New Dawn Special Issue Vol 13 No 2 June 2019 from NewDawnMagazine Website
For many decades her
faith was unshakeable, yet the seeds of her conversion lay in her
introspective nature and sensitivity to mysticism.
The degree of influence
is difficult to gauge, but conspiracy theorists would argue it is
Unlike her younger sister, Alice deviated from the path her family expected her to tread.
She did not marry, and
she had no interest in pursuing a university education. Instead,
adhering to her unwavering belief in the need for the salvation of
souls, she worked as a missionary in soldier's homes for the British
army in Ireland and India, expounding the Gospels, entertaining the
men playing checkers, serving cocoa and eggs, and sitting beside the
ill and dying.
Her faith, which she had held dear for so long, began to waver.
The couple moved to
Cincinnati where Walter attended Lane Theological Seminary.
Before long, Alice was
giving her own classes in Theosophy.
As soon as she could, she
joined the elite Esoteric Section of the society.
Krotona Institute of Theosophy Hollywood, USA, early 1900s.
Credit: Los Angeles Public Library
The couple soon took on
key administrative roles in the TS, Foster as secretary and Alice as
editor of the sectional magazine.
The Tibetan had also been Blavatsky's master, from which her seminal text The Secret Doctrine arose. Reluctant at first, Alice took on the role of writing for The Tibetan, a role that would culminate in twenty-four volumes of esoteric teachings and commentary, a number written in her own right and many published posthumously.
The collection became
known as the Blue Books due to their indigo covers.
The couple quickly
married and settled in Ridgefield Park, NJ. While Foster continued
to campaign to change key organizational practices of the TS, Alice
continued writing as she visioned their future.
Interest grew and grew from all over the United States and beyond, and correspondence mounted.
Alice Bailey would dedicate the rest of her life to laying the foundations of a new age of spiritual enlightenment, in the hope of countering the continued rise of materialism, hatred and greed.
Central to Theosophy are:
The atmosphere the teachings evokes is business-like, with an emphasis on,
The volumes are instructional texts for aspirants and disciples of the spiritual path.
The volumes include A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, an intricate cosmology drawing on Neo-Platonist metaphysics and Eastern philosophy. Other works provide instructions for disciples on how to live, think and behave.
A Treatise on the
Seven Rays provides a detailed formulation of human psychology
and advice on meditation and healing.
For Alice Bailey, esoteric thought and practice needed to be oriented towards,
That she was merely a conduit in telepathic rapport receiving the next outpouring of the Ageless Wisdom provided her with a handy disclaimer should any issues of copyright or plagiarism arise.
Some even alleged Alice
Bailey made use of secret Theosophical teachings only
available to members of the society's Esoteric Section, a
matter that cannot be proven as the teachings have not been made
available in the public domain.
Controversy also surrounds interpretations of the Theosophical root races, which appear to position Jews as less advanced.
She trod sensitive ground even then, although to her credit some of her closest allies and co-workers were Jewish, including renowned psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli, who was highly influential in the foundation of humanistic and transpersonal psychology.
Today, the
Lucis Trust has issued an
explanation of Alice Bailey's position on the Jewish faith which can
be found on their website.
Her original choice stuck
in the minds of later Christians, including author Constance
Cumbey, who uses the original name to take Alice Bailey to task
over her alliance with pure evil. Conspiracy thinkers cite the same.
She wanted her texts to be taken seriously and set apart from the gamut of occult literature being published at the time. She solicited forewords and prefaces from sympathetic scholars including popular psychologist Harry Allen Overstreet and eminent professor of philosophy Oliver L Reiser.
Not having received a tertiary education, she was at pains to include references to leading scholars in the fields of psychology, philosophy and religion, including the eminent psychiatrist Carl Jung.
She met with some success
but failed to achieve acceptance among the intellectual milieu.
It is transparent that she was painfully aware of her critics and sought to counter their claims.
Many who know of and
respect Alice Bailey can be found in the New Age movement, yet few
may realize just how influential her work has been in the movement's
The roots of the New Age are deep and can be traced back at least to the 1800s when interest in spirituality as an alternative to mainstream religion and dull intellectualism burgeoned, culminating, in esoteric circles, in the founding of the Theosophical Society in 1885.
Alice Bailey,
along with Rudolf Steiner and Krishnamurti, brought
Theosophical teachings to their own audiences, helping to perpetuate
continuing interest in the Ageless Wisdom.
While dedicated seekers were committing to particular currents, dabblers and 'armchair enthusiasts' tried out or considered various strands, everything from the ideas of,
Alice Bailey was a prominent figure in the scene. She lectured far and wide.
The Beacon was
acknowledged to be a high-quality occult periodical. Book reviews
and her letters appeared in the prestigious Occult Review.
She continues to draw
towards her, out of the general pool of seekers, those who are as
serious, focused and committed as she.
For her, healing of
various emotional and mental wounds is a side issue, something that
may occur solely to divest the personality of its own obstacles.
Disciples are
"instruments of service," charged with developing their intuition
and their sense of values, and turning their inner ear to those
voices on the inner planes in order to inaugurate the New Age.
Alice Bailey's entire canon pivots on this one single charge.
This is the New Age,
should we want it.
Her mission was to
convert, to foster the birth of the soul, to guide her readers
towards spiritual enlightenment.
Authors such as,
...provided interpretive bridges for later seekers, practitioners and writers.
New Age luminaries inspired by Alice Bailey include,
Alice Bailey has
influenced Western understanding of the chakras, color therapy,
light work, astrology and transpersonal psychology, as well as
providing core inspiration for the well-known alternative
community of Findhorn in Scotland's northeast.
In response to the evils of dictatorship, Bailey, like many others of her time, yearned for better governance. She was distressed by the war, deeply affected by the suffering she saw and appalled by the aggressor nations.
She argued the need for a new world order, one founded on ideas of equality, goodwill and leadership.
She advocated equality of
opportunity for all, individual freedom and autonomy, the
eradication of poverty, the sovereign rights of all nations, a
universal education, shared resources distributed fairly, and
The United Nations gave
Bailey a focus and from then on she directed her disciples towards
the organization.
Through Alice Bailey's eyes, there was at last hope of a better world, one founded on unity, goodwill and right relations.
Membership of the UN's
Spiritual Caucus is filled with her people. Her organization, World
Goodwill, is a UN NGO. In 1952, Eleanor Roosevelt read Alice
Bailey's prayer, The Great Invocation, on a radio broadcast from the
UN building in New York.
Muller devised the World Core Curriculum for which he was awarded the UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989, a curriculum loosely based on Alice Bailey's Education in the New Age.
He contributed to Alice
Bailey's magazine, The Beacon, and addressed Arcane School
And when the focus of activity is the United Nations - a locus for the New World Order - the result is a perfect storm of fear, speculation and evidence gathering.
Whether Alice Bailey deserves it or not, she has become a pet hate among conspiracists.
Alice Bailey can be called the mother of the New Age movement if for no other reason than she set out to give birth through her texts, organizations and followers to a new and spiritually informed world order.
Alice Bailey passed away in December 1949 with her husband Foster at her bedside.
Alice received regular
blood transfusions. Despite this, she worked tirelessly to the very
end, holding executive meetings from her hospital bed.
Her co-workers to this
day occupy key roles within the United Nations, and her texts
continue to influence alternative spirituality and Western esoteric
understanding and practice.
All her teachings are available at the Lucis Trust (