by Sigmund Fraud
16, 2018
WakingTimes Website

It's a strange world of
newspeak we live in.
What was once a society
devoted to logic and progress is now being herded in echo chambers
of thought control and anti-critical thinking. Without the ability
to examine an issue impartially and completely there is little hope
of maintaining liberty and freedom, as history repeatedly
Today, we find that thinking is a diminishing art, and in its place,
sound bites and stop-thought terms are used to put the brakes on the
These terms are widely
used as signals to prevent minds from looking too deeply at a topic
or issue.
"Thinking critically
means making reasoned judgments that are logical and well
thought out.
It is a way of
thinking in which one doesn't simply accept all arguments and
conclusions to which one is exposed without questioning the
arguments and conclusions. It requires curiosity, skepticism and
People who use
critical thinking are the ones who say things such as,
"How do you know
"Is this
conclusion based on evidence or gut feelings?"
"Are there
alternative possibilities when given new pieces of
The three terms most
widely used today to this avail are detailed below.
Conspiracy Theorist
This term is so
overused that it really is devoid of any practical meaning.
If you were to
examine it at face value, though, it describes a person who is
looking to understand injustices in our world and is willing to
look at uncomfortable facts in search of negative influence… of
which there is plenty in our world today.
However, 'conspiracy
theorist' has literally become a derogatory term that
is attributed to anyone who refuses to accept
mainstream narratives at face
It doesn't matter
that there is overwhelming evidence to indicate that mainstream
media does not value objectivity or report on important issues
thoroughly or truthfully.
Now we find this term applied as a prefix to well-known
journalists and media personalities, almost as we use the term
It's an adjective
that precedes them everywhere, so that before you even know what
issue is being discussed, you know that the issue is coming from
someone considered to be fringe and unacceptable.
2.) Alt
We see the label
'alt' being applied more and more frequently as an adjective for
sentiments that supposedly do not fit in with the accepted
status quo.
Ideas outside of the
Alt-Right. Alt-Left. Alt-News. Alt-Health. And so on.
The signal here is
the mainstream is the safe
space, and that any segment of ideas or thought given this
prefix is outside of that mainstream, and therefore not
something ordinary people would want to associate with.
It takes complex
ideas and sensitive issues and benches them, so that when the
hive mind stumbles upon something 'alt' they immediately react
with fear, disdain and feigned outrage.
There is no 'alt' in our world. We are one, and any faction of
ideas is really just a spinoff of the shared reality we all live
If segments of this
shared space are off-limits and labeled as so, we all lose.
Hate Speech
This term is one of
the all-time favorites of politicians and tyrants. After all,
what could more dangerous than 'hate'?
Newsflash: Hate speech is not the same thing as a
hate crime. Speech is just that, speech. It is literally
vibrating air moving through space, and unless we're talking
about and
LRAD crowd control cannon,
sound really can't cause people physical harm.
It is fascinating to watch how people use this term so freely as
if speech itself can be criminal.
American society is
founded on the idea of freedom of speech and self-expression,
which at its core is the recognition that as human beings we do
not and never will all see the world in the same way.
It is an
acknowledgement of the fact that different people have different
ideas about how the world is and should be. That these
differences shouldn't be used as a basis for discrimination.
The term
hate speech is one of the
most loaded and ambiguous terms in the political lexicon.
Final Thoughts
Next time you see or hear
these terms being used, ask yourself what it is about the story that
you're not supposed to think too deeply about.
Allow both sides of the
argument to share equal time in your mind, and honor the
independent, sovereign being within yourself
that deserves a chance to make up its own mind about how it wishes
to view the world...