by Mikki Willis
August 30, 2024
Received via Email

Is America the most beautiful country?
In my opinion, no.
When it
comes to landscape, architecture, and culture, there are more
attractive countries out there.
Is America the best?
From a rankings
perspective, not even close.
In terms of quality of life scores, the
U.S. is nowhere near the top.
In some polls it's closer to the
why is the United States the number one destination for
immigrants from all over the world?
Even when our nation is in
decline, and the cost of living is skyrocketing, why are millions of
people from other nations wanting to relocate to America?
the US was founded on a mission statement that was written by
brilliant men who had the foresight to know that one day, We the
People would have to deal with top down tyranny...
That day is here...!
When our Founding Fathers carefully crafted our U.S. Constitution,
their paramount intention was the equal protection of every
They learned from history that the only way to safeguard
the liberties of an entire population is to fiercely protect the
rights of each person.
Most importantly, they set out to ensure that everyone has a voice
and is listened to.
There is a good reason they chose to protect
your voice within the very First amendment, which guarantees these
five fundamental freedoms:
Freedom of Religion: Prohibits Congress from establishing a national
religion or restricting an individual's religious practices.
Freedom of Speech: Protects an individual's right to express their
opinions, ideas, and beliefs without government interference or
Freedom of the Press: Ensures the freedom of the media to publish
and disseminate information without government censorship or
Freedom of Assembly: Protects the right of individuals to gather and
assemble peacefully for purposes such as protests, rallies, and
other forms of expression.
Right to Petition: Guarantees the right of individuals to petition
the government for redress of grievances or to advocate for changes
in laws or policies.
Every one of these five fundamental freedoms is currently under
What would happen if we were to lose our First Amendment...?
For the answer to that question, all one has to do is observe what's
happening in other countries that don't have the same level of
constitutional protection.
One example is
the UK, which has begun
arresting people for posting comments on social media that challenge
their government's narrative.
The Director of Public Prosecutions
of England and Wales,
Parkinson, warned,
"We do have dedicated police officers who are
scouring social media.
Their job is to look for this material, and
then follow up with identification, arrests, and so forth. So it's
very, very serious. People might think they're not doing anything
harmful. They are.
And the consequences will be visited upon them."
If you're serious about preserving your freedoms and saving your
country from complete collapse,
study our U.S. Constitution.
it to your children.
Live by it.
Start to notice all the ways those
who seek to collapse America are chipping away at our constitutional
Their key weapon is fear and a process known as
which is the acronym for
PRS relies on
emotional manipulation, exploiting human fears and
desires for order
and security...
By creating a sense of urgency and crisis, those
promoting the solution can influence public opinion and behavior,
often without people realizing they are being manipulated.
often than not, those offering the solution are the ones who created
the problem.

Keep all of this in mind as we get closer to the
most important and
contentious election in American history.
Expect a flurry of
terrifying news and events.
Find solace in the fact that the tyrants
and traitors are becoming desperate.
They're panicking because no
matter how strong their stranglehold, the American people are
refusing to tap out.
Historically, when tyrants set out to conquer a
nation, the citizens were defenseless.
They didn't have what we
have. This thing we call the internet is the key to our survival as
a nation. It can be used as a weapon to harm us, or as a tool to
help us.
That choice is ours...
When Mao Zedong corralled 1 billion people into the open-air prison
of communism, the Chinese people had only state-sponsored propaganda
networks to inform them.
If they had the ability to communicate with
each other, chances are, they would be free today.
Our corrupt politicians are pulling every trick they can to convince
us that censorship of our internet is a humanitarian effort.
fall for it...
Stand up and speak out.
Use your voice… or lose it.
It is our
Constitution that gives us the power to resist.
Protect it as if
your life depends on it. Because it does!