The creation of the mentality that produces chemical and biological weapons
owes its source to alien influence. The appearance of global disease is also
there. Between 540AD and 592AD the bubonic plague ravaged the East Roman
Empire. Records show frequent aerial phenomena in conjunctions with
outbreaks. Very often, plagues would be preceded by mysterious foul smelling
mists, humanoids dressed in black, and 'COMETS' in the sky.
A small list of
plagues that were preceded by the above events:
Year Description
1298-1314 Large 'comets'
seen over Europe
1333 Plague
commenced after a vile mist appeared
1347 Plague epidemic in Europe. 40 million dead in 4 years [Note: this
scenario happened every 10-20 years until the 1700's, resulting in the death
of over 100 million people.]
1500-1543 26 'comets'
1556-1597 15 'comets'
1568 'comet' preceded plague in Vienna
1582 'comet'
preceded plague
1618 9 'comets'
1606 'comet' preceded general worldwide plague
Through recorded history, there are also references to
humanoids dressed in
black. Their presence would signal an almost immediate outbreak of the
plague. In 1559 men dressed in black were seen spraying an oat field just
before an outbreak of the plague in Brandenburg, Germany.
(Interjection: One source,
Steven Gibbs, claims that some of the 'Men In
Black' are human agents under the control of the Greys who have the ability
to travel through time-space. Also, sources who were involved with the
'Montauk' projects suggest that it is possible to travel forward and
backward in time. Reverse time travel being possible yet one must be very
careful not to try to alter a historical event, for THEIR OWN sake, not
histories' sake. It would seem that all 'events' within the 'eternal NOW'
are the products of all past-present-future influences which are brought to
bear on each particular event. When all past-present-future influences have
decided the outcome of that event then that event it SET in the Timeline.
Unless recorded history has been tampered with to cover up manipulations by
time travelers, any attempt to alter an event that is set in time would
proceed as follows, for example: An agent of a European secret society is
sent back in time to kill George Washington as a child. He completes his
mission and returns to the future. Absolutely nothing has changed. He goes
back and takes Washington's life as a teenager and 'succeeds', and returns
to the future only to find that nothing has changed. So he goes back and
takes Washington's life a little later on -- say during his trials at Valley
To the time-traveler it might seem as if he succeeded. At that point
in 'time' General Washington might experience a nightmare of someone trying
to kill him and wake up on a cold sweat. So from the time-traveler's
perspective the General is dead, but this time he stays around to see what
happens. Well at first things seem to go along normally, but the assassin
will if he is attentive notice that 'reality' is no longer what it should
be. Events and objects slowly start to become somewhat more 'fluid' and
dreamlike, until his state of reality is seemingly somewhere between reality
and a dreamscape. The time traveler in his attempts to alter an established
event has simply been phase-shifted by the timeline into a parallel
dimension, possibly a 4th dimension, as nature's simple method of dealing
with a potential 'paradox'. He has become trapped-in-time within a localized
quantum quasi-reality field. In this strange new dimension he encounters
other time-travelers and other quantum-reality fields. As these various
fields compete with each other, events and objects become more 'fluid' or
more 'solid' depending on the combined psychic energy maintaining these
particular 'fields' and the degree by which these quasi or virtual
reality-fields are 'competing' with each other.
The dominant thought form
fields become more 'solid' whereas the weaker ones become less so. He has
entered into an insane chaotic realm where multi-density thought-forms
battle each other for dominance. Having been phase-shifted from the
TIMELINE, he has become trapped in a THOUGHT-LINE composed of quasi-solid
psionic energy forms which are out-of-phase with the solid and tangible 3rd
dimensional Timeline. In so doing he or the others 'trapped' within this
alternate reality may encounter quasi-physical entities or denizens that are
native to this etherial realm. Now the question is, could the 'Men In Black'
who were spraying the fields as described above be time travelers trying to
alter the past, or in this case 'establishing' a past event that already
exists? The question would have to be asked: Just where is the line between
MAKING the past and BREAKING the past, or that point where one has
interfered with the timeline to the point that they are 'kicked-out' of the
3rd dimension and into a parallel 4th[?] dimensional existence? Is it
possible for aliens or whoever -- who have been phase shifted from the
Timeline -- to re-materialize themselves in the 3rd dimension? If they were
able to 'establish' events in the past the Greys for instance might see a
person in power and travel into his past, not to CHANGE his past but to
his past.
They would have to be very careful not to try and 'create' a past
event that does not already exist. Just how they would know one from the
other would be a major problem. They might manipulate that person on an
unconscious level and prepare him or her for whatever purpose they had
planned. Or in other words, 'plant a seed' in the past that would manifest
in the future, yet without interfering the timeline. Montauk investigators
have stated that it was discovered that in order to alter history one would
have to alter the 'parallel' realities that were discovered as well. Could
some of these parallel realities be other density realms where objects and
events become fluid thought forms rather than concrete matter forms? If this
is the case then trying to alter THOSE realities might be about as difficult
as trying to build a sand-castle with wet mud. It just can't be done.
However, could manipulation of someone's past -- even if the Greys had to
phase in and out of the 3rd dimension repeatedly in order to 'claim' what
little "quantum territory" they could find in the past that had not been
'claimed', 'set' or 'solidified' -- explain why many members of
MJ-12 and
other influential people have experienced alien abductions and
indoctrination from childhood?
If the Greys or some other time-traveling
force attempted to take control of or posses 'time' space along the timeline
that is not 'occupied' or 'claimed' -- because THAT 'time space' is already
generally being occupied in an other-planetary, subterranean or
phase-shifted setting. -- then in so doing they would not necessarily stand
in the way of the mighty flow of the event-chain and as a result might not
be pushed off into another dimension by trying to get in its way. Or if they
were they might find ways of re-phasing back into the 3rd dimension.
Instead, they might accept those events as being set and instead of changing
them attempt to work with them, around them and through them to their
advantage or for whatever purpose. They might try to change their 'future'
by altering the past. For instance they could 'bury' something in the past
and return to THEIR PRESENT and un-bury it. In this case they would not risk
creating a paradox and thus phase-shift themselves into some other
dimension, however they might use what they buried in the past to influence
their present and future. So, regardless of the various ways by which the
past might be 'manipulated' [as opposed to 'altered'], we in essence would
not have a "TIMECOP" scenario of an infinite number of solid timelines,
which would put an infinite strain on 'space' itself; but a "12-MONKEYS"
type of scenario involving time-travelers MAKING the past rather than
CHANGING the past through some type of multi-linear reality or the so-called
'eternal-now' quantum cause-and-effect type of scenario. - Branton)
During the plague years, there was tremendous ethical decay among humans.
There were attempts by various religious factions to eliminate others. There
was an attempt by the [Roman] Catholics to eliminate the Jews. There was
more genocide during this period than during the second world war.
Genocide's during this period were often incited by GERMAN trade guilds, who
were 'Brotherhood' [fraternal] organizations.
The effect of the plagues
Plague + Inquisition + Genocide = Religious Apocalyptic Prophecy Fulfilled.
The Bavarian Illuminati
and the
Rosicrucian's were behind MANY of the new
[cultic] movements which appeared at this time...

There is absolutely no doubt that replication of humans is an ongoing
process that has a part to play in the manipulation of events on this
planet. Hundreds of individuals over the last twenty years have attested to
what they have seen, both on alien craft and in underground installations...
the synchronicity and sheer weight of corroboration from vastly unconnected
sources is damning evidence that this is occurring.
A lot of evidence started to surface in the 1970's. A lot of it seemed to
tie-in the idea that political figures have been undergoing a process of
duplication. During this process, the individual's responses, memories, and
habit patterns are copied from the human to be duplicated. The original can
then be preserved or processed into basic biological components. The clone
will then function as the original, except that the entity is under alien
control. There is also an apparent minority of cases where the synthetic
duplicate's consciousness is directly replaced by an alien
consciousness --
the walk-in...
(Some abductees claim that in some cases the
reptiloids will
'clone' a human body through time-space acceleration and transfer the
conscious memory-matrix from the original body and into the replicated body
for the sole purpose of 'consuming' the original body along with the
emotional-chemical residue or vital energy contained therein -- emotional
energies which have accumulated through a life-time of emotional expression.
This 'emotional juices' within the physical body is considered a delicacy by
these 'energy vampires' in a similar manner as was depicted in regards to
the draconian gargoyle-like 'aliens' in the movie 'LIFEFORCE', although this
movie admittedly took this concept to the extreme, however the concept of
stolen vital-energies giving aliens power to shape-shift their molecular
structure like one of the legendary 'wer' creatures did NOT originate from
that movie. Also there is evidence of the post-mortem continuation of the
"emotional bodies" of some people who have died under extreme emotional
circumstances, where these emotional bodies linger around in the physical
area where the traumatic death occurred as emotional 'shadows' imprinted on
the atmosphere as 'ghosts' or 'specters'. These forms of emotional residue
seem to also attract various types of malevolent alien and/or
forms... explaining the often numerous connections which have been found
between 'aliens' and 'poltergeist' or 'haunting' episodes. The
involved in such scenarios may be physical, nonphysical or as with the case
of many of the 'Greys' -- malevolent nonphysical entities incarnating or
inhabiting physical 'alien' bodies, whether these bodies are equivalent to
biogenetically altered reptilians, or synthetic humanoids. - Branton)
In a walk-in situation, the alien consciousness could be 'used to' a
biological matrix that provided three fingers on each hand, for instance.
Having an organic body with five fingers could mean that there would be two
fingers on each hand that would not be used normally, if at all. This idea
was once expressed in the 'INVADERS' series on television, which was pulled
off the air prematurely.
(I would suggest that aside from
OUTER LIMITS and DARK SKIES are two other series' which are remarkably close
to the truth, as some of 'us' perceive it. - Branton).
Roy Thiness, the main
character in the show, has had some experiences of his own relative to the
theme of the program.
There are other factors that should be looked for. One of them is the EYES.
There are three aspects of the eyes that have been mentioned:
[In some
cases] one eye is different [darker] than the other
the eyes are bulging
[like cow eyes]
the eyes depict a blank expression
This is not to say that
people who have this appearance are synthetics, but these are said to be
[possible] indicators.
Another factor that is said to apply to synthetics is that they do not have
a long life span. It is said that they do not function well beyond a couple
years; some political figures have been said to have been replaced several

researcher that Valerian interviewed has remained anonymous]
Q. - In your opinion, do you think any of the material about the use of
clones, synthetics and androids is valid?
A. - Yes, there is plenty of evidence that these and other processes are
carried out universally in order to permit the housing [or trapping] of
consciousness. As far as western culture is concerned, there have been
examples that have been shown to the public. For example, on the TV series
"The Invaders", the title role was played by Roy Thinnes. Shortly after
had finished reading for the series, two weeks before he was to start
filming, he had a UFO encounter himself. It made the whole thing he was
doing for the series a lot more real for him. As a result, he began to
examine the different ideas presented in the series a little more closely,
such as ways that the government eventually forced the series off the air.
These beings that are coming from other frequencies that don't use a
physical body but need a physical presence have other beings that have a
physical presence generate biological structures that function as containers
for them. Biological humanoids.
Through these, their energy fields are manifested. The internal organs would
not matter, since they are just energy transitional containers. A lot of
what is going on is like super science fiction. The only way a lot of humans
can deal with it is through science fiction, because if they have to
continually confront that it is real, or what they may have to think or do
about it, knowing that it is a fact, it would evoke too much stress.
would add that it would probably be closer to a combination of science
fiction AND sword and sorcery, or a fusion of the physical with the
metaphysical -- since the reptil-insectoid Greys especially seem to manifest
not only technological powers but supernatural powers as well, or what some
refer to as "occult-technology". In this case it is occult technology
utilized by "alien sorcerers" capable of attacking human beings on all three
levels of their nature -- or the spiritual, psychological and physical
levels - Branton)
It is easier for most humans to
negate reality to a science fiction format
so they can manipulate the concepts while at the same time equating the
fantasy as a sort of 'protection' against the true nature of reality, which
is suppressed by cultural forces in order to maintain organization and
pacification in an artificially maintained cultural process of "Be Silent,
Consume and Die" in the midst of massive intentional suppression of
There is consciousness which has manipulated human beings for a long time
according to what is, to humans, an alien agenda. The 'game' is deeper and
more complex than most humans can imagine; a lot deeper than a few humans
having a little disk hardware at S-4...
A lot of the technology discovered since the 1940's has been actively
suppressed. There are all sorts of things that can be done to adjust a
living being to look like something or someone else. Many hints of the
technology have been seen in the media in old [and new] television programs
like "Outer Limits" and in films.
There is a lot of truth in many of the old programs. Gene Roddenberry,
Trek series ran out. One of them was "GENESIS II", which portrayed United
States Government underground genetics laboratories that were connected by
tube shuttles. The pilot was never permitted to develop into a series, for
obvious reasons.
There are other films that deal with biogenetic clones and still others that
portray remotely piloted spherical surveillance objects that are controlled
from underground laboratories. All these portray aspects of what has been
actually happening.
The early programs in the "Time Tunnel" series portrayed the government
having an underground lab that housed the time tunnel equipment. Access was
by way of a piece of desert road that dropped down and allowed vehicles to
drive underground in tunnels.
Fantasy is coming from reality, not the other
way around...

1934 -- The first 'deal' or interaction with the Grey entities occurred on
July 11, 1934 on board a naval ship in Balboa. It was here that the
agreement was initially made [between aliens and representatives of the
'Bavarian' Illuminati operating within U.S. Intelligence 'fraternities']
that let the greys proceed unhindered with the abductions and cattle
1950 -- In December of 1950, a unit called IPU, "Interplanetary Phenomena
Unit", was established. It was an operational unit to deal with the
ever-increasing scenarios of crashed disks and aliens. That same month a
disk crashed in the El Indio-Guerrero area of Mexico and was taken to the
facility at Sandia in New Mexico. Also in 1950, the revised edition of
Effects of Atomic Weapons" prepared by the AEC advises "complete underground
placement of bases is desirable" and "there are apparently no fundamental
difficulties in construction and operating underground in various types of
important facilities".
1958 -- In 1958, International Geophysical Year, expeditions were made to
the poles in order to again assess the problem of the Germans, as well as
the threat from aliens of different character that were detected as coming
from inside the Earth. Work continued on Alternatives 2 and 3. Use of the
'Orion' method of hypnosis, used on government workers in high security
areas, begins.
1959 -- In 1959, the RAND Corporation held several conferences on
Underground Construction. These conferences were attended by the various
military services as well as large corporate construction firms like Bechtal. Underground construction projects began within a year. Existing
underground facilities were beefed-up and new ones were started. Funding for
government underground facilities comes from "Presidential Shelter" funds,
as well as covert drug operations conducted by the CIA under the orders of
MJ-12. This procedure appears to be still in effect as of July 1989. Over 75
underground facilities have been constructed under various programs.
1963 -- In 1963, John F. Kennedy evidently issued an ultimatum to
MJ-12, and
they decided that Kennedy should be subject to an expediency -- killed. This
was the era when the United States first started having its own operational
disks. 1963 is the date of one of the earliest visits to an underground
joint base by an abductee that came back and lived to tell about it. It is
the first hint of the underground breeding facilities that are described in
the Dulce Papers, events surrounding Paul Bennewitz and
Thunder Scientific
Corporation in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and other insidious experiences that
have been reported by scores of people from 1963 to 1989.
1964 -- In April 1964, Cape Kennedy radar technicians track disks in pursuit
of the Gemini capsule. On April 15, two intelligence personnel meet under
Project Plato with aliens in the New Mexico desert to arrange a meeting on
April 25 at Hollaman AFB, New Mexico in order to 'renew' the treaty in a
psychological bid to buy time in order to solve the problem of the Greys.
1972 -- Scientist Rene Hardy, also a prominent Ufologist, is found dead; an
'apparent' suicide... In December, astronaut Edgar Mitchell admits that
has provisions for encounters with alien lifeforms.
1978 -- In September 1978, scientist Paul Bennewitz discovers the activities
of alien craft at Manzano Weapons Storage area outside of Albuquerque, New
Mexico. Bennewitz submits a report called "Project Beta" to the government
and is put under observation. He was allegedly subjected to three bouts with
electroshock treatment starting in 1979, then was left to be observed by
both the government and the aliens with whom he had been communicating
through his computer equipment.
1979 -- In 1979, a conference on animal mutilations was organized by
Senator Harrison "Last Man on the Moon" Schmitt and attended by Scientist
Henry Montieth, who had just completed ten years of research on the subject.
According to Schmitt's figures, economic losses from the mutilations totaled
over 2.5 million ANNUALLY. "Men In Black" are also in attendance. In October
1979, an altercation takes place between government scientists and military
personnel and the resident aliens in the Dulce base. Sixty-six special
forces personnel were killed.
1980 -- In May, 1980, disks intrude again into the Manzano Weapons Storage
Area in New Mexico. On August 8th, a disk was discovered by a Sandia guard
next to a building containing HQ CR44 [nuclear materials]. On August 9th, a
security officer checks down Coyote Canyon Road and discovers a disk. By
November 1980, researcher Paul Bennewitz was still being monitored by the
1983 -- FEMA implements standby legislation in a bill innocuously titled the
"Defense Resources Act". The bill would SUSPEND the Bill of Rights,
ABOLISH free enterprise, ELIMINATE privately owned property, and generally CLAMP the
American people in a totalitarian vise.
Section 202 of the bill, for
example, allows the President to instantly confiscate any real estate or
personal property "that shall be deemed necessary for national defense
Section 501 authorizes the takeover of any industry the White
House authorizes
Section 1213 outlaws all strikes
The standby legislation
also includes "Censorship of Communications," which allows the president,
whenever he "shall deem that the public safety demands it," to censor
"communications by mail, cable, radio, television, or other means of
transmission." The 'COG' [Continuity of Government] also exists. It is a
secretive shadow government that is in place and ready to run the country.
See below report.
(From underground bases like the
Mt. Weather facility near Bluemont,
Virginia. In reference to the 'Executive Orders' authorizing FEMA to violate
Constitutional law in time of 'Emergency', we must ask: are these Executive
Orders legal? True, many of these E.O.'s were written by presidents who were
duly elected by U.S. citizens who trusted the media slant concerning these
presidents who came after John F. Kennedy, in spite of the fact that most of
these were members of one-world economic organizations like the Council
of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and
BILDEBERGERS. However WHAT IF the death of
John F. Kennedy was part of a
coup d'etat of the Executive branch of U.S. government as many, including
the late Louisiana district attorney James Garrison, claimed?
If this were
the case then the entire Executive branch might be filled with ILLEGAL
appointees, who may have been instrumental in authorizing illegal
intelligence agencies, may have illegally given power that was not meant to
be theirs over to the military-industrialists, and these elected "Chief
Executives" -- many of whom happened to be the hirelings of corporacratic
elitists who financed their political and media campaigns -- have violated
the very foundations of the United States by establishing Executive Orders
OF INDEPENDENCE. I'm sure that there are still many Americans who see these
three documents as being the essence of AMERICA, and they fully believe in
the words penned within the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE to the effect that
military force is justified, if necessary, to defend from all enemies
foreign AND DOMESTIC the form of government that is patterned after the
sacred contents of these documents. - Branton).
1985 -- ON August 5th, Scientists Paul Bennewitz observes the crash site of
a US Black Delta ship in New Mexico.
1987 -- In 1987, the "Dulce Papers" are first released. Data on five
entrances to the Dulce lab is leaked, and the [secret-fraternal-corporate]
government takes care of the leaks by destroying buildings and building new
ones in odd locations for apparently no perceivable reason. On the 27th of
November, groups of US Army rangers attempt and apparently bungle an attempt
to enter a joint alien facility in New Mexico [apparently a continuation of
the Dulce Wars which began in 1979]. In December, the CIA begins to contact
everyone who was ever in its employ that ever had anything to do with the
alien problem. A woman draws a picture of a black-mirrored spherical craft
she says belongs to the National Security Agency. On the 14th of December,
John Lear offers to host the MUFON Convention that would be held in Las
Vegas in July of 1989.
1988 -- Word comes from New Mexico to researchers that Los Alamos has
developed an antimatter weapon, which allegedly will be used as a last
resort "if the Greys cannot be pried away from the planet". The number of
Greys on [inside] Earth is estimated at 20 million. In December,
White [President of Bechtel Investments] dies. Bechtel has been heavily
involved in underground construction and is the world's largest construction
firm. Information comes forth that the intelligence agencies are
distributing drugs to finance alien-related projects, which demand
phenomenal amounts of money.
1989 -- Data on Project Excalibur is released. The project is involved in
developing a warhead that will penetrate 1000 meters of earth and then
detonate. Useful for destroying underground bases.
On May 14, 1989, Las Vegas channel 8 TV televises an interview with a
government scientist [Robert Lazar] working at Groom Lake and
Dreamland. The
scientist openly tells of nine disks on the Nellis range; three of them are
operational; the craft use antimatter engines; the Soviets were involved
only up to a point. He won't talk about the aliens. Subsequently, the
government scientist discovered that he has been the victim of a method of
hypnosis known as "Orion Hypnosis". His life is threatened and his car is
shot up in Las Vegas.
On June 30, July 1st and 2nd, the MUFON Conference occurs in Las Vegas,
Nevada. William Cooper, John Lear, William English, and
Don Ecker speak to
an enthusiastic crowd. The day before, on July 1st, William Moore and a
disgruntled audience have a shouting match with each other. The audience is
astounded when instead of the issues at hand, Moore uses his time to attack
other researchers, specifically Paul Bennewitz. William Moore publicly
admits he works for a government intelligence agency.
On August 7th, US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT publishes material on
Doomsday Project", detailing over 50 underground facilities that are for use
during time of crisis.
In September 1989, SEVERAL west coast radio talk shows begin avid discussion
of UFO's, aliens and interaction with the US Government. The public
discussion is now out of control!!!
On September 23, 1989, a two-hour documentary is screened on Japanese
television. Viewers are treated to the full spectrum of recent
investigations, including underground labs,
MJ-12, genetic facilities, the
Kennedy murder, the voices of the astronauts on the shuttle talking about
observing alien spacecraft, and EG&G scientist Robert Lazar talking about
the disks at Groom Lake, and a visit to Dulce, where residents tell of
visits from the CIA. A CIA or MIB type is photographed following the
Japanese team. His Colorado license plate is readable.
On October 16th, word comes from researchers that the United States and the
Soviet Union had a disagreement on the base on the far side of the Moon in
which several US scientists were machine-gunned. This disagreement reflects
the split between the US and Soviets detailed in the May '89 disclosure by a
government scientist working at the
S-4/DREAMland facility in
Nevada [during
which time the Soviets were kicked off the super-technology projects in
Nevada and sent packing]. It is thought that this disagreement occurred in
1986 or 1987. [It is uncertain what connection if any this 'altercation' may
have had with an alleged Reptilian/Grey take-over of an 'Alternative-2'
on Mars two years earlier in 1985, according to contactee Alex Collier].
On October 25, Congress works on legislation to make radio talk shows liable
for statements made by callers in an effort to shut down talk radio
programs, where UFO/Alien data is being avidly discussed. On October 26th,
William Cooper goes on a radio station in Los Angeles and tells the
listening public that President Bush is involved in the drug scene. The FCC
attacks the talk show host the next day for "saying a bad word". Researchers
speculate that the Secret Service, who allegedly terminated Sal Mineo during
Reagan's administration because of an alleged homosexual tape they were
concerned about, will seek to eliminate Cooper, that for some reason
has now made himself expendable with this material involving the [former]
On November 3rd, researchers announce their discovery that a security team
code-named "Yellow Fruit" was started back during the
Carter Presidency, and
was part of the NSA. It has been periodically disbanded and has existed in
one form or another since the Carter administration. Los Angeles radio talk
show host Ken Hudnell announces his intention take a group to visit one of
the ancient underground cities, which he says has an entrance 60 miles from
Anaheim. Researchers discover the passive security frequencies at
Lake; 138.306
and 407.550 and that a group codenamed Seaspray is involved with primary
security in the area. Security forces then change the frequencies.
On November 6th, Channel 8 in Las Vegas starts a two-week series on Area 51,
animal mutilations, and the UFO coverup. On November 10, EG&G scientist
Robert Lazar goes on television and tells what he knows about US disk
technology at S-4 in Area 51, including information about 9 US disks,
antimatter reactors, and mind control for S-4 scientists.
On November 19th, an electrical worker at Mercury, Nevada, calls the Billy
Goodman radio talk show and describes tunnels 3000 feet under the test site
that have stainless steel walls and elevators. He also describes small Grey
bodies on gurneys being wheeled down the tunnels.
On November 20th, a security guard on the
Nevada Test Site describes his
contact with a man in black that describes the whole alien scenario to him.
The man has transparent eyelids.
On November 20 and 21st, the national program
HARD COPY televises two
programs on UFOs. EG&G scientist Robert Lazar goes on radio on KVEG for
three hours and answers questions over the 50,000 watt station. Another
three hour session takes place Nov. 24th and 25th. Robert Lazar publicizes
the name of his boss at Area S-4, tells that 22 people work at S-4, and how
antimatter reactors work. Indications are that more people will be coming
out of the woodwork to tell what they know up at Area 51.
On November 25th, television station Channel 8 in Las Vegas televises a two
hour special on UFOs, Area 51, S-4 and the UFO coverup. It is revealed that
some people who contacted Channel 8 had had their homes broken into in Las
During the week of Christmas, 1989, it was reported that there were a series
of very large underground explosions in the area of the base at
Dulce, New
Mexico. A month EARLIER, animal mutilations began to pick up significantly.
The last time these two events occurred in this order was when the
government first discovered what the Greys were up to and they tried to go
in and stop them. Over 60 Delta troops were killed in the process [in the
initial military attempt against the base].
1990 -- On February 17, a Ukranian astronomer detects radio emissions near Altair [Aquila], which in ancient times was associated with
(Note: Some contactees speak of an 'unstable' alliance between
'Nordics' and 'Greys' which has existed for a long period of time in the
Altair system, as well as references to a large faction of
collectist Greys
who were in the process of arguing against the continued existence of humans
in that and other systems, which would apparently also include the
sovereigntist humans in the Andromeda and Pleiadean constellations. It is
stated that some fascist human elements operating within the Montauk base at
the northern tip of Long Island -- who have an established an agreement with
the Greys to bring about a global dictatorship on earth -- were given the
'stargate' coordinates to generate a time-space window using
Montauk technology, directly to a particular planet in the
Altair system in order to
assist in the suppression of a resistance movement among some of the
'Nordic' type humanoids there. - Branton).
On March 3rd, Las Vegas UFOCCI
chairman Stacy Borland and her brother were brutally murdered while at home.
[Stacy was attempting to get information out about a group of Mercury,
Nevada construction workers and electricians who claimed that some of their
fellow workers had been abducted and were being held captive in a vast
underground systems there].
On March 8th, the final destruction of the 4th
amendment of the U.S. Constitution takes effect very quietly behind the
scenes. Now the authorities need no warrant or probable cause to break into
a persons home and perform any action they think fit. Suspicion is
