by Marie E. Grusell
November 21,
MENATidningen Website

Due to the sensitive nature of the content of
this article, two men in black clothes wearing
balaclavas attacked our English Editor at the
office of Mena Tidningen late on the 29th
of October, delivering the message:
"Stop asking questions!"
We have decided to publish the article despite
of this traumatic event.
The Truth Seeker -
Article Series part one
Ole Dammegård moved to Spain 20 years ago after his
investigations about the Olof Palme Murder lead to mysterious deaths
of two of his close investigator friends.
Ole himself had a
late-night visit treating him if he continued his research and
speaking up about it.
A former journalist and investigator Ole Dammegård has dedicated the
last 35 years of his life to researching many of the Global
His main focus has been
the truth behind the assassinations of,
The terror attacks of,
Oklahoma City,
...and more.
He is now considered a
leading expert on
false flag operations and is
believed to have managed to expose and stop several planned
Ole has discovered links between all of these assassinations, which
has led him to believe that the same people were involved in both
the JFK and Olof Palme murders as well as many other major events.
Global Elite seem to have used
identical skilled mechanics to do their dirty work for decades. Ole
has done 500-1000 International interviews, with several million
He moved to Spain 20
years ago after his investigations about the Olof Palme Murder lead
to mysterious deaths of two of his close investigator friends.
Ole himself had a
late-night visit treating him if he continued his research and
speaking up about it. A multi-talent, he lives with his wife and
kids by the Mediterranean Sea and he travels around the world
lecturing about his research and findings.
He has written the following books:
'Coup d'etat in
Slow Motion' Part I and II
Shadow of Tears
The power book
'Re-Mind Me'
the children's
book 'Yolanda Yogapanda - Truth is One, Paths are Many'
...and is currently
working on the following title:
Ole is also very busy
with a series of documentaries aiming at exposing many of the false
flag operations that are currently hitting modern society.
Ole has been among the key speakers at many International
conferences, including the JFK Conference in Dallas, Texas, outside
the Bilderberg Meeting in Denmark, and has had the privilege of
being a special guest on hundreds of programs, such as,
Caravan to
Midnight, USA
Buzzsaw (USA)
The People's
Voice (UK)
The Richie Allen
Show (UK)
Red Ice Creations
(15 hours)( Sweden/USA)
Project Camelot
Veritas Radio
Anarchast Radio
The Real Deal
with Prof. Jim Fetzer (USA)
No Lies Radio
with Dr Kevin Barrett (USA)
Super Woo Radio
Global Peace
Radio (UK)
Open Your Mind
Radio (Ireland)
Talk Radio Europe
Freedom Radio
Freedom Reigns,
Australian Phi in the Sky etc.
He has also had articles
published on prominent websites such as Veterans Today.
How did your interest start for false flag operations?
For me it started
when I got extremely interested in the JFK assassination and
that led me to the Robert Kennedy assassination, Martin Luther
King, the Malcom X and then into areas like Abraham Lincoln, and
other assassinations.
It was while I was
travelling around in different countries to find as much
literature and evidence that surround these cases, this is when
I started seeing a clear pattern between how many of these top
political murders are carried out.
Ole is convinced that a
few people in power positions are trying to control billions of
people and the way they uphold their grip on the World population is
by using an old Roman template:
They call themselves
the elite, Ole refers to them with
other wordings.
How can a few, control millions of people?
The only way they can
do that is through fear. There is no other way...
If the normal person
in the street, is not scared, then he will never ever accept
being controlled, he will never ever accept unjust wars, they
will not accept injustice, they will not take it. If you are
scared, then you will think differently.
If you feel
threatened, you will think differently, and you will start
becoming ego centric and selfish and just caring about your
family and all the rest can just bugger off.
Ole is convinced that the
so-called elite, a few in power, are still to this very day using
the same power structure with assassinations, political murders and
the methods applied carrying them out.
One for instance is,
blaming a lone crazy
individual, drug addict, i.e. Christer Pettersson who was
a suspect for years in the investigation of the assassination of
the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, who was shot in
the centre of Stockholm after walking home from the cinema on
the 28th of February 1986.
The reason being, that the normal person in the street will
never understand what actually happened, then carried out so
that so we the normal people will never understand what actually
happened, and over the years, we will just forget about it.
The reason they
always want a lone crazy individual is because if he is
alone, it's not a conspiracy.
A conspiracy is when more than one person comes together with a
criminal activity in mind, and they are planning a crime or so.
That is a conspiracy.
It actually means to
breathe together but now the meaning has been changed into
planning or carrying out a criminal activity.
So they don't want
anyone else involved, they want a lone guy and the reason they
want this person crazy is because then there's no need for a
motive, and if this person is killed on site, or suicided
right on site then it is case closed, thank you and good bye.
As a result, you don't get the power structures with them that
are dangerous or an opponent. And at the same time, the person
in the street has no idea what actually happened.
This, according to Ole,
is no new phenomenon.
He has chosen to focus on
political assassinations because they are aimed at the people who
really want to make a change and are standing up and speaking about
injustices, i.e.,
Martin Luther
Bob Marley
Muhammed Ali
Some are fast
terminations, some are a slow kill like with
a cancer virus...
He talks of them as very
brave human beings, beautiful individuals standing up for human
values, for all of us, the reason they become a major problem.
Then there is also the
false flag operation missions.
Problem -
Reaction - Solution
A key for their
operations is always fear. So how do they get us fearful?
This is the key to so
many things we are seeing today, they need us to be afraid so
the old Romans came up with a template called:
They, the few in
power, secretly create a problem.
Nowadays, it's seen
in a form of a mass shooting, a bomb, a terror attack, a virus
scare, or a financial crash. Something like that or also, a
train accident, plane crashes; I see many of these today that
are staged as well.
It is very, very
They create a
problem, boom, and the reason they create this problem is to get
an emotional reaction from us, and the reaction they are looking
for is for us to cry:
"Oh my God, Oh my
God!!! Please help me! help me! help me!!"
They don't want us to
react, meaning to take time, to take a step back and think it
through, 'what actually happened here?' They just want an
emotional reaction.
And that is why these
attacks are very often aimed at women and children, that is to
get the emotions going.
Ole means that if they
would blow up a cow or and old guy it wouldn't result in the same
emotional reactions in the majority of people.
That is why they use
women, children, care centers, churches, schools, or random acts of
violence at trains stations, airports, bus stations, the type of
settings where as many as possible would be affected.
Problem, reaction, oh
my God! Boom! and then we turn to the people who we think are
there to protect us, not understanding they are actually the ones
who created the problem.
Saying: Please, please,
help us help us! and they, the few in power will say, well, with
this very horrible problem, the only solution we can come in with
is... then BOOM! There is the solution.
And this solution is something we would never EVER had accepted had
it not been for the "Problem".