As I set out to test these old Hollow Earth theories, I wondered how one
would know if there was a Sun inside the Earth. So I did a bit of reading
and thinking about geophysics. Various facts led me to entertain thoughts of
a nuclear fission Sun. My train of thought was originally triggered when I
discovered that a few high level nuclear explosions could knock out all the
electronics across the USA (in a nuclear war scenario, for example).
This is
because a nuclear explosion creates a powerful EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse)
shock wave. It can knock out the sensitive electronics in computers as well
as the electrical systems of almost all motor vehicles. It occurred to me
that a naturally occurring nuclear reaction inside the Earth might perhaps
be responsible for the Earth’s magnetic field. The strange
behavior of the
magnetic field seemed to confirm that it couldn’t be caused by a sluggish
liquid circulating about the outer core.
In the early days of space exploration H. A. Bomke detected
magnetohydrodynamic waves (electromagnetic waves) in the Earth’s outer
atmosphere which were generated by high-altitude nuclear explosions. Masahisa Sugiura discovered similar waves which were generated by natural
causes in the outer atmosphere of the Earth and transmitted along the lines
of magnetic force to the Earth in the northern and southern auroral zones.
There are also electric (telluric) currents which flow in the surface layer
of the Earth’s crust. The ground is electrically conducting and its
resistivity varies markedly with depth. It has been found that these
currents come from the polar regions. These currents change in sympathy with
magnetic disturbances and auroras.
The next realization was that matter arranged itself according to density
when the Earth formed – that’s what scientists expect to happen. Denser
matter at the centre of the Earth and less dense material as one moves
further away from the centre and so on up through the atmosphere until one
reached the edge of space. Why shouldn’t heavy metals, such as uranium for
example, exist in the Earth’s core? Scientists say that uranium is a trace
metal which does not occur naturally. They do not expect it to reside inside
the Earth. It also decays. Let us assume that a solid Earth formed
originally – that it was compact and tightly packed in the same way that
scientists these days expect it to be.
No one knows what happens to matter
under those conditions. I have wondered, in my own simplistic way, whether
some sort of natural enriching process is kicked off automatically when
matter is that tightly packed. There might be natural processes which kick
in under such conditions, processes which we don’t know about yet. And we
also must not forget the possibility of cold fusion either. A small amount
of uranium or plutonium would be enough to start a nuclear reaction. One by
one these simple facts and possibilities made me think that a naturally
occurring nuclear reaction inside the Earth might be a workable proposition.
Scientists have long realized that the lava which pours from volcanoes is
naturally radioactive. This is how scientists are able to date rocks –
because the lava from which these rocks form is slightly radioactive.
Decayed uranium turns into radium. Scientists thus theorize that
radium is
probably to blame. The evidence suggests that lava forms no more than
miles beneath the Earth’s surface due to the accumulated heat from decaying
radium and uranium. There are lots of volcanically active areas on the
Earth. It seems as if there is quite a lot of radium in the Earth’s crust.
The crust is of course only a small part of the Earth. Remember that this is
far away from the centre of the Earth. If there is still some radium left
here near the surface after some 4 billion years of Earth history, then
surely, deep down in the Earth there was much much more when the Earth
originally formed? Remember too, our volcanoes are probably driven by what
is left after billions of years of radioactive decay. So how much do you
suppose there was to begin with?
Uranium has a half-life of 710 million years under current conditions. That
means that 710 million years ago there was twice as much uranium in the
Earth’s crust as there is now. It seems to me that there must have been
enough uranium around originally to kick off at least one natural nuclear
reaction inside the Earth.
The Earth’s Heat
Richard Milton writes:
“Although it was once believed that the
Earth was
cooling as its molten interior lost hear, it is now known that the Earth’s
overall temperature is roughly constant, since heat loss from the surface is
balanced by heat generated with the crust by radioactive decay.”
But is the
Earth’s temperature constant only because of the decay of radioactive
materials or does the Inner Sun help in other ways to keep the climate warm?
Natural Fission Reactors
The main evidence for the past presence of natural fission reactors comes in
the form of uranium ores that are depleted in uranium-235. The main site
lies at Oklo in Gabon. In June 1972 a team was working under the direction
of Dr. H. V. Bouzigues at the CEA service laboratory in France. They noticed
an anomaly in the abundance of the uranium-235 isotope. Some time later,
much larger depletions of this isotope were discovered in uranium samples
from this source. They traced this back to
the Oklo deposit. This was the
first positive proof of the hypothesis that a natural chain reaction was
responsible for the depletion. A report in “Nature” about an international
symposium held in Gabon in 1975 states:
“It was pointed out that at the time
of the reaction the natural abundance of the relatively fast-decaying
uranium-235 isotope was more than 3%. This natural ‘enrichment’, helped by
the moderation of the fission neutrons by the water content of the soil
which enhanced their fission efficiency, and possibly by the relative
absence of neutron-absorbing elements in the surroundings, allowed a nuclear
chain reaction to develop…”
To summarize, our interest lies in the feasibility of there being natural
nuclear reactors – even here on the surface of the Earth. Add to this the
possibility of there having existed far more uranium-235 concentrations in
the past. All of this taken together should clearly indicate that the idea
of the Earth (and other planets) having been hollowed out by enormous
nuclear reactions might not be that far fetched. Even such a small site as
Oklo is estimated to have sustained a nuclear reaction which lasted anything
500,000 years to several million years.
The loss of 5 tons of uranium-235
attests to the power of this reaction. What puzzled the scientists was how
low grade uranium ore naturally enriched and started a fission process? Yet
the evidence shows that it did indeed happen – right here on the surface.
That this little nuclear reaction could produce temperatures of 400 degrees
C. and run for several million years would seem to support the idea of a
natural nuclear process occurring in nature right here on or in the Earth.
Inner Sun: Cold Fusion?
The subject of cold fusion doesn’t seem to enjoy much credibility in the
USA. Some scientists regard cold fusion as a pseudo-science. Yet many
countries in the world are pouring enormous sums of money into hard
scientific research on the matter. Some scientists have already discussed
the possibility of cold fusion occurring inside the Earth. P. Palmer, a
geophysicist has already suggested this. Helium-3 emanating from inside the
Earth has been regarded by some as an indication that cold fusion might be
taking place deep down inside the Earth.
Inner Earth Nuclear Processes
When physicists installed nuclear particle detectors deep in a mine in the
Kolar Gold Fields in India, they hoped to measure particle created by highly
penetrating neutrinos arriving from the cosmos. They found instead immense
showers of nuclear particles coming, not from above as expected, but from
the sides and even below! These huge showers of 1,000 or more different
particles are called ‘anomalous cascades’. Neutrinos are the only known
particles capable of penetrating the entire Earth to create the upwardly
directed showers, but ordinary neutrinos do not seem to have enough energy
to give birth to the anomalous cascades. The Sun creates neutrinos.
most neutrinos are not expected to have enough energy to move through a
solid Earth. Yet here were neutrinos passing through the Earth from all
sides – and even from below. These scientists found these anomalous cascades
to be too energetic to be caused by normal neutrinos. This raises two
possibilities about the structure of the Earth:
1) What if the Earth’s crust
is thinner than scientists expect with their current solid Earth models? If
the Earth is hollow, then neutrinos would be able to penetrate the
more easily and therefore produce the results which the scientists found.
Could the Inner Sun also be a producer of some of the neutrinos which are
rising from the core of the Earth.
Since those experiments scientists have
made plans to build ‘telescopes’ which are pointed downwards and which
detect these particles coming from below. Many European nations as well as
the USA have been building such ‘telescopes’ which are located in the
Mediterranean. The largest however will be located deep in the ice of the
Antarctic continent. These neutrinos point to some kind of
radioactive/nuclear process going on inside the Earth. Could it be an
When The Inner Sun Shines
Sometimes the Earth crosses directly between the
Moon and the Sun. At such
times the Earth cuts off the light going to the Moon. The Earth’s atmosphere
however refracts the Sun’s light thereby ensuring that the Moon rarely
disappears from view. If the Earth did not have an atmosphere, then the
would disappear completely. At the time of these eclipses the Earth’s night
side is in full view, and apart from the light streaming around the edges of
the Earth, there is no other light shining on the Moon.
It is at this point
that a mystery surfaces.
Astronomers have noted that these eclipses of the
Moon are variable in brightness. Sometimes they are dark. At other times
they are extremely bright. If the Earth’s atmosphere is dust laden, then the
eclipses of the Moon are very dark – sometimes the Moon disappears totally.
But then there are times when the Moon is exceedingly bright.
Far too
bright. Can the aurora (which can only produce a shadow on the
Earth under
exceptional conditions) really light up an object the size of the Moon
238,000 miles away? Or are there times when light from inside the Earth is
refracted and bent through the cold polar air so that direct inner sunlight
can fall on the surface of the Moon?
The condensed testimony of several European observers for an event on 19th
March, 1848:
“I wish to call your attention to the fact, which I have
clearly ascertained, that during the whole of the late lunar eclipse of
March 19, the shaded surface presented a luminosity quite unusual, probably
about three times the intensity of the mean illumination of an eclipsed
lunar disc. The light was of a deep-red color. During the totality of the
eclipse the light and dark places on the face of the Moon could be almost as
well made out as in an ordinary dull moonlight night; and the deep-red color, where the sky was clearest, was very remarkable from the contrasted
whiteness of the stars. The Consul at Ghent, who did not know that there was
an eclipse, wrote to me for an explanation of the deep red color of the
Moon at 9 o’clock.”
An observation from Ireland notes that before the
eclipse ended, the light had stopped lighting up the Moon. It is as if we
have a ‘search-light’ effect. Could it be that refracted light from the
Inner Sun lit up the Moon for a short while and then left the
Moon in total
darkness again? Sunsets are red. This is because the red light can travel
longer distances through the atmosphere whereas other wavelengths of light
cannot. The deep red color in the above observations is therefore of
extreme interest. It implies that the light traveled a great distance
through the atmosphere before falling on the Moon. Could this light have
traveled all the way out of the Inner Earth to be refracted and to then fall
upon the Moon?
There is a mysterious brightening of the Jovian moon Io sometimes when Io
has been behind Jupiter – in its shadow. Scientists have picked up
that Io is
sometimes anomalously bright when it comes out from behind Jupiter.
Scientists have never thought of correlating this with a time when Io is
above the Great Red Spot! I have wondered if some anomalous radiation from
the Great Red Spot is the cause of the mysterious brightening of
Io? The
Earth’s Moon is therefore not the only object in the solar system which
undergoes such an effect. Io is the closes of the Galilean moons to
On Saturn a bright spot appears on the ring systems. This extremely bright
spot is the cause of many a Saturnian mystery. These three different
phenomena may all have a very similar origin – in that light emanates from
inside planets.
Direct Light on the Moon?
Could an Inner Sun really shine direct light on to the Moon? One wouldn’t
expect that to be the case. However, there are many factors involved in
this, and it’s quite a complex issue. The following ingredients affect this
1) The Moon’s orbit takes it approximately 27 degrees north and south
of the equator
2) The
Earth is inclined by 23.5 degrees
3) The width of a
possible polar entrance
4) The position of the
Inner Sun inside the Earth
at the time. Perhaps an Inner Sun wobbles around inside the
5) The
temperature of the atmosphere inside the Earth
6) The refractivity of the
Earth’s atmosphere in the Arctic. The most
favorable conditions will
therefore be when the Moon is 27 degrees north of the equator during the
northern winter (when the Arctic is inclined towards the
Full Moon)
Light could never fall directly on the Moon’s surface if it originates from
inside the Earth, traveling out via the polar regions. The main factor
which might make this possible is the refractivity of the atmosphere in the
arctic. Since we do not know the temperature inside the Earth, it is hard
to say how the light would behave. But assuming it to be warmer than the
polar regions, perhaps light could be refracted enough to fall on the Moon.
Since the light from inside the Earth would be
traveling a considerable
distance through the inner atmosphere and then into the outer atmosphere, it
is possible that considerable bending of light might just take place.
would suspect that if such an event would take place, it would probably be
extremely rare. I have only found one possible example of this occurring. I
feel it is important to mention the vague possibility that light from the Inner Sun might light up the Moon either at
Full Moon or at New Moon – for
the simple reason that perhaps someone might one day be in a position to
study these possibilities. I have found one fascinating eclipse which might
satisfy the criteria I have mentioned above.
Captain G. Brown was in charge of the S.S. Pacific Importer which was
sailing from Cristobal to London. The following report was made by
Mr. T. M.
Sims, 3rd Officer, on during the night of 29-30 January 1953:
“2305 to 0140 G.M.T. The commencement of the eclipse was not observed owing to almost
stationary Cu(mulus) covering the Moon. During totality a small white patch
of light of low brilliancy moved round the North Pole of the
Moon until that
phase came to an end at 0030. From that time the white patch increased in
area until the end of the eclipse at 0140. During the total phase the face
of the Moon appeared to be colored in bands of blue, green, yellow and
orange as in the sketch, and stars were visible with the unaided eye within
2 or 3 degrees of the Moon.”
What is particularly interesting about this
account is that the light which is shining on the Moon appears to be
refracted and split into the different components of white light.
Furthermore, the light around the Moon’s North Pole seems to be direct
light. This event, seen by observers on 6 different ships, suggests that a
cone of pure white light was shining somewhere north of the
Moon’s North
Pole. Some of this light just barely managed to fall upon the Moon’s North
Pole. The remaining colors falling on the rest of the Moon suggest that
this highly refracted light.
