September 21, 2016
from MessageToEagle Website




The BOSS Great Wall weighs

10,000 times as much as our measly Milky Way,

pictured above.



The BOSS Great Wall is believed to be the largest structure in the Universe.

It is a gigantic wall of galaxies, over a billion light years long and with 830 galaxies, combined into four superclusters; massive filaments of hot gas hold them all together.



The BOSS has a mass of 280 million billion suns, (our galaxy, the Milky Way, has over 200 billion stars).


It is lurking approximately 5 billion light-years away from the Milky Way, and it is 1.3 billion light-years in diameter.

The BOSS is located in a little-known part of the cosmos and was discovered by a team from the Canary Islands Institute of Astrophysics. Astronomers dubbed the structure - BOSS Great Wall, after the BOSS (Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey), which spotted it.

The BOSS Great Wall is a tight network of four superclusters.


The largest two form a stretched-out wall of galaxies that’s about 1.2 billion light years long!


Image: Max-Planck Institute/Millennium Run

The BOSS Great Wall is a string of superclusters connected by gases lying roughly 4.5 to 6.5 billion light-years away from Earth

This is one of only a few supercluster systems ever found.

The Sloan Great Wall, which was discovered in 2003, has a similar size but still not quite as large as the Boss structure, which contains 830 galaxies - twice as many as Sloan and is 170% wider than Sloan.

The BOSS has a mass of 280 million billion suns, (our galaxy, the Milky Way, has over 200 billion stars).


It is lurking approximately 5 billion light-years away from the Milky Way, and it is 1.3 billion light-years in diameter.




BOSS Great Wall

...Consisting of Over 830 Galaxies is Largest Entity in Space