Additional Reading

1. Ariola, Paavo - N.D., Ph.D. - Every Woman's Book - Health Plus Publisher -Phoenix, Arizona - 1979
2. Alexander, R. McNeill - Biomechanics - Chapman and Hall - London - 1975
3. Aman - M.A., M.D.C.M., M.A.M.A. - Medical Secrets of Your Food - Vol. I & II - Director of Consulting Gynecologist, Obstetrician and Dietician -Published by Secretary - Indo - American Hosiptal - N.R. Mohalla, Mysore -India
4. Arkell, A.J. - The Prehistory of the Nile Valley - Leiden/Koln - E.J. Brill - 1975
5. Burr G. Atkinson and David B. Walden - Changes in Eukaryotic Gene Expressions in Response to Environineta! Stress - Adademic Press, Inc., New York - 1985
6. Bennion, Marion - Clinical Nutrition - Harper & Row - N.Y. - 1979
7. Bharttacharya, A.K. - Gem Therapy - Firma KLM Private Ltd., Calcutta -1981
8. Bland, Jeffrey, Ph.D. - Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis - An Emergent Diagnostic Technique - Thorsons Publishing, Inc., New York - 1984
9. Bogolepov, N.N. - Ultrastructure of the Brain in Hypoxia - Mir Publishing, Moscow 1983
10. Bourne, G.H., Editor - The Chimpanzee - Immuniology, Infections, Hormones, Anatomy, and Behavior - University Park Press, Baltimore, Md., 1970
11. Brandt, N.B., and Chudinov, S.M. - Electronic Structure of Metals - Mir Publishing, Moscow - 1975
12. Brickelin, Mark - The Practical Encyclopedia of Natural Healing - Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania - 1983
13. Brook, Danae - Naturebirth, You, Your Body and Your Baby - Pantheon Books, New York.
14. Calloway, Doris Howes - Human Ecology in Space - The New York Academy of Science - N.Y., 1966
15. Chagnon, Napoleon A. and Irons, William - Evolutionary Biology and Human Social Behavior - An Anthropolgical Perspective - Duxbury Press, North Scituate, Massachusetts - 1979
16. Coon, Charleton S., - Racial Adaptations - Nelson - Hall, Chicago - 1982
17. Cooper, Wendy, and Smith, Tom, M.D, - Beyond Our Limits - What Ordinary Humans Can Do in Extremes - Stein and Day Publishers - 1982
18. Crook, Wm. G., M.D. - The Yeast Connection - A Medical Breakthrough -Professional Books, Jackson, Tennessee, 1984
19. Custance, Arthur C. - Genesis and Early Man - Academie Books - Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan - 1975
20. Day, Michael H. - Guide to Fossil Man - A Handbook of Human Palaeontology -University of Chicago Press - 1977
21. Davis, Adelle - Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit - New American Library -Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., N.Y. - 1970
22. Davis, Adelle - Let's Get Well - Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., N.Y. -1965
23. Davis, Gavan - Shoal of Time - A History of the Hawaiian Islands -University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu — 1982
24. Dhopeshworkar, Govind, A. - Nutrition and Brain Development - Plenum Press -N.Y. - 1983
25. Dubos, Rene - Man Adapting - Yale University Press - 1976
26. Dubos, Rene - Quest - Reflections on Medicine, Science and Humanity -Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, N.Y. - 1979
27. Duffy, William, Sugar Blues - Warner Books - N.Y. - 1975
28. Eldredge and Tatersall - The Myths of Human Evolution - Columbia University Press - 1982
29. Dreman, Adolf - Life In Ancient Egypt - Dover Publishing, Inc., N.Y. -1984 reprint 1971
30. Evans, W.E.D., M.D., B.S. - The Chemistry of Death - Charles C. Thomas Publishing - Spring, Illinois - 1963
31. Feliks, Yehuda - Nature and Man in the Bible - Chapters in Biblical Ecology - The Soncino Press - London - 1981
32. Fix, Win. - The Bone Peddlers - Selling Evolution - Macmillan Publishing Co., NY., 1984
33. Flindt. Max H. and Binder, Otto O. - Mankind, Child of the Stars - Fawcett Gold Medal - Breenwich, Connecticut - 1974
34. Fossey, Diane - Gorillas In the Mist - Houghton Mifflin, Co., N.Y. 1983
35. Fox, Robin - The Red Lamp of Incest - E.P. Dutton - N.Y. - 1980
36. Frazer, James G., M.A. - The Golden Bough - The Roots of Religion and Folklore 1890 - reprint - 1981 - Avenel Books, N.Y.
37. Frohse. Franz and Brodel, Max, and Schlossberg, Leon - Atlas of Human Anatomy - College Outline Series - Barner and Noble - N.Y. - 1981
38. Fuchs. Fritz - Endocrinology of Pregnancy - and Arnold Klopper - Harper and Row, N.Y. - 1977
39. Giese, Arthur C, Ph.D. - Cell Physiology - W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia 1968
40. Goodman, Richard. M.D. - Genetic Disorders Among the Jewish People - John Hopkins University Press - Baltimore - 1979
41. Gould, George, M., M.D. and Pyle, Walter L., M.D. - Medical Curiosities -Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine - W.B. Saunders - 1896 - reprint -1982 Hammond Publishing, Ltd.
42.Goy, Robert W., and McEwen, Bruce S. - Sexual Differentiation of the Brain MIT Press - Cambridge - 1980
43. Hadingham, Evan - Secrets of the Ice Age - Walker Publishing Co., Inc. -Loudon - 1979
44. Hamburger, Joel I., M.D., - Clinical Exercises in Internal Medicine -Thyroid Disease - W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia - 1978
45. Hamilton, David, and Naftolin, Frederick - Basic Reproductive Medicine -MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts - 1981
46. Helwig, Elson B., M.D., Editor - The Skin - International Academy of Pathology By Thirty Authors - Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company -Huntington, N.Y. 1980
47. Hoffman, Jay M.. M.D. - The Missing Link in the Medical Curriculum -Professional Publishing Co., Valley Center, California - 1984
48. Jacob, Stanley W., M.D.,; Francone, Clarise Ashworth; Lossow, Walter J., Ph.D. - Structure and Function in Man - W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia -1978
49. Jensen, David - The Principles of Physiology - Appleton - Century -Crofts - N.Y. 1976
50. Josimovich, John B., M.D., Reynolds, Monica, Ph.D., and Cobo, Edgard, M.D. - Lactogenic Hormones, Fetal Nutrition and Lactation - John Wiley and Sons - N.Y. 1974
51. Kaganov, M.I. andTsukernic.V.M. -TheNature of Magnetism - Mir Publishing-Moscow - 1985
52. Keller, Werner - The Bible As History - William Morrow and Co., N.Y., 1981
53. King, Donald West, Fenoglio, Cecelia M., Lefkowitch, Jay H. - General Pathology, Principle and Dynamics - Lea and Febiger - Philadelphia - 1983
54. King, James C. - The Biology of Race - University of California Press -Berkeley - 1981
55. Kolosimo, Peter - Timeless Earth - Bantom Books - N.Y. - 1975
56. Krause, Marie, B.S., M.S., R.D. and Hunscher, Martha - B.S., R.D., M.R.S.H. - Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy - W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia - 1972
57. Kummerov, Fred, Benga, Cheorghe, Holmer, Ross; - Biomechanics and Cell Function - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - N.Y. - 1983
58. Kurten, Bjorn - Not From the Apes - A History of Man's Origins and Evolution - Columbia University Press - N.Y. - 1984
59. Kushi, Michio - Your Face Never Lies - Avery Publishing Group, Inc., Wayne, New Jersey - 1983
60. Kushi, Michio - How To See Your Health: Book of Oriental Diagnosis - Japan Publications, Inc., Tokyo - 1980
61. Langer, Stepeh E., M.D. with Scherr, James F. - Solved, the Riddle of Illness - Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan, Connecticut - 1984
62. Lee, Patrick, Stewart, Robert Sussman - Sex Differences - Cultural and Development Dimension - Urizen Books, N.Y. - 1976
63. Le Gros Clark, W.E. - The Fossil Evidence for Human Evolution - University of Chicago Press - 1978
64. Lewin, Miriam - In the Shadow of the Past - Psychology Portrays the Sexes -Columbia University Press - 1984
65. Liebowitz, Michael R. - The Chemistry of Love - Little, Brown and Company -Boston 1983
66. Lips, Hilary M., and Colwell, Nina Lee - The Psychology of Sex - Prentice -Hall Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1978
67. L'Orange, H.P. - Apotheosis In Ancient Portraiture - Caratzas Brothers, Publishers New Rochelle, N.Y. - 1982
68. Gaia - A New Look at Life on Earth - Lovelock, J.E. - Oxford University Press - 1979
69. Lumsden, Charles J. and Wilson, Edward, O-Genes, Mind and Culture - The Coevolutionary Process - Harvard University Press - 1981
70. Manolilov, V. - Electricity and Man - Mir Publishing - Moscow - 1978
71. Mar, Timothy T, - Face Reading - The Chinese Art of Physiognomy - Dodd, Mead and Company, N.Y. - 1974
72. Mause, Lloyd de - Editor - The History of Childhood - The Psychohistory Press - N.Y. 1974
73. McArdle, William D., Katch, Frank I, Katch, Victor L. - Exercise Physiology -Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance - Lea and Febiger - Philadelphia -1981
74. Meyer, Joseph - The Herbalist - Meyesbooks, Glenwood, Illinois - 1986
75. Mills, Simon Y., M.A., M.N.I.M.H. - The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism -Thorsons Publishing Group - Wellingborough, N.Y. - 1985
76. Mogheisi, Kamran S., M.D., - Birth Defects and Fetal Development -Endocrine and Metabolic Factors - Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL - 1974
77. Monet, Pierre - Everyday Life In Egypt In the Days of Ramsesses the Great -University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia - 1881
78. Money, John - Sex Errors of the Body - John Hopkins Press - Baltimore -1968
79. Moore, Mary Lou, R.N., M.t., - Realities in Childbearing - W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia - 1978
80. Moreeki, A., editor - Biomechanics of Motion - Springer - Verlag - 1980
81. Morgan, Elaine - The Aquatic Ape - Stein and Day - N.Y. - 1982
82. Morse, Donal Roy, D.D.S., M.A., Furst, M. Lawrence, Ph.D., M.P.H. -Women Under Stress - Van Norstrand and Reinhold Co., N.Y. 1982
83. Munk, Michael L. and Eii and Levenger, I.M. - Shechita - Religious, Historical and Scientific Aspects - Gur Aryeh - Institute for Advanced Jewish Scholarship - Brooklyn, N.Y. - 1976
84. Murchie, Guy - The Seven Mysteries of Life - Honghton Mifflin Co., Boston -1978
85. Nagle, James J. - Heredity and Human Affairs - C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, MO - 1974
86. National Council On Radiation Protection and Measurements - Carbon - 14 in the Environment - NCRP Report No. 81 - Bethesda, Maryland
87. National Council On Radiation Protection and Measurements - Biological Effects and Exposure Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields -NCRP Report No. 86 - Bethesda, Maryland.
88. Najar, Mahmoud Y. EI, Ph.D. and McWilliams, K. Richard, Ph.D., - Forensic Anthropology - The Structure, Morphology and Variation of Human Bone and Dentition - Charles C. Thomas, Publisher - Springfield, Illinois - 1978
89. Nechar, James W., and the editors of Prevention Magazine - Whole Body Healing - Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania 1983
90. Neely, James C, M.D. - Gender - The Myth of Equality - Simon and Schuster, N.Y. 1981
91. Ortner, Donald J., Putschar, Walter G. - ^identification of Pathological Conditions In Human Skeletal Remains - Smithsonian Institution Press - 1985
92. Oxnard, Charles - The Order of Man - Yale University Press - New Haven and London - 1984.
93. Parsons, Jacquelynne - editor - The Psychobiology of Sex Differences and Sex Roles - Hemisphere Publishing Corp., N.Y., 1980
94. Patton, S. and Jensen, R.G. - Biomedical Aspects of Lactation - Pergamon Press - Oxford - 1976
95. Polivanov, K. - The Theory of Electromagnetic Field - Mir Publishers, Moscow -1975
96. Pollack, Robert L., Ph.D., - The Pain - Free Tryptophan Diet - Warner Books -1986
97. Potter, Norris, Kasdon, Lawrence, Rayson, Ann. Dr. - The Hawaiian Monarchy -The Bess Press, Inc., Honolulu - 1983
98. Rama, Swami, Baliantine, Rudolf, M.D., Hymes, Alan, M.D. - The Science of Breath - A Practical Guide - The Himalayan International Institute - or Yoga Science and Philosophy - Honesdale, Pennsylvania - 1981
99. Restah, Richard, M.D. - The Brain - Bantam Books - 1984
100. Rivlin, Robert and Gravelle, Karen - Deciphering the Senses - The Expanding World of Human Perception - Simon and Schuster, Inc., N.Y., 1984
101. Robinson, John T. - Early Hominid Posture and Locomotion - University of Chicago Press - 1972
102. Rombert, Henry C, M.D. - Bris Milah - A Book About the Jewish Ritual of Circumcision - Feldheim Publishing - Jerusalem - 1982
103. Rodale Press - The New Encyclopedia of Common Diseases - Editors of Prevention Magazine - 1983
104. Shepher, Joseph - Incest, A Biosociaf View - Academic Press, N.Y. - 1983
105. Shipman, Pat, Walker, Alan, Bichell, David - The Human Skeleton - Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts - 1985
106. Siegler, H.R., Evolution or Degeneration - Which? - Northwestern Publishing House - Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 1972
107. Sinclair, Marjorie - Nahi'Ena'Ena - Sacred Daughter of Hawai'i - The University Press of Hawaii - Honolyly - 1976
108. Smith - Jo Durden - and Desimone, Diane - Sex and the Brain - Arbor House -1983 - N.Y.
109. Steele, E.J. - Somatic Selection and Adaptive Evolution - On the Inheritance of Acquired Characters - University of Chicago Press - 1981
110. Steer, Charles M. - Moloys Evaluation of the Pelvis in Obstetrics - Plenum Press, N.Y. - 1975
111. Stoppard, Miriam, Dr. - Pregnancy and Birth Book -. Villard Books, N.Y. -1986
112. Swindler, Daris R. and Wood, Charles D. - An Atlas of Primate Gross Anatomy and Man, Chimpanzee, Baboon - Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co., Malabar, Florida - 1982
113. Valeri, Valerio - Kingship and Sacrifice Ritual and Society in Ancient Hawaii - The University of Chicago Press - 1985
114. Van Daniken, Erich - According to the Evidence - The Chaucer Press - Great Britain - 1977
115. Van Daniken, Erich - Chariots of the Gods - Bantam Books, N.Y. - 1974.
116. Velazques, Antonio - editor - Genetic Factors in Nutrition - Academic Press, N.Y. - 1984
117. Verny, Thomas, M.D. - The Secret Life of the Unborn Child - Summit Books, N.Y. - 1981
118. Velikovsky, Emmanuel - Oedipus and Akhnaton - Simon and Schuster - N.Y. -1960
119. Watson, George, Dr., - Nutrition and Your Mind - Bantam Books, N.Y. -1974
120. West, John Anthony - The Travelers Key to Ancient Egypt - A Guide to the Sacred Places of Ancient Egypt - Alfred A. Knopf, N.Y. - 1985
121. Wexu, Mario, D.AC. - The Ear - A Modern Guide to Ear Acupuncture - Aurora Press - N.Y. - 1975
122. Wiedeman, Greisheimer - Physiology and Anatomy - J.B. Lippincott Co., 1972 - Philadelphia
123. Weiderneich, Franz - Apes, Giants and Man - University of Chicago Press -1970
124. Weiss, Mark L., and Mann, Alan E. - Human Biology and Behavior - An Anthropological Prespective - Little, Brown and Company, Boston - 1978
125. Wilson, Edward O. - Sociobiology - The Belknap Press - Harvard University Press - Cambridge - 1980
126. Wyngaarden, M.D. and Smith, Lloyd H., Jr., M.D. - Textbook of Medicine -Volumes I & II - W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia - 1982
127. Wynn, Ralph, Editor - The Biology of the Uterus - Plenum Press, N.Y. -1977
128. Yepsen, Roger B., editor - The Encyclopedia of Natural Insect and Disease
Control - Rodale Press, Emmanus, Pennsylvania - 1984
129. Youmans, Guy, M.D., Ph.D.; Paterson, Philip Y., M.D.; Sommers, Herbert M., M.D., - The Biological and Clinical Basis of Infectious Diseases -W.B. Saunders - Philadelphia - 1980
130. Zivanovic, Srboljub - Ancient Diseases - The Elements of Paleopathology -Pica Press, N.Y. - 1982


1. Whitelson, S.F. - The Brain Connection - Corpus Callosum Is Larger in Left-Handers - SCIENCE - August 16, 1985
2. Harber, Alfred, Ph.D. - Transitions in Health Statutes: Implication for Dietary Recommendations - Journal of Clinical Nutrition - May, 1987
3. Kasting, James F. and Ackerman, Thomas P. - Climatic Consequences of Very High Carbon Dioxide Levels in the Earth's Early Atmosphere - SCIENCE -December 12, 1986
4. Hinkle, P.M. and Kinsella, P.A. - Thyroid Hormone Induction of an Autocrine Growth Factor Secreted by Pituitary Tumor Cells - SCIENCE - December 19, 1986
5. Millier. Jule Ann - Parthenogenesis - Mammals Need Moms and Dads -BIOSCIENCE - 1987
6. Moody, Mark D. - Microorganisms and Iron Limitation - BIOSCIENCE -October, 1986
7. Russel, Mary - The Supraorbital Torus - A Remarkable Peculiarity - CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY - June, 1985
8. Verneuil, H. De, Champe, B. Grand, Beaumont, Pscat, C, -Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase Structural Mutant (Gly —> Glu) In Case of Porphyrin SCIENCE - November 7, 1986


Sushine: Every Little Bit Hurts - Prevention Magazine - June, 1987
New Benefits Seen in Vitamin A Therapy - SCIENCE NEWS - May 23, 1987
Zinc: Moderator in Brain Cell Chatter? - SCIENCE NEWS - May 16, 1987

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