by Peter Koenig
March 24, 2019
GlobalResearch Website
Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst.
He is also a water resources and environmental
specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World
Bank and the World Health Organization around the world
in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at
universities in the US, Europe and South America.

Today, Jair Bolsonaro, is
Brazil's President, pushed in by
Washington, a fascist with no respect for human life, as long as it
is not his own, or that of his cronies, and even less respect for
the environment, the beautiful planet earth which gives us all life.
Under his leadership, not only water is being privatized, but all of
Amazonia is up for grabs - that's what Bolsonaro says and wants to
make sure the corporate thieves understand.
Rain forest can
indiscriminately logged and destroyed, water can be captured and
privatized, by major water giants to the detriment of people -and
ultimately of peoples' lives.
So, what
Nestlé and Coca Cola have been
"negotiating" behind closed doors a year ago at the 'fake' Water
Conference in Brasilia, was just the beginning - the sell-out of
the Guarani Aquifer, the world's
largest, underground freshwater storage.
It is said to hold enough
water to supply every human being over the next 200 years with 100
liters of water per person - including projected population growth.

Once the giant water corporations - those that privatize even city
water in poor countries, Veolia, Suez (French), ITT Corporation
(US), United Utilities (UK) - and more - get a hold of these
underground water reservoirs, in the case of the Guarani, more than
70% underlays Brazil -the world water supply is doomed.
Stay alert and stop this theft of impunity of a public good, our
most precious element for survival - WATER.
Today, 22 March 2018, marks World Water Day.
It is also the week, when
the 8th World Water Forum (WWF-8) convenes, 18 to
23 March 2018, in Brasilia. It is no coincidence, for sure, that
Brazil was chosen for this noble WWF - about the water equivalent to
the political and corporate elites, represented at the WEF -
World Economic Forum, in Davos.

The two are intimately
related, and interlinked, as we will see.
The WWF is organized by the World Water Council, just another layer
to confuse who is who in the circus of water elitists attempting to
control a vital source of life - freshwater.
The WWF prides itself
with an honorable mission statement:
"To promote
awareness, build political commitment and trigger action on
critical water issues at all levels, to facilitate the efficient
conservation, protection, development, planning, management and
use of water in all its dimensions on an environmentally
sustainable basis for the benefit of all life".
There you have it.
Coca Cola
Dow Chemicals,
...and other
transnationals with strong water interests,
Suez (French)
Thames (UK)
Bechtel (US)
...and a myriad of
others, join together with the,
...and many multi- and
bilateral donors, so-called development institutions - as
well as dozens more ultra-liberal organizations, NGOs and
corporations, pretending to work for the 'good of humanity';
for the good of hundreds of millions of people who
persistently are deprived of affordable potable water by an
onslaught of water privatization (Organizers and supporters of the
Another layer of this prominent international water forum is the
World Bank-created Water Resources Group
Its chief purpose is to
pursue the Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG-6 Agenda -
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Page 15), "Clean Water and Sanitation".
The WRG's leadership is
composed of an interwoven group of individuals and institutions,
such as,
the head of the WEF,
leadership of Nestlé, Coca Cola, PepsiCo, Dow Chemicals, the UN
(UNDP)… and the Global Water Partnership (GWP),
...yet another layer
within the maze of the global water mafia, created by the usual
World Bank, UN (UNDP),
and a number of multi- and bilateral development agencies, whose
priority focus is on water, i.e. the Swiss, the Swedes, the
And not to forget - also
present at the WWF is the International Groundwater Resources
Assessment Centre (IGRAC),
part of
UNESCO, based at the IHE Delft
Institute for Water Education, whose mission is sharing information
on worldwide groundwater resources, in view of protecting them, and
focusing mainly on trans-boundary aquifer assessment and groundwater
By and large, the WWF is the sum of this tremendous non-transparent,
complex colossus of institutions and technocrats that is gradually
taking over control of the global freshwater resources.
This is happening under
our eyes and under a seemingly anodyne promotion logo - PPP = Public
Private Partnership which means in reality, the Public puts at
disposal of the Private sector its publicly funded and
publicly-owned infrastructure and water resources, to be exploited
for profit at the detriment of the very public, who paid for the
infrastructure and whose life depends on this vital resource, water.
'Privatization' of freshwater resources
is a crime, but it's the name of the game.
Just look who is
prominently represented in the World Bank-created Water Resources
Group - it's IFC, the
International Finance Corporation,
the private sector development branch of the World Bank Group.
The result of these multiple and often repetitive meetings and
gathering is largely zero - safe for a litany of recommendations and
resolutions whose implementation hardly ever see the light of the
Imagine the tremendous
annual cost of running this multi-agency sham; mostly business class
travel, food and lodging (five-star accommodations), of the
high-level technocrats crisscrossing the globe from one conference
to another! Millions and millions of dollars per year.
How many people could be
served with drinking water and safe sanitation for this amount of
The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) estimates (July
2017) that,
"some 3 in 10 people
worldwide, or 2.1 billion, lack access to safe, readily
available water at home, and 6 in 10, or 4.5 billion, lack
safely managed sanitation."
This, out of a world
population of about 7.4 billion.

The Guarani Aquifer
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Maude Barlow, chairperson of the Council of Canadians and
of World Water Watch, and author of,
...refers in the latter
to the WEF 2010 which under the aegis of the WRG was launching a
platform of public-private partnership, to help engage mainly
developing country governments in 'reforming' the water sector, i.e.
putting it into the hands of private water corporations.
Many of these countries
have no choice, if they want to continue receiving "development"
funds from the World Bank and Co. Barlow is also the founder of the
Blue Planet Project, seeking to
protect vital water resources, like the Guarani Aquifer for future
Flashback to the World Economic Forum in Davos - January 2018
Brazilian President
Temer attended this year's WEF.
Temer, a corrupt
criminal, should be in prison rather than running a most
wonderful country, Brazil, into the ground. Literally.
His only purpose to
be in Davos was to tell this elite forum about his intention to
sell out and privatize his country, foremost water resources.
How did such a dishonest person become president of Brazil?
Washington, who else, put him there. Against all odds.
The dark
Zion-handlers representing the US financial sector removed an
honest Dilma Rousseff and replaced her with Michel Temer,
at that time an indicted crook.
The indictment was
lifted as he was supposed to be made President. It is still
beyond me how this could happen, as Dilma had the entire
military on her side and could have called a state of emergency
to halt the parliamentary 'regime change' charade, instigated by
the US. She didn't.
Somebody must have
threatened her.
By now we know how Washington manipulates elections and other
political processes around the world - by the shady methods of
Cambridge Analytica (CA), a
'marketing' consultancy that steals personal data from internet,
foremost from facebook, to target specific segments of a
population with specific messages to influence their opinion.
By their own account,
CA methods have been applied in over 200 cases around the globe
within the last 3 to 4 years, to influence elections and other
political processes, including in,
the UK (Brexit)
...and many more.
This is true meddling
in other countries' sovereign affairs, by the one and only rogue
state of this globe, the United States of America. And they are
talking about Russian meddling in the 2016 US Presidential
Stealing by stealth is one of the neoliberal crimes we haven't
quite understood yet, let alone mastered. Hindsight is always
20/20. This article hopes to contribute to foresight.
Brazil, with about
8,200 km3 annually renewable freshwater, ranks number
one with about one eighth (1/8) of the world's total renewable
freshwater resources which are estimated at 45,000 km3.
The Amazon Basin
holds about 73% of all of Brazil's freshwater.
Renewable freshwater
is the composite of annually sustainable surface and groundwater
recharge combined (recharge by precipitation and inflow from
The second most
water-abundant country is Russia with 4,500 km3/year,
followed by,
...all with renewable
water resources of between 2,000 and 3,000 km3/year.

Amazon River Basin
(the southern Guianas,
marked on this map,
part of the basin)
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)
By Continent,
This scenario
immediately points to Africa's vulnerability.
Africa is clearly the
most vulnerable Continent from a water resources - survival -
point of view. Africa is also home to about 60% of the world's
remaining and known available natural resources; resources the
west covets and goes to war for.
Is it, therefore, a coincidence that the 8th WWF is held in
Brazil? I don't think so.
Especially not with
Temer going to Davos, where the cream of the crop of the world's
corporate, finance and institutional elite meets, to offer
Brazil's water resources for privatization.
We are talking about
privatizing the largest single underground renewable freshwater
reservoir in the Americas, arguably in the world, the
Guarani Aquifer which underlays
1.2 million km2 (about the size of Texas and
California combined), of which,
71% is under
19% under
6% under
4% under
The Guaraní aquifer
was discovered in the 1990s. It is named after the indigenous
people who have inhabited the area for centuries.
The Guarani holds an
estimated 46,000 km3 of freshwater (not to confound
with the annual renewable freshwater, of which Brazil has about
8,300 km3 - see above). The current Guarani's
extraction rate is a little over 1 km3 per year,
while the potential recharge rate is between 45 km3
and 55 km3/year, meaning that there is so far no risk
of over-abstraction.
This could however,
change quickly. It is said that the Guaraní could supply the
world population for the next 200 years with 100 liters per
capita per day.
About 30 million people inhabit the Guarani region. In the
Brazilian section of the Guaraní, some 500 to 600 cities are
currently supplied with Guaraní water - how many of these
municipal supplies are already privatized?
In late February 2018, Blue Planet founder, Maude Barlow,
Coke and Nestle want to buy up the Guarani
Aquifer! Must be stopped!!!".
As Mint Press
"A concerted push
is underway in South America that could see one of the
world's largest reserves of fresh water soon fall into the
hands of transnational corporations such as Coca-Cola and
According to
reports, talks to privatize the Guarani Aquifer - a vast
subterranean water reserve lying beneath Argentina, Brazil,
Paraguay, and Uruguay - have already reached an advanced
The deal would
grant a consortium of U.S. and Europe-based conglomerates
exclusive rights to the aquifer that would last over 100
Under such concession
arrangements, quantities to be abstracted are usually unlimited,
which would leave the entire aquifer in the hands of those
private corporations which are part and parcel of the Temer
negotiated deal.
The article adds,
"In Brazil,
intense lobbying has been underway since at least 2016 to
tap into the aquifer.
These efforts
fell under the spotlight late last month [in January 2018]
at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where
private talks were reported between Brazil's President
Michel Temer and a range of top executives with interests in
the aquifer, including,
CEO Paul Bulcke
Anheuser-Busch InBev CEO Carlos Brito
CEO James Quincey
Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris".
The article further
"As leading
Brazilian water-rights activist Franklin Frederick noted in
Brasil de Fato, these companies belong to the 2030 Water
Resources Group (2030WRG), a transnational consortium
that includes,
AB Inbev
2030WRG bills
itself as 'a unique public-private-civil society
collaboration' and hides its intention to privatize
developing nations' water supplies by claiming to,
open, trust-based dialogue processes to drive action on
water resources reform in water-stressed countries in
developing economies' and 'close the gap between water
demand and supply by the year 2030'."
Already in September
2016, Reuter reported that Brazil - Temer -
"launched a multibillion-dollar plan to auction off oil, power
rights and infrastructure concessions."
And the Correio do
Brasil retorted that this "privatizing wrath" could extend
to the Guarani Aquifer.
A senior official at
the National Water Agency (ANA) has revealed that the
Guarani aquifer will appear on the list of public goods to be
Barlow, in a Conference in Florianapolis, Brazil, already in
November 2011, said, the biggest concern for humanity is the
potential for the Guarani to become controlled by private
She added,
corporations have already preferential access to these waters.
"You are sitting
atop a vast reserve of water in a very thirsty world, a
reserve that is not only vital to the health and future of
this region but to all of humanity.
It is a treasure
that must be protected by governments on behalf of the
people and the ecosystems of the region."
Recent studies point
to an even larger underground water reservoir system, the
"underground ocean" of Amazonia.
It is projected to
hold 160 trillion m3 (160,000 km3) of
freshwater, underlaying mainly Brazil, but also,
Studies are still
ongoing and it might be too soon to draw definite conclusions.
However, these
gigantic water reserves under Latin America plus the
Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System
(NSAS) which is the world's largest known fossil aquifer of an
estimated 150,000 km3 of non-renewable groundwater, must be
protected for humanity.
The NSAS is located under the Eastern end of the Sahara Desert.
It stretches over 2
million km2 and spans four countries in,
North and
Central Africa

Back to the WWF in
Brasilia, where the "water mafia" is convening as this article goes
to print, and while in São Lourenço, Minas Gerais, 600 "Women
Without Land" occupy Nestlé's Brazil headquarters, since 6 AM
Tuesday morning, 20 March.
Nestlé, the Swiss food
and water giant, declared water number one in its field of business
expansion. Nestlé controls already more than 10% of the world market
of bottled water.
The "Women without Land -
Mulheres Sem Terra" denounce
Temer's policy of handing out their precious water resources to
international corporations. Aware of the ongoing WFF, they warn of
further concession contracts being negotiated on the sidelines of
this forum.
One of the leaders said,
"Imagine you are
obliged to buy your water in bottles to quench your thirst.
This is what they
want these transnational corporations, officially debating
improved water management in Brasilia, when in reality they are
negotiating concessions of our water at fire-sales prices."
We, the People, the
99% of this globe, have the moral obligation to stand up against
this globalized, neofascist clandestine onslaught to privatize and
steal our vital water resources:
humanity's survival.
Water is Life...!
If we don't have the
foresight to stand up now, to stop this criminal privatization of
OUR, humanity's water resources - humankind may be doomed...