, issue a call to,
"massively fast-track
climate efforts by every country and every sector and on every
timeframe" and "climate action on all fronts" and propose a
wealth-redistributing "Climate Solidarity Pact" among G20
nations "in which all big emitters make extra efforts to cut
emissions, and wealthier countries mobilize financial and
technical resources to support emerging economies."
So, what does this
climate pact and "survival guide" of actions include...?
Here's a taste:
No new coal and
the phasing out of coal by 2030 in OECD countries and 2040
in all other countries.
Ending all
international public and private funding of coal.
Ensuring net zero
electricity generation by 2035 for all developed countries
and 2040 for the rest of the world.
Ceasing all
licensing or funding of new oil and gas - consistent with
the findings of the International Energy Agency.
Stopping any
expansion of existing oil and gas reserves.
subsidies from fossil fuels to a just energy transition.
Establishing a
global phase down of existing oil and gas production
compatible with the 2050 global net zero target.
"Shipping, aviation,
steel, cement, aluminum, agriculture - every sector must be
aligned with net zero by 2050 with clear plans
including interim targets to get there," the UN's report
Oddly, the United Nations
calls on,
"CEOs of all oil and
gas companies to be part of the solution" that inexorably leads
to their companies' demise.
The climate plan calls
"all governments" to
secure "assurance that business leaders will help them deliver
on extra efforts" by creating and enabling a suitable "policy
and regulatory environment."
That is, achieve the
climate alarmists' goals by force of government edict,
something President
Biden has already proven
himself willing to do, even after being stopped when his assault on
coal was struck down by the Supreme Court.
As if that economically destructive punch list wasn't enough, the UN
also calls for speeding up,
"efforts to
deliver climate justice"...
How about 'actual'
justice for marginalized people being held down by evil nations
such as China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea?
Will the United
Nations ever get around to walking its own lofty talk?
Don't hold their breath,
especially if you think doing so might help reduce global 'carbon
dioxide' concentrations...