NibiruanCouncil Website
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First Earth - Lyra
(Vega Star System)
Long ago, before time as we know it began, there were the Founders
of the Universe, highly evolved souls that had already completed
many universal games. Being creator gods, they decided to create a
universe of their own.
As the twelve came together, they were faced with the question of
which “game” to choose so that the souls created in, or coming to,
their new universe could spiritually evolve. And spiritual evolution
is what every soul desires.
Finally, after much consideration, they chose the game known as
“Polarity Integration.” This game is one of many that involves the
integration of the Light and the Dark developed by Divine Creator in
order to experience all that He/She is.
Now that the choice of games had been made, they knew they would
need to have individuals experienced in this game to assist them in
the development of the game in their new universe, individuals who
would agree to become a part of it and see it through to its
So the Founders put out a call to all souls in all universes that
had completed at least one Polarity Integration Game. Their call was
answered by ninety individuals, highly evolved souls that had just
recently completed that game and were looking for another place to
go in order to continue their spiritual evolution.
This group of
ninety was made up of forty-five
Carians and forty-five
They arrived in this (our present) universe and began meeting with
the Founders to set up the game. The group of ninety elected one of
their own to sit on the Founder’s Council to act as a liaison
between their group and the Founders. The one chosen is known to us
as Devin. Devin (real name is Devaine) was the patriarch of the
Feline group (family).
The Carians were given a planet in the Orion constellation as their
new home while the Felines were given a planet in the Lyra
constellation for theirs.
So the group of ninety divided and went to their respective planets
to begin the game. The Carians would represent the Dark and the
Felines would represent the Light.
In time both had evolved physical forms in which to incarnate so
that they could walk upon the surface of their planetary homes. Both
established pure (royal) lines within their ever-growing race. In
time, both crossbred into other life forms on their planetary homes
to create a new race of beings. And then, when that new race had
become an established part of their respective societies, the Carian/Reptilians
arrived in the Lyra constellation and colonized a neighboring planet
of the Feline/Humans.
In doing so, they were now ready for the first
grand experiment of integration. We call it the “First Earth, Grand
This first grand experiment occurred on a 3D planet just like earth
and it was the home of the Felines/Humans. As their technology
advanced the Feline/Humans learned how to create worm holes and
achieve space travel. Soon both races were traveling back and forth,
visiting each other’s planet.
The two groups were now reunited again, but with many new people,
their offspring, involved. Over time they began to mix with the two
royal lines intermarrying to form alliances. All went well for some
Through the mixing of the races, new races were created and soon a
caste system developed. There was the royalty, the priestly caste,
the scientists, and the military. The remainder of the population
made up the worker caste.
I am still not completely clear as to all that transpired to create
the rift between the two royal families that brought about the First
Great Galactic War, but I do know this:
it was due to a lack of
communication involving some details. Someone communicated with
someone else regarding something but neglected to include all the
details. I am told it was regarding an alliance.
They were not
completely clear on the details of the agreement. So feelings were
hurt, leading to feelings of mistrust and then it began to steamroll
with the Feline/Humans launching the first attack against their
Reptilian neighbors.
Backing up a bit, before the Great Galactic War, there were some
minor wars of a much smaller scale between the two Houses.
This I am
told, is when my father, Shimabala and Jehowahs’ father, Cobazar
were killed. We were all teenagers, still wet behind the ears when
our fathers died. Up until this time we were all very close to each
I have recalled memories of visiting Jehowah in his favorite cave
and playing for hours together. These memories are filled with warm,
loving feelings. Now, as we take on the mantles of leadership we are
instantly pitted against each other to some degree even though the
war which killed our fathers is over and my marriage to Jehowah is
the part that seals the alliance that brings peace to our families.
And even though another war breaks out,
we do not war with each other, trying to keep our personal
connections to each other out of the chaos that continues around us.
Second Earth -
Toward the end of the First Galactic
War, with the destruction of our planet, my brother Devin, myself
and Jehowah fled along with a large group of people on one of our
last remaining star ships, Pelegai.
We eventually settled in a new cluster of stars later to be known as
the Seven Sisters,
the Pleiades. We lived on this ship and spent
much of our time establishing a colony on the planet’s surface. We
called our new home Avyon after our original home. It was a
beautiful blue planet, much like our previous one, with two suns.
Life progressed and so did we. Cities were built, civilizations came
and went. Eventually we left the planet to those who came with us.
We became the Ancient Ones to them, the original founders of our
civilization on that planet. But as usual, with time the facts
became distorted so that the written history no longer reflected the
actual events.
In time this planet became known throughout the cosmos and other
civilizations came calling, some just curious and others with an
agenda to conquer. The inhabitants of the planet had evolved to the
level of space travel, a little beyond where we are today. They had
evolved beyond disease and social disparity and created a unified
government, but also an almost hive mentality.
Everyone thought and
acted as one but in their actions did not express the dark side of
their natures. They only expressed their lighter side as this was
the social norm.
The people had become spiritually stagnant, unable to progress due
to their choice to suppress their dark side, masculine side and use
their three lower chakras. As a result they, on an unconscious
spiritual level called forth a race who were their polar opposite to
move them out of this stuck position.
At first this race came speaking of peace but soon realized there
was more to gain from taking over the planet than trying to
cooperate with a race of people they could not for the life of them
It took many years but in time their true agenda was revealed
through the efforts of a resistance movement.
Once the word was out
and all attempts at negotiations failed, the humans launched the
first attack to try and drive this race away from their planet. In
their ongoing efforts to fight off their enemy they managed to
destroy their planet.
The survivors fled to many places in the
galaxy and eventually established colonies on other planets.
Third Earth -
Pleiades (Our current earth)
So here we are today, in
another ascension process.
The first two
earths never made it through an ascension. I believe that many of us
here on earth today were on the one or both of the previous earth
experiments. And due to the wisdom we have accumulated from our
experiences will successfully ascend ourselves, earth’s people and
the planet.
What we lacked before was compassion and acceptance of others
different from ourselves. We have learned that polarizing to the
light or the dark does not allow us to feel compassion and maintain
Only by integrating the Light and Dark
within us and their corresponding manifestations in our realities we
will be able to complete the Third Grand Experiment
successfully with the planet in tact and all the races involved that
much further along their spiritual paths.