by Dr. R.W. Bernard
from The Hollow Trilogy
2012Unlimited Website
From the evidence contained in this
book, confirmed by many Arctic explorers whom we cite, we come to
the following conclusions :
There is really no North or South
Pole. Where they are supposed to exist, there are really wide
openings to the hollow interior of the Earth.
Flying saucers come from the hollow
interior of the Earth through these polar openings.
The hollow interior of the earth,
warmed by its central sun (the source of Aurora Borealis), has
an ideal subtropical climate of about ‘76 degrees in
temperature, neither too hot nor too cold.
Arctic explorers found the
temperature to rise as they traveled far north; they found more
open seas; they found animals traveling north in winter, seeking
food and warmth, when they should have gone south; they found
the compass needle to assume a vertical position instead of a
horizontal one and to become extremely eccentric; they saw
tropical birds and more animal life the further north they went;
they saw butterflies, mosquitoes and other insects in the
extreme north, when they were not found until one is as far
south as Alaska and Canada; they found the snow discolored by
colored pollen and black dust, which became worse the further
north they went. The only explanation is that this dust came
from active volcanoes in the polar opening.
There is a large population
inhabiting the inner concave surface of the Earth’s crust,
composing a civilization far in advance of our own in its
scientific achievements, which. probably descended from the
sunken continents of Lemuria. and Atlantis. Flying saucers are
only one of their many achievements. It would be to our
advantage to contact these Elder Brothers of the human race,
learn from them and receive their advice and aid.
The existence of a polar opening and
land beyond the Poles is probably known to the U.S. Navy, in
whose employ Admiral Byrd made his two historic flights and
which was, until recently, a top international secret.

Hollow Earth
Recently, America watched Stephen Spielberg’s TV pilot, a remake of
Verne’ s “Journey to the Center of the Earth.” A maverick team of
scientists aboard their melt-proof ship enter the inner Earth
through a bubbling volcano. When things cool off, they find
themselves exploring a vast and sunny inner landscape... a
magical and inviting world with ample room to fly.
Their adventure resembles the real life account of a Norwegian
sailor named Olaf Jansen. His story, set in the 1800s, is told in
Willis Emerson’s biography entitled “The Smoky God.” Olaf’s little
sloop drifted so far north by storm that he actually sailed into a
polar entrance and lived for two years with one of the colonies of
the Agartha Network, called “Shamballa the Lesser.”
He describes his hosts as those,
“of the central seat of government
for the inner continent... measuring a full 12 feet in height...
extending courtesies and showing kindness... laughing heartily
when they had to improvise chairs for my father and I to sit
Olaf tells of a “smoky” inner sun, a
world comprised of three-fourths land and one-fourth water.
The Agartha
Think of Shamballa the Lesser as the United Nations of over 100
subterranean cities that form the Agartha Network. It is, indeed,
the seat of government for the inner world. While Shamballa the
Lesser is an inner continent, its satellite colonies are smaller
enclosed ecosystems located just beneath the Earth’ s crust or
discreetly within mountains.
All cities in the Agartha Network are
physical and are of the Light, meaning that they are tradition of
the great mystery schools of the surface, honoring such beings as
Jesus/Sananda, Buddha, Isis and Osiris... all of the
Masters that we of the surface know and love, in addition to
spiritual teachers of their own long-standing heritage. Why did they
choose to live underground?
Consider the magnitude of the geological
Earth changes that have swept the surface over the past 100,000
years. Consider the lengthy Atlantean-Lemurian war and the power of
thermonuclear weaponry that eventually sank and destroyed these two
highly advanced civilizations. The Sahara, the Gobi, the Australian
Outback and the deserts of the U.S. are but a few examples of the
devastation that resulted.
The sub-cities were created as refuges
for the people and as safe havens for sacred records, teachings and
technologies that were cherished by these ancient cultures.
Capitol Cities
To The Agartha Network
POSID: Primary Atlantean outpost,
located beneath the Mato Grosso plains region of Brazil.
Population: 1.3 million.
SHONSHE: Refuge of the Uighur
culture, a branch of the Lemurians who chose to form their own
colonies 50,000 years ago. Entrance is guarded by a Himalayan
lamasery. Population: ¾ million.
RAMA: Remnant of the surface city of
Rama, India located near Jaipur. Inhabitants are known for their
classic Hindu features. Population: 1 million.
SHINGWA: Remnant of the northern
migration of the Uighurs. Located on the border of Mongolia and
China. with a small secondary city in Mt. Lassen, California.
Telos translated means “communication with Spirit.” Population:
1.5 million.
Spotlight On
How can over a million people make their home inside Mt. Shasta?
While we’re stretching our imaginations, our neighbors, the
Japanese, have already blueprinted underground cities in answer to
their surface area problem.
Sub-city habitation has, for thousands of years, been a natural
vehicle for human evolution. Now, here is a peek at a
well-thought-out ecosystem. The dimensions of this domed city are
approximately 1.5 miles wide by 2 miles deep.
Telos is comprised of 5 levels.
LEVEL 1: This top level is the
centre of commerce, education and administration. The
pyramid-shaped temple is the central structure and has a
capacity of 50,000. Surrounding it are government buildings, the
equivalent of a courthouse that promotes an enlightened judicial
system, halls of records, arts and entertainment facilities, a
hotel for visiting foreign emissaries, a palace which houses the
“Ra and Rana Mu” (the reigning King and Queen of the royal
Lemurian lineage who are Ascended Masters), a communications
tower, a spaceport, schools, food and clothing dispatches and
most residences.
LEVEL 2: A manufacturing centre as
well as a residential level. Houses are circular in shape and
dust-free because of it. Like surface living, housing for
singles, couples and extended families is the norm.
LEVEL 3: Hydroponic gardens. Highly
advanced hydroponic technology feeds the entire city, with some
to spare for intercity commerce. All crops yield larger and
tastier fruits, veggies and soy products that make for a varied
and fun diet for Telosians. Now completely vegetarian, the
Agartha Cities have taken meat substitutes to new heights.
LEVEL 4: More hydroponic gardens,
more manufacturing and some natural park areas.
LEVEL 5: The nature level. Set about
a mile beneath surface ground level, this area is a large
natural environment. It serves as a habitat for a wide variety
of animals, including those many extinct on the surface. All
species have been bred in a nonviolent atmosphere, and those
that might be carnivorous on the surface now enjoy soy steaks
and human interaction. Here you can romp with a Saber-Toothed
Tiger with wild abandon. Together with the other plant levels,
enough oxygen is produced to sustain the biosphere.
LANGUAGE: While dialects vary from
city to city, “Solara Maru,” translated as the “Solar Language,”
is commonly spoken. This is the root language for our sacred
languages such as Sanskrit and Hebrew.
GOVERNMENT: A Council of Twelve, six
men and six women, together with the Ra and Rana Mu, do
collective problem solving and serve as guides and guardians of
the people. Positions of royalty such as are held by the Ra and
Rana Mu are regarded as ones of responsibility in upholding God’s divine plan. The High Priest, an
Ascended Master named Adama,
is also an official representative.
COMPUTERS: The Agarthean computer
system is amino-acid based and serves a vast array of functions.
All of the sub-cities are linked by this highly spiritualized
information network. The system monitors inter-city and galactic
communication, while, simultaneously, serving the needs of the
individual at home. It can, for instance, report your body’s
vitamin or mineral deficiencies or, when necessary, convey
pertinent information from the akashic records for personal
MONEY: Non-existent. All
inhabitants’ basic needs are taken care of. Luxuries are
exchanged via a sophisticated barter system.
TRANSPORTATION: Moving sidewalks,
inter-level elevators and electromagnetic sleds resembling our
snow mobiles within the city. For travel between cities,
residents take “the Tube,” an electromagnetic subway system
capable of speeds up to 3,000 m.p.h. Yes, Agartheans are well
versed in intergalactic etiquette and are members of the
Confederation of Planets. Space travel has been perfected, as
has the ability for inter-dimensional shifts that render these
ships undetectable.
ENTERTAINMENT: Theatre, concerts and
a wide variety of the arts. Also, for you Trekkies, the
Holodecks. Program your favorite movie or chapter in Earth
history and become a part of it!
CHILDBIRTH: A painless three months,
not nine. A very sacred process whereby, upon conception, a
woman will go to the temple for three days, immediately
welcoming the child with beautiful music, thoughts and imagery.
Water birthing in the company of both parents is standard.
HEIGHT: Due to cultural differences,
average heights of subterranean citizens vary. Generally 6’5” to
7’5” in Telos, while nearly 12’ in Shamballa the Lesser.
AGE: Unlimited. Death by
degeneration is simply not a reality in Telos. Most Agartheans
choose to look an age between 30 and 40 and stay there, while,
technically, they may be thousands of years old. By not
believing in death, this society is not limited by it. Upon
completing a desired experience, one can disincarnate at will.
ASCENSION: Absolutely, and much
easier and more common than on the surface.
Ascension is the
ultimate goal of temple training.
Why have they stayed
underground all this time?
In part, because the Agartheans have
learned the futility of war and violence and are patiently
waiting for us to draw the same conclusion.
They are such gentle folk that even
our judgmental thoughts are physically harmful to them. Secrecy
has been their protection. Until now, the truth of their
existence has been veiled by Spirit.
When can we visit?
entrance to the sub-cities depends on the purity of our
intentions and our capacity to think positively. A warm welcome
from both worlds is the ideal and must be expressed by more than
just the light-working community.
Currently, a few hundred brave
subterranean are working on the surface. In order to blend with
the masses, they have undergone temporary cellular change so
that, physically, they don’t tower above the rest of us. They
may be recognized by their gentle, sensitive nature and somewhat
mysterious accent.
We wish to introduce you to Princess Sharula
Aurora Dux, the daughter of the Ra and Rana Mu of Telos.
Sharula has been officially appointed
Ambassador to the surface world by the Agartha Network. She is 267
years old and looks 30. This article is courtesy of her firsthand
experience. The purpose of her Ambassadorship is to prepare the way
for the merging of the two worlds... to bring the ideas, the
information and the new archetypes that will help unite our planet. Sharula has come to present a blueprint for peaceful change to those
who will listen.
The Agartheans have reached a point
where they cannot progress spiritually unless this merger takes
place. In essence, we are one planet ascending, not half a planet.
It is God‘s will that we take the next step together. The sooner we
invite this unity, the sooner the magic will unfold. The Hierarchy
has made the emergence of the subterranean cities a priority
project. They are asking us to do our part in welcoming our
The timing depends very much upon our
receptivity and our graciousness. A successful merger is estimated
within the next 10 to 20 years. Beloved, there is nothing to fear
and everything to gain. The gifts the Agartheans bring are many. The
secret of immortality is your birthright.
The freedom to live in abundance is also your birthright.
haven’t lived until you’ve tasted a hydroponic tomato and had a
little fun on the Holodeck...