CHAPTER SEVEN:DISPOSITION OF GERMAN SAUCER TECHNOLOGY AFTER THE WARThe question arises as to what ever became of the saucer designs and saucer designers referred to in this discussion? For some there are easy answers. For others, there whereabouts after the war is more clouded. Dr. Richard Miethe, for instance, has been rumored to have gone to work in Canada on the joint Canadian-U.S. Air Force saucer project. Dr. Miethe is not the only German scientist very willing to start construction on a post-war flying disc. All the scientists involved, with the exception of Rudolf Schriever, seem to have been eager to begin at once. Heinreich Fleissner, who claimed to have been a technical advisor on a German flying disc project at Peenemuende, filed an American patent for a flying disc on March 28, 1955. This was patent number 2,939,648 which can be obtained from the United States Department of Commerce, U.S. Patent Office for a small fee. The patent was not granted until June 7, 1960, a delay of over five years. One can not help but wonder if the delay Fleissner experienced had anything to do with the work going on at the same time at the A.V. Roe, Limited organization or the black project to develop the Lenticular Reentry Vehicle or even on some black project which is still undisclosed. Another German saucer designer eager to get things rolling after the war was Georg Klein. When asked about future plans in the Tages-Anzeiger fuer Stadt und Kanton Zuerich on September 18,1954, Klein replied that he had already demonstrated a flying saucer model utilizing electric propulsion. But probably the most anxious to begin work, no matter the obstacles, was Joseph Andreas Epp. This is said because according to government files, which were first located by researcher Mark Kneipp, Epp went so far as to enlist in the Soviet flying saucer project which began immediately after the war in East Germany using former German scientists (1). Post-War Soviet "German" Saucer After the war J. Andreas Epp worked briefly for the Soviets along with other German experts on a flying saucer. This is a drawing he made of the Soviet saucer. It was to be used in the polar regions. According to this F.B.I. file which was secluded by the National Archives, Epp became disenchanted with the Soviets after working for them for about a year. He then defected to the West. Epp re-drew their designs from his seemingly photographic memory. He provided detailed test and technical specifications, including his apparent area of specialty, the steering linkage system. His comments were that the type of flying craft being built for the Soviets was especially designed for polar conditions. After settling in Bavaria, Epp continued design work on flying discs himself. He designed the "Omega Disc" which is remarkably similar to the Soviet design. Epp was very interested in working for Bell Aircraft, builders of the X-l which broke the sound barrier in 1947. Epp sent me copies of correspondence with Dr.Walter Dornberger, at this time executive of Bell Aircraft, who, at one time was Dr. Wernher von Braun's boss at Peenemuende. Epp did mention the flying saucer in this correspondence. Nothing came of it, however. To his death in 1997, Andreas Epp was still trying to realize this dream of building a flying saucer. These are the stories of saucer designers of which we know something. There were others of which we have completely lost track. Otto Habermohl is one of these. Habermohl was presumed captured by the Soviets. This presumption seems to be solely based on the fact that he disappeared after the capture of Prag. What about the post-war disposition of the flying saucers themselves? We know, for instance, that examples were destroyed by the Germans so the advancing Allies would not benefit from them. This very thing happened to saucers designed by the Schrlever-Habermohl team at Prag. The scorched earth policy was a standing solution and ruthlessly imposed by the SS, especially concerning German high technology. Yet we all know flying saucers did not disappear after the collapse of Germany, as a matter of fact quite the contrary. Michael X. Barton tells us that their earliest appearance was not over the State of Washington in 1947 as usually given but in South America. In fact, there were many sightings of UFOs in South America during this post-war time frame. Latin American sightings continue to this day. South America is a long way from the USA. Even if the Americans were experimenting with captured German technology at that time,the sightings from other parts of the world can not be explained as originating from the USA. There must be more at work here. Could die-hard Nazis have exported this technology to a stronghold in the Antarctic or Andes as some often claim? Or did these craft appear from "Beaver Dam", a secret German base on the east coast of Greenland as disclosed by Dr. Jesensky and Mr.Lesniakiewicz (2). Was part of this technology appropriated by the British and further developed in Canada as stated by Renato Vesco? Or was this technology completely absorbed by the USA in a secret deal with Admiral Karl Doenitz after Hitler's death as stated by Bill Lyne (3)? In the first of the aforementioned possibilities, these die-hard Nazis and their technology, including saucers, are sometimes called the "Third Power" by German writers on the subject. The Third Power is meant to signify a power besides the West (the First Power) or the East (the Second Power). The Third Power allegedly operates in secret as regards the general population of this planet but is very well known to the First and Second Powers. The sole reason the Third Power has survived is their high technology and high finance both of with resulted from picking clean the bones of the Third Reich. The story is as follows and at least some of it is factual. It is known that the Germans made contingency plans for the war's loss. On August 10, 1944, nine months before the war in Europe ended, a meeting was called at the hotel Rotes Haus in Strassbourg. In attendance were representatives of all the major German industrial concerns including I.G. Farben, Thyssen, Siemens, Krupp, Daimler-Benz, Rheinmetall-Borsig, as well as representatives of the major German banks. Meeting with them were members of the SS. They were planning measures which would insure their survival after the coming German defeat (4). Scientists, scientific plans, strategic materials, and money were to be taken from Germany and secured in secret hiding places.Long range cargo aircraft were to fly from Germany to Spain carrying the goods. From here items were to be loaded on to U-boats bound for South America. It is possible that other destinations were also planned such as Japan and the Antarctic base original established in 1938-1939 by the Ritcher Antarctic Expedition. Surprisingly, the Ritcher Antarctic Expedition (1037-38) was setup and funded by Hermann Goering, head of the German Air Force.The ship Schwabenland, equipped with amphibious aircraft which could be launched via catapult explored, mapped and claimed a large portion of the Antarctic Continent for Germany during this expedition. Weighted metal flags were dropped from these aircraft clearly delineating the territory in which Germany was claiming. The territory included ice-free lakes which were naturally heated from below by geothermal means (5). Along the line of these lakes a huge fault line bisects "Neuschwabenland",as it was called, so presumably a permanent heat source was builtinto this new territory. One German writer has perused reports of Neuschwabenland and states that during the war repeated trips were made to this vicinity at which time a permanent base was established there (6). Another writer, Wilhelm Landig, in novel form, describes this and other secret post-war German bases in Antarctica, the Andes as well as a secret polar base near the North Pole (7). Mr. Landig recently died and it is now known that he was a Third Reich insider and knew of which he wrote. As mentioned earlier, it is now known that Landig was a member ofthe Waffen SS and at one time was responsible for security for the development of German saucers (8). He knew that of which he spoke. His books each bore the sub-title "Ein Roman voller Wirklichkeiten" or "a novel filled with realities" as this novel treatment was an easy avenue in avoiding post-war legal entanglements. Through the descriptions of the writers mentioned and other records it is possible to pinpoint the location of these secret German bases in Antarctica as well as a large Andean base in Chile. Bill Lyne as well as Mr. Robert Lesniakiewicz and Dr. Milos Jesensky state that a mysterious polar base existed in Greenland (9) (10). The latter writers cite the coast of eastern Greenland and cite a code-name which translates into "Beaver Dam", complete with underwater U-boat entrances. The Antarctic base was first attacked by forces of many nations,led by the United States, in a 1946 military action code-named "Operation High Jump". This operation involved a fleet of ships,including an aircraft carrier, submarines and support craft. It also involved aircraft and four thousand armed troops under the command of Admiral Richard Byrd. Immediately four aircraft were mysteriously lost and the whole operation, scheduled for six months duration, was canceled after less than six weeks (11)(12). The Antarctic base, Landig's Point 211 (13), was in operation until the late 1950s when it became the subject of an American nuclear "test". In this test three bombs were detonated under cover of the International Geophysical Year 1957-58 (14). Landig claims the type of rockets used in the "test" to attack Point 211were prototypes of the American Polaris missile, a solid-fuel rocket which was used later operationally, the final design being fired from submarines underwater (15). Detonation of these atomic weapons over the base generated electromagnetic shock waves which, it was hoped, would destroy apparatus in the base used for defensive purposes (16). Landig claims this tactic failed. The electromagnetic pulse attack was insufficient to destroy the improved apparatus (17). Both "High Jump" and this1957-58 attack turned out not only to be a fiasco, but to be superfluous. The greater part of the German forces had already abandon the Antarctic base in favor of a base in the South American Andes. Landig claims that the reason for its abandonment was the purity of the atmosphere in the Antarctic which is almost germ-free(18). It seems that the human immune system needs constant challenge to remain healthy even if this challenge does not always result in illness. Without a constant influx of visitors supplying this challenge, the staff on-hand lost almost all immunity to infection after a few years. The common cold became a serious matter. As mentioned earlier, writers Dr. Milos Jesensky and Robert Lesniakiewicz see the origin of flying saucers over the USA during the late 1950s as coming from a forgotten German facility called "Beaver Dam" in Eastern Greenland. According to these writers, this base did not surrender with the fall of Germany but continued to function. It was from this base that flying saucers were directed to the USA on spy missions, especially toward our nuclear facilities in New Mexico. Additionally, one wonders if this base was the real origin of the ghost rockets seen moving south from Northwestern Europe immediately after the war. The status of this base today is unknown. There is no doubt that the Germans had bases in the Arctic. German bases were located on Soviet soil, as well as the soil of Greenland which belonged to Denmark. Denmark had been overrun by the Germans early in the war. What is most surprising is that Landig's claim that the Germans maintained a base in the high Canadian arctic right under the noses of Canada and the USA (19). Is this all fantasy? Is there any hard evidence for secret post- war German bases? Has a post-war German base ever been discovered? Yes, one has. New evidence for this exodus theory comes to us from the discovery of a German U-boat way-station in the Atlantic which had a hand in moving this clandestine cargo from Europe to the austral world well after the war, right into the 1950s. This information is revealed in an article in the July, 1984 issue of Nugget magazine titled "Der U-Boot Bunker von Fuerteventura" (20). Fuerteventura is the eastern most island ofthe Canary Island chain and lies just out of sight off the west coast of North Africa. Geologically, the base was formed by an huge, ancient volcanic bubble around which the molten rock solidified in the center of the island. According to the article, the Germans brought in excavation equipment and bored out three tunnels for underwater access by U-boats. On top of the island, directly over the bubble and the military facility rested a villa with a stairway leading down to the base from the cellar. The villa was owed by a respectable German family, named Winter. This base functioned during the war as a secret U-boat base for the Germans. It continued this function after the war as a way-station for transport U-boats. In our modern world of science and academic history this claim of lost islands and hidden bases sounds like something out of a Jules Verne fantasy. If such a base really existed, would we all not be aware of its existence above and beyond an obscure reference in a publication which mainly deals with treasure hunting? Actually, most readers are already quite familiar with this particular base. This base was the truth behind the visual images of the German U-boat base situated in the volcanic island off the coast of Africa in the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark". In fact, this aspect of the story was the only part of the movie which was factual. Post-War German Bases ![]() Top: Neuschwabenland (Antarctica). Bottom: "Colonia Dignidad" in Argentina near Chilean border comprising 25,000 quadratkilometers (over half as large as Switzerland) The subterranean island base was actually visited by two eyewitnesses, according to the Nugget report. There, two derelict U-boats were discovered which had remained undetected for over thirty years. One of these U-boats was entered by the two adventurers. Inside they found detailed nautical maps of South America. To add to the mystery, the assertion is made that these U-boats and this base functioned with the full knowledge ofthe U.S. government right into the 1950s. This base would have formed a physical link between the ports of Spain and destinations in South America. Perhaps even bridging bases in Greenland with Antarctica, if certain reports are true. It is also fuel for the argument that a technological transfer actually took place between the Third Reich and entities in the Southern Hemisphere. As surely as die-hard Nazis spread into the Southern Hemisphere sightings of flying saucers followed. Further, if the government of the United States knew of this transfer and these U-boat bases then there then there may have been some actual political link or understanding between the government of the United States and the post-war Nazis, the"Third Power". If his words are read carefully, Landig's Point 211, the Antarctic base, can be located on the maps he supplies (21).Until, however, this base is visited and excavated and the evidence made public, this base along with the ones in Canada and Greenland constitute more speculation than fact. This is not true, however, in the South American situation. In the immediate post-war world South America was a haven for Germans who could not stomach Occupied Germany for one reason or another. The political climate in these countries was favorable toward these refugees. Nazi gold and money was transferred to South America, particularly Argentina. Hunted Nazis found a market for their services in a variety of occupations. SS organizations set up shop as they had in Franco's Spain. These facts are hardly in dispute. They are covered in detail by Infield (22) as well as by Farago (23) a whole genre of "Nazi Hunter" writers. What is less often mentioned is that German technical people infused these countries with expertise gained during the Second World War. For instance, Argentina and Brazil had state-of-the- art jet fighters in the 1950s thanks to the efforts of German immigrant scientists and technicians. Along with this monetary and technical transfer, large landholdings were purchased, secured and set aside with the full knowledge of the South American governments in power. From these vast secure areas members of these German organizations simply did as they pleased. It is not out of the question to think that the flying saucers seen in the late 1940s and 1950, both conventional and field propulsion, were built and flown from these bases. One of these Andean bases, referred to as "Colonia Dignidad" consisted a land area half the size of Switzerland(24). This is certainly more than enough room to develop hide anything. The South American industrial base during these times was more than adequate to make these saucers. But even if this were not true, this is no argument against construction of flying saucers in South America. Parts could have been ordered from suppliers in other countries as are done by major aircraft firms today. Each major aircraft firm has a host of sub-contractors who manufacture everything from individual screws to complete sub- assemblies. Many if not most of these sub-contractors are accustomed to filling these orders without ever knowing what the final assembled product will be. This is part of the security system and unquestioned. Germans working in South America would have no trouble using this system. They could have even ordered parts and sub-assemblies from companies in Europe and the USA. This is exactly what Dr. Gerald Bull did in Iraq when he built the largest of his high-pressure cannons for that country. This nearly mile long fixed gun was built resting on the slope of a hill pointed at Tel Aviv. It would have been able to shoot projectiles weighing about 1800 pounds. Parts were built by sub-contractors all over the world and sent to Iraq for assembly where it was nearly completed. The sub-contractors were lied to or otherwise kept in the dark as to the purpose of their components. It was only by chance that word of this project reached the hands of opposing intelligence services. The result was near panic in the intelligence services of these countries.What followed was the assassination of Dr. Gerald Bull and a diplomatic ruse which bated Saddam Hussein into an invasion of Kuwait. This invasion facilitated the entry of the Americans into the conflict. The high pressure cannon was destroyed immediately, even though it was pointed in the opposite direction from Kuwait. If this risky, bulky weapon's system could be almost completed using a system of unwitting sub-contractors world-wide, imagine how easily a one-off flying vehicle could be built using the same system. Richard Ross, a UFO researcher based in Austin, Texas, reports tome that even today vast tracts of land in South America are avoided by airline pilots there because of UFO activity in these areas. He obtained this information by interviewing the South American airline pilots themselves. He goes on to make the point that Latin America is a hotbed of UFO activity. Reports of this activity for some reason never find their way into the mainstream American news media. There still remains one possible hiding place on European soil.There remains the possibility that German flying discs were flown to Switzerland during the last moments of the 3rd Reich and hidden there in the vast system of caves built there for defensive purposes by the Swiss. This would imply a limited partnership with the Swiss concerning a technology that neither country wanted to loose. In modern times we have witnessed something similar when Iraq flew its jet aircraft to Iran for safe keeping during the Gulf War. Iraq and Iran had been bitter enemies only a few years before but put these differences aside in order to save technology. If they could do it certainly the Germans and Swiss could do it also. One eye witness claims that he saw an experimental aircraft crossing the German border into Switzerland on the morning of May 9, 1945, the day after the surrender of the 3rd Reich (25). This same procedure could have taken place with even more exotic flying craft. One of our most trusted sources, Renato Vesco believes that Canada was strongly involved in further developing captured German saucer technology. Vesco's belief seems to be that the British kept this information to themselves. That is, they did not share it with the United States. They did this in response to the latter's refusal to share atomic secrets with Great Britain. The British hid this research in the Canadian forests where they spent time and money developing it into the flying saucers of the 1950s. Somewhat related to this idea, the German researcher Klaus-Peter Rothkugel also believes post-war saucer research was the product of a massive and still-secret Anglo-American effort. Jim Wilson adds fuel to this fire in that there was apparently joint British-American-Australian involvement in the Lenticular Reentry Vehicle project (26). Bill Lyne has another opinion. He believes all German saucer data was transferred to the government of the United States in a deal done with Admiral Karl Doenitz who was acting head of Germany for the week or so between the time Hitler shot himself in the bunker and Germany surrendered. Recently, Mark Kneipp has found some very interesting evidence which seems to support Mr. Lyne's sequence of events in this deal with Admiral Doenitz.This is one surprise I do not want to spoil so it will be left to Mr. Kneipp to reveal his research. One real mystery remains absolutely untouched. This concerns the man who did know everything about Germany's saucer development and all its V-weaponry and other high technology for that matter. This was SS General and Doctor of Engineering Hans Kammler. Kammler first came to prominence because of his expertise in building extensive underground installations. Soon his high intelligence and "can do" attitude were recognized, resulting in a meteoric rise in rank and influence within the Third Reich. Kammler assembled the best of the best as far as weaponry was concerned and kept it close to him in the form of the Kammler Group, based at the Skoda industrial complexes near Prag. By war's end he was among the top five most powerful people in Germany. He had the entire SS technical organization to do his bidding. He was in charge of Peenemuende, "Der Riese" in modern Poland, Kordhausen, Kahla, the many facilities at the Jonas Valley in Thuringia, as well as the huge underground facility he built for himself in Austria. The Kammler Group was everywhere on the cutting edge of the cutting edge of applied technology. For instance it was the Kammler Group which was in the process of applying nuclear energy toward missile and aircraft propulsion (27). What happened to Kammler? This was the most knowledgeable of all the German technical people. Even Albert Speer, German Minister of Munitions, admitted under Allied interrogation, that Kammler was the expert in the area of V-weapons development. This was no small admission for Speer. With the cessation of hostilities in Europe, Kammler simply waltzed off the pages of history, never to be seen or heard from again. Why, then, was there no post-war manhunt for Kammler? What are we missing here? Tom Agoston recounts the stories of Kammler's death (28). There are five in all. They all read like pulp fiction. None are even remotely believable. As proof of this, no serious investigation was ever done into any of these stories by any of the Allied Powers. But equally shocking is the fact that Kammler was ignored by the "Nazi Hunter" aficionados. A quick call to the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles revealed that they were not looking for Kammler and have never looked for Kammler even though they fully agreed that the stories of his death stretched credulity. This, in spite of the fact that it was Kammler who was responsible for the many slave-labor camps, including Dora and S-3, where many inmates died working for the SS. There is a sixth possible story for Kammler's demise. Could not the answer to this enigma be found in a practice commonly given to criminals in the USA, that of the "witness protection program"? Was Kammler given a new identity in exchange for his knowledge and knowledge of where the treasure-trove of SS technical information was stored? Actually, any country in the world at the time would have made Kammler this deal in a second. He was simply too technologically valuable to loose or to involve in a showcase criminal trial. A new identity was the best way out of his problems. One thing is striking concerning the technological history of theTwentieth Century. The preponderance of that century's technology has its roots in the 1940s. The technology we use and take for granted today was invented or developed to the utilitarian degree during this time frame. These technological roots sink most deeply into Nazi Germany. In support of this argument, there is a laundry list too long to fully recount. It ranges from synthetic materials such as plastics and artificial rubber to metallurgy. It included the host of technologies which gave us the jet engine, rockets and so access to space travel.It includes atomic power. It also includes early semi-conductor research upon which our modern computer-based research, economy and communications are built. Technically speaking, we are still living off the Caracas of the Third Reich. Yet, still, to this day, much of that German technology remains veiled. Counted among this still-veiled technology are the German flying discs. Disposition of German Saucer Technology After The War Sources and References
A Polish-language map of Nazi enclaves in South America, particularly Argentina. It is thought that some of the UFO activity in South America came from German saucers relocated to remote parts of that continent. Index |