Hary Potter
February 24, 2013
YouTube Website
National Geographic presents the first accurate non-stop voyage from
Earth to the edge of the Universe using a single, unbroken shot
through the use of spectacular CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery)
Building on images taken from the Hubble telescope, Journey to the
Edge of the Universe explores the science and history behind the
distant celestial bodies in the solar system.
This spectacular, epic voyage across the cosmos, takes us from the
Earth, past the Moon and our neighboring planets, out of our Solar
System, to the nearest stars, nebulae and galaxies and beyond –
right to the edge of the Universe itself.
When you finish this video, you will walk away from it with an
awareness that you never had before, of the unseen astronomically
massive universe that we float around on like a spec of dust in the
This video takes you on a journey through the universe as if you are
watching a Sci Fi adventure. Yet you constantly have to remind
yourself that what you’re seeing is really out there.