They describe the very aerial machines we are trying to create today. To attribute what these people describe as mental delusion has no bearing here for the detail is superb as was found of the ship of Ezekial. The most valuable texts are the Egyptian, Sumerian and especially the Veda for flying vehicles. It would not be appropriate to hit the reader full-face with these very stark accounts of high technology eons before ours without first an introduction to the skills they had in aerodynamics and weaponry.
If ever you thought you were in the middle of a Star Wars or Star Trek movie this would be it. It also shows how powerful mental engrains can be for the resemblance in these films is uncanny.
As the Veda says of its history,
You will find some of those great "poets" today in George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Gene Roddenberry.
And in writers as Eric Von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin who are tripping old engrams of these days past just as Heinrich Schliemann swore there was a Troy despite those who laughed at him and by intuition and genetic memory, found the city of his "dreams."
All of us though, harbor some memory of these past times, whether it lies dormant or not depends on many factors.
Put to the test it soared, it was a small scale model - of the real thing?
That is for us to investigate through these histories. Even the laser-type swords used in Star Wars are well displayed throughout these writings called the "thunderbolts" and as we will see the duels they fought are quite reminiscent. Actors of Star Trek may think they are only acting out parts when they speak into their wrist transmitters but a Sumerian pictograph seems to point this out with very curious wrist ornaments that seem to be not bracelets.
There are "bright shining birds" and "celestial weapons" and horses that take to the sky,
When is the last time your hair stood on end when a boat passed by?
This profound statement alone tells us electro-magnetic power was being used. The ships of the Pandava seem to be run on crystal while those of the opposition on "Elixir", or fuel, but all seem to use the electromagnetic powered ships when they could. Even the automatic opening doors, a la Star Trek, are used by saying a name in Egyptian texts.
And, we will see 'Scotty' beaming up someone numerous times. In a passage from the Veda it states that:
These 'horses' are quite unusual - "the thunderbolt of the baronage is their steeds - the steeds are known to be indestructible.
Vadava gave birth to the chariot steed - hence the name suta for those who drive the horses.
Animals used seem to be more as military insignia and symbolism. Amen-Ra of Egyptian texts called also the "Traveler" who,
One thing we have to divorce from our minds is that these animal representations are some bizarre worship or wild mental symbolism.
They drew from nature the forms they could use and which signified their behavior patterns. We have our military units through history and men such as The Desert Fox, (Field Marshall Rommel) the Sea Wolves, a World War II unit, the Flying Tigers, etc. I can just see the headlines 2,000 years from now - "Primitives in the I970's were so ignorant they actually believed an 'eagle' had landed on the moon!"
And some academic know-all will state we rose from someone so primitive. What a game we play. Hawk-headed Gods seem to imply flying units, dog-headed, trouble-shooters, being keen and alert. The Egyptian God Seb was represented by a goose called the Seh as he made his way through the sky in its form. We should ponder whether the twelve symbols of the Zodiac merely represent units who were deployed in sections of space.
There are ships described which can come from water to air,
Are not the horses that fly from which we get our Pegasus myth?
Mystics have told us that the animals in Egyptian history are some great symbolism but the Veda comes right out and tells us what they are. The vulture, the apes, the monkeys, the lion, the bulls, the crocodile and hawk are symbols of the people or groups, more basically, military units as the Wolverines, Blue Angels, the monkey patch of the 2nd Calvary Division in our times.
My father was a 'monkey'. The vultures, hawks, falcons, are aerial commands, no mysticism here. The apes, monkeys are infantry and artillery groups. The snakes are electrical engineers, communication, etc. The crocodiles of Egyptian hieroglyphics are represented in the Veda with the legions of Rama hoisting their crocodile flag, with "its maw wide open, terror of fishes, waved brightly on the chariot, sowing fear before the army entire of Salva.
Animals also represented physical conditions, as the Baboons, who represent those with prognathous jaws having weak pineal glands as baboons are known to have.
In other words, she hopes he will become a part of the star fleet, for to reach the stars was the epitome of wisdom and manhood. Some Gods as Krishna, were called the "bird-bannered God" while others had the sign of the Nibiru family, the golden lion.
Interestingly, in both the Egyptian and Veda texts, the Gods always circumnavigate their ships before taking off. In the Veda, the men sometimes circle before sitting down as a dog does, which is believed to be done to attune themselves to the magnetic forces of the earth.
Some 'chariots' seem to be open vehicles,
The "blood" from these ships we shall encounter often and it seem to merely be the loss of some sort of fuel of which there were many battles over.
The burning pools of the Gods as in the following seems to be from an attack.
There are many parallels in the stories from Egypt, the Bible, Sumerian and the Veda, as Enoch of the Bible has his counterpart as we will see in the Veda, and was taken aloft in a,
Some got a little carried away by the privilege,
An Egyptian text states,
The Veda describes temples and halls that move in the sky which were,
In the Sumerian texts, "Edins" (Edens) were created but they were no gardens but enclosed areas where they could reside from the impurities of the environment.
The Veda too speaks of them and those that could fly,
The relevancy of all this will come to us.
In Egyptian hieroglyphics it is shown
There was the "Castle of the Mace" in Egyptian history, which if this is a missile of some sort, may have housed it.
It was protected, very similar to that of the Biblical Eden, by whirling swords, and,
Even in the Epic of Gilgamesh he would encounter very similar obstacles.
They were well planned cities which "sported" massive iron wheels and a well laid plan of streets that avoided collisions with Fate" which indicates their genetic soundness as they abhorred those who fell to Fate, as they had great intuition and foresight.
All the Gods tried to obtain these 'Edens' that were "free from sorrow and disease. "
When anyone is mad in the Veda, they "burn like Brahma's staff. "
Depending on who had it of course measured the impact of it upon the people.
Apparently, it had its hazards for Rama, the original of the Ennead, when visited by his son in the Heavens has a "hand that was scarred from holding the thunderbolt," but this sounds more like he was using one of their famous laser swords. It was no doubt made of iron, copper or gold, the latter two excellent electrical conductors, the former for electromagnetic power.
One passage in the Veda calls it the "staff of Death" and was plated with gold. There was also the trident staff that was more the symbol of Indra, the famous symbol of the devil, however both sides seem to use it at various times. Some staffs were just as rods, others with hooked ends. It was often used with the famous 'disc' seen often in Egyptian and Sumerian pictographs hovering in the sky, as we will see how Moses used those above to help him as well as it seems to often draw power from these "celestial chariots."
It had great power and those who knew how to use it were greatly feared,
When the accomplished actor Charlton Heston in the Ten Commandments brandished the staff as Moses, little did he realize he was reenacting the use of a very powerful weapon as we shall come to see.
According to the Sumerian Tale of Aqhat, the staff can make, like a magicians wand, the bearer disappear and reappear at a different location.
I would never have understood the Veda and others if I were not a student of biomagnetism and recognized the accompanying pathological effects well represented in all the literature.
I soon found that what historians were calling myths, hysteria, mania, illusions, were not neuroses but from very planned and executed maneuvers,
His "senses were bottered by the Raksasa." How much we shall see that is trying to be accomplished today.
The 'snakes' are actually electrical emanations and what better fitting representation of the waves and erratic moves as like a snake? Those who could subdue them were called "eaters of Snakes."
There was some relationship between the snake and the staff, for Ra is shown holding a snake as Moses did. However, people see images and bizarre forms which is easily done with EMR and which we will later study.
In battle they trick one another by changing into a myriad of forms, probably through using holograms, and the legend of reincarnation took root from these times,
The snake also was used for transmitting and receiving. They used the geometries of nature continuously which we do only minimally, regretfully.
The "serpent-guide" worn upon the brow of the God Unas seems to be just such a transmitter and receiver in Egyptian texts and with it he was endowed with power and sailed the heavens.
However, it is both the Hebrew and the Egyptian texts that give us more as to what the 'snake' was as it means "word", "thing" and "matter." The 'tchet' sound of the Egyptians.
When Ra speaks to his assistants his voice is like the "humming of bees,"24 what better reference to a transmitted voice? They answer in a voice which resembles "weeping women" and of "men who moan" and others like "bulls" or "Roar of the living" or "cry of the divine hawk of Horus," all very reminiscent of garbled transmissions.
Actually, volumes could be written from the Veda especially, which gives us more detail on the use of their technology but we shall see much more through these pages.