William F. Buckley, Jr.
Knight of Malta
CFR / CIA Officer
"Skull & Bones" Member
Editor, National Review
Blamed Castro
Blamed Oswald


Clay Shaw
Knight of Malta
CIA Officer
Director, Intl. Trade Mart
New Orleans
Tried by Jim Garrison, 1969

Lee Harvey Oswald
False Defector to Russia
KGB/CIA Connection
"I'm Just a Patsy"
Murdered by Mafioso
Jack Ruby
Ruby imprisoned, murdered
Warren Commission
Gerald Ford, Congressman
Shriner Freemason
Cartha D. DeLoach, FBI
Knight of Malta
DeLoach aids Ford
Blames Oswald
The Great Jesuit Cover-up
to the Present

Henry Luce
Knight of Malta
CFR / CIA Officer
"Skull & Bones" Member
Editor, Time / Life
Blamed Castro
Blamed Oswald

E. Howard Hunt
CIA Assassin
Proven to be in Dallas, Texas
on November 22, 1963
in Miami's Federal District Court in
Hunt v. Liberty Lobby, 1985
Documented in Mark Lane's
Plausible Denial, 1991
Assassination of President Kennedy
"Rebel" to the Pope, in attempting to destroy the Jesuit
General's CIA and end
"Spelly's War" in Vietnam, and therefore was a "notorious
whose assassination was lawful,
according to the Jesuit Suarez
in his Defensio Catholica Fidei.