from ZeroHedge Website
In addition, travelers would be required to provide previous phone numbers, email addresses and a history of international travel from the preceding five years - as well as disclose any immigration problems they've had anywhere in the world, or any potential family ties to terrorism, according to the Washington Times.
Moreover, people from
countries where female genital mutilation is common practice would
be directed to a website to ensure that they know the practice is
illegal in the United States.
Vaughan also says the
State Department should also request information on whether female
travelers intend to enter the United States in order to give birth -
a practice known as "birth tourism" in which women visit the U.S. so
that their child born on American soil is a U.S. citizen.
In all, some 14 million people would be affected by the request for information, according to the department.
Privacy concerns
The Washington Times reports that Dan Crocetti, a former senior fraud investigator for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said it makes sense to collect the information - but said officers need to stay within privacy rules, too.
He said in the immigration context, looking at social media can help an adjudicator assess whether the story the applicant is telling for applying for a benefit rings true - such as in the case of a marriage petition.
The State Department currently collects information about travel history and family connections, however the new proposal will seek to collect prior passport numbers, information about family members and a longer history of past travel, employment and contact information.