by Andre Vltchek
March 08, 2018
Journal-NEO Website
Andre Vltchek is
a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He
has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries.
Three of his
latest books are his tribute to "The Great October Socialist
Revolution" a revolutionary novel "Aurora" and a bestselling work of
political non-fiction:
"Exposing Lies
Of The Empire".
Watch Rwanda
Gambit, his groundbreaking documentary about Rwanda and DRCongo and
his film/dialogue with Noam Chomsky "On Western Terrorism".
presently resides in East Asia and the Middle East, and continues to
work around the world. |

When it comes
to Russia or the Soviet Union,
reports and historical accounts do get blurry:
in the West they do,
and consequently in all of its 'client states'.
Fairytales get
intermingled with reality, while fabrications are masterfully
injected into sub consciousness of billions of people worldwide.
Russia is an enormous
country, in fact the largest country on Earth in terms of territory.
It is scarcely inhabited.
It is deep, and as a
classic once wrote:
"It is impossible to
understand Russia with one's brain. One could only believe in
The Western mind
generally doesn't like things unknown, spiritual and complex.
Since the 'old days',
especially since the crusades and monstrous colonialist expeditions
to all corners of the world, the Westerners were told fables about
their own "noble deeds" performed in the plundered lands.
Everything had to be
clear and simple:
"Virtuous Europeans
were civilizing savages and spreading Christianity,
therefore, in fact, saving those dark poor primitive
Of course, tens of
millions were dying in the process, while further tens of millions
were shackled and brought to the "New World" as slaves.
Gold, silver, and other
loot, as well as slave labor had been (and still are) paying for all
those European palaces, railroads, universities and theatres, but
that did not matter, as the bloodshed was most of the time something
abstract and far away from those over-sensitive eyes of the Western
Westerners like simplicity, particularly when it comes to moral
definitions of "good and evil". It matters nothing if the truth gets
systematically 'massaged', or even if the reality is fully
What matters is that
there is no deep guilt and no soul-searching.
Western rulers and their
opinion makers know their people - their 'subjects' - perfectly
well, and most of the time, they give them what they are asking for.
The rulers and the
reigned are generally living in symbiosis.
They keep bitching about
each other, but mostly they have similar goals:
to live well, to live
extremely well, as long as the others are forced to pay for it;
with their riches, with their labor and often with their blood.

Culturally, most of the
of Europe and
North America hate to pay the bill
for their highlife:
they even detest
to admit that their life is extremely 'high'
they like to feel
like victims
they like to feel
that they are 'used'
they like to
imagine that they are sacrificing themselves for the rest of
the world...
And above all, they hate
real victims:
those they have been
murdering, raping, plundering and insulting, for decades and
Recent 'refugee
crises' showed the spite Europeans feel for their prey.
People who made them rich
and who lost everything in the process are humiliated, despised and
insulted. Be they Afghans or Africans, the Middle Easterners or
South Asians. Or Russians, although Russians are falling to its own,
unique category.
Many Russians look white. Most of them eat with knife and fork, they
drink alcohol, excel at Western classical music, poetry, literature,
science and philosophy.
To Western eyes
they look 'normal', but actually, they are not.
Russians always
want 'something else'; they refuse to play by Western rules.
They are
stubbornly demanding to remain different, and to be left
When confronted,
when attacked, they fight.
They rarely
strike first, almost never invade.
But when
threatened, when assaulted, they fight with tremendous
determination and force, and they never lose.
Villages and cities get
converted into invader's graves.
Millions die while
defending their Motherland, but the country survives. And it happens
again and again and again, as the Western hordes have been, for
centuries, assaulting and burning Russian lands, never learning the
lesson and never giving up on their sinister dream of conquering and
controlling that proud and determined colossus.
In the West, they don't like those who defend themselves, who fight
against them, and especially those who win
It gets much worse than that...
Russia has this terrible habit:
not only it defends
itself and its people, but it also fights for the others,
protecting colonized and pillaged nations, as well as those that
are unjustly assaulted.
It saved the world from
Nazism. It did it at a horrific price of 25 million men, women and
children, but it did it; courageously, proudly and altruistically.
The West never forgave
the Soviet Union for this epic victory either, because all that is
unselfish and self-sacrificing, is always in direct conflict with
its own principles, and therefore 'extremely dangerous'.
The Russian people had risen; had fought and won in the 1917
Revolution; an event which terrified the West more than anything
else in history, as it had attempted to create a fully egalitarian,
classless and racially color-blind society.
It also gave birth to
Internationalism, an occurrence
that I recently described in "The
Great October Socialist Revolution - Impact on the World and the
Birth of Internationalism."

Soviet Internationalism, right after the victory in WWII, helped
greatly, directly and indirectly, dozens of countries on all
continents, to stand up and to confront the European colonialism and
North American imperialism.
The West and especially
Europe never forgave the Soviet people in general and Russians in
particular, for helping to liberate its slaves. That is when the
greatest wave of propaganda in human history really began to roll.
From London to New York,
from Paris to Toronto, an elaborate web of anti-Soviet and covertly
anti-Russian hysteria was unleashed with monstrously destructive
Tens of thousands of
'journalists', intelligence officers, psychologists, historians, as
well as academics, were employed. Nothing Soviet, nothing Russian
(except those glorified and often 'manufactured' Russian dissidents)
was spared.
The excesses of the Great October Socialist Revolution and
the pre-WWII era were systematically fabricated, exaggerated, and
then engraved into the Western history textbooks and mass media
In those tales, there was
nothing about the vicious invasions and attacks coming from the
West, aimed at destroying young Bolshevik state.
Naturally, there was no
space for mentioning the,
...and other's monstrous
Soviet and Russian views were hardly ever allowed to penetrate the
monolithic and one-sided Western propaganda narrative.
Like obedient sheep, the Western public accepted the
disinformation it was fed with.
Eventually, many people
living in the Western colonies and 'client states', did the same. A
great number of colonized people were taught how to blame themselves
for their misery.
The most absurd but somehow logical occurrence then took place:
many men, women and
even children living in the USSR, succumbed to Western
Instead of trying to
reform their imperfect but still greatly progressive country, they
gave up, became cynical, aggressively 'disillusioned', corrupt and
naively but staunchly pro-Western.
It was the first and most likely the last time in the history,
Russia got defeated by the West. It happened through deceit, through
shameless lies, through Western propaganda.
What followed could be easily described as genocide.
The Soviet Union was first lulled into Afghanistan, then it was
mortally injured by the war there, by an arms race with the United
States, and by the final stage of propaganda that was literally
flowing like lava from various hostile Western state-sponsored radio
Of course, local
'dissidents' also played an important role.

Mikhail Gorbachev
Under Gorbachev, a 'useful idiot' of the West, things got
extremely bizarre.
I don't believe that he
was paid to ruin his own country, but he did almost everything to
run it into the ground; precisely what Washington wanted him to do.
Then, in front of the
entire world, a mighty and proud Union of the Soviet Socialist
Republics suddenly shook in agony, then uttered a loud cry, and
collapsed; died painfully but swiftly.
A new turbo-capitalist, bandit, pro-oligarch and confusedly
pro-Western Russia was born. Russia which was governed by an
alcoholic Boris Yeltsin; a man loved and supported by Washington,
London and other Western centers of power.
It was a totally unnatural, sick Russia - cynical and
compassionless, built with someone else's ideas - Russia of Radio
Liberty and Voice of America, of the BBC, of black
marketers, of oligarchs and multi-national corporations.
Washington and other
Western capitals did not only 'interfere', they openly broke the
Soviet Union into pieces and then they began kicking Russia which
was at that point half-alive.
Is it all forgotten, or
is Western public again fully 'unaware' of what took place during
those dark days?
The West kept spitting at the impoverished and injured country,
refused to honor international agreements and treaties. It offered
no help. Multi-nationals were unleashed, and began 'privatizing'
Russian state companies, basically stealing what was built by the
sweat and blood of Soviet workers, during long decades.
Interference? Let me repeat:
it was direct
intervention, invasion, a grab of resources, shameless theft!
I want to read and write
about it, but we don't hear much about it, anymore, do we?
Now we are told that Russia is paranoid, that its President is
paranoid! With straight face, the West is lying; pretending that it
has not been trying to murder Russia.
Those years… those pro-Western years when Russia became a
semi-client state of the West, or call it a semi-colony!
There was no mercy, no
compassion coming from abroad. Many of those idiots - kitchen
intellectuals from Moscow and provinces - suddenly woke up but it
was too late. Many of them had suddenly nothing to eat.
They got what they were
told to ask for:
their Western
'freedom and democracy', and Western-style capitalism or in
summary: total collapse.
I remember well how it
was 'then'.
I began returning to
Russia, horrified, working in Moscow, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Leningrad.
Academics from Akadem
Gorodok outside Novosibirsk were selling their libraries in the
bitter cold, in dark metro underpasses of Novosibirsk… Runs on the
banks… Old retired people dying from hunger and cold behind massive
doors of concrete blocks… Unpaid salaries and starving miners,
Russia under the deadly embrace of the West, for the first and
hopefully last time! Russia whose life expectancy suddenly dropped
to African Sub-Saharan levels. Russia humiliated, wild, in terrible
But that nightmare did not last long...
And what happened - those short but horrible years under both
Gorbachev and Yeltsin, but above all under the Western
diktat - will never be forgotten, not forgiven.
Russians know perfectly well what they do not want, anymore...!
Russia stood up again. Huge, indignant and determined to live its
own life, its own way. From an impoverished, humiliated and robbed
nation, subservient to the West, the country evolved and within a
few years, the free and independent Russia once again joined ranks
of the most developed and powerful countries on Earth.
And as before Gorbachev, Russia is once again able to help those
nations which are under unjust and vicious attacks of the Western

A man who is leading this renaissance, President
Vladimir Putin, is tough, but
Russia is under great threat and so is the world - this is no time
for weaklings.
President Putin is not perfect (who is, really?), but he is a true
patriot, and I dare say, an internationalist.
Now the West, once again, hates both Russia and its leader.
No wonder:
undefeated, strong
and free Russia is the worst imaginable foe of Washington and
its lieutenants.
That's how the West
feels, not Russia.
Despite all that was done
to it, despite tens of millions of lost and ruined lives, Russia has
always been ready to compromise, even to forgive, if not forget.
There is something deeply pathological in the psyche of the West. It
cannot accept anything less than full and unconditional submission.
It has to control, to be in charge, and on top of everything; it has
to feel exceptional. Even when it murders and ruins the entire
Planet, it insists on feeling superior to the rest of the
This faith in
exceptionalism is the true Western
religion, much more than even Christianity, which for decades has
not really played any important role there.
Exceptionalism is
fanatical, it is fundamentalist and unquestionable.
It also insists that its narrative is the only one available
anywhere in the World. That the West is seen as a 'moral' leader,
as a beacon of progress, as the only competent judge and guru.
Lies are piling on top of lies.
in all religions,
the more absurd the
pseudo-reality is, the more brutal and extreme are the methods
used to uphold it. The more laughable the fabrications are, the
more powerful the techniques used to suppress the truth are.
Today, hundreds of
thousands of 'academics', teachers, journalists, artists,
psychologists and other highly paid professionals, in all parts of
the world, are employed by the Empire, for two goals only:
Russia is the most hated
adversary of the West, with China, Russia's close ally being near
The propaganda war unleashed by the West is so insane, so intense,
that even some of the European and North American citizens are
beginning to question tales coming from Washington, London and
Wherever one turns, there is a tremendous medley of lies, of
semi-lies, half-truths; a complex and unnavigable swamp of
conspiracy theories.
Russia is being attacked,
for interfering
in U.S. domestic affairs
for defending
for standing by
defenseless and intimidated nations
for having its
own powerful media
for doping its
for still being
for not being
socialist anymore...
In brief:
for everything
imaginable and unimaginable.
Criticism of the country
is so thorough and ludicrous, that one begins to ask very legitimate
"What about the past?
What about the Western narrative regarding the Soviet past,
particularly the post-Revolutionary period, and the period
between two world wars?"
The more I analyze this
present-day Western anti-Russian and anti-Chinese propaganda, the
more determined I am to study and write about the Western narrative
regarding Soviet history.
I'm definitely planning
to investigate these matters in the future, together with my friends
- Russian and Ukrainian historians.
In the eyes of the West, Russians are 'traitors'.
Instead of joining the looters, they have been standing by the
'wretched of the world', in the past, as well as now. They refused
to sell their Motherland, and to enslave their own people. Their
government is doing all it can to make Russia self-sufficient, fully
independent, prosperous, proud and free.
Remember that 'freedom', 'democracy' and many other terms, mean
totally different things in distinctive parts of the world. What is
happening in the West could never be described as 'freedom' in
Russia or in China, and vice versa.
Frustrated, collapsing, atomized and egotistic societies of Europe
and North America do not inspire even their own people, anymore.
They are escaping by
millions annually, to Asia, Latin America, and even to Africa.
Escaping from emptiness, meaninglessness and emotional cold. But it
is not Russia's or China's business to tell them how to live or not
to live!
In the meantime, great cultures like Russia
and China do not need, and do not
want to be told by the Westerners, what freedom is, and what
democracy is.
They do not attack the West, and expect the same in return.
It is truly embarrassing that the countries responsible for hundreds
of genocides, for hundreds of millions of murdered people on all
continents, still dare to lecture others...
Many victims are too scared to speak. Russia is not...
It is composed, gracious, but fully determined to defend itself if
necessary; itself as well as many other human beings living on this
beautiful but deeply scarred Planet.
Russian culture is enormous:
from poetry and
literature, to music, ballet, philosophy…
Russian hearts are soft,
they easily melt when approached with love and kindness.
But when millions of
lives of innocent people are threatened, both the hearts and muscles
of Russians quickly turn to stone and steel. During such moments,
when only victory could save the world, Russian fists are hard, and
the same is true about the Russian armor.
There is no match to Russian courage in the sadistic but cowardly
West. Irreversibly, both hope and future are moving towards the
And that is why Russia is desperately hated by the West...