by Patrick Herbert
August 29,
PatrickHerbert Website
Spanish version

Negative forces are real and there is an ample amount
of evidence to prove their existence right down to our own
individual experience.
Their power over us is,
however, illusory:
they can only be
given as much power over our mental jurisdiction as we ourselves
give them...
Their objectives are
orchestrate a
combination of aggressive thoughts that are synchronistic to our
individual experience in an attempt to cause a negative
emotional reaction.
By that design, they seek
to create and maintain us in a victim mentality, and we give them
ground by believing the nonsensical cacophony of thought that
they deliver during what is reasonably called
psychic attacks...
As we interpret the information moving through our minds, we do so
in a voice that is most familiar to us: our own. This, however, does
not mean that the thoughts we "hear" are originating from us.
You and your higher-self have self-preservation and individual
evolution as a common goal.
Just as you physically
eat to have energy to maintain a physical engagement with the world,
so to do you engage in mentally constructive efforts that promote
positive outcomes.
Your higher-self does not have an invested interest in anything but
the harmonious advancement of your individual experiences as a
human, and we get there first through a positive mental framework.
Negative forces seek to disrupt our efforts and manipulate us away
from that positive framework to a negative one, which suits their
The negative thought streams that are implanted into our mental
landscape have an effect on our emotional state and our personal
frequency, with the negativity lending itself to a drop in our
In the same way, positive
thought streams have a positive effect on our emotional state and
can increase our personal frequency.
There is an observable
difference beyond a recognition of the polarity:
notice the positive
thought stream originates from us and per our own effort.
Here you can identify
that the negative thought streams are effortless, and that is
because they are not originating per our own volition.
The negativity delivered into our minds is often times very vile,
with subjects ranging from severe critical negative analysis of
people and events to the advertising of self-destructive activities.
Mental activities of this
kind are counter-productive to maintaining a sense of wellbeing.
A healthy mental world
a healthy physical
world which would lend itself to our own self-preservation...
Forward moving harmonious
balance of this kind serves our own individual spiritual evolution,
a desired engagement for the evolution of our higher-self.
Having an awareness that the negative thoughts could not possibly be
coming from our higher-self shines a bold light on these negative
parasitical forces.
This partitioning of our
thought streams can then be investigated, and we can take positive
action to remedy negative thoughts.
Positive affirmations
can be engaged for these purposes and at times used to wash away
negative and potentially cascading thought streams.
Some have found
success by repeating "higher-self now!" in the mind and others
have found success by affirming to only nurture the thoughts and
actions from the higher-self and no other entities.
No matter, we still have
to be on guard for the negative entities can pursue relentlessly,
especially when they have a good gig going.
Thinking is habitual, and
when one thinks negatively habitually, this is a weakness that
negative forces prey on. Negative thoughts and negative actions
present themselves like a small wound, an opportunity for negative
forces to exploit.
In doing so, they work
aggressively to increase the size of that wound.
Using this metaphor,
one can imagine the potential for blood loss to be similar to
the potential for emotional energy leakage (aka "Loosh").
A blood thirsty
vampire would seek to maximize the flow and the same can be
said for a psychic vampire.
Resisting negative
thought streams and engaging in positive thoughts and actions is
actually simple, though negative forces would never concede as much.
Their efforts to maintain
you as a victim will register as "voices" in your mind attempting to
discourage you from any pursuit of this kind, informing you that it
is impossible or too late; that it can't be done.
This is the illusory
framework in which they operate and you simply do not have to
believe them.
Once you stop giving
into their victimizations, it is game over for them.
Stating your intent and positive affirmations are important, and
it is often best done at the beginning of the day.
Allow something as simple
as the following to flow through your mind during the peace and calm
of the morning:
"My higher-self loves
and cares for me and is giving me all good things; I love my
higher-self and nurture only the thoughts and actions that my
higher-self wants for me."
Use the innate
power you have over your
awareness to focus on only the
thoughts that bring you a range of positive emotions.
Managing your
perception this way is the key, and this is the power we have
over negative forces...
Always remember that an
awareness of their tactics and strategies is paramount to a
successful defense against them.