por Andrés Eloy Martínez
04 Agosto 2010
del Sitio Web
Por primera vez, los investigadores pudieron analizar la longitud de
onda de radiación infrarroja del planeta |

El planeta Neptuno habría recibido el impacto de una cometa hace 200
(Foto: Especial Max Planck Institute)
Científicos del
Instituto Max Planck descubrieron evidencias del
impacto de un cometa sobre el planeta Neptuno hace 200 años, de
acuerdo a una comunicado del propio instituto.
Cuando el
cometa Shoemaker-Levy 9 golpeó, hace 16 años, a Júpiter,
científicos de todo el mundo se prepararon para el gran espectáculo:
instrumentos a bordo de las naves espaciales Voyager 2, Galileo y
Ulises capturaron datos de este raro evento.
Hoy, estos mismos datos ayudan a los científicos a detectar impactos
de cometas ocurridos hace muchos años.
Estas grandes "bolas de nieve y polvo", como las llaman los
astrónomos, dejan huellas en la atmósfera de los planetas gigantes
de gas:
dióxido de carbono
monóxido de carbono
sulfuro de carbono
Estas moléculas pueden ser detectadas en la luz que el planeta
refleja hacia el espacio.
En febrero de 2010, científicos de este mismo instituto descubrieron
fuerte evidencia del impacto de un cometa en Saturno alrededor hace
230 años.
Ahora, nuevas mediciones realizadas por el
observatorio espacial Herschel indican que Neptuno experimentó un hecho similar.
Por primera vez, los investigadores pudieron analizar la longitud de
onda de radiación infrarroja de Neptuno.
La atmósfera del planeta más exterior de nuestro sistema solar se
compone principalmente de hidrógeno y helio, con trazas de agua,
dióxido de carbono y monóxido de carbono.
Los científicos detectaron una inusual distribución del monóxido de
carbono en la capa superior de la atmósfera, denominada estratosfera,
se encontraron con una mayor concentración que en la capa inferior o
"Esta alta concentración de monóxido de carbono en la estratosfera
sólo puede explicarse por un origen externo", señaló el científico
Paul Hartogh, investigador principal de la misión Herschel.
"Normalmente, las concentraciones de monóxido de carbono en la
troposfera y la estratosfera deben ser iguales o disminuir con el
aumento de la altura", añadió.
La única explicación para estos resultados es el
impacto de un
Tal colisión desmorona el cometa, mientras que el monóxido de
carbono atrapado en el cometa de hielo se libera y con los años se
distribuye por toda la estratosfera.
El instrumento con el que se logro este descubrimiento, llamado red
de foto-detector, cámara y espectrómetro, fue desarrollado en el
Instituto Max Planck.
Con éste se analiza la longitud de onda de radiación infrarroja,
también conocida como radiación calórica, que los cuerpos como
Neptuno emiten en el frió del espacio.
El satélite Herschel lleva a bordo el telescopio más grande que
jamás haya sido operado en el espacio.
Cometary Impact
...on Neptune
July 16, 2010
MPS Website
Measurements performed by the
space observatory Herschel point to a
collision about two centuries ago.
A comet may have hit the planet Neptune about two centuries ago.
This is indicated by the distribution of carbon monoxide in the
atmosphere of the gas giant that researchers - among them scientists
from the French observatory LESIA in Paris, from the Max Planck
Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Katlenburg-Lindau (Germany)
and from the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
(MPE) in Garching (Germany) - have now studied.
The scientists analyzed data
taken by the research satellite Herschel, that has been orbiting
the Sun in a distance of approximately 1.5 million kilometers since
May 2009. (Astronomy & Astrophysics, published online on July 16th,
When the
comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 hit Jupiter sixteen years ago,
scientists all over the world were prepared: instruments on board
the space probes Voyager 2, Galileo and Ulysses documented every
detail of this rare incident.
Today, this data helps scientists
detect cometary impacts that happened many, many years ago.
The "dusty
snowballs" leave traces in the atmosphere of the gas giants: water,
carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, and carbon
sulfide. These molecules can be detected in the radiation the planet
radiates into space.
In February 2010 scientists from MPS discovered strong evidence for
a cometary impact on Saturn about 230 years ago (see Astronomy and
Astrophysics, Volume 510, February 2010). Now new measurements
performed by the instrument
PACS (Photodetector Array Camera and
Spectrometer) on board the Herschel space observatory indicate that
Neptune experienced a similar event.
For the first time, PACS allows
researchers to analyze the long-wave infrared radiation of Neptune.

Figure 1
Two centuries ago a comet may have hit Neptune, the outer-most
planet in our solar system.
(Credits: NASA)
The atmosphere of the outer-most planet of our solar system mainly
consists of hydrogen and helium with traces of water, carbon dioxide
and carbon monoxide.
Now, the scientists detected an unusual
distribution of carbon monoxide: In the upper layer of the
atmosphere, the so-called stratosphere, they found a higher
concentration than in the layer beneath, the troposphere.
higher concentration of carbon monoxide in the stratosphere can only
be explained by an external origin", says MPS-scientist Paul Hartogh,
principle investigator of the Herschel science program 'Water and
related chemistry in the solar system'.
"Normally, the
concentrations of carbon monoxide in troposphere and stratosphere
should be the same or decrease with increasing height", he adds.
The only explanation for these results is a cometary impact.
Such a
collision forces the comet to fall apart while the carbon monoxide
trapped in the comet’s ice is released and over the years
distributed throughout the stratosphere.
"From the distribution of
carbon monoxide we can therefore derive the approximate time, when
the impact took place", explains Thibault Cavalié from MPS.
earlier assumption that a comet hit Neptune two hundred years ago
could thus be confirmed. A different theory according to which a
constant flux of tiny dust particles from space introduces carbon
monoxide into Neptune’s atmosphere, however, does not agree with the
In Neptune’s stratosphere the scientists also found a higher
concentration of methane than expected. On Neptune, methane plays
the same role as water vapor on Earth: the temperature of the so-called
tropopause - a barrier of colder air separating troposphere and
stratosphere - determines, how much water vapor can rise into the
stratosphere. If this barrier is a little bit warmer, more gas can
pass through.
But while on Earth the temperature of the tropopause
never falls beneath minus 80 degrees Celsius, on Neptune the
tropopause's mean temperature is minus 219 degrees.
Therefore, a gap in the barrier of the tropopause seems to be
responsible for the elevated concentration of methane on Neptune.
With minus 213 degrees Celsius, at Neptune’s southern Pole this air
layer is six degrees warmer than everywhere else allowing gas to
pass more easily from troposphere to stratosphere.
The methane,
which scientists believe originates from the planet itself, can
therefore spread throughout the stratosphere.
The instrument PACS was developed at the Max Planck Institute for
Extraterrestrial Physics. It analyzes the long-wave infrared
radiation, also known as heat radiation, that the cold bodies in
space such as Neptune emit.
In addition, the research satellite
Herschel carries the largest telescope ever to have been operated in