Morphogenetic Field
(MF) -
(Crystal Body or Manifestation Template)
Last update: November
04, 2004
All matter forms and forms of consciousness, including planetary
bodies and human bodies, are manifested through a morphogenetic
(form-holding) imprint, which exists as a quantity of crystalline
(that’s why it’s also called crystal body), electro-tonal energetic
substance that is composed of specific patters of frequency.
(See: Universal Manifestation Template, Primal Order, Energy Matrix,
Time Matrix)
This morphogenetic imprint sets the pattern for a form within the
15-dimensional Unified Field of energy substance, The morphogenetic
imprint holds the instructions and design for form-building in a
type of digital or electronic encoding, known as Keylon Codes.
Forms come into manifestation and evolve, as patterns of frequency
are drawn into the forms’ morphogenetic field, from the dimensional
frequency bands of the Unified Field of energetic substance within
which the morphogenetic field is placed.
This drawing-in of frequency progressively expands the morphogenetic
field and creates evolution of form progressively upward through the
15-dimensional universe.
(Voyagers II -
Page 464)
The essential link between man, matter and the Cosmos concerns
something referred to as Morphogenetic (form-holding) Field. - The
Fabric of Creation.
Morphogenetic Fields (MF) are comprised by templates of conscious
light and sound which serves as blueprints on which matter form and
conscious identity will manifest. This occurs microcosmically and
Therefore, the universe is one massive field of consciousness
embracing and containing all other forms where all experiences of
reality and manifestation takes place.
This Cosmic structure/order is the basis of human order and the
human psyche in terms of the Cosmic Divine Blueprint where
experiential reality fields are created, of templates of energy,
divided into groups and energy patterns, which form the
morphogenetic structure of each and all 15 dimensions.
When we attempt to explore the order of energy from which manifest
reality arise we are exploring the mechanics and dynamics of
dimensionalized Morphogenetic Fields, in which conscious experience
takes place.
MF’s can be understood as Scalar Grids (SG) or Scalar Fields (SF)
made of interwoven patterns of consciousness that take the form of
Standing Waves (SW).
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul - Lecture Transcripts -Page 2)
Morphogenetic Fields, or the Manifestation Templates that serve as
the blueprint through which consciousness manifests, are composed of
the Primal Substance of Partiki Units.
Partiki units draw together or Accrete to form Partiki Strings.
Following a set of mathematical and geometrical design inherent to
the form, Partiki Strings interweave and overlap, forming a "Fabric
of Light and Sound" called Partiki Grid.
Following the precise mathematical design set by the intention of
the manifesting consciousness, Partiki Grids further accrete,
drawing in more Partiki Units, forming groups of Partiki units that
are arranged following 3 different rhythms of Partiki Phasing.
Tri-phase groupings of Partiki Units form patterns of Scalar-wave
and Tri-tone wave interrelationships that create crystallizations of
energy called Keylons.
Groups of Keylons continue to accrete, forming complex Keylons
arrangements called Keylon Codes, through which the Manifestation
Template is progressively built up from Ante-matter through various
stages of matter density, beginning with Pre-Matter Substance, the
first density of Liquid Silica Hydro-plasmic energy to emerge into
externalized form.
(The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course - Page 19)
Harmonic Universe
Last update: November
04, 2004
(Also called Reality Fields)
In the Universal Structure (Time Matrix) of 15 dimensions these
dimensions are grouped into triads of 3 dimensions each, (one
Density Level) forming 5 interwoven, over-laid reality fields that
are called Harmonic Universes (HU) - Reality Fields - each with its
own Matter Density.
HU-1 is the portion
of personal consciousness that is stationed within the frequency
bands of dimension 1, 2 and 3.
HU-2 is the portion
of personal consciousness that is stationed within the frequency
bands of dimension 4, 5 and 6.
… and so on to the 15th dimension.
(Voyagers I – Page 136)
Cosmic morphogenetic structure is ordered into sets of systems, each
one comprising 15 dimensions and referred to as a "15 dimensional
matrices" grouped in sets of 3, forming a morphogenetic blueprint of
five, 3 dimensional reality systems, in each dimensional matrix.
Each reality field system is called a Harmonic Universe (HU) and
corresponds to one Density Level.
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul - Lecture Transcripts -Page 3)
All Reality Fields (HU) take place in the same space but appears to
be separated and "invisible" to each other due to Variant Angular
Rotation of Particle Spin (ARPS). ARPS determines the Matter Density
(Voyagers II –
Page 507)
It is through the multidimensional relationships between angles of
particle and anti-particle spin (ARPS) that multiple reality fields
(Harmonic Universes - HU) can take place in the same space, while
remaining invisible to each other. As a planet evolves through this
process. the rate of particle pulsation, and thus the speed at which
it moves, progressively increases, while the density of matter
progressively decreases.
This is the process of evolution through the 15-dimensional scale.
(Voyagers II –
Page 147)
Magnetic Repulsion Zones create separation between Harmonic
(Voyagers II –
Page 517)
Within the Time Matrix the 15-Dimensions are further arranged into
sets of 3 Dimensions, forming 5 3-Dimensional reality fields called
a Harmonic Universe (HU), and each HU represents a level of matter
densification specific to its intrinsic rates of Partiki Phasing.
One Time Matrix is thus a 15-Dimensional Scalar Grid with 5 separate
reality fields (Harmonic Universes) and 5 different densities of
matter manifestation.
Each of the 5 Harmonic Universes within a Time Matrix represents one
Time Cycle or Euiago Cycle, containing six smaller cycles of time
called Time Continua.
(The Kathara
Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course - Page 20)
Chakra or
Chakra System
Last update: November
04, 2004
Through the rotation of the 15 Merkaba Fields, an energy structure
in the form of an "egg" or capsule is formed within the Auric Field.
15-Chakra Graphic

The 15 energetic capsules exist within the same space, separated by
variance in dimensional particle pulsation rhythms.
Through these energetic capsule structures, the Chakra System, or
dimensional energy supply system, is formed.
Through the Chakra System a form’s particle base builds up into
structures of multidimensional matter.
(Voyagers II –
Page 465)
Of the 15 chakra centers, nine are located within the physical body
The 6 remaining chakras exist within the bio-energetic field, some
close to the bodies, others extending outward into the galaxy and
connect the human bio-energetic system and dimensional Merkaba
fields to the Merkaba Fields of Earth and the Stellar Spirals.
Of the nine embodied chakras, two are presently dormant; these will
be called into activation in humans participating in Stellar
Each of the six Stellar Activations the Earth will encounter between
2000 and 2017 can also be achieved by humans if the human chakra
system is used appropriately to draw in frequency patterns and light
spectra from the Stellar Spirals.
(Voyagers II –
Page 476)
The process of assembling DNA strands by working with the higher
chakras is the process of bringing frequency form the Stellar
Spirals into the Star Crystal Seals.
(Voyagers II -
Page 477)
Bio-Energetic System or Auric Field
Last update: November
04, 2004
Within the 15-dimensional Unified Field, the morphogenetic field
creates structures of multidimensional electromagnetic energy (EM),
around and through which the matter form will manifest.
These multidimensional EM fields are collectively referred as the
Bio-energetic System or the Auric Field of a manifest form.
All manifest forms posses a Bio-energetic System/Auric Field.
The Auric Field has seven primary, inner layers through which
physical manifestation takes place and which correspond to
dimensional frequency bands 1 through 7.
The Auric Field also has seven outer layers, which represents the
form-holding morphogenetic imprints for the seven inner layers of
the Auric Field.
The seven outer layers correspond to dimensional frequency bands 9
through 15.
The 14 layers of the Auric Field are connected to each other through
a central point within the eighth dimension Meta-galactic Core.
This center point represents the point through which a forms’
original morphogenetic imprint was entered into the 15-dimensional
system (Time Matrix).
(Voyagers II –
Page 454)
Through the rotation of the 15 Merkaba Fields, an energy structure
in the form of an "egg" or capsule is formed within the dimensional
Unified Field of each of the 15 dimensions.
The 15 energetic capsules exist within the same space, separated by
variance in dimensional particle pulsation rhythms.
The energetic form of the capsules gives the Auric Field the
appearance of capsules within capsules, or 15 distinct,
interpenetrating, capsule-shaped layers.
Light-Symbol Codes or Fire Letters
Last update: November
30, 2004
(See: Fire Codes, Veca-Codes)
Lets compare this Keylonta light-symbol codes or “Fire Letters” to
an alphabet, an alphabet that is multidimensional, and whose
characters change placement, meaning and sound depending upon the
dimensional frequency which they interface.
The Fire Letters of this alphabet are stored within every cell of
every human; it is the basis for the human genetic code.
Each DNA Strand represents a Fire Letter Code/Scalar-wave program
sequence corresponding to 1 Dimensional Frequency Band of
Through this “cellular alphabet” impulses of electromagnetic energy
are aligned and ordered, much as words are formed out of the
different letter combinations of your written alphabet. The words,
created out of the alphabet of letters, are conveyors of meaning.
The words and the alphabet themselves are not the meaning but serve
as a conduit through which meaning can be moved from one place to
another. The alphabet then represents a tool, which creates a medium
through which ideas and perceptions can be shared and projected.
Now, in terms of cellular alphabet, it too serves as a tool and
conveyor of meaning.
The Fire Letters represent fixed electromagnetic codes (patterns of
sequentially arranged electromagnetic impulses) that can be arranged
in many ways to form “words”, or electromagnetic code patterns, that
can potentially carry a wide variety of meaning when put together in
specific ways, Just as the written alphabet holds the potential to
convey a very simple meaning or more complex ideas, so does the
cellular alphabet have the potential to convey simple or complex
The cellular alphabet is designed in a way that allows for many
“sentences” to be created at once. The electromagnetic codes can be
arranged in numerous ways simultaneously to create multi-layered
meaning – each “sentence” “making a statement” in its own right. But
when put together with other elements convey a larger meaning that
is “greater than the sum of its parts”.
The cellular alphabet speaks through numerous languages
simultaneously, It is as if the singular alphabet can be used to
create “words and sentences” in French, English, German and Spanish
all at once, each sentence conveying meaning to the “people” (or
parts of the organism) that happen to speak that particular
In the case of human biology, each of your five known “senses” (and
the seven others you have yet to identify. – We have 12 senses)
would represent a collective that speaks one of those languages.
All of the senses use the same Fire Letter alphabet, or fixed
electromagnetic impulse patterns, but each sense translates into
meaning only the “sentences” (strings or sequence of electromagnetic
impulse patterns) that use its natural language.
As the biology receives these electromagnetic “meanings” each sense
then further translates that meaning into other language forms that
the conscious human mind can comprehend. In this way the sense data
of your perceptual experience is brought into your conscious
The senses serve as “language translators”, translating the
sentences from their “native tongue” (the original electromagnetic
impulse sequence that were picked up by the individual sense
facility) into a form from which your conscious mind can draw
The visual senses will send the meaning cloaked in images, the
hearing senses will send meaning dressed in sound, and so on for all
the senses. Each sense sends one aspect of meaning to the conscious
mind via the chemical, hormonal, and neurological systems to the
body all translated into language that the conscious mind can
This “sentences of meaning” sent by the senses arrive in the
conscious mind at the simultaneously, creating a collective
interpretation of meaning the human experiences as perceived
reality. And the meaning of this reality is “greater than the sum of
its parts”.
At every step the translators of the base Fire Letter alphabet and
the Fire Letter alphabet itself remains and meaning conveyors only.
The meaning flows through the channels of perception, but the
meaning is not “locked inside of the alphabet” or its word
(Voyager I – Page
Every cell of the body stores not only memory, in the form of coded
electrical impulse, but also stores the very codes of translation,
the Keylonta Light-symbol codes (or “Fire Letters”). They are the
means by which memory is translated into sensual data and the means
by which the illusion of tree-dimensional reality is manufactured.
(Voyagers I –
Page 128)
Light – Symbol Codes are one of the 6 primary elements in the
Science of Keylonta.
They are Patterns of electro-tonal energy composed of specific
Partiki configurations that make up frequencies and spectrums of
multi-dimensional sound and light. They control the way energy will
move and manifest within a form – serve as the organizational
“program” within all Keylons – they direct the speed, angles of
interface and patterns of refractional
When you visualize, for example, the Star of David, which is a
symbol code, since the mind is made of Keylon Codes, you are
actually creating a Partiki pattern and you are plugging it into
other existing patterns.
The important part of the Light Symbol Codes is that they can be
used to program the way energy flows through the Crystal Body, they
Keylons and the Partiki units.
You can speed up your Partiki units by using certain Light Symbol
To access our Crystal Body you cannot do it from D3. You have to do
it from the dimensional frequencies bands above. That gets the
Keylons to open to accept a new program of operation, so when we use
Light Symbol Codes with our mind, that light is direction D4 sound.
(The Amenti
Series 1 Classes - DVD 1)
Geomancies and Fire letters are the building blocks of the Stream of
Consciousness the God Mind uses as the processor of creation.
Fire Letters are composite grouping of Scalar Standing Wave patterns
built upon fixed vibration of sound.
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul - Lecture Transcripts. Page 6)
God Source
Last update: November
04, 2004
The Eternal Force, Heart-Mind of God, is an unquantifiable construct
of energy, consciousness, cognition and identity.
Pure, sentient, creative force. This force perpetually expands
through new manifestations of itself though it remains perpetually
the same.
This is so, since the perpetual expansion of creation is balanced
eternally by reciprocal contraction - eternal stillness, the Great
The Force contains within itself, as a natural attribute of its
being, a balance between stillness and motion, expansion,
contraction, order and chaos, darkness and light, creation and the
void... within which creation takes place.
Together, these attributes represent the eternal state of "Is-ness";
without end, the very Beingness of God.
Through this state the Cosmos is kept in perpetual balance, eternal
stillness, eternal motion, and unending creation.
In the process of perpetual Evolution, particularly in relation to
human consciousness, the intended path held within the Seed of
Consciousness, is the reintegration of identity for the eventual
return to At-One-Ment and co-creatorship with God Source.
(See: ManU)
(The Tangible Structure of the Soul - Lecture Transcripts. Page 8)
God-Source expresses ALL Creation WITHIN ITSELF, the framework for
manifestation of Time Matrices and Universes is NOT EXTERNAL to
God-Source, it is INTERNAL.
ALL Creation resides WITHIN God-Source and God-Source resides WITHIN
ALL Creation.
(The Forbidden
Testaments of Revelation. Page 23)
When an individuation of God-Source experiences itself in a certain
set of dimensional frequency bands, we say it is Phase Locked.
Last update: November
04, 2004
The Unified Field is the living energy substance composed by
geometrical "fabrics" or grids of electro-tonal, electromagnetic
energy called Partiki Grids that serve as a template of light
spectra and sound tones upon which particle (Particum) and
anti-particle (Partika) structures are formed and through which all
things in the cosmos are energetically connected.
(Voyagers II –
Page 454)
Within the 15-dimensional Unified Field, the morphogenetic field
creates structures of multidimensional electromagnetic energy (EM),
around and through which the matter form will manifest.
These multidimensional EM fields are collectively referred as the
bio-energetic system or the auric field of a manifest form
(Voyagers II –
Page 454)
Like the true substance of the human body and consciousness, the
Unified Field exists as a quantity of dimensionalized field of
Energy Signatures, within which a vast number of conscious
constructs exist.
The human body organism is one such construct of consciousness, and
through its inherent form, the energy signatures of the other scalar
forms are translated into perceptual data. (See: Senses)
(The Kathara
Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course - Page 9 5)
Last update: November
04, 2004
A Geomancy is a specific pattern of internal light (electricity) and
sound (vibration/frequency) used in the mental direction of energy
through the human morphogenetic field.
This pattern of light-sound (scalar fields or scalar template -
standing electro-tonal wave fields) represents a specific scalar
wave template, built upon specific electro-tonal units of sound
frequency that are imbued with multi-dimensional electrical current.
The Geomancy serves as a wave guide and manifestation template for
energy movement within the human morphogenetic field.
Geomancy Control Codes are wave-guides that direct the focus and
manifestation of wave spectra within each dimensional field in the
15-dimensional Spectrum.
Each dimension has many subsidiary Geomantic Control Codes and one
Primary Geomancy Control Code through which the frequency wave
patterns of that dimension can be contoured and directed through the
human morphogenetic field, in order to create the desired results
within the blueprint of matter manifestation.
In greater terms, the Geomancies also represent stations of
dimensionalized consciousness, portions of living, multi-dimensional
intelligence containing vast amount of condensed information and
knowledge. (See: Yunasai Matrix)
Structure of the Soul - Manual Glossary - Page 9)
Keylontic Science techniques use Geomancies (geometrical patterns of
light, sound, electro-magnetism and scalar waves) as wave- guides to
alter and adjust the scalar grids of the Crystal Body, to create
desired beneficial effects in manifest conditions.
Structure of the Soul - Manual Glossary - Page 25)
Geomancies and Fire letters are the building blocks the God Mind
uses as the processor of creation.
Geomancies are composite grouping of Fire Letters.
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul - Lecture Transcripts. Page 6)
Miasms -
Last update: December
03, 2004
Miasm (Miasma): An influence or atmosphere that tends to deplete or
From Greek: Defilement (to make unclean or impure: as a : to corrupt
the purity or perfection of), from miainein: to pollute.
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
(Karma - Karmic Imprint - Miasmic Body)
Miasms are morphogenetic crystallizations of Partika (electro-tonal
units of consciousness that form the base for anti-particles), cause
by a collection of lower-vibrating thought patterns (thoughts create
morphogenetic templates within the morphogenetic field of the body
and consciousness).
Miasms manifest within the particle structure of the Hova Bodies as
electrically charged anti-particles, which block the natural
functions of the Hova Body merger, Merkaba Vehicle formation and
Dimensional Ascension.
The build up of Miasmic Crystals within the morphogenetic field,
DNA, physical body and consciousness, which accretes from one
lifetime to another, impedes the natural evolutionary process,
blocking the process of Soul and Over-Soul integration.
The Miasmic Body (collective of Miasmic Crystals within the
morphogenetic field) is frequently called the Karmic Imprint, its
contents becomes holographically projected into the body, mind and
3-Dimensional life experience through the inherent natural laws of
multi-dimensional manifestation.
These distortions are known as Miasms and the repeated ‘outplay’ of
the miasmic distortion is called "Karma".
The Miasmic/Karmic imprint MUST be transmuted for Hova Body merger,
Higher Identity embodiment and Dimensional Ascension to take place.
Transmutation of the Miasmic Body is achieved by reversing the
polarity charge of its crystallizations, merging its anti-particles/Partika
with its corresponding particles/Particum (electro-tonal units of
consciousness that form the base for particles), within the
morphogenetic field and DNA, which dissolves the Miasmic Crystals
through morphogenetic and inter-cellular fusion.
Through fusion and reciprocal fission within the next dimensional
harmonic, the Miamic content and its corresponding body mass are
transmuted into inter-dimensional light/sound/electromagnetic/scalar
wave spectra, progressively freeing distortions from the Hova
Bodies, to allow building the Merkaba Vehicle and the process of
Dimensional Ascension to commence.
Reversal of Miasmic Polarity to dissolve Miasmic Crystals can be
achieved in various ways:
1) The
conventional method is to "walk the karma and make appropriate
choices in this life time", which serves to heal the karmic
issue (dissolve the associated Miasmic imprint) as the
projection manifest in the 3-dimensional life.
Unfortunately, the buildup of the Miasmic body in most humans is
so convoluted that the issues upon which "better choices" could
be made are rarely clear or identifiable; most often the Miasmic
Body becomes reinforced and expand in the present life, as the
same disharmonic response patterns are repeated, due to the pull
of the Miasmic imprint on the mental and emotional bodies.
2) A second method of dissolving the Miasmic imprint is
to combine its disharmonic holographic projection with its
corresponding harmonic projection in visualization practices.
In this method, the disharmonic content of a present-life drama
is tracked back to its original incarnational point of creation,
then visualize as if the opposite, harmonic action was taken in
the past.
This constitutes healing the present by changing the
morphogenetic program of the past, as it is stored in the DNA.
3) The fastest, most gentle way of dissolving the Miasmic
Imprint is dealing with the imprint as energy, with energy,
using Keylontic Science technique to reverse the polarity of the
Miasmic anti-particles.
Once the polarity is reversed, through which the
crystallizations dissolve, it is redirected the re-ordered
energy into the DNA.
The Miasmic Body can be cleared in ONE LIFETIME, without one
having to "walk through the Karma of the past", if the dynamics
of Miasmic release through Keylontic manipulation on the
morphogenetic field is understood.
(The Tangible Structure
of the Soul – Page 31, 32)
Back to The Astral Plane
Last update: December
03, 2004
(Higher Bodies - Crystal
Our 8 Stations of Identity (Morphogenetic Bodies) in our
multidimensional anatomy of human consciousness; 5 within the Time
Matrix (Ar-E-a Bodies) and 3 within the Energy Matrix (Yu-Set-a
Five 3-Dimensional Electro-magnetic Domains created by the Scalar
Shields that serve as stations of dimensionalized consciousness.
Each of the 5 domains corresponds to one Density Level.
(See: Radial Body, Radis)
(The Kathara
Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course– Page 143)
(See: Family Tree of Consciousness)
In relation to human beings, the 8 Hova Bodies within the anatomy of
the Multi-dimensional human morphogenetic field are collectively
referred to as the Crystal Body.
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul– Page 25)
The 3-dimensional scalar grids of the Hova Bodies and Shields that
hold portions of our consciousness separate from each other so we
may experience objectification, can be understood as PLATFORMS OF
A portion of our conscious identity is stationed within each of the
Hova Body Shields, and the dimensions contained within the Shield
become the platform from which that portion of our selves will
perceive the objectification.
We are simultaneously focused within each Hova Body of identity and
different LEVELS OF MIND from which we simultaneously perceive.
The amount of perception we are able to incorporate into our
embodied focus on Earth is determined by the Level of Higher
Identity Integration that has occurred.
Integration of Higher Identity is the merger of the Hova Bodies,
which creates changes and advancement in the biological gene code
that allows the neurological and metabolic functions of the body to
The 5 Hova Bodies and Corresponding
Shields |
1) |
NADA Hova Body |
Density 1 |
Dimensions 1,2,3 |
Telluric Shield |
2) |
ALPHI Hova Body |
Density 2 |
Dimensions 4,5,6 |
Doradic Shield |
3) |
Hova Body |
Density 3 |
Dimensions 7,8,9 |
Teuric Shield |
4) |
MAHARA Hova Body |
Density 4 |
Dimensions 10,11,12 |
Maharic Shield |
5) |
RAJA Hova Body |
Density 5 |
Dimensions 13,14,15 |
Rishic Shield |
Each one correspond to the following Stations of Identity:
The 5 Hova Bodies and Stations of
Identity |
1) |
NADA Hova Body |
2) |
ALPHI Hova Body |
3) |
Hova Body |
4) |
MAHARA Hova Body |
5) |
RAJA Hova Body |
There are 3 additional Platforms of Perception and 3 additional Hova
Bodies beyond the structure of Dimensions (in the Energy Matrix);
Hova Bodies that represent 3 Levels of Ascended Mastery Identity.
(The Yu-Set-A Hova Bodies)
(The Kathara
Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course– Page 143)
The 3 Yuseta Hova Bodies and Stations of
Identity |
1) |
(Triadic Level) |
2) |
DI-OMNI Hova Body
(Polaric Level) |
3) |
Hova Body (Eckatic Level) |
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul– Page 16)
Presently we are accustomed to perceiving from the Platform of
Perception provided by the NADA HOVA BODY (Incarnate Identity), the
scalar grid that houses the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Dimensional Aspects of
our identity and anatomy.
While perceiving from the Nada Hova Body and the TELLURIC SHIELD
that holds its form, we are functioning as a 3-Dimensional
consciousness and will not be aware of the perceptions of the other
levels of ourselves that are perceiving from the Platforms of
Perception from the other Hova Bodies.
As we expand and evolve we will progressively incorporate the
portions of our awareness stationed in the other Hova Bodies into
our earthly focus of attention.
(The Kathara
Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course– Page 143)
Each individual mind has a level of Triadic Identity (or 3
dimensional identity) station within the frequency bands of the 5
Harmonic Universes (HU).
(See: Family Tree of Consciousness)
(Voyager I – Page
The process of the higher body (Hova and Yuseta Bodies) merger and
identity integration is the intrinsic process of human evolution
through time.
If one can understand that the goal of At-One-Ment with God is
achieved through merging the higher bodies and identity levels, the
process of achieving At-One-Ment becomes clear and easily achieved.
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul– Page 22)
The 8 Hova Bodies which contain the 8 Stations of Identity are
Triadic (3 tone) Harmonic Light (scalar wave) - Sound (fixed points
of electro-tonal frequency) Grids (morphogenetic Partiki units) that
represent specific patterns of light spectra and sound frequency.
(Introduction to
Keylontic Morphogenetic Science – Page 16)
In relation to human beings, the 8 Hova Bodies within the anatomy of
the Multi-dimensional human morphogenetic field are collectively
referred to as the Crystal Body.
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul– Page 25)