Amitakh Stanford
November 29, 2009
FlyingBuffaloes7 Website
carbon emission notion that is driving the current thrust for
worldwide acceptance of carbon-trading schemes is now at a critical
stage. The stakes are not so much for protecting the Earth, but,
instead, for political domination of the planet.
There are several groups of
the ruling elite on the planet; two of
these are the strongest contenders for political world dominance.
(Within all of the groups of ruling elite, there is some
infighting.) The carbon-trading scheme is a very important piece on
the chessboard. If the scheme is adopted as currently presented, one
of the major contenders for global dominance will suffer serious
damage to its cause, making its situation precarious.
The importance of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) cannot be
overstated. It is not just a conflict between supporters and
opponents of the carbon trading notion. It is so critical to the
political maneuvering that some of the highest echelon ruling elite
are being forced to show their hands in support of or opposition to
the scheme.
It has always been a part of the plan to use the British
Commonwealth countries for support if it were deemed necessary by
one of the major contenders for world control. However, it was hoped
that the British Commonwealth countries would not be called into
open support of the ETS so as to avoid drawing world attention to
this maneuver.
Rather, it was anticipated that the British
Commonwealth could quietly unite to give subtle support to the ETS
in such a manner that the world would not suspect that coercion had
been applied to Commonwealth members for support. That is, the
British Commonwealth countries were to be quietly held in reserve,
appearing to be tacit supporters of the ETS, and that their
subsequent open support for the ETS would appear to be based on
their own decisions, and not the result of prior design or coercion.
Amongst the scores of countries who are members of the British
Commonwealth, Australia has been selected as the critical mover to
show support for the ETS. Whilst the country of Australia has been
picked to be the launching pad of the
New World Order, the State of
Queensland is to be the main power base for the launch.
This has
long been planned.
Nearly a century ago, Queensland’s Legislative Council, its then
upper house of parliament, endured relentless attacks from the Labor
Party until it was finally eliminated in 1922, leaving the
Legislative Assembly as the sole surviving house of parliament in
Queensland. The Labor Party began its attacks on the Legislative
Council by political maneuvering in 1915, and again in 1916. Both
attempts failed to abolish the state’s upper house.
Then, government
presented a referendum on the issue to the people in 1917, which was
resoundingly rejected by over 60% of the people. Labor again went
after the Legislative Council in 1920, which ultimately resulted in
the abolishment of the upper house by constitutional amendment in
Having a single house of parliament allows a democratic forum to be
turned into a despotic one. Other states in Australia are now
considering following the Queensland, single-house model. The main
reason for justifying this is to efficiently consolidate power into
a single house. Worldwide, other governments have followed
Queensland’s lead.
The British Commonwealth country of New Zealand
followed suit in 1950, followed by Denmark in 1953, and Sweden in
Now that Queensland has a long established rule by a single house of
parliament, the groundwork is all laid for a legislative tyranny.
The Queensland government presents the appearance of being a
democratic state, but it is literally a foundation for a despotic
parliament. The party that holds the majority of seats in the
Legislative Assembly selects its leader, who must also be a member
of that house.
This leader is given the title and position of
Premier of the State of Queensland. The Premier, as long as he or
she does not run afoul of the majority party, can literally dictate
whatever policy or program he or she wants. This is a very
dangerous system. The people think they have democratic protections,
when in reality those rights are absolutely illusory.
In Queensland, the parliament can force any issue on the opposition
party and the people, if the majority party in power is bold and
shameless enough to do so. Queensland parliament has become bold
enough to act the part of a legislative despot. It has wielded its
despotic powers with regard to fluoridation, recycling and
desalination of drinking water, amalgamation of shires, the selling
off of a large amount of state assets to private sectors, and has
run up atrocious deficits, among other things.
In short, a
parliamentary tyranny is operating in absolute defiance of the
majority of the people. In regard to fluoridation of water and the
amalgamation of shires, more than 80% of the people were against
these issues, yet the Queensland parliament still defied the
people’s wishes. In other words, Queensland has abandoned democratic
rule on many important issues and the parliament has become a
The capital of Queensland is Brisbane, where massive infrastructure
projects are underway in and about the city. These include
multi-billion dollar tunnels, desalination plants, bridges, and
other congestion-causing road works. The projects go forward
regardless of people’s objections, which is yet another indicator of
the parliamentary tyranny in operation in Queensland.
To a lesser degree, parliamentary tyranny is operating in every
Australian state and territory. Despite protests and overwhelming
objections of the people of Australia on certain issues, they are
powerless to halt the elimination of democratic principles.
Australia is a very large island that has been classified as a
continent. Despite its large geographic area, Australia is sparsely
populated, with fewer than 30 million inhabitants. Such a small,
isolated country would not normally be able to play a significant
role in launching the New World Order. However, it has been selected
to do so by the ruling elite. Thus, the little country down under is
now on the world stage!
The Prime Minister of Australia, who is co-incidentally a
Queenslander, became an active international political figure soon
after taking office.
Queensland has become the fastest growing state
in Australia. According to news reports, people from interstate and
overseas are migrating to Queensland in great numbers every month.
There is a force driving this behind the scenes. Indeed, Queensland
is the launch state, and Australia is the launch country, for the
One World Government.
The plans of where to launch the One World Government did not
originate in Queensland, nor were they hatched in Australia. They
have been in the works for many decades.
To better understand the ruling elite and their hierarchy, consider
the Reptilians have their very top positions filled by
Anunnaki Olcars. There are not many Olcars in human bodies.
there is one in Great Britain, another in Australia, with one each
in the following locales:
That is, there are only eight Olcars on Earth in
human bodies at this time.
The Olcars are the very top of the
Anunnaki hierarchy on Earth. They are above
the ruling elite. If Olcars are in the public eye, they usually appear as peripheral
figures. They remain hidden as far as is practicable. Whilst Olcars
can take positions as world leaders, they generally do not. Some of
the Olcars are in very insignificant-appearing positions.
their appearances, they are all very powerful. They remain incognito
where possible, but they will expose themselves in extreme
situations or in times of desperation.
There was only one Olcar in Britain in the first half of the
twentieth century. This Olcar was responsible for many atrocities to
human rights and democratic rule, and he played both sides before
and during WWII, at times supporting the Anglo alliance, and at
other times his energy supported the Nazi axis of power.
The Olcar
was active in parliament and behind the scenes in 1911 when the
House of Lords was stripped of its veto power, which gave the House
of Commons supremacy in Great Britain.
The Olcar was setting Great
Britain up for parliamentary despotism, knowing full well that, by
giving the appearance that the power was in the hands of the people,
a despotic legislature could rule and be accepted by the people.
The British Olcar did not limit himself to Great Britain. He
simultaneously meddled with American politics, and was very
influential in the alteration of that country’s constitution by
having amendments to it adopted in 1913 to allow for a tax on
incomes, as well as on a major overhaul of the selection method for
members of the United States’ upper house, the Senate.
Prior to
1913, the American Senators were appointed by the several state
legislatures. In 1913, the U.S. Constitution was amended so that the
senators were elected by popular vote of the people. This diminished
state involvement in the federal government and gave the people an
even greater illusion of power, letting them think that since they
were now able to democratically elect senators, that they had more
say in their selection.
To this day, the illusion of people power is
reinforced whenever it suits the ruling elite’s plan.
The collapse
of the Berlin Wall is an example of where the people have been
deluded into thinking that it was their power that brought it
It was not people power, but an Olcar dictate, that caused the
erection of the wall in the first place, and it was not people
power, but another Olcar order, that allowed the wall to be brought
Do not for a moment think that the people who signed the
orders to erect and tear down the Berlin Wall were Olcars.
hide whenever possible.
The pattern of Olcar intervention in democratic parliaments becomes
clear when these three events are considered.
First, the British Olcar began stripping away the veto power from Great Britain’s upper
house with a constitutional amendment act known then as the
Parliamentary Act of 1911. This act later became attached to a
subsequent constitutional amendment and jointly they became known as
the Parliamentary Acts of 1911 and 1949.
The 1949 amendment further
limited the powers of the House of Lords by shortening the time by
which that body could delay legislation.
Second, and almost
simultaneously, the Olcar interfered with the United States upper
Third, he began the thrust that caused the Labor Party of
Queensland to abolish its upper house.
Contrary to common belief, Great Britain and the United States have
not been harmonious allies over the past centuries.
America broke
away from Great Britain in 1776. Since then, Britain has used force,
subterfuge and other subtle means to try to bring its former colony
back into the British Empire. Britain went to war with America in
1812, was instrumental during the American Civil War, and the
British Olcar of the first half of the twentieth century was
responsible for driving the United States into WWI and WWII.
The current British Olcar took over for the early twentieth-century
Olcar and has continued behind the scenes to influence and encourage
America to strive to be the world power, and to be involved in many
wars outside its borders.
The current Olcar has been happy to make
America look like the world power, all the while turning the country
into the most hated nation in the world.
The present British Olcar
has succeeded in severely damaging America’s reputation, finances,
politics and morals by surreptitiously directing his own “army” of
ruling elite to chip away at the core of the country, which has been
going on since 1776, but especially since 1913.
Just as Thomas Paine had to oppose his native Britain to ignite the
American colonists to throw off the rule of George III, again,
today, Paine is a British subject who is about to charge the
Americans with the energy to dare challenge the authority of the
British Olcar.
Australia has been hand picked by the British Olcar to lead the way
in the Emissions Trading Scheme.
Today, the Labor Party is in power
in Queensland and Australia. As noted earlier, the Olcar wants to
diminish or remove upper houses, and it has successfully stripped
Queensland of its upper house already. The federal parliament in
Australia is composed of two houses, the House of Representatives
and the Senate.
The head of state is the leader of the majority
party in the House of Representatives, which today is the Labor
Party. The party leader is the Prime Minister of Australia.
The Senate has a limited veto power of legislation, but, Australia
is not a completely independent country. It is a constitutional
monarchy. The British Monarch has the power to veto Australian laws,
even though such power is rarely threatened or exercised. The
British Monarch can also order a double dissolution of the
Australian Parliament; this power is also rarely exercised.
When things are critical to the British Olcar’s plans, he can direct
the British Monarch to intervene with internal affairs of British
Commonwealth countries. This type of intervention occurred less than
one year ago in Canada, when the Olcar’s preferred Prime Minister
seemed destined for removal.
The British Olcar influenced the
British Monarch to step in and intervene in Canadian politics.
Monarch did so, and the Canadian Prime Minister remains in power
The British Olcar has influenced the Australian Labor Party to pass
Emissions Trading Scheme Act this year. It is very important to
the British Olcar’s plans that the Australian Prime Minister can
take this bill to the summit on
global warming in Copenhagen,
Denmark, next month. This act is known by the initials of “ETS”.
bears official Australian stamps, but there is no mistaking that it
is the brainchild of the British Olcar.
ETS easily passed the Australian House of Representatives, which is
controlled by the Labor Party. It was thought that it could be
shoved through the Senate, but some of the opposition have violently
resisted its passage. This has caused a severe rift within the
opposition party. Oddly, amidst extremely strong challenges to the
leadership of the party, the current opposition leader remains
steadfast and confident that he will get the ETS through the Senate.
It is very obvious that the opposition leader has been briefed and
instructed regarding the ETS from outside of Australia. It is also
obvious that the British Olcar is responsible for the briefing and
instruction of the opposition leader.
During debate over the ETS, an
Australian Labor MP tried to mock the opposition by calling its
opposition to the bill a wacko, right-wing tactic that would be more
expected from the Militia of Montana in a gun wielding display of
rebellion than something that is fitting for discussion in the
Australian Parliament. It is very telling that this member is so
informed about the Militia of Montana when many Australians would
have difficulty pointing to Montana on a map, much less be familiar
with the workings of that state’s citizen militia.
Australia’s passage of the ETS is so important to the British
Commonwealth appearing to lead the way for the carbon trading
schemes as a supposed solution to global warming that the British
Monarch has now intervened. As I have anticipated, the Queen has now
publicly called upon her Commonwealth countries to support the
carbon trading scheme desired by the British Olcar.
This public call
will definitely assist in trying to pass the ETS in the Australian
The situation must be very desperate for the British Olcar
to have called on such support and intervention.
Whilst the British Olcar is aggressively trying to consolidate the
world under one rule, he is being assisted by his agents in America
to undermine the American position. America will not willingly join
the British Olcar or his British Commonwealth of countries. It has
its own plans for world domination, which does not include granting
power to either the American Olcar or the British Olcar.
This is an alien conflict being played out through humans.
To counteract the Australian launch of One World Government, the
American ruling elite have established their launching pad in the
American state of Colorado. Many things have occurred and will
continue to occur in Colorado to bring about the American launch.
alien wars are being played out more aggressively and openly now
through humans than they have been for awhile.
How America responds
to the British Olcar’s ETS will show whether it has succumbed to the
British Olcar, or if it still has the will to resist sabotage and
stand on its own.