by Ivan Petricevic
June 09,
IPetricevic Website

Image Credit: Quora
Aliens may destroy our civilizations in order to protect other
civilizations in the cosmos
According to a scientific report (Would
Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? - A
Scenario Analysis), alien civilizations may destroy our
civilizations in order to protect other civilizations in the cosmos.
Watching us from afar, intelligent alien civilizations may spot
dramatic changes in Earth's atmosphere and consider them as
'symptoms' of a civilization growing out of control.
Have you ever wondered about how much 'Good' the human race is
doing? I mean look at our planet and everything we are doing to it.
Look back at the history of modern civilization and think about how
destructive and 'violent' mankind has been, not just in modern
times, but thousands of years in the past.
Now, in the 21st-century things have changed much.
In fact, a NASA-funded study has found that ADVANCED ancient
civilizations that existed on Earth thousands of years ago were as
susceptible to collapse as WE are today.
This has led many to ask, if there is a mysterious, chaotic pattern
embedded within civilization?
If we look back in history 3000-5000 years, we will find a
historical record that clearly shows us how advanced and
sophisticated civilizations were just as susceptible to collapse as
we are today.
Modern-day civilization is perhaps even worse and intelligent
spacefaring alien civilizations may identify chaotic patterns within
Watching us from afar,
intelligent alien civilizations may
spot dramatic changes in Earth's atmosphere and consider them as
'symptoms' of a civilization growing out of control...
In order to stop it, they make take drastic actions in order to keep
us from becoming a greater threat to others, explain researchers in
the study. While it is still a speculative scenario, it is one that
many scientists are considering likely.
The study was described by NASA-affiliated scientist and colleagues
at Pennsylvania State University. Even though researchers from the
Pennsylvania State University stated this is highly unlikely, it is
possible that it could play an important role if (better,
"when"...) we meet our cosmic neighbors in the near future.
The authors of the study warn that alien civilizations may be wary
of civilizations that are expanding rapidly since such civilizations
may be considered as aggressive and prone to exterminate other
lifeforms as they develop, just as mankind has pushed to the limits
of extinction numerous species on our planet.
In the most extreme scenario, aliens may destroy our civilizations
in order to protect other civilizations in
the Cosmos.
And let's face it; we would really not want ET knocking on our doors
considering us a threat for life elsewhere.
Researchers have warned that mankind is entering a period of
rapid civilizational expansion which can be detected by Alien
explorers since our development is making the composition of
our planet change.
"A preemptive strike
would be particularly likely in the early phases of our
expansion because a civilization may become increasingly
difficult to destroy as it continues to expand.
Humanity may just now
be entering the period in which its rapid civilizational
expansion could be detected by an ETI because our expansion is
changing the composition of the Earth's atmosphere, via
greenhouse gas emissions," the report states.
Authors further write:
"These scenarios give
us reason to limit our growth and reduce our impact on global
It would be
particularly important for us to limit our emissions of
greenhouse gasses since atmospheric composition can be observed
from other planets."
We'd really not want a
'conscious alien civilization' to come to Earth and save our planet
from humans…
Would we?