by Noel Huntley, Ph.D. from 2012Unlimited Website
By means of satellite instrumentation, astronomers in 1961 discovered what appeared to be an unusual nebula.
We normally understand the nebula phenomenon as a vast cloud-like mass of gas or dust. This one, however, appeared to have anomalous properties and was named the Golden Nebula.
The public's attention was not drawn to this unusual revelation until much later, presumably when it was realized that this nebula's location was coincident with the projected orbit of our solar system.
Around the early 1980s a radio announcement in the U.S. was made (heard by the author) that our solar system was, in fact, going to collide with an 'electromagnetic cloud' in the not too distant future.
This incredibly important statement of astronomical and historical significance was expressed in the usual casual and indifferent manner as though of little consequence - just as was, about that time, the announcement that the FDIC (bank-depositor's insurance) was penniless!.
Follow-up data was then suppressed and another
government cover-up was contrived for the typical purpose of
exploiting where possible natural events to camouflage contrived
Its more universal designation is 'photon belt' or 'photon band ', consisting of many bands, and any encounter with this belt is recognized by extraterrestrials as of great import.
It is in fact referred to by more enlightened ETs as a 'planetary trouble shooter'.
Let us outline the mechanics of this anticipated encounter of our solar system with the photon belt.
The whole universe is held together by means of vortices within vortices of centripetal energy - with their associated electromagnetic fields - like whirlpools on water, within larger whirlpools (this is the machinery behind Einstein's spacetime topology of general relativity).
These spiraling energies give rise to natural spacetime orbits:
Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year but our solar system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with a period of about 24,000 years.
There are many other solar (star) systems in this cyclic motion (just as there are numerous planets orbiting the Sun).
Pleiades, which is encircled by the photon belt, is about 400 light
years from us, and is part of this system and in fact our solar
system orbits the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone. The belt
consists of many photon bands emanating from the centre of the
galaxy, and associated with the spiral arms of the galaxy. Nevertheless, some sources state that the period in the band could be much less: 30 to 40 years, depending on man's resistance to change.
This is difficult to relate to our fixed cyclic picture but, in addition, this same source points out that Earth was in trouble from the damage incurred by our civilization and called for the photon belt - a typical emergency call procedure for planets.
The fact that the 'call' was synchronous with the orbital position merely indicates the higher plans - that the big picture would already have matters organized to happen in that way.
This 'call'
occurred in 1947 and manifested as a signal which could have been
monitored on the AM band, producing a clicking sound - see Robert
Shapiro's Explorer Race and Shining The Light series of books.
Scientists around the globe in 1992 predicted that the encounter would occur within months to a year; with significant disagreements. A particular source of Pleiadian extraterrestrials indicated that it would not occur until just after 2010 and that it was difficult to predict since the belt was oscillating randomly.
There have been in fact huge discrepancies in channeled material regarding the date of this revelatory occurrence, ranging from 1987 to 'definitely before the end of this century' to 2003 and finally about 2011-2012.
Other Pleiadians tell us that our solar system skimmed the belt for a few days in 1987, then contacted it for over a week in the following year, increasing the degree of entry each year, and then the Sun went in fully in 1998. The information indicates that Earth does not enter fully until 2012.
At the present time we are being informed that the Earth is in the belt (for the period December, 1998 and June, 1999). The belt does, however, have an outer aura which we enter first, and we are not expected to experience the full-blown effects until 2012.
The radio announcement used the term
'electromagnetic' to describe the phenomenon - this is the same as
photon, which is a particle of light or electromagnetic radiation.
It is part of a magnetic flow of light throughout the
galaxy. Reference has already been made through the media to huge
increases in intensity of 'dangerous' radiation entering through the
holes in the ozone layer in certain regions of our planet.
Nevertheless, the real benefits of this phenomenon is from what is actually causing the photons. It is linked with the so-called convergences. If we are sufficiently evolved at the time, great advancements will occur in our consciousness as we attune to the higher-frequencies.
If we are negative, that is, possess too
many lower vibrations, the result of selfish actions, we are not
expected to survive the frequency incompatibility.
The stellar activations have already begun and will continue through 2012 to 2017.
The principle time cycle is 26,556 years, which is the precession of the equinoxes and is caused by a slow wobble of the Earth as it spins and orbits around the Sun.
is known by astronomers. Note that this period is not to be confused
with the 24,000 (or so) year cycle in which our solar system orbits
The frequency bands then merge and pass
through Earth. If Earth is out of balance within itself due to abuse
from invader ETs,
the Illuminati, and Earthman's behavior, the
higher frequencies will cause an 'Armageddon'.
Clearly, periodically they could line up,
forming one long and powerful magnet. This would act like a powerful
current. It is called a holographic beam since it contains the
fundamental energy of these systems.
During this process the
particles and antiparticles of these planets and their antiparallel
planets are unified in certain specific ways. When these particles
and antiparticles come together they create intense photonic
activity which we know as the photon belt. It is continually renewed
each cycle as the holographic beam passes out through Alcyone,
leaving the band around this star.
This is a period of awakening essentially due to the ascension cycle and planetary alignment. What proportion of effects are directly due to the belt is difficult to say. Nevertheless this phenomenon of both the photon belt plus stellar activity will reduce the veil stopping us from seeing who we are.
It will remove some of
the barriers around cells and DNA making them more reactive or
responsive to new energies, and in fact the DNA will attempt to
respond to the changing frequencies, increasing its capacity.
This will give tremendous opportunity to make
advancements but also where there is too much to handle will cause
illness, depressions, disease and death.
People will feel the need to transform but those who consider this physical reality their only expression will dwindle into greater fixations, blocks and negativity. Nevertheless it aids eradication of a species' self-destructive tendencies, which might mean wiping out the civilization.
Even the most dense person will be accelerated into a higher state of consciousness, causing possible havoc in their mind and body if they are not prepared.
Channeled material from the Shining the Light books tells of a civilization which was utilizing the planet's resources to make it into a dynamo.
This was killing
the planet and it called on the photon belt which eradicated the
race, everyone, in three days, by putting them to 'sleep'. Nothing
as drastic as this will be necessary for Earth; the energy will
encourage people to come into balance but where resisted will cause
further imbalances.
They will forage more widely and attempt to give birth
more often to maximize their species. They will also be drawn to
built-up areas; in some cases this will be old territory for them
but in general they will feel the need to be closer to humans. This
would only apply to wild animals.
She will, for example, protect her oil. Too much is being drawn off by man and cannot all be replaced - not dissimilar to drawing off man's cerebral spinal fluid. Mother Earth will harden the crust under the surface and pull in the oil, also gases, coal and ores, deeper into the centre, shifting harmlessly also benevolent races into protected regions.
The photon belt will not apparently leave until humans
utilize surface resources only, including water.
They will even give more attention to how love affects life and its chemistry. New diseases will arise and abnormal heart rhythms for the descending group but expansion of the heart for the ascending group.
If the Sun reached the photon cloud before Earth it had been channeled that darkness would ensue for about three to five days.
It would have been expected to be pitch dark with probable
cancellation of electrical power sources. If, however, Earth went in
first then the darkness would have been avoided. This was all
earlier speculation.
This appears unlikely now as we are moving in very gradually.
Apparently it could have been sufficiently
sudden to destroy the civilization and to heal the planet quickly,
but Earth requested a very gradual repair.
If it did, within minutes the sky would be lit up with intense light, more powerful than from a welder's torch.
If eyes were not protected it would
cause blindness. This intense light was expected to last three days.
These dangers appear to have been by-passed. The photon belt
encounter, thanks to Mother Earth, has been adjusted to give minimum
suffering to mankind and maximum benefit.
The term 'Christus' apparently expresses the Second
Coming of Christ. (Christ is a state of being/consciousness
- some ETs refer to it as the 'Christ office'. Jesus was not Christ but he
could attune to this state - which in turn then paradoxically means
he was (being) Christ.)
This will not be perceived physically; the planets will be in different dimensions.
One will be in a parallel universe relative to the other. Earth has many parallel bodies: one around 3.0; we are about 3.5, then 4.0 and 5.0, etc. (the 4th is apparently relatively unoccupied except for some animals having left us and are waiting).
The Voyagers books of Anna Hayes describes the division into three
time tracks and is highly recommended reading.
A further example is
that an advanced civilization exists in the centre of the Earth but
this particular civilization is in a parallel plane which is reached
by entering 'electromagnetic' corridors near the openings at the
poles and certain other regions.)
Some individuals will go with the more evolved Earth, referred to as
4th density, and others with the 3rd density Earth, which could
permanently separate their evolution by several thousands of years
(in rare instances one person taking the more evolved path may
suspend progress to wait for the other).
Synchronization of all such nodes would be expected to open up the
dimensional strata for the influx of new energy and the subsequent
changes - in other words, a major alignment.
The presence of these positrons, however, has been predicted to interfere with electricity, of which the latter is due to the flow of electrons.
It has been indicated that before this event occurs it would be possible to redesign the present polarity system, giving a reversal of our polarity to compensate for this problem (we haven't noticed any effect yet).
The photon energy as a
result of the collision of electrons and positrons will become a
major source of free energy (and at this time the NWO -
New World
Order - will be unable to suppress its use).
At a later time, however, NASA's space probe Ulysses detected that the magnetic field of the Sun no longer has a north and south pole! The Sun's magnetic field was found to have changed dramatically into a homogeneous field. No scientific explanation was given, and of course it has been withheld from the public.
Furthermore, the SOHO satellite more recently revealed that the Sun responded abnormally to the impact of cosmic bodies causing an eruption of some 30 to 35 solar flares, which is unprecedented.
(Note that unknown to present
physics the Sun and planetary bodies, etc. have powerful
high-frequency electromagnetic fields which would be expected to
form the basis for the solar system integrity, despite interference
and jeopardy from magnetic pole variations.)