January 20, 2011
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With temperatures ranging from 1000° to 2000°C,
gravity 15 times stronger than Earth’s, and a year that lasts just
5.6 of our days,
HAT-P-2b is not a planet you’d want to visit for
The unusual gas giant - located 440 light-years away in the
constellation Hercules - turns out to be the most massive planet
found outside our solar system so far.
Astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in
Cambridge, Massachusetts, spotted the superdense planet using the
HATNet global network of automated telescopes, which scans a large
fraction of the Northern Hemisphere sky every night to search for
HAT-P-2b, the second planet the project has discovered, stunned
scientists with far-out features unprecedented for an alien world.
HAt-P-2b is but one of the odd planets in the cosmos.
Journey further into space with this
documentary, and discover the weirdest planets of our universe.