by Patrick Herbert
October 26,
PatrickHerbert Website
Spanish version

Awareness of our plight in this reality is paramount to
understanding why things are the way they are.
Human sensory perception operates within a very small band of the
total electromagnetic frequency spectrum.
Our bodies function in a
way that specifically focuses our awareness into this frequency
When it comes to
visible light, wavelengths between 390nm to 780nm are all that
we can see.
This constitutes an
incredibly minute fraction of the electromagnetic frequency
spectrum which itself is only 0.005% of known energy.
The life that we
experience is unique in that this experience is shared with unseen
entities that could be considered inorganic and without form, if we
are to assume that form is restricted to that which we can observe
within the visible light spectrum.
These inorganic entities are currently the keepers of this realm.
They are an unseen force
that prey upon negative emotional energy that humans generate when
triggered by some form of catalyst.
Their entire reason for
being is to maximize the potential of emotional energy that can be
collected while at the same time orchestrating a reality in which
humans are kept in a perpetual state of spiritual disconnect through
manufactured chaos.
The Gnostics called
Other cultures have
called them
Demons and
There are multiple
names to describe this same negative force and they can be
really good at what they do.
I recently called in to
participate in a show with psychic/medium Jamie Clark from
Phoenix, Arizona and Dr. Randall Nozawa.
When the topic of
unconditional love came up, a passion overcame me and my
contribution to the conversation began to flow directly from the
The message of unconditional love is not a message that
archons appreciate. In fact, they are terrified of unconditional
love as the practice of unconditional love sets one free from their
Archons work with
the ego and it goes without saying the ego does not understand
the concept of love without any condition.
Seeing everything in
black and white, it only assumes that without a condition the
expression of love would come at a loss. The ego assumes that there
is nothing to be gained.
This is, however, fundamentally flawed.
Without unconditional
love, children would not survive.
Women would not be
willing to offer their body, time, and effort to nourish their
children and their children would soon perish.
Fathers would not be
inclined to make any sacrifice to guarantee their safety.
Both parents wouldn’t
selflessly offer comfort, nourishment, safety, and companionship
to a child without some application of unconditional love.
We know that
unconditional love exists. It is a thing. We know that it is real...
Practicing unconditional love to all is like opening the floodgates
to spiritual enlightenment as well as reconnecting into the realms
of the divine. This is, without question, the one thing that archons
never want to happen.
In fact, their entire
existence is dependent on the suppression of
spirituality and unconditional love in every way imaginable.
History is replete with
curious examples of extreme resistance to the teaching of
unconditional love. Indeed, tragic examples have been made in order
to guarantee its suppression.
Archons have to be strategic as it
takes energy for them to create
Your future exists as a
set of probabilities and these probabilities are analyzed and
strategies are devised in order for Archons to increase the
potential for circumstances and events that could generate the most
amount of emotional energy while expending the least amount of
energy accomplishing that task.
They will prey on certain
scenarios and exploit the emotional weaknesses of its
One of my goals with this article is to describe the tactics that
were used against me during a recent attack.
I am hoping that by
describing this particular attack and providing an analysis of
it, I can help others identify potential attacks and offer
practical ways in which they can mitigate the effects of the
attack and grow from the experience.
For a more thorough
in-depth tactical article on attacks and ways to mitigate them,
please see the
The Art of Hyper Dimensional War
by Tom (Montalk)...
Having said that, let us now take a look at the attack itself.
The morning following the show began like any other.
Of distinction was the
way I felt:
I felt really good.
My participation in these
shows has given me an opportunity to talk about subjects such as
unconditional love and I have thoroughly enjoyed attempting to get
this message across to others.
It is quickly becoming a
passion. It is also drawing the attention of those entities who
would rather I not make it a passion. Unfortunately for them, I am
not going to give up.
I am thoroughly enjoying
doing everything that I can for
this awakening...
Negative forces give you a sign, or a
synchronicity, before they attack.
The signs they use will
have meaning to you internally, as has been the case with myself.
The first sign I
received was on the license plate of the car I parked next to at
the grocery store.
On it were the
numbers 6666.
The numbers 666 have
oftentimes been associated with evil, and I had recently decided
to adapt this meaning after a conversation with Tom.
I had previously
desired to give 666 a positive meaning in an attempt to defuse
the potential for expecting negative catalyst when I saw it, but
I soon realized that I was giving up a very meaningful cue.
And this distinctly
negative meaning was certainly now being put to use.
As I walked by the car I thought about the additional 6 and
considered that to be a bit ominous. This was my first mistake,
as it introduced a slight element of fear giving negative
entities something to work with.
With my guard up and
a heightened level of awareness, I proceeded to get the items I
needed from the store and proceeded to return home.
As I pulled out of the parking lot, a car drove by me on the
left side. I immediately noticed that it also had a 6666 on the
license plate. This, of course, was a very "meaningful
coincidence" or synchronicity.
After this, I began
to prepare myself for an incoming attack.
I return home to pick up Rachelle and our daughter and take them
to an indoor park. On the way there, another car with 666 on the
license plate pulls in front of us.
At some point during
this drive my ability to withstand this incoming attack seems to
have been compromised.
While at the playground, I was becoming increasingly irritable
but seemingly unaware of it. Rachelle was beginning to take
notice but was otherwise preoccupied with our daughter while she
was playing.
I began to feel sick,
heavy and drained, and at one point a slight misunderstanding
caused me to become irritated and snap, which rarely ever
This event seemed to
have opened the floodgates to what felt like a mental take-down
attempt on me.
We leave the indoor park and, sure enough, a car pulls in front
of us with another 666 on the license plate. By this point my
mind is chaotic and I attempt to ground my thoughts but the
effort was unsuccessful for the duration of the trip home.
When we finally return home, I had to lay down as the area in
and around my heart chakra began to feel strange and I felt
physically exhausted.
As I was laying
there, I noticed I had an email from Jamie Clark.
In the email, he
confirmed that I am a facilitator and integrator of dimensional
frequencies within the Matrix, a suitable description of my
service as a conduit, which was a revelation brought forth from
my personal awakening (see:
My Awakening).
After I read the
email, I get a phone call:
(361) 666-XXXX
As you can see, this was
not a very subtle attack; however, it is one that I am appreciative
You see, these attacks
expose weaknesses in us that we have no choice but to fix. We should
all strive to learn for the purposes of getting stronger.
These attacks provide us
with an incredible opportunity to tango with negative forces and get
to understand them better, an act which is essential and paramount
to our being able to break free from their control...
The more exposure that is
given to their tactics, the less effective that their tactics will
be against us.
Archons seek to exploit
fear and worry...
It is clear that my first mistake was allowing fear to enter into my
mind by way of having a negative perception of the synchronicities.
Fear will lower your
frequency and "tune you in" to their realms.
When they can catch
you off guard, they will.
They will never miss
an opportunity.
What I should have done
was to appreciate that a challenge was coming my way, and realize
that it was one from which I could benefit and grow.
It is also worthwhile
to treat archons with compassion.
This typically turns
the tables on them as, after all, compassion is an act of
unconditional love.
The best defense against
Archons will always be an awareness of their tactics
coupled with the practice of unconditional love and a positive
mental landscape.
Positivity, truth, love,
and compassion will always minimize our potential for being a target
and is also the emotional frequency of that which will set us free.