by Stephen Smith
September 07, 2011
Thunderbolts Website

A planet made of
compressed carbon
is said to be orbiting a neutron star.
A star becomes a diamond?
A recent press release announced the "discovery" of a planet in
orbit around a pulsar that is thought to have once been a star, but
is now a planetary body composed of something similar to compressed
carbon, or diamond.
The reason for the supposed density and composition assumptions is
that the "planet" was seen in an orbit around the pulsar that is
deemed impossible to consensus astrophysicists. As announced by the
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany,
J1719-1438 rotates more than 10,000 times per minute, has a mass of
about 1.4 times that of our Sun, but is only 20 kilometers in
What is it about the planet's orbit that causes the
assumption it is crystalline and extremely dense?
The first step in this chain of circumstances is neutron star
Pulsars are neutron stars is the second link. As the theory
posits, a neutron star comes into being when a star with at least
five times the mass of the Sun implodes, shedding its outer layers
in a supernova.
Since the star is no longer able to shield itself
from its own immense gravity with thermonuclear fusion theory,
gravitational acceleration theory takes over, pulling all the
electrons in the remaining stellar matter into the nuclei. Two more
The massive star's original angular momentum remains, so its
rotational period can be astonishing, as J1719-1438 attests. The
increase in rotational velocity can be likened to an ice skater's
arms stretched out in a slow spin and then pulled in tight, thus
increasing the spin rate. Another link. The forces generated when
trillions of gigatons spin as fast as a dentist's drill means that
the star ought to burst apart like a cracked flywheel.
enough mass is added to the theory so that gravity can hold it
There is thought to be an intense magnetic field surrounding a
pulsar that is focused at each pole. Narrow beams of radio waves
blast out from the polar cusps like lighthouse beacons, and whenever
that beam intersects Earth, telescopes fitted with gamma ray, radio
wave, or X-ray detectors can see it.
The final theoretical link in
the pulsar chain of circumstances is the tidal force theory that
would tear apart a companion star or planet if it came too close.
Before discussing the nature of the planet in orbit around the
pulsar, it should be pointed out that there was no observation of
the pulsar. Rather, researchers first "found" it in 200,000
Gigabytes of data obtained from three different radio telescopes,
analyzed by supercomputers at three different computation centers,
using customized software.
Since J1719-1438's pulses in the data were seen to be
"systematically modulated," the only conclusion their computer
models could reach is that a companion planet is in orbit around the
pulsar. Astronomers think an original stellar companion gave up most
of its material to the pulsar.
As theory supposes, this results in a
millisecond pulsar with a white dwarf companion.
J1719-1438 and its dwarf partner are thought to be close together,
so the companion "must be" a
white dwarf that has lost 99.9% of its
original substance, leaving behind what astronomers suggest is a
planet-sized carbon and oxygen sphere.
Any lighter element
constituents would mean the star (planet),
"would be too big to fit
the measured orbiting times."
Another possibility, one not considered by contemporary
astrophysicists, is that electrical oscillations are causing the
rapid flicker of pulsars.
Don Scott, in his book “The Electric Sky,”
stresses that neutron stars are impossible phantoms, suggesting
instead that there is an electrical explanation for their periodic
pulses. He proposes that pulsars are relaxation oscillators; their
pulse frequencies are not mechanical. Instead, it is the capacitive,
resistive, and inductive electrical environment around the star.
Compacted matter and extreme rotation are not necessary. Electricity
traveling through circuits provides a coherent explanation that is
consistent with commonly accepted electromagnetic theories, as well
as with laboratory experiments.
When the focus shifts from gravity and gas toward the electrical
behavior of an entire system, then steps can be taken that will help
to quantify the absolute current density in that system, as well as
the capacitive and resistive values, and the magnetic fields
generated by the inductive interaction of the binary pair.
There must be an electric current generating the intense magnetic
fields in a pulsar. It is also indisputable that the feeder current
must be part of a circuit, since persistent electric current must
complete a circuit.
That circuit includes the galaxy in which stars
reside, along with all the other galaxies associated with their
Pulsar oscillations are most likely complex in their