
Vril Series: 1,7, 8 Odin, Vril 2 and 9 are designs

Vril 1



Vril 1 "Jager (Hunter)"

The Vril motto “Not all good comes from above” summarizes the entire history of the Vril Gesellschaft (Society) from its inception to the final days of WW2 when this occult group seemed to vanish right off the face of the earth.

The name Vril is the shortening of “VRI-IL” which means “Like God”. Officially Vril was “The All German Society for Metaphysics” which merged with the Thule Gesellschaft and the obscure DHvSS (Men of the Black Stone) in the year 1919.

Each occult group had its own distinct beliefs and origins. The DHvSS (1912) worshipped the German mountain goddess Isias and the Schwarz Stein (black stone). The Thule Gesellschaft (1917) believed in the
hollow earth theory and derived its name from Ultima Thule the ancient capital of Hyperborea at the top of the world. Vril worshipped the Black Sun (the invisible inner light of the Godhead) which supposedly gave or generated incredible power and communicated with Aryan aliens through psychic channeling.

But unlike the other two groups the Vril Gesellschaft were an inner circle of women who were also fighting against their times and culture. They were psychic mediums that wore a horse-tail hairstyle. They believed that their long hair acted as cosmic antennae to receive alien communication from beyond. So this is where the Vril disc story begins.

Despite their distrust of men, the women of Vril joined with the Thule Gesellschaft and DHvSS in order to construct an inter-dimensional channeled flight disc known as the JenseitsFlugMaschine (JFM).


By 1922 the odd disc shaped machine was constructed in Munich and tested for two years. It is not known if any success with channeled flight was ever achieved but a certain W.O. Schumann of the Technical University of Munich invented a levitator from the channeled JFM information provided by the mediums Maria Orsic and Sigrun. By 1924 the JFM project was scrapped but work continued on perfecting the levitator unit known by then as the Schumann SM-Levitator.

With the Nazi Party in power in 1933 (which itself originated from the Thule Gesellschaft) the occultists now received official backing for their continued development of the flight discs. Thule and Vril started with the RFZ (RundFlugZeug, or Round Aircraft) series from 1934-41.

As war had started in 1939 the RFZ-5 became the Haunebu I and by 1941 the RFZ-7 had become the Vril 1 Jager (Hunter). The reason for the changes were due to Thule’s revolutionary Triebwerk (Thrustwork) engine that used rotating electro-magnetic-gravitic fields to affect gravity. Vril had by 1941 perfected the SM-Levitator as well and thus two new series entered limited construction, but with slightly different goals.

Thule wanted to develop both a production combat craft and a functional Raumschiff (Spaceship). Vril, by comparison, only wanted to develop Raumschiffen to reach Aldebaran in the Taurus Constellation 68 light years from earth.

As Hitler had forbid secret societies in Germany from 1941 forward, both Thule and Vril were documented under the SS Technical Branch Unit E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4) tasked with developing alternative energies. This unit had already helped with the RFZ series but now “officially” Thule and Vril did not exist. Vril became known secretly as “the chain”. Vril members wore a Doppelsignet disc that represented the two mediums Maria Orsic and Sigrun.

The first purely Vril disc - the Vril 1 Jager (Hunter) was constructed in 1941 and first flew in 1942.


It was 11.5 meters in diameter, had a single pilot, and could achieve 2,900 km/h - 12,000 km/h! It flew with a metal dome at first but subsequent test versions had a heavily reinforced glass dome and could seat two crew. Flight endurance was 5.5 hrs. It was planned to arm this craft with two MK-108 cannon plus 2 MG-17 machineguns. Seventeen of these craft were constructed and tested between 1942-44 with 84 test flights

The Vril 2 Zerstorer (Destroyer) was a highly advanced oval shaped disc that was much too complex for the time period; thus it was projected for 1945/46, so no construction was started. The Vril 3 and 4 have been photographed but no surviving information is found on them. Vrils 5 and 6 likewise do not show up and may have only been projects. The Vril 7 and 8, however, were constructed.

The Vril 7 Geist (Ghost) was 45 meters in diameter and crewed by fourteen men. It was built in 1944 and tested at Arado-Brandenburg using Vril‘s own Triebwerk.

Vril’s medium Sigrun made frequent trips to the facility to oversee construction and testing. In 1944, Arado engineers approached her with a request. They wanted to know if the Vril Triebwerk could be adapted to one of their projects- the Arado E.555 strategic bomber. They were abruptly told , “No” and returned to their designs which resulted in eleven different versions of the bomber.

Sigrun was actually insulted because the entire purpose of the Vril discs was aimed at space flight. No conventional bomber could withstand the heat of the velocity achieved by these machines which were constructed of hulls specially made of an advanced metal called Viktalen (in some sources Victalen or Viktalon). The Vril 1 had a single hull of this type, the Vril 7 two. The large Haunbeu III had three!

With the SS supervising all aspects of the disc programs every model had to have at least theoretical provision for armament. In the Vril 7 Geist it would have been four MK-108 cannon.

The Vril 8 Odin was the last official Vril disc that was flight tested in the spring of 1945 during the collapse. This disc had an automatic Oberon upward-firing gun installation on top of the control center.

The Vril Gesellschaft had started evacuating to Base 211 in
Neu Schwabenland Antarctica in March 1945 so it would seem like the Vril 8 Odin was the last Vril disc actually tested. However, some weeks after Germany surrendered both Haunebu and Vril craft were spotted in the skies over occupied Germany. Although the Vril 9 Abjager (Universal Hunter) was show as a design on paper, a craft identical to it was photographed postwar.

Vril’s final plan was the construction of a large 139 meter long cylindrical Raumschiff known by the SS E-IV Unit as the Andromeda-Gerat. Work on this “flying cigar” was to commence in 1945 at a huge, sheltered above-ground Zeppelin-like hangar. Once completed it could internally accommodate one large Haunebu IV and two Vril 2 craft, making the journey to Aldebaran, the ultimate dream of the Vril Gesellschaft.

Although these mysterious craft seem to come from the realm of science fiction it is interesting to note that once Germany was occupied and the military Intel teams swept through the defeated nation all documentation and evidence of the Vril Gesellschaft was destroyed by the Allies.


If the occult Society and craft never existed and did not represent any threat to the Allies then why has all trace of their existence been forcefully carried out by the victors?

“Not all good comes from above”.

For Vril it came “from beyond… 68 light years from earth” and it was this obsession that lead to ALL of the occult German disc programs. One can only wonder if any of them truly made it to their ultimate destination?

Rob Arndt



Vril 2

Vril 3

Vril 4

Vril 5

Vril 6


Vril 7


click to enlarge

Vril 8 Odin


click to enlarge

Vril 9

