The Viktor Schauberger ModelsAn Austrian, Viktor Schauberger was first and foremost a naturalist. His primary focus was water as found in naturally occurring streams, rivers and lakes. In observing the movement of water he formulated his own ideas about its movement and energetic properties. They are applicable in air also. His ideas are quite contrary to accepted ideas, both then and now an dare even now imperfectly understood and debated. These ideas involved the vortex which was the way Schauberger believed that water naturally flowed both in the earth and in streams. Schauberger believed that energy naturally flowed in a vortex but that this movement was only visible through another medium such as water or air. This discussion will first focus on theories of why and how the Schauberger saucer model flew and then recount the sequence of events in Schauberger's involvement with flying discs. Viktor Schauberger's saucer models incorporated a vortex in which air entered at the top and flowed right through the center of the saucer. Schauberger's vortex was an open system. A whirlpool or tornado or hurricane are examples of the kind of vortex upon which Schauberger's ideas are based. There are two directions of vortex movement, centripetal or inward moving vortex and centrifugal or outward moving vortex. Centripetally moving, that is inwardly moving spiraling air or water, takes up less space and is cooled by this motion according to Schauberger (1). The example we see in daily life is the motion of water in a toilet after flushing. He called this centripetal movement "implosion". Implosion was always accompanied by explosion as the fluid expanded again in an outward, centrifugal spiral. The process is first centripetal then centrifugal. The form this vortex took is really dictated by function according to Schauberger. The "function" is the energy flow. The spiral vortex is the shape the energy flow takes in its movement (2). Energy flows in at the top of the vortex in the characteristic double-spiral manner. These air molecules are imploded, that is, they are made more dense and they yield heat as they progress (3). Air molecules are squeezed tighter and tighter together as they move down the vortex until the sub-atomic particles themselves become unglued transforming into new and unrecognized forms of energy (4). As the vortex itself decreases in diameter implosion and speed are increased until they reach the point within the vortex where centripetal forces stop and centrifugal forces take over.
Viktor Schauberger's Saucer Models
![]() Top: Schauberger models. Bottom: Sectional diagram. The zig-zag is the air passage. The passage is a hollow space between two plates. As the saucer spins on its axis, the air enters and moves away from the center toward the rim following the up and down flow of the zig-zag. The spin causes individual tornado-like vortices to form as the spin causes the air flow to fold over on itself as it moves outward. Vortices become smaller in diameter and more "densified" until they reach the rim where they are released into the atmosphere, rapidly expand, and yield energy. Model is multi-section, copper. Courtesy Klaus-Peter Rothkugel Energy is radiated out from the center of the vortex (5). The Schauberger vortex may be visualized as a figure "8" according to Dr. Gordon Freeman, with the energy radiating out at the narrow mid-point between the upper and lower loops (6). This energy is produces levitation. It may be diamagnetic energy as Schauberger believed (7). Viktor Schauberger first built new designs for flumes to transport logs. He then built water purification machines using the principle of the vortex. He then built electric generators, heaters and coolers using only air as fuel. The breakthrough using machines was Schauberger's claim to have found a way to make his vortex machines auto-rotate at rotational speeds between10,000 and 20,000 revolutions per minute (8). In some Schauberger machines, a small high-speed electric engine would spin the air around an axis using a paddle-like propeller. The motor would continue accelerating the rotating air until it reached the critical speed of auto-rotation. At this point, the process was self-sustaining with air being drawn in and expelled with no additional input of energy (9). Air could be drawn in on a continuous basis since it was being cooled and thus made more dense in the vortex spiral. Greater density is loss of volume. Loss of volume created lower pressure at the air inlet with drew in more and more air as the reaction continued. Greater air speed at the point of ejection also served to lower the pressure as explained in Bernoulli's Law (the same process which makes an airplane wing lift the aircraft), thus helping to lowering pressure at the inlet. So to review: air is drawn in one end of the machine by an electric-powered, paddle-like fan or by spinning the entire machine as was the case with the saucer model. Air is then spiraled into a vortex of special proportion and shape designed by Schauberger. The air is made more dense yet cooled as it funnels down to its smallest diameter. At this point, just before expansive forces take over, energy is liberated perhaps due to the un-gluing of sub-atomic forces which frees energy in some manner currently imperfectly understood. The air begins to expand in a centrifugal motion as it warms. It is at this midway point that the air exits the saucer model at its periphery or lip of the saucer to expand centrifugally in the open atmosphere. Once a speed of 10,000 to 20,000 revolutions per minute is attained, the machine auto-rotates without need of the small electric-powered starter motor. The exact proportions for the Schauberger pipes are designed geometrically. This geometry is of a rather esoteric nature.For instance, the bend of the spiral pipe is calculated using the Golden Section. For some time a true engineering genius, Dr. Gordon Freeman, has been writing to some interested parties and explaining how certain shapes or wave patterns can impact conventional physics. He believes one needs to understand known science as well as a more esoteric doctrine in order to appreciate the nature of free-energy and some types of field propulsion UFO craft. The work of Viktor Schauberger is an example of this. In this work there remains a world of knowledge imperfectly understood by most of us.
Esoteric Ideas
![]() Top Left : The Hyperbolic Open System. The movement could be centripetal or centrifugal. Top Right: Law of Natural Tones resulting from the hyperbolic spiral. Bottom: The egg-shape, built according to the non-Euclidian Law of Natural Tones, correct some of the planetary motion laws of Kepler according to Schauberger. Returning to the mechanism by which these models flew, Schauberger himself always made the point of the fact that his saucer models were constructed of diamagnetic materials. Diamagnetic materials are those which are repel a magnetic field. Schauberger considered copper diamagnetic (10) and the surfaces of the saucer models coming in contact with air were made of copper. As mentioned above, the very atomic structure of these atoms may have altered by this process. Coats tells us that electrons,protons and neutron may have been separated from one another(11). It has been suggested that the electrons and protons of these atoms were stripped from their nuclei. Their opposing charges were free and attracted one another resulting in their mutual annihilation of one another yielding a release of energy(12). This would occur exactly at the point where centripetal forces ceased and centrifugal forces began, these air particles reversed their spin and altered their rotation. Further, Coats explains that the neutrons, which were left over in the process described above, and contrary to accepted views,are themselves magnetic (13). These neutrons were expelled from the saucer centrifugally along with water, water vapor and air which had not reacted as stated above. These "magnetic"neutrons, on the outside of the saucer body may serve to increase the diamagnetic reaction of the copper saucer which would be both pushing away from the earth and the cloud of surrounding "magnetically charged" neutrons. In other words, the Schauberger disc may have been repelling away from the magnetically charged atmosphere which it itself had just created. Dr. Richard LeFors Clark proposes a more detailed description of similar ideas involving the mechanism of the Bloch Wall (14). This will be discussed in the section involving Karl Schappeller but it should be kept in mind while reading these ideas that Dr.Clark had Schauberger in mind. These ideas and others pertaining to both Schauberger and Karl Schappeller will be presented in the Schappeller section to follow. The history of the Schauberger flying disc models is as follows. According to Alexander's son, Aloys Kokaly, a German, began work for Viktor Schauberger in the early days of the Second World War producing certain parts for a "flying object" which were hard to obtain in Austria. The parts were to be delivered to the Kertl Works in Vienna which was the site of this work at the time. The Kertl Works were operating "on higher authority" in association with Schauberger. Kokaly was received at Kertl by its chief and told by this individual, somewhat bitterly, that one of these strange contraptions had already flown. As a matter of fact it had gone right through the roof of the Kertl plant (15). The year was 1940. Coats tells us that the purpose of this device was twofold. First, it was to investigate free energy production. This could be done by running a shaft to the rapidly rotating wheel-like component which was auto-rotating at between 10,000 and 20,000rpm. Using reduction gearing, some of that energy could be mechanically coupled to an electric generator producing electricity at no cost. The second purpose of these experiments was to test Schauberger's theories on levitation and flight (16). Two prototypes were said to have been built at Kertl. The test flight was done without Schauberger's presence or even his permission to do the test. The model flew as described above but it did considerable destruction to the Kertl Works so there were mixed feels concerning the success of this flight. The force of levitation was so strong that it sheared six 1/4 inch diameter high-tensile steel anchor bolts on its way to the roof. Coats reports that according to Schauberger's calculations based upon previous tests, a 20 centimeter diameter device of this sort, with a rotational velocity of 20,000 rpm, would have lifted a weight of 228 tons (17). A few years earlier in 1934 Schauberger had met with Hitler to discuss alternative energy ideas (18). Nothing come of this meeting immediately but after Germany annexed Austria in 1938,Schauberger became involved in research at Professor Kotschau's laboratory in Nuremberg. Assisted by his son, Walter, who had just completed engineering studies at a technical college in Dresden, Viktor Schauberger went to work with a Dr. Winter on a plan to extract electrical energy directly form a water flow. Some success was achieved. Alexander's son reports that a potential of 50,000 volts was achieved but that no practical results came from this at that time (19). Probably based upon the fact that Viktor Schauberger was a veteran of the Great War, he was inducted into the Waffen-SS in 1943. This put him under the direct control of SS chief Heinrich Himmler. Schauberger was ordered to castle Schoenbrunn near the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria. There he was to select qualified prisoners, twenty to thirty craftsmen, technicians and engineers, and begin work on a new, secret weapon. Schauberger arranged improved conditions for his team and produced another flying saucer model (20). In May, 1945, because of the deteriorating circumstances of the war, Schauberger was re-located to Leonstein in Upper Austria by the SS. There, just after a successful test flight of his latest device, it was seized by an American intelligence unit which appeared to be well informed about it. Schauberger was debriefed by American intelligence, according to Coats, detained, and told not to participate in further research (21). Coats was actually able to locate a surviving example of a Schauberger saucer model. Excellent photographs of this device are to be found in his book, Living Energies, as well as a dissection of it into its various components. It is unclear if this device was one of the earlier (1940) or later (1945) projects. After the war, Schauberger worked on agricultural projects in Austria until one day in the late 1957 when he was contacted by two Americans. They promised Viktor almost unlimited resources if he and his son Walter would work for them in the United States (22). Discussion concerning the exact source and motives for this offer are beyond the scope of this discussion but suffice it to say that they were powerful interests. The Schaubergers were sent to Texas, near the Red River, where Viktor was asked to disclose everything he knew and Walter was asked to set Viktor's terminology into the standard language of physics and engineering. This whole episode proved extremely unsatisfactory for both Schaubergers and they returned to Austria after about three months. As a condition for their return, Viktor was asked to sign away his knowledge to this powerful concern. Viktor was given a contract in English, which he did not read. Nevertheless, the deal was done and the Schaubergers returned to Austria (23).Viktor, already in poor health, died five days later on September25, 1958. Walter continued advancing his father's research in Austria until his death in 1997. Coats provides us with pictures of one of the Schauberger saucers in question and an explanation of its workings (24). This saucer was composed of a number of copper plates bolted together. Air was drawn in at the to and into the rapidly spinning saucer which was set into motion by an electric motor. In this machine no paddles pushed upon the air to start it. Instead, a motor was used to spin the whole saucer model to the desired number of revolutions per minute. The air was thus spun rapid over channels formed by the upper and lower surfaces of two copper plates. On these plates alternate ridges and depressions on both plates kept the air moving in snake-like wave forms and it moved toward the periphery of the saucer. Because the saucer was rapidly spinning, the air was folded over upon itself as it moved laterally into many individual vortices. The air was rotating in these vortices and moving up and down between the ridged plates. It was also moving around as the saucer spun on its axis. This is a double-spiral motion which additionally duplicates the undulating motion seen on the Schauberger log flumes. The air was cooled and made more dense as it progressed towards the periphery. At and around the saucer the periphery, it was ejected into the atmosphere at great speed. In this machine, centripetal air flow changes to centrifugal air flow at this periphery. The air, once outside the saucer, spirals away in a centrifugal motion. It is at this periphery, at the mid line of the saucer, where the change of motion takes place. It is here that energy is liberated. It is this energy which gives the saucer its quality of levitation. Sometimes the Coanda Effect is cited as a reason this saucer flew (25). Coanda effects, if present at all, are only a secondary force if Viktor Schauberger's calculations are correct. Coanda effects alone could never be powerful enough to generate the lifting force equal to 228 tons which Schauberger estimated his small model produced. The important factual points to keep in mind are these: First,this saucer-model, probably in more than one version, actually flew. Second, one model still exists today. Therefore this"flying saucer" is a physical reality which can be photographed, touched and studied. Third, explanations of the mysterious energetic forces causing lift in this device should not be forgotten. The German scientific leadership was interested in implosion and in what Schauberger had to teach them but they did not necessarily want to be limited by the use of air to achieve these results. Instead, they may have wanted to use Schauberger ideas but actuating these principles with electronic components. We will see some ideas relating to Schauberger in a future example.
The Viktor Schauberger Models Sources and References
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