Related Words

These words relationships indicate either synonyms or a very close correlation among it's corresponding definitions,

and can be used a helpful sequence to clarify a particular subject. 




Word Related Words

12-Strand DNA

Crystal Gene; Diamond Sun DNA Code; Divine Blueprint; Divine Right Order; Gene of Transmutation; Interstellar Seeding; Junk DNA; Silicate Matrix

Alphi Hova Body

Astral Self; D-4,5 & 6; Dora; HU-2; Higher Self; Race Mind Matrix; Semi-etheric; Soul; Soul Identity; Soul Matrix; Superconscious Mind

Ascended Master

Ascended Masters Consciousness Collective; Energy Matrix; Eternal Sentient Consciousness; Geomantic Entities; Khundara; Khundaray; Khundaray Fields; Ultra-Terrestrials; Yanas; Yani; Yunasai Matrix

Ascended Masters Consciousness Collective

Ascended Master; Energy Matrix; Eternal Sentient Consciousness; Geomantic Entities; Khundara; Khundaray; Khundaray Fields; Ultra-Terrestrials; Yanas; Yani; Yunasai Matrix

Astral Self

Alphi Hova Body; D-4,5 & 6; Dora; HU-2; Higher Self; Race Mind Matrix; Semi-etheric; Soul; Soul Identity; Soul Matrix; Superconscious Mind

Betcha Hova Body

HU-3; Monad Identity; Oversoul; Oversoul Identity; Oversoul Matrix; Planetary Logos; Planetary Mind Matrix; Teura

Central Point of All Union

Central Source; Central Source of Creation; Eternal Consciousness of the One-All; God; Source; Spirit; Yunasai

Central Source

Central Point of All Union; Central Source of Creation; Eternal Consciousness of the One-All; God; Source; Spirit; Yunasai

Central Source of Creation

Central Point of All Union; Central Source; Eternal Consciousness of the One-All; God; Source; Spirit; Yunasai

Conscious personality

D-1,2 & 3; DNA Strands 1,2 & 3; Ego; HU-1; Incarnate Identity; Incarnate Matrix; Individual Mind Matrix; Personal Logos; Tauren

Crystal Body

Geomancies; Geomantic Codes; Morphogenetic Field; Scalar Fields; Scalar Grids; Scalar Template; Scalar Wave Template

Crystal Gene

12-Strand DNA; Diamond Sun DNA Code; Divine Blueprint; Divine Right Order; Gene of Transmutation; Interstellar Seeding; Junk DNA; Silicate Matrix

D-1,2 & 3

Conscious personality; DNA Strands 1,2 & 3; Ego; HU-1; Incarnate Identity; Incarnate Matrix; Individual Mind Matrix; Personal Logos; Tauren

D-4,5 & 6

Alphi Hova Body; Astral Self; Dora; HU-2; Higher Self; Race Mind Matrix; Semi-etheric; Soul; Soul Identity; Soul Matrix; Superconscious Mind

Diamond Sun DNA Code

12-Strand DNA; Crystal Gene; Divine Blueprint; Divine Right Order; Gene of Transmutation; Interstellar Seeding; Junk DNA; Silicate Matrix


Frequency Band; Octaves (Two); Time Continua (Two)

Dimensions (Three)

Euiago; Euiago Cycle; Harmonic Quadrant; Harmonic Time Cycle; Harmonic Universe; Octaves (Six); Pardo (Four); Reality Field; Reiago (Two); Time Continua (Six)

Divine Blueprint

12-Strand DNA; Crystal Gene; Diamond Sun DNA Code; Divine Right Order; Gene of Transmutation; Interstellar Seeding; Junk DNA; Silicate Matrix

Divine Right Order

12-Strand DNA; Crystal Gene; Diamond Sun DNA Code; Divine Blueprint; Gene of Transmutation; Interstellar Seeding; Junk DNA; Silicate Matrix

DNA Strands 1,2 & 3

Conscious personality; D-1,2 & 3; Ego; HU-1; Incarnate Identity; Incarnate Matrix; Individual Mind Matrix; Personal Logos; Tauren


Alphi Hova Body; Astral Self; D-4,5 & 6; HU-2; Higher Self; Race Mind Matrix; Semi-etheric; Soul; Soul Identity; Soul Matrix; Superconscious Mind


Conscious personality; D-1,2 & 3; DNA Strands 1,2 & 3; HU-1; Incarnate Identity; Incarnate Matrix; Individual Mind Matrix; Personal Logos; Tauren

Energy Matrix

Ascended Master; Ascended Masters Consciousness Collective; Eternal Sentient Consciousness; Geomantic Entities; Khundara; Khundaray; Khundaray Fields; Ultra-Terrestrials; Yanas; Yani; Yunasai Matrix

Eternal Consciousness of the One-All

Central Point of All Union; Central Source; Central Source of Creation; God; Source; Spirit; Yunasai

Eternal Sentient Consciousness

Ascended Master; Ascended Masters Consciousness Collective; Energy Matrix; Geomantic Entities; Khundara; Khundaray; Khundaray Fields; Ultra-Terrestrials; Yanas; Yani; Yunasai Matrix


Dimensions (Three); Euiago Cycle; Harmonic Quadrant; Harmonic Time Cycle; Harmonic Universe; Octaves (Six); Pardo (Four); Reality Field; Reiago (Two); Time Continua (Six)

Euiago Cycle

Dimensions (Three); Euiago; Harmonic Quadrant; Harmonic Time Cycle; Harmonic Universe; Octaves (Six); Pardo (Four); Reality Field; Reiago (Two); Time Continua (Six)

Frecuency Band

Dimension; Octaves (Two); Time Continua (Two)

Gene of Transmutation

12-Strand DNA; Crystal Gene; Diamond Sun DNA Code; Divine Blueprint; Divine Right Order; Interstellar Seeding; Junk DNA; Silicate Matrix


Crystal Body; Geomantic Codes; Morphogenetic Field; Scalar Fields; Scalar Grids; Scalar Template; Scalar Wave Template

Geomantic Codes

Crystal Body; Geomancies; Morphogenetic Field; Scalar Fields; Scalar Grids; Scalar Template; Scalar Wave Template

Geomantic Entities

Ascended Master; Ascended Masters Consciousness Collective; Energy Matrix; Eternal Sentient Consciousness; Khundara; Khundaray; Khundaray Fields; Ultra-Terrestrials; Yanas; Yani; Yunasai Matrix


Central Point of All Union; Central Source; Central Source of Creation; Eternal Consciousness of the One-All; Source; Spirit; Yunasai

Harmonic Quadrant

Dimensions (Three); Euiago; Euiago Cycle; Harmonic Time Cycle; Harmonic Universe; Octaves (Six); Pardo (Four); Reality Field; Reiago (Two); Time Continua (Six)

Harmonic Time Cycle

Dimensions (Three); Euiago; Euiago Cycle; Harmonic Quadrant; Harmonic Universe; Octaves (Six); Pardo (Four); Reality Field; Reiago (Two); Time Continua (Six)

Harmonic Universe

Dimensions (Three); Euiago; Euiago Cycle; Harmonic Quadrant; Harmonic Time Cycle; Octaves (Six); Pardo (Four); Reality Field; Reiago (Two); Time Continua (Six)

Higher Self

Alphi Hova Body; Astral Self; D-4,5 & 6; Dora; HU-2; Race Mind Matrix; Semi-etheric; Soul; Soul Identity; Soul Matrix; Superconscious Mind


Conscious personality; D-1,2 & 3; DNA Strands 1,2 & 3; Ego; Incarnate Identity; Incarnate Matrix; Individual Mind Matrix; Personal Logos; Tauren


Alphi Hova Body; Astral Self; D-4,5 & 6; Dora; Higher Self; Race Mind Matrix; Semi-etheric; Soul; Soul Identity; Soul Matrix; Superconscious Mind


Betcha Hova Body; Monad Identity; Oversoul; Oversoul Identity; Oversoul Matrix; Planetary Logos; Planetary Mind Matrix; Teura

Incarnate Identity

Conscious personality; D-1,2 & 3; DNA Strands 1,2 & 3; Ego; HU-1; Incarnate Matrix; Individual Mind Matrix; Personal Logos; Tauren

Incarnate Matrix

Conscious personality; D-1,2 & 3; DNA Strands 1,2 & 3; Ego; HU-1; Incarnate Identity; Individual Mind Matrix; Personal Logos; Tauren

Individual Mind Matrix

Conscious personality; D-1,2 & 3; DNA Strands 1,2 & 3; Ego; HU-1; Incarnate Identity; Incarnate Matrix; Personal Logos; Tauren

Interstellar Seeding

12-Strand DNA; Crystal Gene; Diamond Sun DNA Code; Divine Blueprint; Divine Right Order; Gene of Transmutation; Junk DNA; Silicate Matrix

Junk DNA

12-Strand DNA; Crystal Gene; Diamond Sun DNA Code; Divine Blueprint; Divine Right Order; Gene of Transmutation; Interstellar Seeding; Silicate Matrix


Ascended Master; Ascended Masters Consciousness Collective; Energy Matrix; Eternal Sentient Consciousness; Geomantic Entities; Khundaray; Khundaray Fields; Ultra-Terrestrials; Yanas; Yani; Yunasai Matrix


Ascended Master; Ascended Masters Consciousness Collective; Energy Matrix; Eternal Sentient Consciousness; Geomantic Entities; Khundara; Khundaray Fields; Ultra-Terrestrials; Yanas; Yani; Yunasai Matrix

Khundaray Fields

Ascended Master; Ascended Masters Consciousness Collective; Energy Matrix; Eternal Sentient Consciousness; Geomantic Entities; Khundara; Khundaray; Ultra-Terrestrials; Yanas; Yani; Yunasai Matrix

Monad Identity

Betcha Hova Body; HU-3; Oversoul; Oversoul Identity; Oversoul Matrix; Planetary Logos; Planetary Mind Matrix; Teura

Morphogenetic Field

Crystal Body; Geomancies; Geomantic Codes; Scalar Fields; Scalar Grids; Scalar Template; Scalar Wave Template

Octaves (Six)

Dimensions (Three); Euiago; Euiago Cycle; Harmonic Quadrant; Harmonic Time Cycle; Harmonic Universe; Pardo (Four); Reality Field; Reiago (Two); Time Continua (Six)

Octaves (Two)

Dimension; Frecuency Band; Time Continua (Two)


Betcha Hova Body; HU-3; Monad Identity; Oversoul Identity; Oversoul Matrix; Planetary Logos; Planetary Mind Matrix; Teura

Oversoul Identity

Betcha Hova Body; HU-3; Monad Identity; Oversoul; Oversoul Matrix; Planetary Logos; Planetary Mind Matrix; Teura

Oversoul Matrix

Betcha Hova Body; HU-3; Monad Identity; Oversoul; Oversoul Identity; Planetary Logos; Planetary Mind Matrix; Teura

Pardo (Four)

Dimensions (Three); Euiago; Euiago Cycle; Harmonic Quadrant; Harmonic Time Cycle; Harmonic Universe; Octaves (Six); Reality Field; Reiago (Two); Time Continua (Six)

Personal Logos

Conscious personality; D-1,2 & 3; DNA Strands 1,2 & 3; Ego; HU-1; Incarnate Identity; Incarnate Matrix; Individual Mind Matrix; Tauren

Planetary Logos

Betcha Hova Body; HU-3; Monad Identity; Oversoul; Oversoul Identity; Oversoul Matrix; Planetary Mind Matrix; Teura

Planetary Mind Matrix

Betcha Hova Body; HU-3; Monad Identity; Oversoul; Oversoul Identity; Oversoul Matrix; Planetary Logos; Teura

Race Mind Matrix

Alphi Hova Body; Astral Self; D-4,5 & 6; Dora; HU-2; Higher Self; Semi-etheric; Soul; Soul Identity; Soul Matrix; Superconscious Mind

Reality Field

Dimensions (Three); Euiago; Euiago Cycle; Harmonic Quadrant; Harmonic Time Cycle; Harmonic Universe; Octaves (Six); Pardo (Four); Reiago (Two); Time Continua (Six)

Reiago (Two)

Dimensions (Three); Euiago; Euiago Cycle; Harmonic Quadrant; Harmonic Time Cycle; Harmonic Universe; Octaves (Six); Pardo (Four); Reality Field; Time Continua (Six)

Scalar Fields

Crystal Body; Geomancies; Geomantic Codes; Morphogenetic Field; Scalar Grids; Scalar Template; Scalar Wave Template

Scalar Grids

Crystal Body; Geomancies; Geomantic Codes; Morphogenetic Field; Scalar Fields; Scalar Template; Scalar Wave Template

Scalar Template

Crystal Body; Geomancies; Geomantic Codes; Morphogenetic Field; Scalar Fields; Scalar Grids; Scalar Wave Template

Scalar Wave Template

Crystal Body; Geomancies; Geomantic Codes; Morphogenetic Field; Scalar Fields; Scalar Grids; Scalar Template


Alphi Hova Body; Astral Self; D-4,5 & 6; Dora; HU-2; Higher Self; Race Mind Matrix; Soul; Soul Identity; Soul Matrix; Superconscious Mind

Silicate Matrix

12-Strand DNA; Crystal Gene; Diamond Sun DNA Code; Divine Blueprint; Divine Right Order; Gene of Transmutation; Interstellar Seeding; Junk DNA


Alphi Hova Body; Astral Self; D-4,5 & 6; Dora; HU-2; Higher Self; Race Mind Matrix; Semi-etheric; Soul Identity; Soul Matrix; Superconscious Mind

Soul Identity

Alphi Hova Body; Astral Self; D-4,5 & 6; Dora; HU-2; Higher Self; Race Mind Matrix; Semi-etheric; Soul; Soul Matrix; Superconscious Mind

Soul Matrix

Alphi Hova Body; Astral Self; D-4,5 & 6; Dora; HU-2; Higher Self; Race Mind Matrix; Semi-etheric; Soul; Soul Identity; Superconscious Mind


Central Point of All Union; Central Source; Central Source of Creation; Eternal Consciousness of the One-All; God; Spirit; Yunasai


Central Point of All Union; Central Source; Central Source of Creation; Eternal Consciousness of the One-All; God; Source; Yunasai

Superconscious Mind

Alphi Hova Body; Astral Self; D-4,5 & 6; Dora; HU-2; Higher Self; Race Mind Matrix; Semi-etheric; Soul; Soul Identity; Soul Matrix


Conscious personality; D-1,2 & 3; DNA Strands 1,2 & 3; Ego; HU-1; Incarnate Identity; Incarnate Matrix; Individual Mind Matrix; Personal Logos


Betcha Hova Body; HU-3; Monad Identity; Oversoul; Oversoul Identity; Oversoul Matrix; Planetary Logos; Planetary Mind Matrix

Time Continua (Six)

Dimensions (Three); Euiago; Euiago Cycle; Harmonic Quadrant; Harmonic Time Cycle; Harmonic Universe; Octaves (Six); Pardo (Four); Reality Field; Reiago (Two)

Time Continua (Two)

Dimension; Frecuency Band; Octaves (Two)


Ascended Master; Ascended Masters Consciousness Collective; Energy Matrix; Eternal Sentient Consciousness; Geomantic Entities; Khundara; Khundaray; Khundaray Fields; Yanas; Yani; Yunasai Matrix


Ascended Master; Ascended Masters Consciousness Collective; Energy Matrix; Eternal Sentient Consciousness; Geomantic Entities; Khundara; Khundaray; Khundaray Fields; Ultra-Terrestrials; Yani; Yunasai Matrix


Ascended Master; Ascended Masters Consciousness Collective; Energy Matrix; Eternal Sentient Consciousness; Geomantic Entities; Khundara; Khundaray; Khundaray Fields; Ultra-Terrestrials; Yanas; Yunasai Matrix


Central Point of All Union; Central Source; Central Source of Creation; Eternal Consciousness of the One-All; God; Source; Spirit

Yunasai Matrix

Ascended Master; Ascended Masters Consciousness Collective; Energy Matrix; Eternal Sentient Consciousness; Geomantic Entities; Khundara; Khundaray; Khundaray Fields; Ultra-Terrestrials; Yanas; Yani