by Ramanan
December 19,
Ramanan50 Website

Recent Studies on
the Universe speculate that there
may be 10,500 Universes with 'different' laws of Physics...
Based on
String Theory this Study suggests that we might be a controlled
by a Master
Computer Program with set patterns. There could be a
Computer controlling the Universes.
This 'Theory' may
be new to the West.
Indian philosophy,
asserts this Principle at different levels and systems.
1. Advaita
Non-Dualism postulates that the Universal basic Principle is One
and that is called Brahman. This Principle is the essence of
Being, Knowledge and Bliss.
The world as we see
it is an Illusion, Maya (this Illusion is called as 'Avidya or
Nescience' at the individual level and 'Maya' or Illusion at the
Macro level)
It is not to
say that it does not exist.
It has a
relative existence with in the laid down parameters.
The other
Existence is called Absolute,
'where the
words do not reach, nor thoughts operate'.
At this Absolute
level, there are no Attributes or Qualities, to use a common word.
This is called the
Nirguna Brahman.
Then what about the
world we see and live?
As said earlier it
also exists, though in a limited sense, with the qualities that can
be perceived by the organs provided to us and also the make up of
the 'external universe.'
Perceptions we have of our Daily Universe are limited in
space and time, that is Finite, for we have the Mind is limited
by its inability to perceive without reference to Space and Time.
Immanuel Kant
put it simple,
'Time and Space
are the Goggles through which we perceive'
So the Universe is
Finite for we conditioned to perceive the limited or the limited
Nature of the Universe.
The different
Universes that exist are regulated by other Laws and the
organs and the laws are totally different.
There are 14 levels
of Existence, each being controlled thus.
2. Theory of Karma
Karma means action.
Every action
performed produces equal and opposite reaction. When we complete an
action, we have excluded the other choices presented to us. Any
choice presented has a set pattern.
So when only one
option is taken the balance remain.
Action is a form of
energy and once available can not be destroyed but can be changed.
Hence the opposite reactions for our actions and
the remaining actions remain even after completion of action.
This remnant Energy , since it originates from the Doer, the reactions are
limited to the Doer alone.
This in short is the abstract of
Karma is of three
Sanchita Karma
- Total accumulation of the reactions of the actions of the individual.
What ever we
under go is due to a portion of the Karma that is taken out of
the totality, Sanchita Karrma. This Karma is called Prarabda
Karma. The balance of the Sanchita Karma will take its course.
Then what about
the actions we perform? This is called Kriyamaana Karma which
will yield results and to use banking term, will be credited or
debited to your account.
An extension of this thought proves the
existence of
Life after Death and
As the quality of
actions and consequently the reactions differ, one is assigned to
different levels of Existence.
The Theory of Karma
is applied more stringently.
Things differ from each other because
of the rate at which they vibrate,
Higher the
vibration subtler it becomes.
Lower it
becomes Gross.
Actions create
vasanas and vibrations, and these results assign one to different
levels of existence and worlds.
"Imagine the
situation where we get a big enough computer to simulate our
universe, and we start such a simulation on our computers," said
professor Martin Savage, a physicists working on the project.
"If that
simulation runs long enough, and have same laws as our universe,
then something like our universe will emerge within that
simulations, and the situation will repeat itself within each
simulation," he said.
The current
understanding of
string theory indicates that there are 10,500
universes with different laws that determine the behavior of
particles within them, Martin Savage said.
"So it is
certainly true, that with enough computer resources, theorists
would like to explore these universes," he added.
Explaining how the
experiment works, physicists claim that finite computer resources
mean that space time is not continuous but set on a grid with a
finite volume, designed to create maximum energy subatomic
The direction these
particles flow in will depend on how they are ordered on the grid.
They will be
looking at the distribution of the
highest energy cosmic rays in
order to detect patterns that could suggest that universe is the
creation of some futuristic computer technology.
And if it does
turns out that we are mere players in some sort of computer program,
they suggested that there may be a way to mess with the program, and
play with the minds of our creators...
"One could
imagine trying to figure out how to manipulate the code,
communicate with the code and questions that appear weird to
consider today," he said…
The point that
we can manipulate the master code is fallacious as the Finite can
not manipulate the Infinite
Some things never
Physicists call
them the constants of nature. Such quantities as the velocity of
light, c, Newton's constant of gravitation, G, and the mass of the
electron, me, are assumed to be the same at all places and times in
the universe.
They form the
scaffolding around which the theories of physics are erected, and
they define the fabric of our universe...
In recent years,
however, the status of the constants has grown more muddled, not
less. Researchers have found that the best candidate for a theory
of everything, the variant of string theory called
M-theory, is
self-consistent only if the universe has more than four dimensions
of space and time - as many as seven more.
One implication is
that the constants we observe may not, in fact, be the truly
fundamental ones. Those live in the full higher-dimensional space,
and we see only their three-dimensional "shadows."
In fact, string
theory allows for a vast number - 10,500 - of possible "worlds" with
different self-consistent sets of laws and constants...
The constants
are a tantalizing mystery. Every equation of physics is filled with
them, and they seem so prosaic that people tend to forget how
unaccountable their values are.
Their origin is
bound up with some of the grandest questions of modern science, from
the unification of physics to the expansion of the universe.
measuring alpha in around 300 distant galaxies, a consistency
this magic number, which tells us the strength of
electromagnetism, is not the same everywhere as it is here on
Earth, and seems to vary continuously along a preferred axis
through the universe," professor John Webb from the University
of New South Wales said.
implications for our current understanding of science are
If the laws of physics turn out to be merely 'local
by-laws', it might be that whilst our observable part of the
universe favors the existence of life and human beings, other
far more distant regions may exist where different laws preclude
the formation of life, at least as we know it."