by Zy Marquiez
October 07,
TheNewAgoraWebsite Website

Metabolism and learning are two subjects that you
don't hear in the same sentence nigh ever, or even the same
They're kind of like the
words Undersea Base and Archeology, you never
hear those words together either.
The vanguard point is that just because certain words or ideas are
almost never thought of in the same realm, does not mean that those
words or concepts cannot be coupled at any given moment and explored
for the inherent potential and implications therein.
And concurrent with that,
whatever those ideas may be and whatever significance they might
hold, the exploration of those ideas holds the potential of shifting
your learning metabolism into high gear, allowing you to venture
deeper into any abstruse field that interests you.
Just as so, coupling concepts creates a genuine template for
exploration, setting the proverbial bearing for the intellectual
venture of your choosing, which aids in understanding that which you
are passionate about.
More importantly, this
holds seriously exponential resonance that takes place after the
ideas are junctioned and acted upon accordingly, therein maintaining
your learning metabolism engaged on a stable frequency in parallel
to that, all the while often providing puzzle pieces, or, potential
ideas that may aid others in their own personal journeys as well.
For instance,
in 1998, engineer,
programmer, toolmaker and researcher,
Christopher Dunn, published
a very groundbreaking and thought provoking book called, 'The
Giza Power Plant - Technologies of Ancient Egypt,'
where he reverse engineered the components of the Great Pyramid
of Giza and came to the conclusion that this pyramidal structure
was a power plant, a very ancient one.
Dunn came about this
conclusion not only due to the construction properties of the
structure, but also the harmonic resonance that this structure
can create and how those energies can be converted.
"What does Dunn's
research have to do with a high learning metabolism?" is an
immediate and very reasonable query someone might ask.
I would contend that
one of the simplest, if not the simplest way, for an individual
to shift into a high learning metabolism is for that
person to follow what they are passionate about. In other words,
do you what you Love...
This isn't anything
new, but has serious ramifications not only for how fast
individuals can learn, but also for how much of an extended
period a time that person can learn at a high rate as well.
On that same track, for Dunn to have researched the properties
The Great Pyramid and its
inherent complexities for over two decades on his own time, he
would have to have been passionate about it, extremely
passionate in fact, thus, arguably having had his learning
metabolism stay high not just for weeks, months, or even years,
but for over 20 years.
That's the type of
commitment that is not only rare, but foundational in creating
the deepest understanding into the most complicated subjects
that life holds.
Following what
you are passionate about is the simplest way to engage
your learning metabolism to its fullest extent.
And knowing the
inherent complexities that alternative research fields can have,
even now, I can't imagine that it would have been simple for
Dunn to have found support in researching, yet alone writing a
book that not only challenges the foundation of what Pyramids
are, but also calls into question official history from a
kaleidoscope of angles, official archaeology, and many other
subjects as well.
And all of that stems from the resonance that was created by
Dunn's actions, simply in seeking truth, a deeper understanding
of one subject, and yet his passion caused ripples amidst
the field of life.
This consideration
anchors even greater importance of how important passion is to
learning, even if what you are researching is merely
It takes serious outside-of-the-stratosphere type of imagination
to even consider, yet alone research subjects that other people
wouldn't look into because it's "impossible", and yet, Dunn, not
only saw it as feasible, which in and of itself is the
foundation of research and development, but was willing to
pursue it where it led...
Moreover, Dunn not
only backed it simply with theory, but with serious scholastic
level research considering what was available at the time, which
was much less than is available now.
Following Dunn's
trajectory and not too long thereafter, Oxford-educated
researcher Dr.
Joseph P. Farrell,
essentially extended Dunn's hypothesis with ample data and
research of his own, and in his brilliant trilogy of books
...argued that the
Giza Pyramid complex was a military weapon that operated
using scalar physics, whose technological sophistication
cannot be overstated in any true sense of the word.
And I would argue
that Dr. Farrell was doing what he loved, which was why he can
often steamroll through many books in a year and do it with
academic level precision that is seriously noteworthy.
Ultimately, when
you follow your passions, wherever those may lead, your
learning metabolism will be high by default.
But when you steer
away from what you Love and/or enjoy to a significant extent,
learning becomes a drag...
That is only one part,
though certainly not the only reason, why
Public Schooling fails,
because people don't learn about what they wish to learn until much
later, if ever, and by that age curiosity has been all but stripped,
and imagination has been eviscerated all to the point that even
discussing serious subjects isn't a consideration because there's no
passion, and thus, no drive.
And no matter how much
intrigue and veracity a subject might feature, if another person
isn't interested yet alone passionate about it, they will not look
into it, and certainly never become passionate about it ever.
It doesn't have to be like that though.
Each of you has your own
passions, and if you are to shift your learning metabolism into high
gear, find out what matters to you. Most individuals already know,
or at least know where to begin on that path.
Even so, I would also
urge individuals to venture into those things you locked away long
ago, that you never looked into for x, y, or z reason, but it's been
nagging at the back of your mind for seemingly ages.
These days, you would be
surprised what kind of books have been written on subjects from all
manner of perspectives, and some of them with enough weight to
follow up on a lifetime of research.
And that's just one book,
and/or one subject. The possibilities are endless...
If there is a particular subject you are truly fascinated about,
go for it.
Odds are, you will
find something so incredibly thought provoking, that your life
will never be the same, and I don't mean that in the lose sense
of the statement.
This is because when you
begin running into that subject, or confluence of subjects, even
when you're not looking into it, you'll begin seeing things from a
much broader perspective, which will also infuse you with another
pipeline of energy, another cylinder that operates in your learning
metabolism system, all of which aid you in understanding, or at
least theorizing, about what truly matters to you and how that can
affect your life in a positive way.
Shifting your learning metabolism into high gear certainly doesn't
have to be as complicated as Pyramids, it can be as simple as
you wish, or as complex as need be.
But whatever you do
choose should be something you are passionate about, because that
way there will be no limit to what you will learn from it.
And that's exactly how learning should be, limitless.
[1] The
aforementioned stems from one of Catherine Austin Fitts'
podcasts at
Solari.com wherein she talked
about the learning metabolism of individuals and so on.
This part of the
discussion she was focusing on though short, was so critical
that it stuck with me for months because the learning metabolism
of individuals is a concept that rarely ever gets pondered, yet
has serious ramifications for what we learn, how we choose to
live, who we associate with, and everything else in life as well
so please don't take it lightly.