by Muaddib
16 August 2006
AboveTopSecret Website
This is a fact that not many people know
about, and quite a few people, would like that there was no evidence
to back this fact, because some people would like the world to
believe that human activity is the cause for global warming on
I am not advocating that releasing harmful gases, and
chemicals in the oceans and atmosphere are good, but after a few
years of research, I have come to understand that global warming is
happening in the Solar System, not just on Earth.
Some people just want to listen to what some environmentalists are
claiming, that
global warming is happening because of human
activity, and we are the cause for the extreme changes in climate we
have been seeing lately getting worse and worse.
The facts speak for themselves as to what is really happening:
Mars may be going through a period of climate
change - new findings from NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter suggest Odyssey has been mapping the distribution of materials on and near
Mars' surface since early 2002, nearly a full annual cycle on Mars.
Besides tracking seasonal changes, such as the advance and retreat
of polar dry ice, the orbiter is returning evidence useful for
learning about longer-term dynamics.
Martian Ice Shrinking Dramatically New gullies that did not exist in mid-2002 have appeared on a
Martian sand dune.
That's just one of the surprising discoveries that have resulted
from the extended life of NASA's Mars Global Surveyor, which this
month began its ninth year in orbit around Mars. Boulders tumbling
down a Martian slope left tracks that weren't there two years ago.
New impact craters formed since the 1970s suggest changes to
age-estimating models.
And for three Mars summers in a row, deposits
of frozen carbon dioxide near Mars' south pole have shrunk from the
previous year's size, suggesting a climate change in progress.
Prediction of a global climate change on Jupiter
by Philip S. Marcus
Jupiter's atmosphere, as observed in the 1979 Voyager
space craft images, is characterized by 12 zonal jet streams and
about 80 vortices, the largest of which are the Great Red Spot and
three White Ovals that had formed1 in the 1930s.
The Great Red Spot
has been observed continuously since 1665 and, given the dynamical
similarities between the Great Red Spot and the White Ovals, the
disappearance of two White Ovals in 1997-2000 was unexpected.
Their longevity and sudden demise has been explained5 however, by
the trapping of anticyclonic vortices in the troughs of Rossby
waves, forcing them to merge.
Here I propose that the disappearance
of the White Ovals was not an isolated event, but part of a
recurring climate cycle which will cause most of Jupiter's vortices
to disappear within the next decade. In my numerical simulations,
the loss of the vortices results in a global temperature change of
about 10 K, which destabilizes the atmosphere and thereby leads to
the formation of new vortices.
After formation, the large vortices
are eroded by turbulence over a time of 60 years - consistent with
observations of the White Ovals - until they disappear and the cycle
begins again.
Pluto is undergoing global warming, researchers find
October 9, 2002
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Pluto is undergoing global warming, as evidenced
by a three-fold increase in the planet's atmospheric pressure during
the past 14 years, a team of astronomers from Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT), Williams College, the University of
Hawaii, Lowell Observatory and Cornell University announced in a
press conference today at the annual meeting of the American
Astronomical Society's (AAS) Division for Planetary Sciences in
Birmingham, AL.
The team, led by James Elliot, professor of planetary astronomy at
MIT and director of MIT's Wallace Observatory, made this finding by
watching the dimming of a star when Pluto passed in front of it Aug.
20. The team carried out observations using eight telescopes at
Mauna Kea Observatory, Haleakala, Lick Observatory, Lowell
Observatory and Palomar Observatory. Data were successfully recorded
at all sites.
An earlier attempt to observe an occultation of Pluto on July 19 in
Chile was not highly successful. Observations were made from only
two sites with small telescopes because the giant telescopes and
other small telescopes involved lost out to bad weather or from
being in the wrong location that day.
These two occultations were
the first to be successfully observed for Pluto since 1988.
That's a 300% increase in atmospheric pressure in Pluto, which is
the highest increase in any planet in the Solar system, and it is
increasing as Pluto orbits away from the Sun.
If the Sun is the
cause for global warming in the solar system, as some scientists
say, why is it that Pluto, the planet that is the farthest away from
the Sun, experiencing the most severe effects, and it is getting
worse and worse as it orbits away from the sun?
Pluto thought to be warming up
Astronomers at the University of Tasmania have found that the solar
system's smallest planet is not getting colder as first thought and
it probably does not have rings.
Dr John Greenhill has collected observations from last month's event
when Pluto passed in front of a bright star, making it easier to
French scientists have shared the measurements they took in Tasmania
that night, which indicate that the planet is unlikely to have
Dr Greenhill says the results are surprising because they show Pluto
is warming up.
"It looks as though the atmosphere has not changed from 2002, which
is pretty surprising because we expected the atmosphere would freeze
out as the planet moved further away from the Sun," he said.
"But so far, if anything, the atmosphere has gotten even denser."
The following is a site which was made by several scientists who
have no links with any government, or corporation, their findings
are very interesting and give a different picture as to what is
causing global warming.
Anyone interested in that
information should read that site.
Is the solar system entering a nearby interstellar cloud? Authors:
Vidal-Madjar, A.; Laurent, C.; Bruston, P.; Audouze, J. Affiliation:
AA(CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique Stellaire et Planetaire, Verrieres-le-Buisson,
Essonne, France), AB(CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique Stellaire et
Planetaire, Verrieres-le-Buisson, Essonne, France), AC(CNRS,
Laboratoire de Physique Stellaire et Planetaire, Verrieres-le-Buisson,
Essonne, France), AD(Meudon Observatoire, Hauts-de-Seine; Paris XI,
Universite, Orsay, Essonne, France) Publication:
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, vol. 223, July 15, 1978, p. 589-600.
(ApJ Homepage) Publication Date:
07/1978 Category:
Astrophysics Origin:
STI NASA/STI Keywords:
10.1086/156294 Bibliographic Code:
Observational arguments in favor of such a cloud are presented, and
implications of the presence of a nearby cloud are discussed,
including possible changes in terrestrial climate. It is suggested
that the postulated interstellar cloud should encounter the solar
system at some unspecified time in the 'near' future and might have
a drastic influence on terrestrial climate in the next 10,000 years.
ESA sees stardust storms heading for Solar System PRESS RELEASE
Date Released: Monday, August 18, 2003 Source: Artemis Society
Until ten years ago, most astronomers did not believe stardust could
enter our Solar System. Then ESA's Ulysses space-probe discovered
minute stardust particles leaking through the Sun's magnetic shield,
into the realm of Earth and the other planets. Now, the same
space-probe has shown that a flood of dusty particles is heading our
What is surprising in this new Ulysses discovery is that the amount
of stardust has continued to increase even after the solar activity
calmed down and the magnetic field resumed its ordered shape in
Scientists believe that this is due to the way in which the polarity
changed during solar maximum. Instead of reversing completely,
flipping north to south, the Sun's magnetic poles have only rotated
at halfway and are now more or less lying sideways along the Sun's
equator. This weaker configuration of the magnetic shield is letting
in two to three times more stardust than at the end of the 1990s.
Moreover, this influx could increase by as much as ten times until
the end of the current solar cycle in 2012.
Ulysses sees Galactic Dust on the rise
01 Aug 2003
Since early 1992 Ulysses has been monitoring the stream of
stardust flowing through our Solar System.
The stardust is embedded in the
local galactic cloud through which the Sun is moving at a speed
of 26 kilometers every second. As a result of this relative
motion, a single dust grain takes twenty years to traverse the
Solar System. Observations by the DUST experiment on board
Ulysses have shown that the stream of stardust is highly
affected by the Sun's magnetic field.
Unlike Earth, however, the Sun
reverses its magnetic polarity every 11 years. The reversal
always occurs during solar maximum. That's when the magnetic
field is highly disordered, allowing more interstellar dust to
enter the Solar System. It is interesting to note that in the
reversed configuration after the recent solar maximum (North
negative, South positive), the interstellar dust is even
channeled more efficiently towards the inner Solar System.
So we can expect even more
interstellar dust from 2005 onwards, once the changes become
fully effective.
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