Part Four
The Devil has recovered his citizenship rights in the Republic of
Giovanni Papini.
Publicity flared to its maximum coverage when it was announced, in
the summer of 1965, that Pope Paul would visit New York later that
year in order to address the United Nations Assembly. It was
heralded as an event of the utmost importance that would surely
bring results that could not be lost upon the world; but there was
also some speculation as to why non-Catholic, and even antiCatholic
quarters, were giving rise to much the same bursts of excitement
that had marked the election of John XXIII.
Could it be that the same power was pulling wires, behind the
scenes, to influence the tone of the Press, radio, and television?
We have already assessed, to some extent, the character and the
leanings of Paul VI. Let us now glance at the formation and the
make-up of the United Nations.
It was primarily Communist in tone, its charter, signed in 1943,
being based upon the Constitution of Soviet Russia, while its
purpose and principles were decided at a conference of Foreign
Ministers held in Moscow.
The secretaries of the United Nations’ Security Council, between the
years 1946 and 1962, were Arkady Sobelov and Eugeny Kiselev, both
Communists. A leading figure of the United Nations’ Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was Vladimir Mailmovsky, Communist. The chief secretary for UNESCO was
Madame Jegalova, Communist; while the President, Vice-President, and nine
judges of the ‘World Court’ were all Communists.
Yet these were typical of the people on whom Paul VI lavished
praise, and to whom he looked for the salvation of the world; while
the Press and radio, subject to the same international control as
the United Nations, continues to speak of that body as being worthy
of respect.
Posing as strictly neutral, and with the declared intention of
promoting world peace, it soon showed a definite bias in
favour of Communist-inspired guerrilla movements whose object, in
several parts of the world, was the overthrow of established
governments. This was done under the guise of liberating people from
oppression; but the ultimate design of the Assembly, then as now,
was to set up a totalitarian system in which national sovereignty
and cultures would disappear.
Incidental to this, as was made plain by the secondary social and
economic organizations that sprang from the Assembly, would be a
virtual censorship whose voice was predominantly atheist.
For it had
been noted that the more orthodox countries such as Italy, Austria,
Spain, Portugal, and Ireland, were excluded from the Assembly’s
original foundation; whereas Bolshevist Russia, from its permanent
seat on the Security Council, possessed a veto that could reduce the
decisions of the Assembly to a mere expression of words, without
effect; a judgment that may fairly be passed on all the
deliberations of the United Nations from the day of its founding to
the present.
More concrete evidence for these strictures may be adduced when we
look at the record of a professional criminal who came to occupy a
leading place, by way of
the United Nations, in European life. He
was Meyer Genoch Moisevitch Vallakh, or Wallach, who, before the
1914 war, emerged from the stormy background of Russian political
life as a ‘wanted’ figure who found it safer, and more rewarding, to
extend his activities to countries that were, so far, less
Working under a variety of names, including Buchmann, Maxim Harryson,
Ludwig Nietz, David Mordecai, and Finkelstein, he came
into the limelight in Paris in 1908, when he took a hand in robbing
the Tiflis Bank of two hundred and fifty thousand roubles. He was
deported, but soon afterwards was in trouble again for dealing in
stolen banknotes.
His chance came in 1917, when the Russian Revolution brought him and
his kind to the surface. Now, under the respectable pseudonym of
Maxim Litvinoff, he became Soviet Commissioner for Foreign Affairs.
His next step was to the Presidency of the Council of the League of
Nations. He then arrived in London as Soviet ambassador to the Court
of St. James, and as such became a familiar and influential figure
in royal and diplomatic circles.
As further evidence of the downward slide in our public and
political affairs, it may be noted that the first Secretary-General
of the United Nations was Alger Hiss, who had been convicted of
perjury in the American courts. He took a prominent part in shaping
the United Nations’ Charter on Russian-Communist lines.
These considerations, however, did not weigh heavily with the
faithful, who thought that the Pope’s address and appearance, before
a world audience, would be a golden opportunity for the advancement
of Papal teaching. It would burst upon the doubting and insecure
world with a certainty that it had never before experienced. Many
listeners, for the first time in their lives, would be brought face
to face with the reality of religion. It was only the Church that
had anything really important to say, that could add spiritual
significance to the routine of daily life.
Some half-a-century before, Pius X had issued directions and
indicated guide-lines that were everywhere and at all times
relevant. But his audience had been as necessarily limited as his
means to make himself heard. Now it was for Pope Paul to echo the
words of his predecessor, but this time to an almost universal
congregation that could be reached through the medium of the United
Pius had said:
‘There is no need for me to point out that the advent
of world democracy can have no relevancy to the work of the Church
in the world .... the reform of civilization is essentially a
religious task, for true civilization presupposes a moral
foundation, and there can be no morally based foundation without
true religion .... this is a truth which can be demonstrated from
the evidence of history.’
But Pope Paul had no intention of endorsing what Pius had said. For
instead of a religious leader speaking on October 4th, 1965, it
might have been a disciple of Jean Jacques Rousseau holding forth on
the deification of human nature that, finding expression in the
declaration of the Rights of Man on August 12th, 1789, ushered in
the French Revolution.
The Rights of Man, that were enthusiastically defined as being
vested in Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, led to the Cult of
Man and man’s elevation in place of God; from which it followed that
all religious forms, and institutions such as rulership, family
life, and the holding of private property, were denigrated as being
parts of the old order that was on the point of passing.
When the effects of the Second Vatican Council became apparent,
Doctor Rudolf Gruber, Bishop of Regensburg, was led to observe that
the main ideas of the French Revolution, ‘which represents an
important element in Lucifer’s plan’, were being adopted in many
spheres of Catholicism. And Pope Paul, speaking direct to a battery
of microphones that carried to the world, gave ample evidence of
He made no reference to spiritual claims or the importance of
‘Behold the day we have awaited for centuries.... This is
the ideal that mankind has dreamt of in its journey through
history.... We would venture to call it the world’s greatest
hope.... It is your task here’, he told the members of the Assembly,
‘to proclaim the basic rights and duties of Man.... We are conscious
that you are the interpreters of all that is permanent in human
wisdom; we could almost say of its sacred character.’
Man had now come of age, and was qualified to live by a philosophic
morality that, owing nothing to authority, was created by himself.
The United Nations, destined to play the leading role in the world,
was ‘the last hope of mankind’. So it was to secular structures that
man must look for the stability and redemption of humanity; in a
word, to himself; sentiments that would not have been out of place
in the committee rooms of the French Revolution; sentiments that no
one would have thought to hear expressed by a Pope, void as they
were of any reference to the claims and traditional message of the
That this was understood and appreciated was shown by the reception
accorded him at the close of his address, by those of
a certain political persuasion who made up by far the greater part
of his live audience. He was surrounded by back-slapping
and handshaking representatives of Russia, China, and the Soviet
satellite States. He arranged for further meetings,
which proved to be four in all, with the Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko (real name Katz), and his wife. There were
congratulations from Nikolai Podgorny, member of the Politburo, and
warm exchanges with Arthur Goldberg, a prominent member of the
Communist Party.
Pope Paul had opened up the world of religion to its old and
inveterate enemies, the champions of social reform who denied
revelation. ‘Dialogue’ was now much in fashion, and the prospect of
Moscow and the Vatican entering into talks was taken for granted.
The world’s leading churchman had propagated the social gospel, so
dear to the heart of revolutionaries, without a single reference to
the religious doctrines that they found pernicious. Differences
between the two sides were not so deep-seated and final as had once
been thought. The Pope, and those who clustered about him sometimes
with two-handed clasps, could henceforth be allies.
It now remained to round off a truly historic visit with an
initiatory rite that would put the seal on this newly admitted
‘Behold, thy King is coming to thee, humbly riding on an ass.’
So wrote St. Matthew (21.5) on Christ’s entry into Jerusalem.
But it was not thus that Christ’s representative rode along
Broadway. Pope Paul travelled in a seven-passenger Lincoln
convertible, through a forest of flags and bunting, with a police
escort on motor cycles, and thousands more police lining the way and
restraining crowds that were uncertain whether to stand, kneel, or
bow their heads in expectation of a blessing, and whether to wave or
raise an arm in salute; with two spotter helicopters buzzing and
circling overhead, sirens blowing, and on nearly every building
fluorescent lighting that unnecessarily vied with the daylight, and
the United Nations’ Plaza Building spelling out ‘welcome, Pope Paul
This followed upon a question that Cardinal Vagnozzi, the
Apostolic-delegate in New York, put to Pope Paul. What was to be the
next goal of his visit?
The Meditation Room in the United Nations’ building, Paul told him.
The Cardinal was surprised, shocked. He had good reason for
affirming that the Holy Father couldn’t go there.
But he went.
The room, with two others of its kind, one at Wainwright House,
Stuyvesant Avenue, Rye, New York, and the other in the United States
Capitol, represented the early stage of a scheme the fulfilment of
which would be marked (in concrete form) by the erection of what was
called the Temple of Understanding, on fifty acres of ground along
the banks of the Potomac in Washington, D.C.
It was part of a design to form one inter-religious world body on
the part of a certain Mrs. Judith Dickerman Hollister, who revealed
an anti-traditional, pro-mysterious bias by becoming a Shinto. As
such, she believed the Japanese myth that two divine universal
parents descended upon an island that was made of drops of salt.
There the God-mother gave birth to other islands, with mountains and
rivers, and finally to a whole galaxy of Gods. After that
astonishing feat the lady withdrew from her sea-girt home and was
seen no more.
Thus armed with an air of mystery, a suggestion of interior
enlightenment, and an eccentric bearing, Mrs. Hollister found an
enthusiastic supporter in the President’s wife, Eleanor Roosevelt,
whom some of her intimates rated as being somewhat below the
mentally normal.
From that it needed but a step to secure the backing of the United
States Government, while John D. Rockefeller, and several of his
associates in the Communist front that he founded, contributed to
what was called the Spiritual United Nations. Another pro-Communist
millionaire, Marshall Field, who has already been noted as a patron
of the anarchist Saul David Alinsky, helped to pay for the
decoration of the room. The Ford Foundation also gave financial
A carefully edited bulletin, that supposedly dealt with the meaning
and purpose of the room, was produced by
the Lucis Press, which
issues printed matter for the United Nations.
The suspicious may find food for thought in the fact that this
publishing company, when it started in the early part of this
century, was known as the Lucifer Press. It now functions at 3
Whitehall Court, London, S.W.1.
That title might well have been retained when dealing with Mrs.
Hollister’s creation, for the room (and this explains the shock felt
by Cardinal Vagnozzi) was
a centre of the Illuminati, given over to
the cult of the all-seeing Eye that under a system of allegories and
veiled secrets, as translated by the Masters of Wisdom, was
dedicated to the service of pagan cults; and the obliteration of
Christian in favour of humanistic beliefs.
Two doors, each fitted with tinted glass panels, lead into the room.
A guard stands outside, and another is stationed just inside the
door. The entrant encounters semi-darkness, and a quiet into which
one’s footsteps are absorbed by a thick blue rug on the floor. An
arched inner way, still overhung by a sense of night-like stillness,
opens out into a space some thirty feet long, wedge-shaped,
windowless, and with a solitary yellow light, apparently beamed from
nowhere, shimmering on the surface of an altar that stands in the
centre, a waist-high block of crystalline iron ore that is known to
weigh between six and seven tons.
Blue rugs are spread over the floor, that is elsewhere paved with
blue-grey lengths of slate. At the far end of the room, where the
dimness melts into total shadow, there is a low railing beyond which
only the privileged are allowed to pass.
The fresco-mural, more than eight feet high and some two feet
smaller in width, is played upon by a light directed from the top.
Framed in a steel panel, it appears to be an apparently meaningless
cluster of blue, grey, white, brown, and yellow geometrical designs.
But to those versed in esoteric understanding the crescents and
triangles present a definite form that takes shape, in the centre
and outer circle of the mural, as the Illuminati Eye.

Main attention is not, however, focused upon the mural but on the
altar, that is dedicated to ‘the faceless one’, and from
which an air of brooding mystery, prevalent in the room, appears to
radiate. And as one’s senses respond, it is realized that other
shaded lights, concealed in a suspended ceiling that matches the
size of the room, add to the somber impression conveyed by the altar
Pope Paul, at the end of his mission, was presented with a model of
the then prospective Temple of Understanding. The Masters extended a
similar welcome to Cardinal Suenens, who later visited the
Meditation Room; and in return representatives of the Temple were
received at the Vatican.
The underlying purpose of the Temple was plainly revealed by its
plan, with the all-seeing Eye, faceted like a diamond in the central
dome of the building, reflecting the rays of the sun through wings
that represented six world faiths – Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam,
Judaism, Confucianism, and Christianity.
The same symbolism figured at a banquet attended by some five
hundred supporters of syncretism at the Waldorf Astor, where a
little scene was enacted when a child, holding aloft the model of an
egg, was presented to the president of the Temple, the same Mrs.
Dickerman Hollister. She tapped the egg with a wand, and the shell
dropped away to reveal a tree with six golden branches.
Before leaving America Pope Paul, to press home his voluntary
renunciation of spiritual authority, made a show of divesting
himself of the Church’s reminders and insignia. He gave the Papal
ring of diamonds and rubies, and his pectoral cross of diamonds and
emeralds – the two containing four hundred and four diamonds, one
hundred and forty-five emeralds, and twenty rubies – to the Buddhist
U Thant, then Secretary-General of the United Nations.
A jeweller had estimated that the jewels alone, apart from their
traditional value, were worth more than a hundred thousand dollars.
They were swept up at an auction for sixty-four thousand dollars,
after which the successful buyer sold them to a Mr. David Morton of Orono, Minnesota. Some items of this Papal jewellery were next seen
decking the person of a female performer who appeared in the ‘Carson
television night-show’.
The ring and the cross continued to go the round of dealers, auction
rooms, and superior junk shops, and were last heard of among the
articles offered for sale at a market in Geneva.
This abnegation followed Pope Paul’s public show of giving up the
tiara, the triple crown that denotes the Trinity, the authority, and
the spiritual powers of the Church. The crown was presented to a
Pope at the time of his coronation with the words:
‘Receive this
tiara adorned with three crowns and know that you are the father of
princes and of kings, guide of the world, and Vicar upon earth of
Jesus Christ.’
Pope Paul let it be known that he was giving up the crown for the
benefit of the poor of the world, a motive that was played up
by the
Press and that ‘went down well’ with the public. But he was giving
up something that had never been his in the first place, and so was
not transferable. Moreover, one word from him would have caused all
the world-wide missions and charitable organizations of the Church
to open their purses for the poor.
But instead, he made a theatrical
gesture by discarding external signs of religious dignity which, as
he and his kind well knew, was a minor step that, added to others of
its kind, was part of the process of sapping the Church’s internal
He also made use of a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the
sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two.
This was a bent or broken cross on which was displayed a repulsive
and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and
sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the
Biblical term, ‘Mark of the Beast’.
Yet not only Paul VI but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried
that object and held it up to be revered by crowds who had not the
slightest idea that it stood for
Furthermore, this
exhibition of a desiccated figure on a twisted stick was forbidden
by Canon 1279, which condemned the usage of any sacred image that is
not in keeping with the approved usage of the Church. That it was
used for occult purposes may be seen in woodcuts shown in the Museum
of Witchcraft in Bayonne, France.
Another disquieting feature of Pope Paul’s visit to the United
States was his appearance, at the Yankee Stadium in New
York, wearing the Ephod, the ancient garment with breastplate of
twelve stones, representing the twelve sons of Jacob, as worn by Caiphas, the High Priest of the Sanhedrin, who called for the
crucifixion of Christ.

Paul VI wearing the
breast-plate of the Ephod, a.k.a. the rational of Judgment, of a
Jewish High-Priest.
The twelve stones
represent the twelve tribes of Israel.
As though not content with that quite unnecessary innovation, His
Holiness continued to wear that non-Christian symbol on other
occasions, including the Way of the Cross procession in Rome on
March the 27th, 1964; at a ceremony in the Place d’Espagne, Rome, on
December the 8th, 1964; the visit of Doctor Ramsay, Archbishop of
Canterbury, to the Vatican in 1966; at a reception of parish priests
in the Sistine Chapel; and at Castelgandolfo in the summer of 1970.
The tone of Pope Paul’s address to
the United Nations had given no
little encouragement to the progressives, or Left-wing element,
within the Church. For within a few days of Paul’s return to Rome
the Bishop of Cuernavaca, Mendes Arceo, was declaring that ‘Marxism
is necessary in order to realise God’s kingdom at the present time’;
while Pope Paul let it be known that Rome, in order to end an old
enmity, was ready to take a new look at secret societies.
As part of that process, Monsignor Pezeril was entrusted with the
task of negotiating with a governing body of those societies with a
view to establishing friendly contact.
The retentive powers of those who write for the papers, like the
memories of those who seriously regard them, are proverbially short.
Yet because the Pope’s speech in New York was well in keeping with
the prevailing trend, it is not surprising to find that the cue he
had given there was taken up, some time later, by the Vatican
journal L’Osservatore Romano, which let it be known that the
Church’s traditional message had yielded place to a more unorthodox
concept, by announcing:
‘There are no true riches but Man.’
The two interlaced triangles explain Lantoine’s remarks that
is an equal and indispensable part of God, as seen when the picture
is reversed. Simply translated, the motto means:
‘What is above
equals what is below.’
It reveals a common occult idea that God is both good and evil, and
that Satan is part of him.
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