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He told me that he was president of the United World Federalists, and asked if I knew what that organization was.
When I said that I did not, he replied that they believed in a one-world government that would grow out of the United Nations. I was nonplussed as I had never heard anyone suggest that idea before.
To me, the United Nations (UN) was a 'benevolent' organization dedicated to pressuring the world community in the direction of peace, and to operating 'charitable programs' to help the struggling, impoverished peoples of the world.
I imagined the UN as a
kind of United Way on a worldwide scale.
Although there was a socialistic thread in its founding document, the United Nations was formed based on a vision of human rights presented in the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (UDHR) which placed the concept of rights at the forefront for the progress of the world body.
And rights are the mainstay for uplifting human freedom and the dignity of the individual. The UDHR document followed many amazing documents that presented rights as the central concept of the post-feudal world:
The word "rights" appears in almost every sentence of the 1869-word UN document.
The document is literally obsessed with rights, and one must assume they are likewise obsessed with the rights successes as manifested in the United Kingdom, the U.S., and France.
However, there are some deviations from the rights usage we are all familiar with.
In Article 3, instead of the inalienable rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" found in our Declaration of Independence, the UN declares everyone's right to,
Are they implying that security will bring happiness? Or are they implying that happiness is too ephemeral a value, and too Western?
Perhaps more mundane
survival goals are needed by most of the world.
But there are new rights introduced which, as early as 1945, were pointing the way towards intervention by the UN in the daily lives of people throughout the world.
Throughout the document, they assert,
However, they do not
state the right to appear on the "Tonight Show" or "Saturday Night
Live", so there were limits to their largesse.
They issued a document entitled "Transforming Our World - The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development."
This document has 91 numbered sections of the UN's program for world government. The UDHR is only referenced once in the entire document in Article 19. Unlike the original "mother document" that was under 1900 words, this document is 14,883 words.
The 91 items are addressing issues under the five headings of,
Additionally, the
document provides 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to
'improve' life on the planet.
The most often quoted definition comes from the UN World Commission on Environment and Development:
The earlier ideas and ideals of rights, freedom, equality, and justice are subsumed under meeting of needs and an explicit environmentalism which emphasizes preventing the depletion of scarce planetary resources.
Of course, the takeoff is the Marxist axiom that society should be organized around the idea of,
Thus, Marxism is implicit in sustainability, but is nuanced by its alliance with seemingly scientific adjustments and goals related to environmentalism.
A technical jargon is
welded to Marxist intentionality to produce a sense of fittingness
and modern progress.
There are goals for the cities, for women, for the poor, and even for life under the water. Absolutely no sphere of human activity is exempt from control by the UN. The key word of course is no longer "rights" except the oblique reference in Article 19.
In fact, this writer did
not see the word rights even once in this document even
though that word appeared in practically every sentence of the
original UN document.
The overlay of Marxist
talk about "meeting needs" has moved to center stage. The UN has
assigned itself a time frame for moving forward in its plan for
planetary hegemony.
They never discuss incompetence and corruption, twin brothers in the family of venality.
The document portrays a sincere world where all those in power want to help humanity despite the daily evidence of,
Is not the Agenda for Sustainable Development itself one of those devilish manipulations?
Instead, individual liberty is submerged in a scientifically determined collectivist mindset with final decisions in the hands of the devilish, all-knowing Big Brothers.
The relevance of the individual is downplayed. It is being put forward by a UN that is no longer pro-western, a much larger body than existed in 1945.