Equating a "body having physically inherent mobile capability" to
the term "vehicle" possibly may be considered as too abrupt a step
in nomenclature development.
The potential problem lay in various
connotations for the word. Multiple connotations do not lead to a
focused idea concerning what is meant.
To illustrate, an automobile has
inherent mobile capability; and reference to an automobile as a
vehicle is quite common. On the other hand for example, an ape also
has inherent mobile capability; but reference to an ape as a vehicle
is uncommon in the sense that an automobile is a vehicle. That the
former is inanimate and the latter animate is not the intended
The significant distinction is that an
automobile does not occur directly in Nature, whereas an ape is
regarded as a direct product of Nature.
For purpose of the subject matter, the term "vehicle" is meant to be
something not occurring directly in Nature, but rather something
occurring as a by-product of Nature. Early introduction of "vehicle"
as a descriptor is considered by the author to be, at worst,
premature but not an inaccurate usage.
The reason for the belief in descriptor accuracy is independent of
the non-personal photographic evidence presented herein. In 1971,
the author had the exciting experience of having sighted and
photographed a mobile slender body fitting the specific properties
of the two bodies shown later in Plates 5 and 6.
This sighting at the time was
experienced by the author's wife and daughter.
Through binoculars, this body appeared
to be large and incorporated fine aerodynamic features at the fore
and aft exhaust ends. That is, the ends did not terminate squarely
cut-off as would result when a pole is sawed in two. Rather, the
ends were rounded much the same as are cowls of jet- engine intakes.
Bulbar streamers were emitted from
locations along the body. Control over these streamers was
demonstrated by the modulation of their activity, and also by
introduction of additional streamers which moved with definite
Drawing upon many years of aerospace experience, the author has no
reservation about labeling the sighted body a vehicle. The numerous
and unique properties of the sighted vehicle also are evident
variously in the micro-photographs presented.
Until more research is performed to
demonstrate otherwise, the bodies discussed in Plate 3 and
subsequently shall be considered vehicles rather than objects of
Back to Contents
David Morrison, Voyages to Saturn
(NASA SP-451, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C.
The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Astronomy, Simon Mitton,
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December 1983) pp 11951202.
Richard A. Kerr, 'Neptune Ring Fades Again' (Vol. 222, No. 4621,
21 October 1983) p 311.
Richard A. Kerr, 'Where Was the Moon Eons Ago?' (Vol. 221, No.
4616, 16 September 1983) p 1166.
Roger Lewin, 'What Killed the Giant Mammals?' (Vol. 221, No.
4615, 9 September 1983) pp 1036-1037.
D. D. Bogard and P. Johnson, 'Martian Gases in an Antarctic
Meteorite?' (Vol.
221, No. 4611, 12 August 1983) pp 651-654.
Philip H. Abelson, 'Large-Scale Extinctions' Vol. 220, No. 4592,
1 April 1983) P9.
Richard A. Kerr, 'Orbital Variation - Ice Age Link Strengthened'
(Vol. 219, No.
4582, 21 January 1983) pp 272-274.
Jack J. Lissauer, 'Saturn's Rings' (Vol. 218, No. 4572, 5
November 1982) p 521. Carl Sagan, 'Extraterrestrial
Intelligence: An International Petition' (Vol. 218, No. 4571, 29
October 1982) p 426.
Richard A. Kerr, 'Planetary Rings Briefing: New Outer Rings for
Saturn?: The F Ring Becomes a Little Less Baffling; Spokes, SKR
and SED - A Connection.; The Uranian Rings Get Stranger and
Stranger' (Vol. 218, No. 4569, 15 October 1982) pp 276-277.
Richard A. Kerr, 'Planetary Rings Explained and Unexplained'
(Vol. 218, No. 4568, 8 October 1982) pp 141-143.
R. S. Westrum, 'Explaining Meteorites' (Vol. 217, No. 4563, 3
September 1982) p 884.
Richard A. Kerr, 'Saturn Briefing: Caged Argon: A Clue to the
Birth of Titan; Rings, Rings, What Makes the Rings? Lightning on
Saturn or Ring Discharges? What Battered the Satellites of
Saturn?' (Vol. 216, No. 4551, 11 June 1982) pp 1210-1211.
R. Ganapathy, 'Evidence for a Major Meteor Impact on the Earth
34 Million Years Ago: Implications for Eocene Extinctions' (Vol.
216, No. 4548, 21 May
1982) pp 885-886.
P. G. Kamoun et al., 'Comet Enke: Radar Detection of Nucleus'
(Vol. 216, No. 4543, 16 April 1982) pp 293-295.
P. J. Michaels et al., 'Observations of a Comet on Collision
Course with the Sun' (Vol. 215, No. 4536, 26 February 1982)
Cover photograph and pp 1097-1102.
Reports on Voyager 2 Flyby of Saturn (Vol. 215, No. 4532, 29
January 1982).
(1) E. C. Stone and F. D. Miner, 'Voyager 2 Encounter with the
Saturnian System', pp 499-504.
(2) B. A. Smith et al., 'A New Look at the Saturnian System: The
Voyager 2 Images', pp 504-537.
(3) A. L. Larse et al., 'Photopolarimetry from Voyager 2:
Preliminary Results on Saturn, Titan and the Rings', pp 537-543.
(4) R. Hanel et al., 'Infrared Observations of the Saturnian
System from Voyager 2', pp 544-548.
(5) B. R. Sandel et al., 'Extreme Ultraviolet Observations from
the Voyager 2 Encounter with Saturn', pp 548-553.
(6) G. L. Tyler et al., 'Radio Science with Voyager 2 at Saturn:
Atmosphere and Ionosphere and the Masses of Mimas, Tethys and
Iapetus', pp 583558.
(7) N. F. Ness et al., 'Magnetic Field Studies by Voyager 2:
Preliminary Results at Saturn', pp 558-563.
(8) H. S. Bridge et al., 'Plasma Observations Near Saturn:
Initial Results from Voyager 2\ pp 563-570.
(9) S. M. Krimigis et al., 'Low-Energy Hot Plasma and Particles
in Saturn's Magnetosphere', pp 571-577.
(10) R. E. Vogt et al., Energetic Charged Particles in Saturn's
Magnetosphere: Voyager 2 Results', pp 577-582.
(11) J. W. Warwick et al., 'Planetary Radio Astronomy
Observations from Voyager 2 Near Saturn', pp 582-587.
(12) F. L. Scarf et al., 'Voyager 2 Plasma Wave Observations at
Saturn', pp 587-594.
M. Mitchell Waldrop, 'The Puzzle That Is Saturn' (Vol. 213, No.
4514, 18 September 1981) pp 1347-1351.
M. Mitchell Waldrop, 'Saturn Redux: The Voyager 2 Mission' (Vol.
213, No. 4513, 11 September 1981) pp 1236, 1237 and 1240.
Phillip H. Abelson, 'Voyager Mission to Saturn' (Vol. 212, No.
4491, 10 April 1981) p 125.
Reports on Voyager 1 Flyby of Saturn (Vol. 212, No. 4491. 10
April 1981).
(1) E. D. Miner, 'Voyager 1 Encounter with the Saturnian
System', pp 159162.
(2) B. A. Smith et al., 'Encounter with Saturn: Voyager 1
Imaging Science Results, pp 163-191.
(3) S. P. Synnott et al., 'Orbits of the Small Satellites of
Saturn', pp. 191192.
(4) R. Hanel et al., 'Infrared Observations of the Saturnian
System from Voyager 1', pp 192-200.
(5) G. L. Tyler et al., 'Radio Science Investigations of the
Saturn System with Voyager 1: Preliminary Results', pp 201-206.
(6) A. L. Broadfoot et al., 'Extreme Ultraviolet Observations
from Voyager 1 Encounter with Saturn', pp 206-211.
(7) N. F. Ness et al., 'Magnetic Field Studies by Voyager 1:
Preliminary Results at Saturn', pp 211-217.
(8) H. S. Bridge et al., 'Plasma Observations Near Saturn:
Initial Results from Voyager 1', pp 217-224.
(9) S. M. Krimigis et al., 'Low-Energy Charged Particles in
Saturn's Magnetosphere: Results from Voyager 1', pp 225-231.
(10) R. E. Vogt et al., 'Energetic Charged Particles in Saturn's
Magnetosphere: Voyager 1 Results', pp 231-234.
(11) D. A. Gurnett et al., 'Plasma Waves Near Saturn: Initial
Results from Voyager 1', pp 235-239.
(12) J. S. Warwick et al., 'Planetary Radio Astronomy
Observations from Voyager 1 Near Saturn', pp 239-243.
Eliot Marshall, 'Navy Lab Concludes the Vela (Satellite) Saw a
(Nuclear) Bomb'
(Vol. 209, No. 4460, 29 August 1980) pp 996-997.
Reports on Pioneer Flyby of Saturn (Vol. 207, No. 4429, 25
January 1980).
(1) J. W. Dyer, 'Pioneer Saturn', pp 400-401.
(2) A. G Opp, 'Scientific Results from the Pioneer Saturn
Encounter: Summary', pp 401-403.
(3) J. H. Wolfe et al., 'Preliminary Results on the Plasma
Environment of Saturn from the Pioneer 11 Plasma Analyzer
Experiment', pp 403407.
(4) E. J. Smith et al., 'Saturn's Magnetic Field and
Magnetosphere', pp 407410.
(5) J. A. Simpson et al., 'Saturnian Trapped Radiation and Its
Absorption by Satellites and Rings: The First Results from
Pioneer 11, pp. 411415.
(6) J. A. Van Allen et al., 'Saturn's Magnetosphere, Rings and
Inner Satellites', pp 415-421.
(7) J. H. Trainer et al., 'Observations of Energetic Ions and
Electrons in Saturn's Magnetosphere', pp 421-425.
(8) W. Fillins et al., 'Trapped Radiation Belts of Saturn: First
Look', pp 425431.
(9) D. L. Judge et al., 'Ultraviolet Photometer Observations
ofthe Saturnian System', pp 431-434.
(10) T. Gehrels et al., 'Imaging Photopolarimeter on Pioneer
Saturn', pp 434439.
(11) A. P. Ingersoll et al., 'Pioneer Saturn Infrared
Radiometer: Preliminary Results', pp 439-443.
(12) D. H. Humes et al., 'Impact of Saturn Ring Particles on
Pioneer 11*. pp 443-444.
(13) M. H. Acuna and N. F. Ness, 'The Magnetic Field of Saturn:
Pioneer 11 Observations', pp 444-446.
(14) A. J. Kliore et al., 'Vertical Structure of the Ionosphere
and Upper Neutral Atmosphere of Saturn from Pioneer Radio
Occulation', pp 446-449.
(15) J. D. Anderson et al., 'Pioneer Saturn Celestial Mechanics
Experiment', pp 449-453.
Richard A. Kerr, 'Rings Around the Solar System' (Vol. 206, No.
4414, 5 October 1979) pp 38-40.
R. H. Thomas, 'West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Present-Day Thinning
and Holocene Retreat of the Margins' (Vol. 205, No. 4412, 21
September 1979) pp 12571258.
Astronomy (Astromedia, Kalmbach Publishing Co., Milwaukee, WI)
Richard Berry, 'Uranus: The Voyage Continues' (Vol. 14, No. 4,
April 1986) p 10.
Edward J. Ciaccio, 'Atmospheres' (Vol. 12, No. 5, May 1984) pp
Michael A. Sposito, 'A Conversation with Astronaut Joseph Allen'
(Vol. 12, No.
4, April 1984) p 24.
Robert Burnham, 'IRAS and the Infrared Universe' (Vol. 12, No.
3, March 1984) pp 6-22.
Jeffrey K. Wagner, 'The Sources of Meteorites' (Vol. 12, No. 2,
February 1984) pp 6-16.
Michael Carrol, 'A New Mission to Saturn' (Vol. 11, No. 12,
December 1983) pp 6-15.
David Morrison, 'Return to the Planets: A Blueprint for the
Future' (Vol. 11, No.
9, September 1983) pp 6-15.
Donald F. Robertson, 'Mystery Gap' (Vol. 11, No. 6, June 1983)
pp 60-61.
David Swift, 'Voyager: Technological Totem' (Vol. 11, No. 1,
January 1983) pp 24-26.
Jack R. Schendel, 'Looking Inside Quasars' (Vol. 10, No. 11,
November 1982) pp 6-22.
Francis Reddy, 'Backtracking the Comets' (Vol. 10, No. 8, August
1982) pp 6-17.
Edward J. Ciaccio, 'Landscapes of the Solar System' (Vol. 10,
No. 7, July 1982) pp 6-23.
Van Kane, 'The Little Big Missions' (Vol. 10, No. 5, May 1982)
pp 16-17.
The Planetary Report (The Planetary Society, Pasadena, CA.)
Jeffrey Taylor, 'Moon Rocks' (Vol. 4, No. 2, March/April 1984)
pp 4-6.
Thomas R. McDonough, 'The Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence (SETI)' (Vol. 3, No. 2, March/April 1983) p 3.
Paul Horwitz, 'Searching for Signals from Extraterrestrial
Civilizations' (Vol. 3, No. 2, March/April 1983) pp 4-5.
Samuel Gulkis and John H. Wolfe, 'The NASA SETI Program' (Vol.
3, No. 2, March/April 1983) pp 6-7.
John Spencer, 'The Viking Legacy' (Vol. 11, No. 5,
September/October 1982) pp 12-14.
Richard J. Terrille, 'Return to the Rings' (Vol. 1, No. 6,
October/November 1981) pp 4-5.
Von R. Eshleman and G. L. Taylor, 'Radio Science at Saturn'
(Vol. 1, No. 6 October/November 1981) pp 6-7.
Michael C. Malin, Ice Worlds' (Vol. 1, No. 4, June/July 1981) pp
Dennis Matson, 'Gallery of the Moons' (Vol. 1, No. 2,
February/March 1981) pp 6-7.
Jeffry Cuzzi, 'Saturn's Rings; A Voyager Update' (Vol. 1, No. 2,
February/March 1981) pp 8-10.
David Morrison, 'The Mysteries of Saturn' (Vol. 1, No. 1,
December 1980/ January 1981) p 4.
Sky and Telescope (Vol. 59, No. 4, April 1980).
'Pioneer Saturn Pictorial', pp 292-293.
'Saturn Sightings', p 296.
Astronautics and Aeronautics, AIAA (Vol. 7, No. 1, January
Homer J. Stewart, 'Lunar Exploration-The First Decade Raises
More Questions Than It Answers', pp 32-36.
Harold C. Urey, 'The Contending Moons', pp 37-41.
Harold Masursky, 'Lunar-Exploration Targets', pp 42-49.
Albert Hibbs, 'Surveyor Results', pp 50-63.
J. E. Conel, 'What the Rangers Revealed about Lunar Geology', pp
Center for Space Science and Astrophysics
Peter Goldreich, 'The Dynamics ofPlanetary Rings' (7 November
1983), Physics Lecture Hall, Stanford University, California.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, (AIAA)
Astronaut Rusty Swiekert, 'Experiences in Orbital Flight' (10
May 1984), San Francisco Section, Sunnyvale, AIAA, California.
News Presentations
Campus Report
Diana Diamond, 'Scientists Discover Saturn Rings To Be Amazingly
Thin (Stanford University, California, 25 January 1984) p 1.
Joel Shurkin, 'Saturn's Rings Are Made of Red Ice, Says Latest
Study' (Stanford University, California, 25 August 1982) p 7.
The Stanford Daily
'"El Nino" -The Century's Unequaled Natural Catastrophe' by the
Los Angeles Times. (Stanford University, California, 19 August
1982) p 2.
San Jose Mercury News
John Noble, New York Times, 'Scientists Baffled by Earth's Cycle
of Extinction Every 26 Million Years' (San Jose, California, 12
December 1983) p 8A.
KQED-TV Channel 9 San Francisco
'Voyager 2 at Saturn', 26 August 1981 (closest approach).
'Voyager 1 at Saturn', 12 November 1980 (closest approach).
* This bibliography has been
compiled in accordance with 'Hart's Rules for Compositors and
Readers at the University Press, Oxford', thirty-eighth edition,
completely revised 1978 at the Oxford University Press.
Back to Contents
List of Plates
1. Rings and spherical satellites of
Saturn. Radius of Saturn is 60,330 km (37,490 mi).
(a) Rings
(b) Spherical satellites
2. Saturn, second largest planet in the solar system, exhibiting
circularly complete rings.
3. A luminous source appears in the A-ring of Saturn.
4. Conceptualization of the incomplete A ring in a polar view of
Saturn's northern hemisphere, using Earth as a comparable
reference measure.
5. Efflux from along the length of a slender body, exhausting at
both ends, generates the A-ring.
6. A slender vehicle forms an A-ring trail which includes a
luminous source.
7. Formation of the Enke division.
8. A second vehicle substantiates the process by which the outer
A-ring and the Enke division are formed.
9. Partially developed ring system exhibiting a transversely
positioned cylindrical vehicle in the B-ring.
10. Emitting vehicle stationed outside the A-ring encompasses
the F-ring location.
11. Saturn, five Saturnian moons and an unexpected luminous
12. Pictorialization of luminous image in positional
relationship to Saturn, the A, B and E rings, six near moons and
their orbital paths.
13. Enlargement of luminous image revealing a nearby slender
vehicle within the E ring.
14. Sector of southern hemisphere of Saturn showing cloud
strata, a luminous point, location of a lightning source and a
slender vehicle. (Picture exposure has been made to favor dark
region at planet horizon.)
15. Luminous point of plate 14 essentially is an arc light whose
apparent power source is a remote vehicle capable of generating
paths carrying electricity.
16. Two lightning bolts appear in and above Saturn's cloud tops.
Photograph is an enlargement of plate 14 in the area labeled
"lightning location".
17. A colorful, large-scale narrow-band disruption in Saturn's
rings extending across the entire ring system.
18. Luminous sources provide clue to presence of electromagnetic
vehicles as a causative mechanism for a filled Cassini gap and
an apparent ring shift.
19. Vehicle and ejecta in the Cassini gap in relation to an
A-ring discontinuity, an apparent ring shift and a luminous
20. Apparent ring shift and band discontinuity in relation to
two electromagnetic vehicles in the Cassini gap.
21. Braided strands, a braiding unit and cross flow between
discontinuity boundaries at the B-ring inner edge.
22. B-ring emissions become C-ring constituents.
23. Non-uniformly luminescent F ring in positional relationship
to A-ring components and a shepherding satellite.
24. Segments of F-ring close-up showing that luminosity derives
from emissively active core material.
(a) Region (1), plate 23
(b) Region (2), plate 23
25. Non-uniformly luminescent F-ring of plate 23 exposed to
reveal inter-connections between the F-ring and A-ring outer
26. Photograph of braided F-ring exposed to reveal a large
coupled object.
27. Three fineness ratio 13 vehicles having multiple unit sizes
of 1, 2 and 4 closely satisfy the planar dimensional
requirements for forming the A, B, C and D Saturnian rings. View
is perpendicular to the ring plane.
28. A simplified electromagnetic vehicle in different attitude
angles for two positions during formation of the inner-Enke A
29. A dark blue latitudinal stripe in Saturn's atmosphere
emanates from an object identifiable as a probable
electromagnetic vehicle component.
30. Salient features of an operational electromagnetic vehicle.
31. Front-end appearance of an electromagnetic vehicle as
rendered from plate 30.
32. Luminescently active landscape on Dione.
33. Dione's narrow-band illuminated topography showing various
types of emission.
34. Dione's narrow-band illuminated topography evidencing
widespread emissive activity.
35. Macro-views of Dione showing curvi-linear surface markings
and duality in surface lighting.
(a) Photographic identifications
(b) Pictorial identification aids
36. Macro-scopic composite view showing Dione amidst an
impinging electromagnetic flow field.
37. Iapetus exhibiting dichotomous facial topography adjacent an
active zone populated with circular and elongated light sources.
38. Composite photograph of Iapetus showing illumination by, and
a peripheral linking to, an electromagnetic vehicle.
39. Micro-photographic montage showing Iapetus subjected to an
electro-potential field created by an electromagnetic vehicle.
40. Electro-potential flow field for a conducting sphere located
between bi-level voltage sources.
41. Network of electrical current and equi-potential paths
calculated for a sphere in ideal flow.
42. Illustration of Iapetus constrained by the electro-potential
field of an electromagnetic vehicle as rendered from plates 38
and 39.
43. Mare Orientale as portrayed on an official NASA moon globe.
44. Configuration interpretation of lunar markings at Mare
Orientale utilizing an official NASA moon globe.
45. An electromagnetic vehicle and a NASA moon globe co-scaled
and positioned to illustrate formation of Mare Orientale.

Mare Orientale, anciently imprinted on
Earth's moon by an "E.M.V.",
remains a demonstrative statement of
awesome power.
Photograph, which includes only part of the affected
is a mosaic assembled by NASA from circumlunar flights.
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