Harry Mason
NEXUS Magazine
August - September
Part 1 of this "Bright Skies" series of articles described an
anomalous event consisting of a bright, low altitude flat-trajectory
fireball, a huge flash of blue-white light, a major explosion, a red
flare rising skywards to a great height, and a 3.6-3.9 Richter-scale
earthquake which occurred on the late evening of 28 May 1993 on or
close to Banjawarn sheep station (ranch) in the northeastern
Goldfields region of Western Australia.
The majority of eyewitness evidence placed the "ground zero" of the
one-to-two-kilotonne explosion on the northwestern edge of this Banjawarn property. A large hemisphere (some two times as large as a
half-setting Sun) of opaque orange-red color with a silver lining
then rose from ground level to bob around for two hours before
turning off as if a light switch had been thrown.
This sheep station soon became newsworthy due to its purchase and
occupation in 1993 by the Japanese sect, the AUM Supreme Truth (AUM
Shinrikyo), of Tokyo subway gas-attack fame. The
sect’s stated purpose at that time was "to conduct experiments there
[at Banjawarn] for the benefit of mankind". It was reported in the
media in 1995 that AUM sect members had experimented there with
sarin nerve gas on sheep as a prelude to the Tokyo gas attack on 20
March 1995.
The AUM sect’s deputy leader, Kiyohide Hayakawa, visited Perth in
April 1993. Aided by a Perth-based contact helper cum agent
(Japanese Mahikari religious cult member and Japanese-born Yasuko
Shimada), he hired a light plane and flew with a Perth real estate
consultant (Japanese-Australian, Micky Webb) out to the
north-eastern Goldfields to view several "for sale" sheep stations.
Interestingly, in his pre-AUM days, Hayakawa had studied for his
Masters degree at Osaka University in "Greening Technology". His
thesis is marked highly confidential and is under top-secret wraps.
The University authorities originally stated that he studied
"Anti-Desertification" in the "Climate Engineering" department.
However Japanese investigative journalist Yoichi Shimatsu (see web
www.pelago.com) has uncovered strong evidence that this
department is a cover for secret Japanese electro-magnetic (E/M)
weapons research.
More recently, in a response to Shimatsu’s published story
concerning Hayakawa’s true area of study, the Osaka University now
insists that Hayakawa studied "Landscape Engineering". The outcome
of the deployment of certain types of E/M weapons is, if you like, a
higher order of "Landscape Engineering"!
Such E/M weapons system effects may explain the bizarre, severe
storms experienced by China and North Korea in recent years. These
weapons systems appear to be candidates, amongst many other
examples, for the geophysical environmental warfare weapons
originally envisaged by Professor Gordon McDonald in Nigel Calder’s
1968 book, "Unless Peace Comes". Totally unprecedented in historical
record, these recent storm systems have, in the case of North Korea,
completely devastated her agricultural output and caused widespread
famine at a very convenient time for certain powers.
Other Japanese universities also run "Desert Engineering"
departments i.e. Tsukuba, and Tokyo (Kobe Steel Chair). These are
also believed to conduct modern E/M weapons research as part of a
large covert Japanese programme into futuristic weapons systems.
Hayakawa left Osaka University and soon found his way into the
Unification Church - the Korean Moonies sect.
The Reverend Moon was a long time friend of the recently deceased
North Korean "Great Leader", and is now known as an associate of
George Bush in new Moonie ventures in South America. After some
years Hayakawa became a high ranking member of the Moonies but broke
with this sect under cloudy circumstances in 1987. He left the
Moonies (with their permission?) with 20 million dollars of their
funds, the deeds to several Tokyo buildings, and the rights to
several Moonie businesses, and joined the AUM sect.
According to an analyst for the Japanese Police, Hayakawa was under
surveillance at this time - believed to be a possible spy for the
North Korean military. He inadvertently led them straight to the
relatively unknown AUM sect.
Hayakawa apparently utilized these Moonie assets to buy his way into
the AUM sect - to whom he brought some 35 fellow Moonies. He almost
immediately rose to the position of deputy leader, and ran a nearly
separate organization, surrounded by his ex-Moonie cadres, in his
so-called "AUM Construction Ministry". Hayakawa reportedly began to
use the multi-faceted AUM organization as a convenient cover for a
variety of drugs, arms, and high-tech scientific equipment (of use
in weapons manufacture) dealings around the world.
For instance, during the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein was included
amongst his trading partners.
Hayakawa visited Russia 22 times, and
North Korea 17 times since 1992, and traded with KGB official
Masenko - operating under the cover of the Ukraine Ministry of
Industry and Trade. Masenko had previously worked closely with the
Ukranian chapter of the Unification Church since at least the mid -
Yasuko Shimada, Hayakawa’s contact and helper in Western Australia,
also had an interesting career prior to her 1993 Banjawarn role,
according to author Garry Greenwood.
In his 1997 book, "All The Emperor’s Men", Greenwood discusses his
experiences with the international Japanese cult Mahikari. He was a
devoted member of this "New Civilization" spiritual healing religion
for some 17 years and was their number-two spiritual
leader/executive in Australia for about 10 years.
Several years ago Greenwood left this sect upon discovering, on a
private visit to Japan to research it’s true nature, that its
founder, Lt. Col. Yoshikazu Okada (ex-Emperor’s bodyguard and
Imperial Guards), had been instrumental in planning the Japanese
Army’s infamous "Rape of Nanking" in China - prior to World War II.
He also found out that at the higher Japanese Mahikari command
levels the cult was viewed as designed with just one purpose: to
initiate the placement of the current Emperor of Japan back to his
"rightful" position as Emperor of Planet Earth within our lifetime.
Apparently these people believe that in an earlier life time, many
thousands of years ago, the present Japanese Emperor ruled this
entire planet, and that it is now his ordained destiny to rule the
Earth again. I have often wondered where the Asian "anti-christ" of Nostradamus’s World War III armagedon predictions would surface from
Greenwood noted that Hayakawa’s 1993 Perth contact, Yasuko Shimada,
was instrumental in establishing Mahikari in Australia in 1974. This
cult has only some 2,000 members here, but it concentrates on the
rich and powerful.
Jo Court, the wife of Western Australian Premier Richard Court, has
been a member for some 15 years, and she and her husband celebrated
his February 1993 election win nearly all the next day at the Perth Mahikari temple, before leaving a few weeks later on a holiday tour
of Japan, reportedly involving many meetings with powerful and
influential Mahikari-sponsored Japanese "businessmen".
[It is interesting just how many events in this
Banjawarn story
happened in sequence during early 1993.
In April 1993 yet another Japanese group arrived in W.A. The
Japanese Environment Ministry approached the Western Australian
Government with a plan to undertake an "Anti-Desertification" study
in the Eastern Goldfields area of W.A. This project went silent
after the AUM affair exploded into the World news, but after help by
Richard Court, deputy premier Hendy Cowan, and the Goldfields and
Esperance Development Corporation it is now in full swing around Kalgoorlie and Laverton. Japanese university post graduate students
are tending electronic monitoring equipment installed all over these
areas of the Eastern Goldfields - "in-order to learn how to Green
Third-World Deserts".
Anyone who has seen these actual Goldfields "Semi-Desert" areas over
the last few years can attest to the ludicrous nature of this
obvious cover story. Our "Semi-Deserts" are now very green with lush
bush vegetation that has experienced enormous and historically
anomalous rainfall during the 1990’s such that low level mists, high
humidity, and lakes of water have persisted during much of the
Winter. These regions do not resemble any "Third World Deserts" -
and I have seen many in my world resource exploration work in Asia,
The Middle East, and Africa. This Goldfields region appears to be
undergoing a major "Climate Engineering"
change. We cannot be
certain if this is of natural or "man-made" (eg. Hayakawa and Osaka
University) origin. This entire scenario will be the subject of
another article in the near future. However it would appear that the
Japanese sensors are there to observe E/M fields and their
environmental effects.]
Joint research by Yoichi Shimatsu in Japan and
Garry Greenwood has
uncovered a trail of connections between the covert Japanese
money-power supporters of both the AUM and Mahikari sects.
These included prominent LDP (Liberal Democratic Party)
such as Shintaro Ishihara, co-author with the late Sony chairman
Akio Morita of a book entitled "The Japan That Can Say No".
This 1989 book’s basic thesis suggested that Japan should ally with
Russia, and that by mating Japanese microchips to Russian
super-weapons they could put the finger up to the USA and jointly
rule the world. It appears to describe the plan that is currently
being followed by a covert money-power group that control the
Japanese Government.
Mahikari and the AUM were also connected by major financial and
political support from now deceased LDP "kingmaker" Shin Kanemaru.
When his home was finally raided by Japanese Police, after the 1995
Tokyo Sub-way gas attack, he was found to have many odd discus
shaped gold ingots in his safe, exactly similar to those found in
the cellars of a major AUM factory complex.
(NB. The US Senate
inquiry team into the AUM were never allowed by Japanese Authorities
to follow the AUM and Kanemaru money trail - no reason for this was
ever offered by either party).
Much evidence suggests that both the Japanese
AUM and Mahikari sects are cover for offshoots of covert Japanese God-Emperor worship
groups and serve mainly as deniable political (and military
technology) action arms intended to aid their particular Japanese
brand of world hegemony. It is unlikely that most international
members are aware of this or their dupe roles in this scenario. Jo
Court was informed of this Mahikari-Emperor scenario by her (now
ex-) friend Garry Greenwood, but she refused to believe it.
Greenwood also noted the strange adoption by the Mahikari sect of
the Jewish "Star of David" emblem - which adorns the roof of their
temples, and he uncovered evidence suggesting that Mahikari were
following the tenets and indicated action plans of the "Protocols of
the Elders of Zion" in their push for World Dominion.
These "Protocols" first surfaced in Russia in the early 20th.
Century and are variously alleged to be
(a) fakes and forgeries -
put out by the Tsar’s Secret Police to link the revolutionary
communist movement to a larger, but actually non-existent, plot by
Jewish-Zionist groups in a push for World domination (the Jewish
viewpoint), and/or
(b) a true conspiracy plan of certain Jewish
powers to take over the entire World (the non-jewish, largely right
wing/fascist viewpoint).
It is intriguing that Hideo Murai’s last words made immediately
after his fatal knifing in Tokyo 1995 by a North Korean were
interpreted as "The Jews got me ......".
In April 1993 Hayakawa, aided by a Perth real estate consultant, and
a US geologist spent 12 days examining sheep station properties in
the Leonora-Laverton outback region of Western Australia.
Several years of poor wool prices and very high interest rates had
caused many station owners in this area to want out - if only they
could find buyers to recoup some of their original investments and
allow for retirement on the coast - any buyers would do.
Flying in to each station, Hayakawa strangely and openly asked to be
shown immediately the uranium prospects that were located there.
Hayakawa took small rock samples away for assay from each uranium
prospect that he was shown. He then requested a station 4WD vehicle
to "tour the station alone to view the property potential and make
up his mind re purchase".
In the mid 1970’s a mini-Uranium boom had led to the discovery in
the Leonora - Laverton region of many small uneconomic Uranium
mineral "shows", or "prospects", located in young carbonate
sediments developed within or adjacent to salt lake depressions. The
regional Archaean age granites are often quite "hot" with minor
amounts of Uranium mineralization. This has been leached out and
re-deposited as higher concentrations in the recently formed local
carbonate sediments. These Uranium occurrences have all received
considerable attention by mineral exploration companies in the last
few decades and reports about the individual prospects are on open
file at the Perth W.A. Mines Department.
None of these Uranium prospects are considered to even approach
potentially economic resource status - due to their very small size
and very low grade ore.
According to information from the real estate agent, Hayakawa drove
to locations within the central areas of the properties; often over
the soil- covered granites. At first he attempted to drill two small
holes into the ground with a small portable rock-drill, but the
drill soon failed and he had to dig small holes by spade. He placed
an electrode into each of the two ground holes, connected these to a
small electrical instrument about the size of a fax machine, and
proceeded to record some electrical or electromagnetic variable for
several hours at each site. He did not move the electrodes at all
during this process. Back at the station quarters he would
"number-crunch" this data all night long on a powerful portable
computer. Hayakawa was reportedly aided in these field survey
endeavors by
female US geologist Vicky McNeil.
To date no one has been able to locate any information on McNeil or
track her down to request further details on Hayakawa’s work at
these sheep stations.
Hayakawa was rather touchy when the real estate consultant asked him
what these procedures were all about, and he mumbled that it was
necessary for the AUM’s future experiments "for the benefit of
mankind" to choose the correct location. In fact, he carried out
these ground geophysical surveys without the knowledge of any of the
station owners, who thought the visitors were merely sightseeing
around their properties in station 4WD vehicles.
As a geophysicist often involved in geophysical surveys of many
types for mineral exploration purposes, I could not immediately
understand or deduce what electrical system Hayakawa was
or for what purpose. Normal electrical and electromagnetic ground
surveys involve moving the sensors along lines over the prospective
ore-body location, not measuring some parameter for hours at one
static location, and never involve number-crunching the measurements
all night long. This procedure of uranium sampling, ground
geophysics and all-night number-crunching was repeated at each sheep
station that Hayakawa visited.
Eventually, after further aerial surveying of Banjawarn,
decided that this station was ideal for the AUM’s purposes. It
appears that he chose Banjawarn due to its isolation rather than its
contained uranium prospects which, if anything, were much smaller
and lower in grade than those located on the other stations he had
Banjawarn is arguably the most isolated sheep station in the Eastern
Goldfields, and the area lying along its northern, northeastern and
eastern perimeter is even more isolated sand-dune/ spinifex country
linked to the edges of the Gibson Desert. The entire area is almost
totally devoid of inhabitants (the nearest neighbors in 1993, if
any were in residence that night, being 100 kilometers or more
distant), and it contains very limited infrastructure such as a few
generally quite poor-quality bush access tracks and one entry road.
Hayakawa attempted to purchase the station then and there in
mid-April 1993, showing the owner a briefcase full of Australian
paper money notes. The owner, being a prudent man and well aware of
color ink-jet printers, refused to deal in that manner and
requested a properly signed legal purchase document coupled with the
exchange of a reputable W.A. bank cheque.
Obviously Hayakawa was keen for the AUM to own the
Banjawarn station
right away, in mid-April 1993 - which suggests he was operating to a
tight time schedule.
Hayakawa then immediately returned to Perth and departed for Tokyo,
but in early May 1993 he traveled to the Soviet naval base at Cam Rahn Bay in Vietnam - according to Japanese Police inspection of his
travel agent’s ticket stub lists.
Later in April 1993 two other AUM personnel arrived in Perth from
Tokyo, whereupon they utilized the services of a firm of solicitors
to establish a W.A. company and draw up a legal purchase document
which would be satisfactory to the owners of Banjawarn station.
These AUM representatives had a poor command of English and were
quite agitated at the slow and lengthy legal process necessary to
effect the purchase agreement - which again suggests a tight
timetable for their agenda.
This Banjawarn purchase agreement was signed on 23 April 1993.
Yasuko Shimada, being an Australian resident, was co-signatory on
the AUM’s W.A. company (Mahaposya Pty. Ltd.), and on the
ownership papers, in order to help the AUM get past Australian land
ownership regulations. Without her "Mahikari" help the
AUM would
have had severe problems in gaining title to Banjawarn and
conducting their experiments there "for the benefit of mankind".
I find it interesting that
the Mahikari sect includes amongst its
members the wife of the Premier of Western Australia. The same
Premier who had an investigation conducted into the AUM sect’s
activities in connection with the "Banjawarn Bang". He was prompted
by my 1995 report to him regarding the early
fireball/explosion/quake data that suggested this event could have
been nuclear in nature and was certainly suspicious enough to
warrant a full scientific investigation.
Premier Court stated in a letter to me (dated 15 May 1996) that this
W.A. Police inquiry had established that the Banjawarn event was
natural in origin.
Yet not one of the eyewitnesses (whose testimony and contact details
were detailed in my report) was ever approached by the WA Police (or
anyone else) during the alleged investigation. It appears there is
room here for some interesting scenarios and, at least, a few
important questions require answering.
The exchange of the AUM’s bank cheque to the owner of Banjawarn took
place on 1 June 1993. Thus, actual ownership of Banjawarn station
was in the hands of the AUM sect via a front company (Mayaposa Pty.
Ltd.) only three days after the fireball event of 28 May 1993,
though this had been guaranteed by signed agreement some 35 days
before the Banjawarn fireball event.
The WA Government’s Pastoral
Board finally registered the official change of ownership on 1
September 1993; this slowness was presumably a combination of
’speedy’ lawyers’ paperwork, postal services and typical government
bureaucratic ’efficiency’.
In mid-1995 the chief council of the US Senate inquiry into the AUM
sect informed this author of the AUM’s great interest in Nikola
Tesla’s E/M earthquake-inducing weapons technology. This
suggested an interesting line of research and posed the question of
whether there was a connection between the bizarre
fireball-explosion-earthquake events of the night of 28 May 1993 and
the interest shown by Hayakawa and the AUM sect in
On 26 May 1993 a party of Australian and Japanese amateur
astronomers was touring the Goldfields en route from Leonora to
Meekatharra when they encountered a group of several Japanese people
camped in the bush north of Leonora. The Japanese astronomers
remarked to their companions that these people were quite strange in
their demeanor and conversation, and they were seen to be very
oddly attired.
It is quite possible they were a group of AUM sect members - who
were reknown in Japan for strange dress and behavior. From where
they were camped it was only about one hour by 4WD vehicle on bush
roads to the 28 May event’s ground-zero location near or on Banjawarn station. These people were ideally placed to cover the
fireball events that occurred just two days later. Japanese tourists
are very rare in this region which is well off the beaten track.
The Australian Federal Police informed me in April 1995 that AUM
sect personnel, including their science minister Hideo Murai (a
nuclear physicist, regarded as "the most intelligent living
Japanese"), were at Banjawarn on 28 May 1993, having arrived in
Australia in mid-May.
[Interestingly Hideo Murai also had a pre - AUM background in E/M
technology. He had worked at Kobe Steel researching micro-wave and
other E/M ray/wave technology applications for cold molding of
steel, having graduated as an astrophysicist specializing in cosmic
X-ray analysis. His Kobe Steel laboratory was at the exact
of the great 17-01-1995 Kobe earthquake.
Amazingly this quake was predicted by
Asahara some 9 days before the
event. He stated in a Tokyo radio broadcast on the 8th. of January
1995 that "a foreign power" would initiate a quake at Kobe by means
of an E/M weapons system. He was possibly forewarned by Russian
"KGB" intelligence operatives? Murai stated at the Foreign Press
Correspondents Club in Tokyo on the 7th. of April 1995 that
is a possibility that the Great Hanshin (Kobe) Earthquake was
activated by electromagnetic power or some other device that exerts
energy into the ground"].
About one month later the Federal Police retracted this "AUM at
Banjawarn on 28-05-93" story, stating that there was no evidence of
any AUM members being at Banjawarn (or in
Australia) at the time of
the fireball event, therefore the AUM could not have been involved
in the events of the 28th. of May 1993. The amateur astronomers’
information suggests that the Federal Police were at best mistaken.
Unknown AUM members could have easily arrived in eastern Australia
posing as Japanese tourists and thus would have been missed by
Australian immigration authorities. The Australian Federal Police
also claimed later that ownership of the Banjawarn station was only
transferred to the AUM sect as late as September 1993, hence there
was no possible tie-up with the fireball events.
Technically this is correct, since this was when the WA Pastoral
Board registered the change of ownership. However, this claim is
very misleading since an agreement to sell the station was signed by
both parties on 23 April 1993, and the AUM handed over the bank
cheque on 1 June 1993.
At the time of the "fireball" event at 23.03 hours on
Friday evening
28th May 1993, the AUM knew that
Banjawarn was theirs by legally
enforceable right. They also knew that there was rarely anyone in
residence at the station buildings during weekends from Friday to
Monday when, typically, the station owner and his wife would drive
100 kilometers to the south-west to stay with relatives.
The party of strangely dressed Japanese persons (AUM?) could easily
have checked that all tracks in the event ground-zero were devoid of
personnel - if such was even considered necessary.
They could certainly have filmed the events of 28 May and/or carried
out monitoring of field scientific parameters.
In late September 1993 Shoko Asahara, the bearded guru-leader of the
AUM sect, arrived in Perth with deputy leader Hayakawa and several
group members (including young teenage girls) carrying excess air
freight baggage reportedly costing some A$330,000. This "baggage"
included laboratory and "mining equipment" in the cargo hold, as
well as dangerous chemicals (hydrochloric acid) concealed in
toiletry containers and sake bottles in personal luggage. Many of
these items were confiscated by Australian Customs, and two AUM
members spent time in detention over their infringement of air
safety regulations.
The AUM entourage hired a couple of twin-engined planes to fly them
out to Banjawarn. They later utilized the planes for low-level
aerial recce around the entire station area as well as examination
of areas outside the station to the east, south and north.
The Australian Federal Police alleges that the AUM members tested
sarin nerve gas on sheep at Banjawarn station during their September
1993 occupation. The evidence for this is slim and would probably
fall down if ever tested in court. However, this is unlikely to
happen as AUM leader Asahara is being tried in a Tokyo court, and
the Banjawarn evidence has not been sought from the Australian
Federal Police in his case. Moreover, there is copious published
evidence that sarin was not the gas used in the Tokyo subway gas
Nerve, and other type, gas attacks on the Japanese railway system
and strange (possibly terrorist initiated) "accidents " to Japanese
nuclear power station plants have continued well after Asahara’s
There is some evidence pointing to North Korean terrorist activities
being the source of all of these incidents - including the original
Tokyo sub-way gas attack. Immediately after the 1995 Tokyo gas
attack half of the Japanese cabinet flew to North Korea for urgent
talks. Tensions have remained high for some time in this region
where North Korea has developed IRBM’s capable of hitting Tokyo with
"home grown" nukes, or biological and/or gas filled warheads.
Today, Asahara is generally being vilified in the Japanese/world
media and is kept in a cold cell; but Hayakawa is hardly ever heard
of - whilst held under "house arrest" where his ’warders’ call him
It appears likely that the AUM were simply nominated as the source
of the gas attack to shut down a compromised intelligence asset and
hide the true state of affairs between Japan and North Korea.
The eyewitness observations of the Banjawarn explosion of 28 May
1993 resemble a description of a night time nuclear blast.
Calculations utilizing the seismic signals received around W.A.
suggested that the energies involved in the explosion were at least 1 - 2 kilotonnes of TNT equivalent i.e. similar to a small nuclear
bomb. Following mid-1995 press and radio reports that linked the
to attempts to procure nuclear weapons, I decided that this
possibility was serious enough to alert the US Senate inquiry and
the Australian authorities.
However, a lack of radioactive dust particles in Australian
radiation laboratory dust collectors for that month, as well as
intelligence information and other considerations, soon led me to
discount the nuclear bomb theory. However the US Senate are still
researching this possibility.
During their brief one-month major occupation of Banjawarn station
in September-October 1993, the AUM entourage established a field
chemical laboratory in one of the Banjawarn station houses.
They also built a new graded track down to the edge of the large
salt lake south of the station buildings - presumably to allow
better access for uranium sampling.
There is solid evidence from Australian Federal Police sources that
the AUM re-sampled many uranium mineral shows in the district and
air-freighted a trunk load of local uranium ore back to Japan.
Samples of this ore left in the Banjawarn laboratory and found by
the Federal Police have been analyzed by the W.A. Government
Laboratory in Perth.
These rocks contained such low levels of uranium that the chemists
and Police laughed at the AUM’s apparent stupidity in attempting to
use these ores for the purpose of nuclear bomb-making. There is no
other evidence of any illegal uranium mining or large-scale sampling
by the AUM at or near Banjawarn.
Thus Hayakawa had undertaken geochemical sampling of the local
uranium shows before and after the 28 May ’93 Banjawarn fireball
event with its associated explosion, earthquake, and two-hour
orange-red hemispherical structure.
Later news reports, originating from an AUM prisoner in Tokyo,
suggested that the AUM had attempted to extract the fissionable 235U
isotope from the Banjawarn ore.
This nuclear technology story fitted the earlier press releases of
US Senator Sam Nunn, who, as senior member of the US Senate inquiry
into the
AUM sect and Weapons of
Mass Destruction (October-November 1995), had argued that there was
evidence the AUM had attempted to acquire nuclear weapons from their
Russian contacts, and had also attempted to develop their own
nuclear weapons in AUM factories.
On the available evidence, Nunn was worried that the AUM may have
succeeded in either endeavour and had therefore acquired nuclear
weapons. His worry was justified, given media information suggesting
that AUM leader Asahara was not only predicting a future major
nuclear war between Japan and the USA, but was also plotting to
initiate such a war by detonating a clandestine nuclear weapon
within the continental USA.
The ore available to the AUM at Banjawarn was very low in grade,
and, in common with all uranium ore, consisted of 99.999% 238U with
only very minuscule amounts of 235U - the highly reactive,
fissionable bomb-making uranium isotope.
Until the recent
development of a laser extraction technology, it would take years to
acquire useful amounts of this isotope, using large centrifuge and
gas extraction industrial plants operating on huge amounts of ore
with massive electrical power requirements. It still takes large
amounts of ore but can now be achieved in months rather than years.
It was obviously impossible for the AUM to effect recovery of
sufficient 235U for a standard uranium nuclear bomb in their field
laboratory and with their limited mining actions at Banjawarn. But a
"dirty" low-power bomb (238U-cased, non-nuclear normal explosive) or
a "dirty" high-power bomb (238U-cased tactical or micro-nuke, as
acquired from Russia?) could possibly have been achieved by the
AUM’s actions.
However, Hayakawa had expended a great deal of effort in his
geophysical all-night-long number-crunching surveys and in his
geochemical sampling of the local uranium shows. What was his
purpose, and was there a link with the events of 28 May 1993?
The possible links between the AUM sect and the Banjawarn events can
be summarized as:
(1) The AUM’s
interest in the same piece of Planet Earth as the strange
"fireball" and its associated events, and at approximately the
same time
(2) Hayakawa’s earlier "Landscape Engineering" work, i.e., E/M
weapons studies at Osaka University, and Murai’s E/M work at
Kobe Steel
(3) The US Senate inquiry chief lawyer’s comments re the
interest in Nikola Tesla’s earthquake-inducing EM weapons
(4) The intel links between the AUM and Soviet E/M weapons systems in 1991
(5) The strange nature of the multiple "fireball" events, as
reported by eyewitnesses, apparently not fitting a normal and
natural meteorite scenario, but resembling sentient controlled
Japanese seismologist’s first inkling of E/M earthquake inducing
weapons technology came at a joint meeting between them and Soviet
seismologists after the large Armenian earthquake of 1988.
Strongly supportive evidence about these weapons came from a Moscow
source developed by Japanese investigative journalists. This person
was present during a conference in Moscow (January 1990) when a top
Japanese delegation led by Foreign Minister Shintaro Abe met with
USSR President Gorbachev and his aide and Politburo member Alexander Yakovlev. Their intent was to establish "bilateral co-operation".
At further meetings in January 1991 Gorbachev via Yakovlev offered
the Japanese the USSR’s super-secret intercontinental range E/M
weapons technology - capable of producing earthquakes - for US$900
million. This E/M weapons system had been on active service in the
USSR since the early 1960s.
The Yomiuri Shimbun reported on the 4th. of May 1991 in an article
titled "Earthquake Weapons in the Latest Stage of Development" that
Russian press reports indicated Russia was on the verge of producing
an earthquake inducing weapon that artificially triggers large
quakes in enemy territory by making use of the movement of the
Earth’s crust; and that such a weapon system was being offered for
sale to Japan.
This Russian weapon was alleged to consist of
developed technology involving the detonation of a small nuclear
bomb at a specific highly stressed plate boundary thus initiating a
strong earthquake at the desired target location many thousands of
miles away. This explanation was probably a plausible lie to hide
knowledge of the true nature of the E/M weapon mechanism from the
It is a known documented fact that nukes do initiate quakes
at plate boundary locations.
[NB. In 1993 Zherinovsky (the Russian Presidential, KGB supported
candidate ?) made bellicose statements about a new Russian weapons
system - termed the Ellipton Bomb - that could strike and destroy
entire cities over intercontinental range - with no defense
Gorbachev also agreed with Japanese Diet member
Toshio Yamaguchi to
the setting up of a joint Japan-Russia University in Moscow that
would be tasked with co-opting the brightest young nuclear physicist
minds of both countries to develop new second- and third-generation
E/M super-weapons by mating Japanese microchip and electronics
know-how to Russian first- generation weapons technology. Note the
scenario similarity to the book "The Japan That Can Say No" !
This university was soon formed, and under the cover of "Cultural
Studies" was administered by the AUM sect and one
Lobov. Lobov
became Yeltsin’s head of The Security Council - after the late 1991
coup that removed Gorbachov. The AUM cadres first arrived in Moscow
in late 1991. Under the support of Lobov, given many hours free time
on Radio Moscow and access to the Russian army, the AUM soon had
more Russian members (> than 50,000) than Japanese (some 30,000).
The AUM were utilized to effect many covert arms purchases in Russia
as cover for the Japanese Government - who had covertly begun to
rearm with Russian weapons.
[Recently Japan went overt on arms purchases from Russia with press
announcements of orders for large numbers of the latest Mig and
Shukoi fighters and bombers - all presumably fitted with Russian
scalar E/M radar systems (operation of such scalar radars is
undetectable by western radar emission monitors) and also fitted
with valve electronic systems (capable of surviving plasma weapon EMP bursts),
such news being released coincidently with their
stated intentions of joint "communications" exercises. These
exercises may indicate joint scalar E/M weapon transmissions ?]
Yakovlev still managed the Japanese/AUM relationship - but from
behind Lobov - due to his close association with the now tainted
Gorbachov. Both met Hayakawa repeatedly over the next few years.
The asking price for this E/M weapons technology exchange was US$900
million - but it was not destined for the USSR exchequer. The US
Senate inquiry into the AUM found evidence that very large sums of
money had indeed been transferred to Lobov’s Swiss account, but did
not know why! Several persons ended up very dead in Russia whilst
attempting to research this scenario.
This intelligence raises the possibility that a test site would be
required for demonstrating the intercontinental range and
effectiveness of said E/M weapons system to the purchaser. The
weapon would need to be ’fired’ from an existing KGB transmitter (Tx)
site somewhere inside Russia, and/or from a KGB-controlled naval
vessel. (Remember, Hayakawa visited the Russian Navy at Cam Ranh Bay
soon after his April 1993 visit to W.A.)
Probably two or three actual transmitters would be required to
effect the fireball and associated events. This test site could not
be in highly populated Japan for obvious reasons; neither could it
be inside Russia’s borders, where the Russians totally controlled
the target site, since the purchaser might suspect a sham - set up
to extract their money.
Western Australia demonstrates a similar intercontinental test-range
distance from, say, the Siberian Kamchatka Peninsula to that from
Japan to the eastern seaboard cities of the USA. Kamchatka contains
a huge 30km diameter circular E/M weapons Tx site, on which the
infamous flight KAL 007 was attempting to gain intelligence before
being shot down by Soviet forces on 31 August 1983.
Obviously one or several test-firing demonstrations of the E/M
weapon system’s many capabilities would be in order before any
US$900 million could be handed over for the weapon. What better way
than to purchase an isolated Australian outback station to act as
the independent Japanese target and test range? Practically no one
lives in this desert to notice the tests. If someone did, they would
obviously dismiss them as natural meteorites. And the biggest and
most explosive test, and the one involving major earthquake
initiation, was best conducted prior to the AUM’s official residency
USA nuclear physicist and former US Army Lt.Col.
Tom Bearden has
researched Soviet E/M weapons systems for over twenty years.
He has
documented many eye-witness accounts from around the world of "Tesla Fireballs" and large spherical or hemi-spherical shaped orange-red "Tesla
Bearden believes that the Banjawarn incident and
associated events fit perfectly to known Soviet E/M weapons
technology. These weapons effects are created by the interaction of
ground, sea, or satellite based transmitters. They involve several
variants utilizing high frequency, micro-wave, or gamma ray
longitudinal Tesla waves - scalar waves as they are termed in
the USA, or "energetics" as they are known in Russia.
Tom Bearden believes that certain E/M weapon variants called "Tesla
Howitzers" project plasma fireballs containing enormous amounts of
infolded E/M energy for explosive action release over or within
targets at intercontinental range. Smaller versions can project
fireballs at aircraft to effect electrical overvoltage and
disruptive demolition in flight. Certain high power "E/M" energy
densities within the defensive "Tesla shield" can even cause
catastrophic failure to incoming missile structures.
Tom Bearden’s general Soviet E/M weapons thesis is supported by
Stefan T. Possony - a former US Defense Department Intelligence
officer who wrote in Defense & Foreign Affairs magazine that "
Tesla weapons (could) mean a military transformation whose
magnitude would exceed that of the nuclear and electronic space
Dr. John Colman - a former British Intelligence operative - has also
written a detailed manuscript about these Soviet Tesla "E/M"
weapon systems. The topic was also covered by mid 1970’s articles in
a British electronics journal.
The Tesla fireballs are created by three or more transmitters
broadcasting Tesla rays to create by ray interference a slug
of very high "infolded" E/M energy that is moved across 3D space by
manipulation of the ray Tx parameters. When over, or in, the target
their contained E/M energy is released in micro seconds to create
nuclear bomb sized explosions, or large earthquakes.
The Tesla shields consist of highly charged scalar E/M field
generated plasmas capable of blowing electrical circuits in missiles
or aircraft thus downing them or removing their threat potential for
accurate weapons delivery. These shields are also believed to be
capable of engineering changes within the atomic nucleus such that
slow application of low level E/M energy can be designed to
transmutes the nuclear isotopes within a warhead from say 235U to
Thus this technology can dud nuclear warheads in their silos or in
flight. Alternatively rapid application of high E/M energy levels
allows warheads to be prematurely detonated - where ever they
Therefore the nuclear bomb and the ICBM etc. are heading for the
junk heap and will soon be as relevant militarily as the Polish
cavalry charges against the Nazi tanks in World War II.
So why was Hayakawa carrying out a recce field geophysical survey on
the sheep stations around Banjawarn in April 1993? The
following scenario is considered plausible :
Hayakawa needed to know the Earth’s local "infolded" E/M (Tesla
ray) Earth telluric or magneto-telluric parameters.
[Tom Bearden believes that to obtain
the specific inner harmonic data required would necessitate
measurement of these parameters over several hours and would
require a powerful computer number crunching that data for
several more hours]
This data would allow for accurate targeting of the Russian E/M
weapon and allow for a study to detect changes induced during and
after the actual fireball-explosion-quake weapon test. Obviously the
Japanese powers wanted to know all they could about the technology.
For test purposes Hayakawa also required knowledge of the 235U/238U
ratio in the local uranium ore shows around the district. Repeating
these analyses after the tests would allow an assessment of the
nuclear warhead "dudding" ability of the Tesla rays within
the huge orange-red hemisphere that formed north of Banjawarn on the
night of 28 May ’93.
Thus, the simple AUM Banjawarn field laboratory could easily handle
analysis to determine the 235-U/238U isotope ratios of the local
uranium ore samples. Any changes in these ratios would demonstrate
the Russian claims retransmutation of radioactive warhead material.
Such a scenario appears more plausible than the impossibility of the AUM attempting to extract 235U from the Banjawarn ores in their
small field laboratory.
A second fireball was reportedly seen at Banjawarn that night, at
24.00 hours. It appeared to arc up from ground level, high over
Banjawarn, before crashing to Earth inside the orange-red hemisphere
Was this a small test missile, with electronic navigation
and a payload of uranium ore, designed to aid testing of this
Tesla shield’s ability to dud both electronic and radioactive
A third large fireball was seen over Banjawarn at 5.00 am by truck
drivers in May or June of ’93. It flew a nearly identical low-level
nap-of-the-Earth trajectory and track to the first fireball of 28
May ’93. It was similar in all respects, except we do not know if it
made a Diesel-engine roaring noise in flight.
Another low-level, large roaring fireball was observed by a dogger
(dingo trapper) flying this same track from Laverton to
Banjawarn in
about 1988-89. Other "Tesla Shield" structures consisting of
orange-red hemispheres and spheres were seen north of Banjawarn much
earlier in the 1980s, and in late 1988-89 and during 1992.
This data suggests that either a very strange natural Earth E/M
system is operational in this region , or possibly "alien" activity
has been occurring in this area for some time. Or perhaps a group
other than the Japanese/AUM have been utilizing the area as their
private space vehicle, or E/M weapons system testing ground for some
Certainly I and several witnesses experienced odd effects just west
of this area in 1988 whilst engaged in a gold exploration project.
Three HF radio systems, a computer, and three 4WD vehicles all
suffered burnt-out electrical circuits at 11.00 am one morning. All
of these systems were isolated from each other and spread apart by
distances varying from 10 to 50 kilometers. At the time we joked
about nuclear EMP blasts or UFOs (none seen!).
This electronics burn-out incident now looks like a strike from an
OTHR EMP plasma wave system - such as is currently being deployed at Laverton, WA, Alice Springs, NT, and Longreach, Qld.
Sold to the public as simply "Over-the-Horizon Radar" (OTHR)
utilizing HF hertzian waves, these systems actually have other,
hidden effects.
By utilizing pulsed radar beams of high power, they can create and
project a charged E/M plasma via waveguide layers in the ionosphere.
This can be triggered to cause severe Earth-dielectric induced
currents, causing electronic damage, human electrocution, and other
collateral damage upon ground targets located thousands of miles
distant - a modern on-off switch equivalent of a nuclear bomb EMP
The development of such modern covert E/M weapons (and much more re
Tesla and the entire track history of E/M military research)
is described by Gerry Vassilatos in his excellent Borderland
Sciences 1996 book "Secrets of Cold War Technology - Project Haarp
and Beyond".
Over recent years the Laverton district has had a history of strange
electrical events involving the burn-out of power station
generators, overvoltage blow-out of power lines, interference on
microwave telephone links, and radio receivers picking up powerful,
sparking current-flow interference at specific times.
It is quite possible that Hayakawa and the AUM were actually
eavesdropping on someone else’s E/M weapons tests in this area. If
so, the best source candidate for that "someone" is the "ex-US",
Harold E. Holt "Communication Base" located on the northwest tip of W.A. at the Exmouth Peninsula. A large series of VLF - HF -
Microwave transmitters have been built at this isolated coastal
site. This is where so many reported W.A. fireball flights appear to
However, many other fireballs have been seen to fly towards this
facility (due to Tx-reversed Tesla wave polarity?). The
Banjawarn fireballs appear to have been on a course that would
ultimately have lead to Exmouth, as were very recent 1997 major
explosive New South Wales (1-05-97), and Victorian (24-06-97)
This Exmouth site also contains a large "mushroom farm" (HAARP
clone) aerial system - believed to be a prototype experimental OTHR
plasma weapon. Presumably this system has been carrying out
propagation tests for several years across the outback to target
sites located on Australian soil.
Recently eyewitness evidence allowed a connection between the
September 1991 "Hoagland"
STS-48 NASA Space Shuttle video of a UFO
being apparently forewarned by a huge upper atmospheric light flash
enabling it to instantly turn 180 degrees at some 14,000 g’s and
accelerate from 54,000 mph to over 200,000 mph and fly off planet to
avoid being hit by two high density energy slugs flying up along
visible light beams from the Earth’s surface, and the Exmouth base.
New Zealand and Australian UFO researchers have long claimed that
the Shuttle was over Central Western Australia at the time it took
this video and that pulse beam # 1 came from Exmouth whilst
beam # 2 came from near Alice Springs (Pine Gap presumably ?).
Onslow residents have contacted this author with details of events
they witnessed when hunting Kangaroos one night in September 1991 -
whilst about 80 km southeast of Exmouth.
A very large and bright
green-blue-white "fireball" suddenly lit up - appearing at ground
level to their northwest (in the direction of Exmouth) - and blasted
into space at a steep angle and at an ever increasing velocity.
Several such events were seen over several evenings until they
became quite spooked and left the area.
This sighting and much other local intelligence points to the
Exmouth transmitter complex as being engaged in very modern and
covert E/M research - not to mention actual E/M weapons deployment.
Hayakawa would still have needed to check for the Exmouth Tx
infolded Tesla ray-wave, and ordinary E/M hertzian wave,
signal strengths - in order to deduce which was the best sheep
station area to purchase for eavesdropping on these presumably USA
controlled tests.
The AUM would probably still
have wished to test the nuclear dudding ideas by sampling the local
uranium ores in an attempt to study the effects of the local
Tesla shield developments.
During May 1994 the inhabitants of Deleta station and members of a
local Mt. Isa. Mines. Ltd. exploration crew experienced a very loud
and very large "snap" or sudden violent explosion that appeared to
originate to their south-west i.e. from the direction of Banjawarn
station. Two such detonations were heard about two weeks apart just
after midday.
All who heard these bangs had experienced mine blasts to the south
near Laverton and stated that these explosions were totally unlike
mine blast ripple explosions but were much larger and almost
instantaneous claps, also that mine blasts are never heard as far
north as Deleta. The observers were "frightened out of their skins"
by these blasts and were greatly perturbed by them for some hours -
believing that they had experienced a very strange and unknown
extremely powerful phenomenon that shook them mentally. No craters
or signs of any surface damage were found during my aerial search of
this area.
The AUM had two caretakers at Banjawarn during May 1994 and it is
possible that these strange blasts were some type of weapons tests
of AUM, or another man made, source.
These explosive events remain unexplained as to their origin.
However other multiple aerial blasts heard at night from Mulga
Queen, Laverton, and later at Broome on the same night in April 97,
that correlate in time with the presence of the USS Independence
Aircraft Carrier task force in WA waters (also present in Fremantle Harbour on 28-05-93) suggest a possible link to secret testing of a
new exotic engine drive US space spy plane or other exotic E/M beam
weapons during military maneuvers ???
There is anecdotal evidence of possible covert weapons and military
craft testing in WA skies and in outback remote areas. This thesis
is NOT proven and we may also be looking at either exotic natural
events of a very peculiar style or some kind of Alien "off-planet"
originated events. Whatever the source of these events they involve
extremely powerful energies and they are potentially very dangerous
to human life.
On a possibly related note, there is evidence that in April 1993 the
Japanese Mitsui Corporation sent a field crew into Australia to
study "ground truth" geology obtained by their own Japanese
high-definition Earth Resources Satellite. The images produced by
this system appear to consist of very high military intelligence
resolution definition rather than standard Earth resource
exploration resolution. This Japanese team required the services of
an Australian prospector to help them survive in the outback.
The prospector was asked to obtain stereo aerial photography over
the Exmouth Tx site. This was queried by Canberra, but the sale of
these photos was allowed when he notified Canberra they were for oil
exploration. He noted the Japanese interest not only in outback
geology but in the Exmouth, Laverton,
Alice Springs (Pine Gap
facility), and Longreach OTHR Tx sites (planned or constructed).
It would appear that certain powers in Japan viewed these locations
as dangerous and in need of urgent covert intelligence gathering.
They were probably alerted to these "OTHR"
systems by the Russian
This intelligence and spying scenario probably explains the many
lone Japanese motorcyclists who, from 1990 to the present, have been
mapping the entire system of W.A./N.T. outback bush tracks at
1:50,000 scale on Mitsui Corporation satellite imagery (searching
for other hidden US-Australian defense bases?). Their mapping is of
much higher quality than our own Australian maps which are outdated
and vary from 1:250,000 to at best 1:100,000 scale.
Similar reasoning could explain the strange Japanese "Desert
Greening Technology" research being conducted in the
Goldfields. Could this work be a cover for field instrumentation
emplacement across the region to observe the Laverton OTHR E/M
weapon system and any Exmouth Tx field emissions?
Remember Hayakawa’s research at Osaka university in Greening Technology i.e.
E/M weapons.
The US Senate inquiry under Senator Sam Nunn sent my early 1995
Banjawarn fireball incident report to the Incorporated
Institutions for Seismology (IRIS).
IRIS is charged with developing
US seismological methods and technology to search for any violations
of the United Nations nuclear test-ban treaty using chains of
digital seismograph receivers located around the World.
IRIS has published a preliminary report, by Gregory van der Vink et.
al., suggesting that although the Banjawarn incident resembles in
many ways a clandestine test scenario, it was not caused by an
explosion (nuclear or otherwise), or a normal quake, but was
probably due to a three-meter iron-nickel meteorite impact.
Van der Vink has been interviewed by (Australian) ABC radio and
continues to propagate the meteorite impact theory in spite of the
lack of any impact crater discovery, the peculiar evidence from
eyewitnesses on the nature of the fireball flight and its other
associated events eg. the large orange-red hemisphere structure, and
the evidence of multiple fireball flights along the same track at Banjawarn - each occurring on different dates/times and
demonstrating very odd, sentient, meteorite behavior.
Continuing their research, IRIS established the best possible fix on
the 28 May ’93 earthquake epicenter. This brilliant work was
achieved by studying the seismic energy paths from recent mine
blasts at the newly developed Bronzewing gold-mine (located some 50
kilometers west of Banjawarn). IRIS re-computed the
Banjawarn quake epicenter utilizing new
algorithms deduced from this mine blast wave
path research - coupled with input from the seismographic record
data provided by the chain of AGSO (Australian Geological Survey
Organization) receivers.
AGSO data has always demonstrated that the 3.6-3.9 Richter-scale
quake epicenter was south of Banjawarn - but with wildly varying
results from three different calculations.
This is probably due to very poor epicenter calculation accuracy
(+/- 100km radius errors are demonstrated by earlier Laverton-Leonora
mine blasts) caused by a lack of knowledge of regional seismic wave
path behavior, since there has been no incentive to study a region
where there are no previous earthquake recordings.
IRIS proudly sent me a map detailing the small rectangular area
that, with a 95 per cent confidence, contained the Banjawarn 28 May
’93 quake epicenter. It EXACTLY coincided with the plan outline of
the Laverton-Jindalee Rx (receiver) site. IRIS was presumably
operating on a "need to know" basis within US Government circles and
was unaware of the existence of this Laverton OTHR Rx site. In fact,
I supplied IRIS with most of its detailed topographic maps of this
area, and I had not included information about the Laverton-Jindalee
Rx site as it seemed irrelevant at the time.
This "Jindalee" OTHR system consists of a Tx site located east of Laverton at White Cliffs, and an Rx site west of
Laverton, close to
the southern boundary of Banjawarn station. About 5% of eyewitnesses
to the "Banjawarn Bang" suggested that this Rx site area, was where
the fireball exploded into a huge red flare, and therefore was
"ground zero". Most (95%) eyewitnesses placed "ground zero" much
further north - to the northwest of Banjawarn station, so I
discounted these few isolated reports, but I searched this location
in mid-1995 from the air and on the ground - just in case.
The reason (if other than observational error) for this discrepancy
between 95% of the eyewitness evidence of the explosion site and the
quake epicenter calculation remains unexplained at this time, (the
5% of eyewitnesses who saw an explosive flare at the Rx site were
present that night with the many other witnesses who reportedly saw
the explosion well north of that location - on the north-western
edge of Banjawarn station).
Just possibly we are dealing with
multiple events on that day since we now know of multiple Fireball/"Tesla
Shield Structures" being observed in this region over several years.
At the time of the 28 May ’93 "Banjawarn Bang" the Rx site location
was virgin bush and just a planned rectangle noted on the local
Mines Department maps - to warn prospectors that no mines could be
allowed in this area due to future OTHR developments.
In mid-1995 whilst flying an aerial search for the Banjawarn
"meteorite crater", I flew over this site and later visited it on
the ground. Bulldozer clearing of bush scrub was in progress over an
area of a few square kilometers.
Unfortunately for IRIS, there was no meteor impact structure there;
nor has one been found anywhere else within 300 kilometers of
Banjawarn. The bulldozers were not filling in a crater, either !
However, one is left with the strong impression that this site is a
very bad place to install an OTHR military system !
This conclusion is derived from a consideration of the rare but
highly accurate "meteorite impacts", or the rapidly evolving exotic
"natural" Earth E/M events, or the strangely co-incident earthquakes
(in a region where non have ever been recorded since 1900), or from
other - possibly "off-planet alien" phenomena.
Or perhaps someone else knows that it is not just a radar system.
but also a projective plasma weapon system, and this someone sent
one of his own E/M weapon blasts to hit the target fair and square
at 23.03 hours on 28 May 1993 with a demonstrated warning: "I can
take out your proposed weapons asset whenever I like."
Perhaps this same someone is responsible for the plus 1000 major
fireball events now known to have occurred in Australia over the
last four years (right up to June 24th. 1997), with 100 of these
involving huge aerial explosions of nuclear bomb force levels, and
10 of these involving huge aerial explosions co-incident with medium
power 3.6 - 4.0 Richter scale earthquakes (equivalent to 1-2 kilotonnes of TNT explosive).
Who, (or what), is that "someone" ?
One thing is certain - these fireballs and their other associated
phenomenon often demonstrate, by much eyewitness evidence, a very
powerful E/M radiative wave field component.
Whatever the source or cause of these fireball incidents it is now
obvious that they pose a potentially severe and rapidly evolving
threat to human life and property - it is only time before a modern
"fly by wire" electronic control airliner is brought down by
electrostatic ray-wave field coupling with onboard electronics.
Ground or air-burst explosions or induced earthquakes obviously
threaten many "ground zero" deaths if any of these events occur
within a habitated built up area.
Unfortunately we appear to have to await a fireball event destroying
Canberra before any governmental action will occur