by Terence Newton
March 18, 2016
WakingTimes Website
Spanish version

Cosmic rays and high energy particles
are continuously bombarding the earth, electrically charging our
atmosphere, reacting with the electromagnetic fields surrounding the
Scientists have been looking for the
primary source of this accelerated energy for decades, and the new
age community has ascribed evolutionary significance to these
energies, pointing to 2012 as a key moment when we can have full and
direct access to this energy.
To scientists and spiritualists alike, there is deep curiosity about
what is happening at the innermost reaches of our galaxy.
In an unprecedented scientific discovery, researchers have now
verified that the black hole at the center of our galaxy is acting
as an intense energy accelerator.
The H.E.S.S.
(High Energy Steroscopic System) Observatory in Namibia, Africa is
run by an international collaborative team made up of 42
institutions in 12 countries, and has or decades been mapping the
very-high-energy gamma rays emitted from the center of our universe.
"A detailed analysis of the latest
H.E.S.S. data, published on 16th March 2016 in
Nature, reveals for the first time a source of this cosmic
radiation at energies never observed before in the Milky Way:
the supermassive black hole at
the centre of the Galaxy, likely to accelerate cosmic rays
to energies 100 times larger than those achieved at the
largest terrestrial particle accelerator, the LHC at CERN."
A new mapping of these phenomenon
identifies a relatively small concentration of super high energy
gamma rays focused at the very center of the Milky Way, pointing to
a link between energy acceleration and several key objects found in
this region.
"Somewhere within the central 33
light years of the Milky Way there is an astrophysical source
capable of accelerating protons to energies of about one
peta-electronvolt, continuously for at least 1,000 years", says
Emmanuel Moulin (CEA, Saclay).

The evidence now indicate a massive black hole at the galactic
known as Sgr A*.
The centre of our galaxy is home to many objects capable of
producing cosmic rays of high energy, including, in particular, a
supernova remnant, a pulsar wind nebula, and a compact cluster of
massive stars.
"the supermassive
black hole located at the
centre of the Galaxy, called Sgr A*, is the most plausible
source of the PeV protons", says Felix Aharonian (MPIK,
Heidelberg and DIAS, Dublin), adding that, "several possible
acceleration regions can be considered, either in the immediate
vicinity of the black hole, or further away, where a fraction of
the material falling into the black hole is ejected back into
the environment, thereby initiating the acceleration of
Cosmic Energy
and Human Consciousness
Many thinkers and spiritualists have attributed significant meaning
to the cosmic radiation emanating from the center of our galaxy,
often ascribing the evolution of human consciousness to the earth's
temporal relationship to the source of these energies.
To many,
year 2012 was supposed to mark a turning point for
humanity, as the earth was to begin moving closer to the galactic
center, increasing our proximity and openness to cosmic radiation
that would nourish consciousness and push us toward evolution.
"The Earth is leading the ascension
of mankind. And she made her ascension on the 12-12-12 date.
She is now positioned in such a way
that she is drawing direct information from the Central Sun.
Without such a perfectly orchestrated astronomical
repositioning, universal information would remain restricted to
the linear reality that currently exists.
On December 21, we suddenly gained access to all points within
the Universe. This has automatically opened our world to the
intelligence and information that has been present on these
other worlds all along.
It has opened the doorways to our
infinite potential."
While not exactly scientific, this
viewpoint does compel the imagination to wonder,
What does lie at
the center of our galaxy?
What is the central driving
force of the intense radiation coming from?
And most importantly, how does
this information affect human consciousness?