by Zen Gardner
March 10, 2012
ZenGardner Website
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A team of
volunteers pored over observations
from NASA’s Spitzer
Space Telescope and discovered more than
5,000 “bubbles” in
the disk of our Milky Way galaxy.
CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Oxford University
Is this recent discovery by citizen
scientists evidence of the energetic shift we’re experiencing? Is
our sun just one of many in our galaxy that is experiencing this
re-charging effect that is apparently permeating every sphere of our
More than 5,000 space bubbles have
been discovered in the disk of our Milky Way galaxy by a team of
part-time citizen scientists.
These bubbles are blown by young, hot stars into the surrounding
gas and dust, and indicate areas of brand-new star formation,
scientists say.
“These findings make us suspect
that the Milky Way is a much more active star-forming galaxy
than previously thought,” Eli Bressert, an astrophysics
doctoral student at the European Southern Observatory, said
in a statement.
“The Milky Way’s disk is like
champagne with bubbles all over the place.”
About 35,000 volunteers sifted
through data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope on the online
Milky Way Project to make the discoveries. These citizen
scientists have found about 10 times more bubbles than previous
That’s pretty remarkable. 5000 new suns
seen forming just within the data they were given.
The way we’ve all been taught the
Universe is supposed to be expanding into oblivion as all the lights
of the sky die off or turn into nasty black holes.
A whole different perspective when you see it as the wonderful
continually creative never-ending source that it really is. And to
think we’re an intrinsic interactive part of it, not just some cold,
dying observer as crude science and limiting teachings would have
you believe, is tremendously
Meanwhile, the sun is just finishing emitting the biggest solar
storm to hit earth since 2004, and it still isn’t expected to reach
its peak activity until in the middle of 2013. Pretty amazing times.
With the axis shifting, the
magnetosphere changing and volcanic activity already off the charts,
we can expect a lot of changes to come.
Meet the Electric
If you’re not familiar with this fascinating body of research in a
far more enlightened perspective on our Universe, here’s a brief
introduction to it.
“Today, nothing is more important to
the future and credibility of science than liberation from the
gravity-driven universe of prior theory.
A mistaken supposition has not only
prevented intelligent and sincere investigators from seeing what
would otherwise be obvious, it has bred indifference to
possibilities that could have inspired the sciences for
David Talbott and Wallace
Thunderbolts of the Gods
Exploring the
Electric Universe - synopsis
In the wake of recent discoveries, a new way of seeing the physical
universe is emerging. The new vantage point emphasizes the role of
electricity in space and shows the negligible contribution of
gravity in cosmic events.
Images returned by high-powered telescopes and recent space probes
have challenged astronomers’ long-standing assumptions about
galaxies and their constituent stars, about the evolution of our
solar system, and about the nature and history of Earth.
The new discoveries also suggest that our early ancestors may have
witnessed awe inspiring electrical events in the heavens—the source
of myths and symbols around the world.
Today, we are seeing things in space that were never imagined. We
detect magnetic fields everywhere, even in the “empty” depths of
intergalactic space. Magnetic fields cannot exist without causative
electric currents.
The naked electric force is 39 orders of magnitude (a thousand
billion billion billion billion times) stronger than gravity. The
visible universe is constituted almost entirely of electrically
active plasma.
In the twentieth century the pioneers of plasma science inspired a
new school of investigation called plasma cosmology. Plasma
cosmologists suggest that electricity is the primary force
organizing spiral galaxies and the astonishing galactic clusters now
seen in deep space.
Plasma cosmology has achieved surprising success in predicting major
discoveries of the space age. This new perspective does not require
purely theoretical inventions like the Big Bang, dark matter, dark
energy, neutron stars, or Black Holes.
The “Electric
Universe” extends the findings of plasma cosmology to the
formation and evolution of stars and their planetary satellites.
Proponents of the Electric Universe suggest that there are no
isolated islands in the universe. All objects in space, from
subatomic particles to galactic clusters, are connected by
manifestations of the electric force acting in realtime.
Stars are formed at the intersections of galactic current filaments
in dusty space plasma.
It is electricity that continues to energize the stars in a form of
glow discharge, our Sun included. This external power source
explains why the temperature of the Sun increases above the
photosphere, to coronal temperatures of 2 million degrees.
Pretty fabulous. Be sure to check out their research and materials.
Exciting times to say the least. No wonder the elitist would-be
controllers are freaked out… ha!