The Hittites were a keen adversary Enlil used against the Anunnaki.


They were an Aryan tribe from Asia Minor, direst relatives of theirs whom they installed to power. One of the Ennead's family called, "The Stormer," appeared to them in battle according to King Murshilis, having shot a "thunderbolt" at the enemy.


The Hittites were the ones who laughed at Akhenaten and his effeminate appearance and chided Arjuna for his demeaning disguise.


One brightener to Egypt was Hittite King Horembeb, a Nibiruian, as hieroglyphics state he was a son of Ra. It is from his recordings that we get a glimpse of the brief respite from war this country had and is a chronicle of when the gods themselves accompanied their illustrious military offspring, who was embraced by Ra himself.


Horus sailed with him up the Nile to Thebes and introduced him to Ra, who, taking him to the palace, in the company of his brothers, placed the "crown" upon his head. As he left, to reassure the people. Ra embraced him before the ecstatic masses. The King established the "Edicts of Reform" to get the country back on its feet. But the one big factor was that the sun-disc was now in the hands of Ra and not Amen-Ra. at least for awhile.

As the Veda's have not all been translated, we do not know just how the Pandava came to lose their stronghold in Egypt but somehow a new faction, the Gandharvas. now gained control.


They were as powerful as both the Pandava and Dharatas together and the latter struck an alliance with them.


(Traditional Egyptology tells us of a period of warrior kings who took the thrones of Egypt, the Hyskos, whom this could not have been, This is ludicrous, as they state out of the blue come these nomads, as they call them, who usurp the crownheads of Egypt and they accept this. The Hyskos had been a strong physical threat but the Thutmosis' subdued them.)


Siva's alliance with them was short lived; the Gandharvas had gained total control of all the cities. The breakup commenced at a counting of the cattle where property rights were questioned. Later Siva sought to play with the "children of the Thirty Gods" his brothers and their children at a lake, but the Gandharvas lay claim to it and drove part of his troops who were protecting him, back.


I would like to stop briefly and state that according to paralleling Egyptian texts, the Gods had a favorite lake they bathed in and a pool where the "sailors of Ra bathe," so this must have been a favored spot, called the "Field of Grasshoppers."

Siva's soldiers told the Gandharvas,

"A mighty king named Duiyodhana, the son of Dhrtarastra. has come here to omuse himself, so run off!"

But the Gandharvas laughed,

"Your slow-witted King Suyodhona does not use his mind if he orders us celestials in this manner as though we were his subjects! You ore doomed to die, nitwits, no doubt of that, if you mindlessly speak to us at his orders. Hurry back, all of you, to the Kaurava king, lest you depart right now to the hateful domain of the King of Law!"

When told the indignity, Siva responded,

"Punish those churls, ignorant of the Law, who offend me, if it were the God of the Hundred Sacrifices himself at play with all the Gods!"

He then pressed his own troops through the woods, away to a strategic spot to make a better stand, and the Gandharvas then "all became airborne."


The Gandharvas were terrors of the sky and the troops of Siva fled but this brother Kama did not and held the ground and slew hundreds with his "iron arrows." Hundreds and thousands of Gandharvas now came to the rally as Siva's chariots "screeched" through the air.


Citrasena, head of the Gandharvas, employed his "wizardly missile" which "bewildered the Kaurouyas."


Siva's army then deserted the field and Siva was left defenseless as he had led his charioteers who could not take the aerial bombardment. Siva was taken prisoner, as well as all the children and wives at the lake.


There was then a widespread evacuation out of Egypt as,

"carts, vending wagons, and whores, carriages and vehicles all sought refuge with the Pandavas when their king had been captured."

How long they were held is not known. The Gandharvas now firmly controlled Egypt and the majority of the Anunnaki lineages.

The Pandavas were headquartered in Mesopotamia and the news of the disaster both pleased and disgusted them. Councilors of Siva's came begging to them for help.


Bhima curtly replied in reference to their duplicity with the Gandharvas,

"The matter has gone wrong for those who did wrong, if the Gandharvas now have accomplished what we should have done! Ill-advised, friends, was that deed of the false-playing prince; as we have heard it said, 'Others will bring down the enemy of a coward.'


Enlil, true to his divine wisdom, knew as relatives they had to be helped and dropped all malice he had against them. Here we have the same trouble as from the first Fall, familial loyalty always interrupted, but they knew they were worth helping, and felt sooner or later they would reach them.


"Why must you speak like this, my friend, to the Kauravas, now that they have come to grief and fearfully have resorted to us seeking shelter? Breaches and quarrels do occur between kinsmen. Wolfbelly, feuds drag on, but the family Law does not thereby perish. When, however, an outsider attacks the family of kinsmen, the strict do not tolerate the stranger's importunity.


This ill-minded Gandharva knows that we have been dwelling here for a long lime, yet he has ignored us and done this displeasing thing. Because of the Gandhaivas' forcibly capturing the Duiyodhana in battle, and this stranger's molestation of the women, our family has been robbed. For the refuge of shelter-seekers and ta rescue our family arise ye, tiger-like-men, and ready yourselves forthwith!"

He told Bhima to seek peaceable measures first or take Siva in "mild combat" and then smite the foe.


The Councilors then breathed easier.

The armies prepared and at their appearance with the chariots rolling valiantly out of the city and the "sky rangers" above them, "loud jubilation" broke out among the soldiers and people, as well as some of Siva's own troops. Two warring factions had now merged to fight the common foe. The two armies stood paired with one another and the Gandharvas fell back.


Enlil sent them a message, advising them to desist and end the war then and there,

"if the Gandharvas do not free the sons of Dhrtarastra peacefully, then earth today shall drink the blood of their king!... This despicable act is not worthy of the king of the Gandhaivas, molesting other men's wives and consorting with humans! Release these great champions, the sans of Dhrtarastra, set free their wives at the King Dharma's behest!"

To which the Gandharvas replied,

"Friend, we take the orders of only one on earth, and when we know his commands, we act without a care. We do what he alone orders us lo do. Bharata, and beyond that lord of the Gods we recognize no commander."

At that, the Gandharvas hit their hovering aerial craft with flak and the Pandava returned fire at the "celestials."


Celestial weapons were employed at the Pandavas and while doing so, the "sky ranger" tried to reach Siva in this diversion, without luck. The Gandharvas tried to ensnare them with the famous "net of arrows," without result. Arjuna then employed his "grand celestial weapons" with which he used the "agneya weapon," and sent a "thousand thousands of Gandharvas to Yama's realm."


They then succeeded in retrieving some of Siva's sons and then "flew up to the sky."


Many varieties of missiles were then used and a battle royale commenced in the sky, the famous "mace" being used.


The captured Gandharvas then explained why they had done what they did, as the 'King of the Gods' did not like it that Siva had fooled the people of Egypt and mocked the Gods, letting them believe that he was of the Ennead,

"The great-spirited God who is sitting there knows the purpose of the evil Duryodhana and Kama, Dhanamjaya. These people, knowing that you were living in the forest and were suffering undeservedly, came here to mock you and the glorious Draupadi.


On learning their intention the lord of the Gods told me, "Go and feller Dwyodhano with his councilors arid bring him here. And you must watch over Dhanamjaya and his brothers in the battle, for the Pandava is your good friend and pupil."


At the behest of the king of the Gods I came quickly here; and after I had fettered that wicked soul, I'll go to the realm of the Gods."

Arjuna argued that he was their brother and wanted to set 'him free, to which Citrasena said,

"He is forever a corrupted crook and does not deserve his freedom - he cheated the King Dharma and Krsna. Dhanamjaya! Kunti's son, the King Dharma of the great vows, does not know what he set out to do, surely. Now that you have heard it, act as you please."

It was said here that,

"The King of the Gods revived the Gandhaivas who had died in the battle at the hands of the Kauravas with a divine rain of Elixir."

Siva was then set free, and with a warning to him not to "do violence" and to "not be downcast."


Siva and his family left and camped in a "region with fine grass" for the animals, and the "foot soldiers bivouac according to their rankings." While sitting on a palaquin, "brilliant as fire," his brother Kama appeared and commented snidely on his defeat.


Siva was "tear choked" and explained how his "sky rangers" could not compete with them, and how they,

"all abandoned the battle and fled to the sky, happily leaving us alone in our misery."

He then stated the shame of having been a,

"fettered prisoner of the enemy" and "there stood I, before the eyes of my women, a wretched, fettered prisoner of the enemy."

He then decided upon fasting to death, committing suicide.


He could not return to the "City of the Elephant," so disgraced before his men.

"After I have stood an my enemies' head and paraded on their chest, what shall I tell them now that I have fallen by my own fault? Ill-reared men who find a fortune by learning or power do not long keep it, madly proud just like me. O woe that I did a base crime in my folly, miscreant that I am, so that now I have fallen into peril!"

He then "wept aloud" which upset Kama who said.

"Why, Kauravyas, do you despair in your folly like two commoners? No one's grief is stopped by grieving! And if grief does not remove the plight of the grieving, what power do you detect in the grief you are indulging? Take command of yourself and do not gladden the enemies with your miseries!"

And added,

"If you fast unto death, you shall be the laughing stock of the kings!"

While another brother added,

"You should be happy and give the Pandavas their due. Instead you are moping, Indra of kings, about this setback. Please, do not kill yourself, remember a good turn with gratitude! Return the Parthas their kingdom, and you will earn fame and Law. Recognize the deed, don't be an ingrate. Act the brother to the Pandavas, reestablish them, and return to them their ancestral kingdom; then you can have happiness!"

Siva would not listen however.


He then throws himself under the power of some kind of drug which makes him see the future which tells that through the use of "divine weaponry" he will conquer the Pandava and no quarter will be given "sans or brothers, parents or relatives, students or kinsmen, the young or the old." All would be over and an end to the fighting with a "holocaust." The Pandava will fight back but will be slaughtered.


He was not to worry for the Goddess spirit that appeared before him said,

"this earth will be yours to enjoy without rivals, O king!"

His brothers listening to the prophesy then agreed and said to him,

"Go now! Find victory!" Kama said.


"All the kings of the world are subject to you now, greatest of kings," and "Yours is the earth now, hero, greatest of kings, without a rival. Watch over her like Sakra, great-minded, with your enemies slain!"

The Pandavas who had prepared to move back to their home, now found Enlil "was greatly troubled." It was the last hope for their people. The bomb would now be dropped.




2. THE GODS OF THE EGYPTIANS - VOL. I - E.A. Wallis Budge - 1904 -reprint 1969 - Dover Publishing Company - New York, N.Y.

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