by Susanne Posel
June 22, 2012
OccupyCorporatism Website

Wireless energy transfer (WET),
a.k.a. wireless energy transmission, is the transference of
electromagnetic energy transmitted from a central power source
without the use of connecting wires.
Tesla’s coil experiments, proving the feasibility of WET, during his
experiments in
Colorado Springs in the early 1900’s were the pre-cursor to
the “inventions” in this field today. After Tesla died, the US
government confiscated all documents pertaining to his experiments
and classified them. Since the 1950’s the US government has held
this technology in secret.
In the UK, the
induction power transfer (IPT) is the first
commercially available wireless electric car charger.
HaloIPT, a
start-up corporation has released this technology in certain areas
of England’s motorways or car parks. Electric cars will be charged
automatically when the integrated receive pad is enabled.
General Motors (GM) has invested $5 million into a wireless charging
device called
PowerMat that uses inductive charging, which transmits
electricity via magnets without any actual, physical connection.
Since GM is owned by the US government,
their new device may have more to do with the release of certain
Tesla technology covertly.
Marin Soljačić, assistant professor at MIT, searching for
ways to transmit power wirelessly, focused on midrange power that
could charge portable devices, such as cell phones, PDAs and
laptops. Using the phenomenon of resonant coupling, Soljačić was
able to tune two objects to the same frequency to exchange energy.
Magnetic resonance can freely transfer magnetic fields with little
effect on the surrounding environment. This technique enables
devices to automatically recharge by wireless transfer.
Soljačić attracted the attention of the US Department of Defense
(DoD); which are now funding more projects to prefect the
According to their
Fiscal Year 2012 Operational Energy
Budget Certification Report, they are researching experiments to
facilitate the energy required for military operations.
In the name of 'national security', the DoD is,
“directly [supporting] military
operations [that] require a steady supply of energy for mission
WET technology obviously would expedite
this need.
In conjunction with the,
“2009 National Defense Authorization
Act (NDAA) directed the appointment of a Director of Operational
Energy Plans and Programs in the DoD... are coordinating and
overseeing program activities related to the implementation of
operational energy [strategies], research and development,
investments” for the exclusive use of the US government.
Dr. Heinz Schandal, lead
researcher for the Social Systems, Institutions and Governance in
the Social and Economic Sciences Program at CSIRO Sustainable
Ecosystems, is working with governments and local communities in
Australia and the
Asia-Pacific region to make “recommendations”
regarding industrial and developing nations and their relationship
to sustainability.
Schandal, working with the United National Environment Program
under the
CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems Corporation, is coercing and
pressuring nations worldwide through eco-terrorism to alter their
lifestyle and consumption to reflect the UNEP’s international
In Australia, the UNEP and Schanal are admonishing the government of
consequences of their resource use and emissions.
Seeking to change governmental policy to
reflect the UN’s sustainable development adherence, as well as
control individual household rights to energy and consumption,
Australia is being pressured to adopt the mandates in the
the Green Collar Economy report.
Under the
Millennium Project of the American Council for the United
Nations University is turning toward WET to answer global energy
Soljačić’s technique for resonance transfer of magnetic fields is
perfect technology to further the UN’s movement toward
governance over the world’s use of electricity. The UN admonishes
carbon dioxide emissions as the direct causation to global warming
(although this theory has been debunked by empirical scientific
With wireless energy transmission,
Jerome Glenn, director of the Millennium Project, claims they
will avert a,
“potentially catastrophic” global
problem “and eventually open up new energy sources such as solar
panels in Earth’s orbit.”
Funding for the UN’s new control
endeavor is coming from the National Science Foundation (NSF) in
collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) and the Electric Power Research Institute.
Essentially, the US government is working with the UN to develop
wireless energy transmission technology for the express use of
United Nations.
The support of the US government in the schemes of global governance
of the UN locks this once independent nation into being an accessory
to the march of the globalist Elite toward one world government.