by Evelyn Blackwell
July 20,
WorldNewsEra Website
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The red carpet welcome in Beijing for
Henry A. Kissinger, the
100-year-old former secretary of state, included
China's top leader, Xi Jinping,
telling him that,
"the Chinese people
will always remember you."
It featured praise from
China's top diplomat for his wisdom.
And it involved a meeting
with the Chinese defense minister, who has rebuffed multiple
requests to engage with his American counterpart.
China's enthusiastic reception for Mr. Kissinger this week is the
latest example of how Beijing is reaching outside official
diplomatic channels to broaden the reach of its message and try to
influence Washington's thinking.
Beijing has turned to
those it deems more aligned with its position as it has become more
skeptical toward, and at times
openly frustrated with, the Biden administration.
With the visit by Mr. Kissinger, whom Mr. Xi and other officials
called an "old friend," Beijing has sought to emphasize cooperation
and mutual respect between the powers.
With visits by business
leaders like Bill Gates - also dubbed an old friend by Mr. Xi
- and Elon Musk, China has tried to highlight the
longstanding economic relationship and the perils of untangling
global supply chains.
Such efforts may become increasingly significant as Beijing pushes
back against what it sees as,
the Biden
administration's efforts to contain China geopolitically,
militarily and technologically.
China is also watching as
Republicans and Democrats unite in wanting to remain tough on
Beijing, and a U.S. presidential election approaches in which
candidates will likely be more critical of China.
"This looks very much
like a deliberate Chinese strategy" to court individuals who
might help change opinions in Washington, said Dennis Wilder,
former head of China analysis at the Central Intelligence
"The Chinese are
energizing those with a vested interest in the Chinese economy
and the overall relationship."
After several months of a
deep chill, the two countries have started re-engaging on issues
like trade and climate change.
But progress has been
limited, with President Biden's climate envoy, John Kerry,
coming out of talks this week in China with
no new agreements, and Beijing
arguing that troubles in the relationship hinder its cooperation
with Washington on fighting 'global
While the meetings may have succeeded in building a "floor" in the
relationship, tensions remain high.
China wants the United
States to,
lift restrictions
on technology
curb its support
for Taiwan
stop what Beijing
sees as a containment strategy centered on building security
ties with U.S. allies and partners around Asia...
Ties could fray further
if the
Biden administration imposes new restrictions
on American investments in Chinese companies involved in
quantum computing
Zhu Feng, a
professor of international relations at Nanjing University, said Mr.
Kissinger's visit pointed to,
"Beijing's anxiety
about how to influence and persuade American policy elites to
reduce their strategic suppression of China," at a time when
voices like his were increasingly rare in Washington.
Beijing often evokes the
time when Mr. Kissinger served as secretary of state and helped pave
the way for a historic visit to China in 1972 by President Nixon,
as an example of a golden era in bilateral relations.
That trip led to the
establishment of diplomatic ties between Washington and
Communist-ruled China seven years later.
As relations have soured in recent years, Chinese officials have
said that U.S. officials should learn from Mr. Kissinger and his
pro-engagement stance.
To drive that point again, China highlighted the historical
significance of the venue for Mr. Xi's meeting with Mr. Kissinger on
Chinese officials chose
Villa No. 5 of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, the same building
where half a century earlier Mr. Kissinger had met Zhou Enlai,
China's premier at the time.
"China and the United
States' relations will forever be linked to the name
'Kissinger'," Mr. Xi said, in a video released by CCTV, the
state broadcaster, as the two men sat side by side in plush
cream-colored armchairs.
"I express my deep
respect to you."
In an official summary of
the meeting, released by Chinese state media, Mr. Xi was quoted as
"I hope you and
people of insight in the United States will continue to play a
constructive role in bringing China-U.S. relations back to the
right track."
Wang Yi, China's
top foreign affairs official, a day earlier had told Mr. Kissinger
that American policy needed,
diplomatic wisdom, and Nixon-style political bravery," according
to China's foreign ministry.
China has also been
courting American business leaders.
Aside from Gates and
Musk, Tim Cook and Jamie Dimon have visited China this
year - some given more high level meetings with Chinese officials
than Biden administration officials had received in months.
The visits by business
leaders are also an opportunity for China to send a message
domestically about foreign confidence in the economy, which has
an uncertain recovery.
During his trip to
Beijing in March, Mr. Cook took selfies with admirers at an
Apple store and attended a government development forum - then
seen as an important signal as China was just emerging from
three years of strict coronavirus restrictions.
Two months later, Mr. Musk traveled to China and met with senior
ministers and Shanghai's top leader.
In Chinese media
reports, Mr. Musk, the head of Tesla and Twitter, was hailed as
a proponent of open trade between the United States and China.
"Musk's trip to
China showed U.S. businesses' firm confidence in the Chinese
market despite 'decoupling' noises from some Western
politicians," said the Global Times, a Communist Party
With these meetings, Mr.
Xi appears to be trying to highlight the importance of business ties
between the two nations, and signal that growing tensions in the
relationship could jeopardize those links.
That messaging has become even more important for Beijing to
emphasize after Chinese officials raided the offices or interrogated
the staff of American consulting firms such as
Bain & Company, spooking many
foreign businesses, said Yun Sun, director of the China
program at the Stimson Center in Washington.
"China overall wants
to retain foreign investors, and the ones they have been
appealing to are large high-tech companies that may still see
the appeal of the Chinese market," Ms. Sun said.
"The Chinese do
believe these business leaders enjoy more freedom to act outside
the political correctness" she said.
"But another piece of
it is that China wants to show case that cooperation with China,
and following Beijing’s rules, will be rewarding."