by Tarik Cyril Amar
February 08, 2025
RT Website

gather outside of USAID headquarters
February 3, 2025 in Washington, DC.
© Kayla
Bartkowski/Getty Images
It's fun to watch
"independent" media and NGOs
get outed,
but Washington
always find ways
manipulate others...
The catastrophe of
the Ukraine War will leave a long trail of
painful questions.
Because this hubristic proxy conflict has become
such a pie-in-the-face fiasco for the West, there will be plenty of
resistance to honest answers for a very long time.
But facts undermining self-serving Western narratives have started
emerging already during the war.
Most recently, revelations about
the activities of USAID have delivered another hard blow to Western
- and official Ukrainian - deception and self-deception.
But before we get to USAID, let's note that those are not the first
embarrassing disclosures with regard to the West's harebrained and
bloody attempt to use Ukraine to demolish Russia...
Those with eyes to see have long known, for
that large-scale war would have been avoided
if the West and Kiev had not deliberately sabotaged the 2015
Minsk-2 agreement, a short but viable blueprint to end a still
comparatively small conflict, which was endorsed by
the UN
General Assembly.
Or if the West had not brushed Moscow off
when it sent what was, in effect, a clear last warning in late
Then there was a very early opportunity to stop
the war, namely the almost-peace of the Belarus and Istanbul talks
in spring 2022.
Kiev, shocked by the reality of escalation, was
ready to take this exit ramp.
The conditions offered by Russia and the
concessions it made during the negotiations - above all ending its
advance on Kiev - amounted to a good deal for Ukraine,
as one of Ukraine's key negotiators
has since admitted.
And yet the West chose more war, and an obedient
Vladimir Zelensky followed its lead.
That failure, too, has long
been denied but has to be acknowledged now under the weight of the
Last but not least, the ongoing, absurd Western
lying about the
Nord Stream pipeline attacks - the largest ecoterrorist assault in European history and an act of barely-covert
war among NATO allies - is not even amusing anymore.
All that's left
of that big lie is a reverse IQ test, sorting the indoctrinated dim
from the normally intelligent.
And now, USAID and Ukraine...!
There, the gist of
the matter is that
the Trumpists are now purging, and (probably) recasting, that
agency in what is a mean fight among US establishment insiders...
Don't be too optimistic:
Despite American leader
Donald Trump's and
Elon Musk's loud noises about USAID
being a,
that is "run by a bunch of
radical lunatics,"
...the Washington "swamp" is
not being drained; it's just
changing management.
However, as a side effect, details of some of
USAID's very seedy activities are coming to light.
Not that we have not known before that this
"humanitarian aid" and
"development agency" -
founded in 1961 at the height of John F. Kennedy's "liberal" drive
to escalate the US struggle against
genuine decolonization in the Global South -
has always served as a front for intelligence and in particular for
the type of massive subversion that precedes and produces coups,
regime change, and "color
Indeed, the more honest defenders of USAID have
always admitted - really, boasted of - the fact
that it has been a tool of strategy in the geopolitical sense of
the term.
Even the presidential executive order that
initiated the Trump administration's drive against foreign aid in
general has now admitted that the latter
serves to,
"destabilize world peace by promoting ideas in foreign countries that
are directly inverse to harmonious and stable relations internal to
and among countries."
Indeed, USAID's last,
Biden-administration head
Samantha Power,
a comically disingenuous regime change careerist
and "genocide expert" who can recognize that crime anywhere
as long as she's paid or promoted, just not in US allies such as
...is a perfect embodiment of USAID's rotten top and core.

Don't get me wrong:
It would be silly not to
recognize that USAID has also provided some real assistance, even if
never - yes, really never - without political strings
Hence, if you think of
"aid" as something given
exclusively or even mainly out of compassion, then it's a misnomer
here, as USAID critic Mike Benz has
rightly pointed out.
In any case, before being gutted,
USAID had an
annual budget somewhere between 30 and 40 billion dollars and around
10,000 employees, including
6,000 outside the US.
In fiscal year 2023, the agency was active
in 130 countries (there are about 200 total).
And its activities did
include things such as food assistance, health services, and
disaster relief in countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Pakistan, Sudan, and Yemen.
Let's also be fair to those USAID staff and grant
recipients - American or not - who have genuinely helped in valuable
ways and out of sincere good will, often under harsh as well as
dangerous conditions.
In the world as it really is, many must make
deals with the devil: it is not their fault that their organization
has always worked as a front for political influence and subversion
as well.
Indeed, it is a bitter irony that those who really needed
what was actually useful about USAID assistance and those
distributing it are now being punished together with those who
befouled all of it with their vile as well as rather ham-fisted
subversion games.
Samantha Power, for one, will, obviously, have the
softest of landings, in a bespoke think-tank, Ivy League university,
"consulting" job (i.e., influence peddling), or media
One simple indicator of just how corrupt USAID
has been is that, recently, the very top recipient of its aid has
been, as it happens, Ukraine:
in 2023, for instance, its hand-out
of more
than $16 billion left runner-up Ethiopia in the dust with less
than $1.7 billion, that is about a tenth of Kiev's allotment.
much for helping the neediest the most.
But serving as just one more funnel to pump
endless gazillions into the always wide-open maw of the insatiable
and highly demanding Zelensky regime was only one, if you wish,
ordinary aspect of USAID's special role in Ukraine.
This is where we return to those pesky
revelations about the war:
It turns out that USAID has also
proactively and systematically helped to suffocate any hope for
And not in just one but two ways.
- First, we now learn that almost the entire
Ukrainian media sphere -
90 percent of news organizations - depended on USAID funding.
Indeed, Olga Rudenko, editor-in-chief of the
Kyiv Independent (the
irony…), a staunchly info-warring publication, fears that losing
access to the USAID trough,
"has caused harm to independent
Ukrainian journalism on par with the COVID-19 pandemic and the onset
of Russia's full-scale war"...
Hear, hear...!
More generally, a recent article in the
Columbia Journalism Review is worrying that losing USAID money
will threaten "independent" journalism worldwide.
wonder, as USAID itself has proudly
claimed that the US government,
now the largest public donor to independent media development
But any talk of
"independence" here is,
just like Rudenko's complaint, obvious Orwellian-grade propaganda:
Journalism that literally
depends for its very existence
funding from an organization serving as a front for the foreign
interests of the single most powerful and aggressive country in the
world may be anything, but it cannot be - by definition -
You may, if that's your thing, politically sympathize
with such journalism or argue that you feel it is still, on balance,
useful, if you wish, but please cut out the absurdity.
In practice, Ukraine is a perfect illustration of
how such media dependency-across-borders can easily end in
Anyone who knows Ukrainian well enough - as I do - can
have a look for themselves.
What they will find is a Potemkin
village of pseudo-diversity, at best, with very few and embattled
In reality, the Ukrainian public sphere has been
massively manipulated by a monotonous diet of pseudo-"patriotic"
The single most urgent question concerning Ukraine's own
national interests, however, has been systematically maligned and
made taboo:
namely, if serving as proxy war cannon fodder for the
West has been worth it.
- The second manner in which USAID has promoted
this devastating war was, if anything, even worse, in the sense of
more drastic and hands-on:
It's now almost forgotten, but when
Ukraine's current past-best-by-date leader Vladimir Zelensky
actually did face and win an election in 2019, his single concrete -
and sensible - promise was to seek peace through negotiations.
Clearly, at the time, that promise was a major
factor in his unprecedented landslide victory.
Once in office, for a
very short moment, it seemed as if Zelensky
was trying to keep that promise.
then - years before the 2022 escalation - he made a 180-degree turn
and emerged as an uncompromising and shortsighted nationalist and a
tool of the US - if a very expensive and occasionally capricious
It is likely that he will soon be discarded, as tools can be.
But the damage he has already done to his country is enormous.
Many observers have long been puzzled by early
Zelensky's terrible turn.
Was it fear of the powerful and aggressive
Ukrainian far-right?
Was it a misconceived play for even more
Was it money?
Was it Western pressure?
We still don't
know the whole story, but we do know one important new thing:
a wave
of "popular" resistance
"from below" and by
"civil society" against
Zelensky's initial attempts to look for peace was not genuine.
Instead, it had massive Western backing, including from USAID...!
In particular, the organization was one of the
key sponsors of a "joint
statement" which presented a concerted threat to Zelensky
in 2019, that is, almost immediately after he assumed office.
On the
surface the product of 70 Ukrainian NGOs, this was, in reality, a
massive affront to democracy and the rule of law:
Its sole purpose
was to unconstitutionally constrain the newly elected president with
so-called "red lines" and, in
particular, nullify what so many of his voters wanted, namely an
honest search for peace.
None of this means that Zelensky is
On the contrary, it was his duty and, literally, his job
to resist such shameless pressure tactics and their foreign backers
and stand up for his voters and the country as a whole.
His failure
to do so is his and will remain so forever.
Those NGOs
were supported not only by USAID, but also by the National
Endowment for Democracy, another US subversion front, the US embassy, and NATO, to name only a few.
Whatever else the
so-called Ukrainian "diaspora"
(that is organized Ukrainian exile nationalist organizations rooted
in World War Two fascist nationalism) was up to, it also took part
in that big arm-twisting:
Temerty Foundation, a key
"diaspora" power broker, also
figured among those NGO supporters.
Here is the sad irony:
Ukraine has never been
"free" and it has never had a
"civil society" of its own.
Instead, it has been used and manipulated by false
"friends" from the West and a
comprador "elite" that has put
Western interests above those of their own compatriots.
they have openly and covertly colonized Ukraine's public sphere and
fed its people into a meatgrinder proxy war that is being lost as we
Soon, the West will sell out what is left of Ukraine
None of this is unprecedented:
It is a classic pattern of
imperialist abuse.
All those smart Westerners who have tried to
apply "post-colonial" categories to the case of Ukraine:
ahead - but look at yourself.
You are the baddies...
In any case, don't mistake the purge of USAID for
some kind of principal improvement.
It is true that some - rest
assured: very selective - light is now thrown on its seedy,
subversive activities. That's a plus, for now. And yes, it's fun to
see Centrists and liberals exposed.
Schadenfreude can be legitimate...
Of course, none of the above means that
Washington intends to generally abandon foul play.
On the contrary,
under new Trumpist management, the US will remain as mean as ever.
There will always be money for subversion, sabotage, disinformation
campaigns, regime change, and coups.
It will just flow through
different channels, and the LGBTQ+ and DEI angles will be dropped.
News flash:
The US did not need those to coup Iran and
Guatemala in
the 1950s and have Chile regime-changed and its president Salvador Allende murdered in 1973, for instance...
Even the good old USAID is down but not dead:
Marco Rubio, Donald Trump's extraordinarily
obedient secretary of state, has already
announced that its work just has to be aligned with American
foreign policy.
How funny:
As if it had not...!