by Andre Vltchek
July 17,
NEO Website

It used to be comical,
but suddenly it is not, anymore.
In the past, blind
hatred towards China could had been attributed to ignorance, or
at least to indoctrination by the Western propaganda and mass media
But now...?
China's tremendous leap forward,
its excellent, humane social policies and determined people-oriented
scientific research, as well as its march towards a so-called
"ecological civilization" are well-documented, to the point that if
anyone really wants to know, he or she has plenty of opportunities
to learn the truth.
But it appears that very few want to learn. At least very few in the
China is seen negatively in almost all Western countries and their
satellites. While surveys in places like Africa, where China
intensively interacts with the people, helping them to break the
chains of dependency on their neo-colonialist masters from Europe
and North America, clearly indicate that it is admired and liked.
Last year (2018), a survey by the influential Pew Research Center
Charts on Global Views of China") established that China
is viewed mostly positively in non-Western countries:
67% in Kenya
where China is involved in substantial infrastructural and
social projects
61% in the most
populous African nation - Nigeria
70% in the Arab
country of Tunisia
53% in the
Philippines, despite the fact that there, the West has been
fueling a dispute over the islands in the South China Sea
65% in Russia,
which is now the closest Chinese ally.
In the U.K., 49%
of citizens see China positively
48% in Australia
only 39% in
Germany and 38% in the United States...
But what is truly
shocking, is the attitude of the West towards the leadership of
China's President - Xi Jinping - a determined thinker who is
leading China towards true socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Also, almost eliminating
extreme poverty (by the year 2020, there should be no pockets of
misery left, anywhere on the territory of the PRC), and who is
putting culture, a high quality of life, ecology and the general
wellbeing of the Chinese people above economic indicators.
Conservative, anti-Communist Poland leads the pack:
That says something about
Europe, as even in Canada, the number is 42%, and in the United
States - 39%.

Is it truly
just ignorance?
When interviewed by various Chinese media outlets, I am often asked
the same question:
"Why are we
constantly criticized in the West, while we try to play by the
rules, and doing our best to improve the planet?"
The answer is obvious:
"Precisely for that
Some 20 years ago, China and its socialist project, were still in
the 'unfinished stage'.
There were big
differences in standards of living, between the urban areas in the
east, and the countryside.
Transportation was
Pollution in the
industrial cities was very, very bad.
Tens of millions of
people were trying to migrate from the countryside to the
cities, in search of jobs and a better living, putting great
strains on the social system of the nation.
Those who did not like
China, had plenty of 'ammunition', when criticizing it then. The
country was moving forward, but the task to make it prosperous,
clean, and healthy, appeared to by Sisyphean.
What followed was an absolute miracle, unprecedented in human
Only the Soviet Union
before the WWII registered greater growth and improvement of the
standards of living of its people, than China did in the two last
Everything in China changed.
Its cities became
clean, green, ecological, full of public parks, exercise
machines for adults and children.
Urban centers are now
overflowing with a first class public transportation (all
ecological), with impressive museums, concert halls, excellent
universities and medical centers.
Subsidized super-high
trains are connecting all major cities of the country.
In Communist China,
everything is planned by the government and by the Communist
Party, and the private sector is there to serve the
nation, not vice versa.
It works. It works
remarkably well...
Citizens have much more
say about how their country is governed, than those in the West.
Cities are clean,
efficient, built for the people. No beggars and no slums. No
misery. Things are getting better and better.
Foreigners who come to
China for the first time are shocked:
China looks much
wealthier than the US or UK.
Its streets, its
airports, its metro systems, high-speed trains, theatres,
sidewalks, parks, easily put those in New York of Paris to
But, it is not rich. Far
from it...!
China's GDP per capita is
still relatively low, but that is precisely what makes "socialism
with Chinese characteristics" so impressive and superior to the
Western capitalism fueled by imperialism.
China does not need to
have average incomes of some $50,000+ per capita to prosper, to give
its people an increasingly great life, to protect the environment,
and to promote great culture.
Could it be,
that this is precisely why the West is shaking in fear?
The West, where economic growth is everything, where
people live in constant fear, instead of optimistic hope for the
The West, where trillions
of Dollars and Euros are wasted annually, so
the elites can live in bizarre
luxury and preside over irrational, unnecessary over-production and
arms accumulation, which bring no well-being to the majority.
China and its central planning are offering a much better and
logical system, for its citizens and for the world. Most of its
science is geared to the improvement of life on this planet, not for
cold profits.
President Xi's brainchild -
BRI - is designed to lift up
billions of people world-wide out of poverty, and to connect the
world, instead of fragmenting it.
So why is President
Xi so much disliked in Europe?
Could it be, that it is precisely because of the gigantic
success of China?
Back to the previous
20 years ago, China
had enormous social and environmental problems.
The Westerners who did
not like Communist Party of any type, would come and point fingers
at things:
"You see, Shanghai
and Shenzhen are now prosperous, but look at other cities on the
coast: see the contrast?"
Then the cities on the
coast, all, began improving, planting parks, universities, metros,
beautiful streets.
Criticism from the West continued:
"Now leave the coast,
go west, and you will see how unequal China is!"
Eventually, the west of
China improved so much, that there was virtually no difference
between the quality of life in the cities there, and on the coast.
"It is all so
cynical," the rant went on. "The difference between the cities
and the countryside is so huge that peasants are forced to
abandon their villages and seek jobs in the big cities."
Under the leadership of
President Xi, the entire countryside received an enormous overhaul.
Transportation, medical
services, educational facilities and job availability improved so
much, that in 2018, for the first time in modern history, people
began migrating back from the cities to the countryside.
Now what?
What next?
"Human rights?"...
Not much to trash,
anymore, if one sees with eyes open.
But the better China becomes, the more it cares about its people, as
well as people all over the world, the harder it gets attacked.
Not one "Wow!" from Western regime and
its mainstream media. Not one
"China is now leader of the world in ecology, social policies,
science, and virtually everything public."
The answer is obvious and unfortunately depressing:
It is because the
West does not want China and its president to succeed. Or if the
succeed, it has to be hushed.
The two systems are so
different, that if China's one is correct, the Western one is wrong.
And the West is not searching for a concept that is good for the
It only wants its own
concept to survive and dominate the planet. Full stop...
That is why China is
so popular in the countries which want to save their people from
misery, and to build new, better societies.
That is why China is
smeared and disliked, even hated, in the West and in a handful
of countries outside the West, where Westerners and their
descendants are both ruling and controlling the mass media (Argentina).
On a positive note,
despite the determined and vicious propaganda being spread by
Western and
West-controlled mass media outlets,
many more people have confidence in President Xi, than in the
U.S. President
Donald Trump, who inspires only
27% of the people all over the world...