Rick Martin
April 2000
TheSpectrumNews Website
Black Pope
"Black Pope" is a derogatory nickname given to
the Superior General usually by the media
(and never used by the
Jesuits themselves).
The name comes partly from
the color of the plain black priest's cassock, worn by
members of the Society, including the Superior General,
partly from a past concern (most prominent around the
16th and 17th centuries) amongst Protestant European
countries concerning the relative power of the Jesuits
within the Roman Catholic Church, and partly because the
Superior General is elected for life.
Source |
So, you thought you
were pretty well informed by now about all of the main players on
the “conspiracy” playing field? You’ve maybe been hearing for years
about (or bumped into on your own) the various elements of society
who control our world from behind the scenes.
You’ve gotten
familiar with the role played by, for instance, the
Zionists (who invented the word “Jew” to disguise their adopted
heritage, as distinguished from the biblical Judeans), or the role
played by the Banksters (banking gangsters) controlling the
economies of the world, by
...and on
and on, comprising the physical power structure of the
New World
Order puppets under the direction of darkly motivated,
other-dimensional “master deceivers” commonly known as Lucifer or
Satan and their “fallen angel” cohorts.
While all of those details contribute to understanding the Larger
Picture, what you are about to read fills in a most important
Missing Link in this entire structure.
And I don’t mean a little
side issue; I mean a link so central - yet so well hidden from general
public view, and for so long - that even the most studied of
“conspiracy theory” scholars probably have not put together much of
the information that is going to be presented here.
To call the following outlay “controversial” and “sensitive” is
about as mild an understatement of the truth of the matter as can be
made! This missing link changes the entire slant of the entire
playing field!
After months of anticipation and weeks of preparation, I was finally
able to speak with Vatican Assassins author Eric Jon Phelps on
Tuesday, March 14, 2000.
There was simply no other way to cover Eric’s
historic masterpiece spanning, literally, five centuries, than to
just ask questions covering huge spans of time and major historical
events. It took us almost four hours to accomplish the task, yet we
could easily have gone on for another forty.
We here at
The SPECTRUM are simply unwilling to reduce the
importance of this work by presenting it in a too distilled fashion.
In fact, in order to share this material with at least some of the
pertinent backup, Eric has granted us permission to print (directly
after the interview) several excerpts from his soon-to-be-published
book which will help you in understanding certain aspects of this
magnificently important and broad-sweeping story.
The missing link
is surely a central link.
Let’s call this story the “Jesuit-Vatican connection” to the
unfolding New World Order agenda. You make up your own mind just how
absolutely central, yet well hidden, has been this link!
There’s a
good reason the secret Vatican library is so extensive and yet
remains so intact from outside intrusion, despite the many others
who would like to possess such a collection of information detailing
much “censored” data about our true, otherworldy cultural heritage.
When one reads a work like Vatican Assassins, one can’t help but
reflect back on the purposely “adjusted” and watered down and boring
moments in high school history class. Meanwhile, the TRUE history of
what has gone on is dynamic and full of calculated intrigue.
In this business, I’ve heard and read a lot of things. But when I
had to pick my jaw up off the floor during the reading of certain
historical portions in Eric’s book - well, let me just say that
certainly is stranger, and far more interesting, than the many
fictions we’ve been led to believe are historical fact.
And yet
Truth does fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
This book SHOULD be a best-seller, but it is hardly likely to
achieve such general attention - considering how well controlled and
censored is the publishing business. Thus is the reason for our
lengthy presentation of this most astonishing and critically
important material here in The SPECTRUM.
We are in a time of Truth being revealed from ALL directions. And
there is probably no more fundamental, mind-rattling, and previous
notions-shattering example of that than what is being presented
The interview is directly followed by a number of pertinent
excerpts from Eric’s eye-opening book - which will be available July
Editor’s note:
It should be noted up-front that the information
presented below is the studied opinion of Eric Jon Phelps.
We here
The SPECTRUM find much about his presentation of his historical
research which meshes with and expands upon Truth which has been
presented by many other authors in these pages and elsewhere. And
that is good; Truth is Truth is Truth, and should all mesh.
However, for the peace of mind of our unique readership
- which
typically has cultivated a more aware spiritual perspective than the
general public - we DO NOT want to give the impression that we agree
with (or wish to promote) some collateral aspects of Eric’s
presentation having to do with his personal “religious”
The focus of those convictions follows a much more biblically
conventional (literal) path - in stark contrast to the unconventional,
questioning, wide-angle vision of his historical material.
Generally such opinions are simply allowed to stand on their own
- for
you to sort and interpret as you see fit - rather than being
singled-out to be addressed editorially. However, in this case, the
practical side of Eric’s stated religious convictions include the
condoning of some degree of violence (or violent protest) and use of
And such convictions are VERY MUCH THE OPPOSITE of our
philosophical position - for many reasons, not the least of which is
the obvious Adversarial bait-and-entrapment which would result from
choosing what we would consider to be low-frequency responses to
schoolroom Earth’s current challenges.
Yet, if the perceptive reader penetrates “between the lines”
thoughtfully, there is glimpsed a recurring commendable spiritual
message in Eric’s commentary - of “Have the courage to speak The
Truth” and “God helps those who help themselves” - which we certainly
DO agree with wholeheartedly and have long supported
We are in the time of the Great Awakening on this planet.
The Light
of Truth, intensifying with each passing moment, is nudging many to
step forward and share what they know.
Will such ones follow that
nudge or continue to hide in fear? The answer to that question is
perhaps the most important aspect of schoolroom Earth’s relentless
testing at this critical time.
One last-minute footnote before beginning this interview: The
Arts &
Entertainment (A&E) cable television channel just started to air
- on
Easter Sunday evening! - a new two hour documentary called: The
Vatican Revealed.
Tape it so you can study it carefully; within the
lines of dialog and some of those people chosen for commentaries are
many, many clues to the true power of the Vatican over world
It would, of course, be much more revealing to watch the
A&E program AFTER having read and digested the following.
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