by Antonio Ribera
Translation from the Spanish by Gordon Creighton.
The Ummites
Notice that the Ummites initiated
their early Spanish contacts with
Fernando Sesma, an accepted mystic. It is now fairly apparent
that this was entirely in keeping with their avowed
policy of not wanting to be popularly acclaimed for what
they were. It did not serve their purpose at all to be
identified as extraterrestrial visitors and be believed. |
In the spring of 1967, at my home in Barcelona, I a received a
telephone call from an unknown gentle-man who said his name was
Julian Delgado, said he was from Madrid, and said he desired very
much to meet me in order to talk of a matter of the greatest
We arranged to meet at a centrally located cafe here in
Barcelona, the capital of Cataluņa, namely the Bar cosp, in the
Galerias Condal, and it was there that I made the acquaintance of my
unknown caller. He turned out to he a young man of pleasant
appearance and somewhat nervous manner who, so he told me, came to
Barcelona frequently in connection with his business activities.
Seņor Delgado said he had turned to me because he knew my name
already thanks to my book El Gran Enigma de los Platillos Volanres, and because the matter he was going to disclose to me was connected
with that subject. Then he went on to tell me about a friend of his,
don Enrique Villagrasa Novoa, a civilian construction engineer
engaged in public works who, like himself, was a resident of Madrid
and who, as he told me, had had lengthy conversations with
extra-terrestrial beings who telephoned him at his home and offered
to send him reports on technical subjects to be indicated to them by
him, Seņor Villagrasa.
Then, a few days later, Villagrasa would
receive by post the report for which he had asked, typewritten on
folio size sheets, each page bearing a curious seal marked with a
thumbprint and showing an H-shaped form with curving arms with a
shorter vertical bar intersecting the horizontal bar of the H. In
fact it resembled the alchemical symbol for Uranus.
And thus it was that I came in contact with the disconcerting,
irritating, and mysterious business of UMMO, which is still going
on (in 1975), and which I am still very far from having "got to the
bottom of."
But let us take it as it developed.
Gradually I began to gather together the various parts of what was
to become a complicated puzzle, and before me there arose this
initial picture of the problem: since about 1965, 50 it appeared, a
group of some twenty or so persons, the majority of whom lived in
Madrid, with one in Valencia, two in Barcelona, and possibly one
more in Bilbao, had been receiving the enigmatic "Ummo reports"
through the post.
From what my valued friend and collaborator Rafael Farriols and I
could ascertain, this group turned out to be a cross-section of the
population of Spain, in which were represented people who for the
most part were engaged in liberal activities: a well-known
playwright, an engineer, a young lady employed in the American
Embassy, an official of the Telegraph Department known for his
interest in extraterrestrial studies, a lawyer, etc.
Subsequently Rafael Farriols and I myself also received
communications from Ummo.
The San Jose' de Valderas UFO photographs
Rafael Farriols and I investigated in due course some UFO sightings
which occurred in Madrid on February 6, 1966, and June 10, 1967, and
which would eventually result in our book, written in collaboration
and entitled Un Caso Perfecto. The disconcerting thing about it all
was that, several days beforehand, the mysterious "gentlemen from Ummo" had announced to three of their Madrid correspondents the
arrival of the machine scheduled for June 10, 1967, and even gave,
with striking accuracy, the geographical coordinates for the spot
where it would land.
About forty people, present at a gathering in
the Gafr' Leon, where they were to meet to hear Professor
Fernando Sesma, President of the Society of the Friends of Space,
gave their written confirmations that, on the evening before the day
on which the landing took place, they had already read the
announcement of its forthcoming arrival. Rafael Farriols, who has
now become the leading specialist in the world on the Ummo question,
still has in his files the original paper bearing this important
This, plus the fact that the craft which performed evolutions in the
sky over the Madrid suburban estate of San Jose de Valderas and
landed briefly in the estate of Santa Monica on the day in question
- June 10, 1967 - displayed upon its belly a symbol most closely
resembling the emblem used to "authenticate" the Ummo documents,
establishes between both these sets of events a link which would
seem to be indissoluble .
Fernando Sesma and the "reports"
Using the dozens of reports which he had received from 1965 onwards,
Professor Sesma published, in 1967, a book entitled Ummo, Otro
Planeta Habitado.
The fact that it should have been Fernando Sesma who first divulged
the disconcerting Ummo affair in printed form did not exactly
contribute towards conferring a character of verisimilitude upon the
Far be it for me to wish to reproach Fernando Sesma, but
what is absolutely certain about him is that he has the reputation
of being a man of fantasy given to speculations without much real
basis, already expounded by him in earlier articles and books, such
as the one entitled:
Sensational!! The Extraterrestrials Speak: (Recreations and
teachings from men of Other Planets) also published by Editorial
The result of all this was that the public held Sesma's little book
on "Ummo" to be a product of pure fantasy from Sesmas own head. Yet
the fact remain that, as Farriols and I were later able to verify, Sesma merely confused himself to reproducing the reports and the
drawings (some of these truly very curious) that he had been
receiving from the "Ummites". That this was so was proved by
Farriols, without leaving any room for doubt when, on one of his
recent visits to Madrid, lie managed to get Sesma to hand over to
him all the precious originals, a whole bulky trunk suitcase fall of
Sesma admitted to Farriols that the "Ummites" had now ceased to
interest him much, since they represented an excessively
technological civilization. His present preferences, he explained,
were inclined towards the inhabitants of Auco, a planet which so he,
Sesma, explained, was on a much higher spiritual plane.
Incredible telephone conversations
Enrique Villagrasa, a charming man with whom Farriols and I soon
became very good friends, gave us a detailed account of his own
first telephonic conversation with a "man from Ummo." This took
place on November 28, 1966, and the conversation lasted almost
exactly two hours, from ten minutes after midnight till 2.15 in the
morning. The mysterious caller spoke slowly, in a voice without
Inflections and with a foreign accent. Without hesitation and with
staggering precision he answered the questions put to him by
Villagrasa. These questions dealt with the most diverse subjects:
history, sciences; archaeology; various techniques. etc. The unknown
speaker replied without hesitation, though he were reading the
answers out of dictionary.
At times Villagrasa had the impression
that he was talking to an electronic brain.
Villagrasa was however not the only person have long conversations
with the mysterious a unknown callers. Another of the correspondents
from whom Villagrasa heard was - to cap it all a police officer, and
he too had had long conversations on the telephone with the
"gentleman from Ummo."
The irritating thing about the whole business that the communication
was always established only a one-way basis; that is to say, it was
impossible to communicate with them, and one simply had rely solely
on calls from them.
More "reports"
Some of the correspondents turned out to be members of Sesma's
group, and it became known that they too had been receiving the
mysterious mimeographed communications. Among these communications
there were several dealing with following themes:
"The biogenetic bases of the living
beings that inhabit the Cosmos" (24 pages) "Description of the Ummo craft or OAWOOL UEIVA OEMM" (43 pages, with
sketches and illu.)
"Sociat Strukture of Ummo" (8 pages)
Some of these reports were of a high scientific level as f.eks.....
the first and last of them given above. The first offend no less
than an explanation of the cause of mutations - by which the various
species living in the cosmos are enabled to evolve.
The cause of mutations is connected with a vast cosmic cycle - the
dimensions or scope of which cycle are so vast that terrestrial mans
have not detected it. There is also mention in the same report of a
mysterious chain of 84 atoms of crypton which, located in the
hypothalamus, form the link between the soma (body) and the psyche
As for the report on the IBOZOO UU, this offers a truly
revolutionary view of Space, Based upon a physics that has no
relation whatever to terrestrial physics. The Ummites describe our
conception of Space as simplistic not corresponding at all to the
true reality of the Cosmos, being based on mathematical and
geometrical abstractions.
They describe a subatomic particle what they call the IBOZOO UU.
According to the manner in which these axes - of the IBOZOO UU are
orientated, we see the production of matter, energy, mass or of any
other type of radiation.
Furthermore, they say that there exist in Space certain folds or
warps which, when the iso-dynamic circumstances are right, enable
them to make interstellar voyages in a time that is incomprehensible
for our physicists, as their craft perform a dimensional change by
reversing their IBOZOO UU, which permits them to take a "short cut"
without following the illusory straight lines of the propagation of
By this means they are enabled to come here in eight or nine
months from their planet UMMO, which, according to the reports
supplied by them, is in orbit around the star IUMMA, located at 14.6
light-years from Earth and identified provisionally by them as the
star Wolf 424 of our stellar catalogue.
The Professor and the box
Among the people who were due to have participated in the meeting of
the recipients there was a certain professor, the holder of a chair
in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Madrid, He too, like
the rest, had received telephone calls from the Ummites.
To begin with he thought that it was a joke, but when his mysterious
communicant at the other end of the telephone line demonstrated that
he himself was the possessor of medical knowledge that was out of
the ordinary, the Professor invited him to come to tea in his house
despite the absurdity, as he saw it, of the other party's assertion
that he "came from another planet."
His interlocutor declined the invitation, but said he would give
him, on loan, a little piece of apparatus which would convince him.
An emissary would then come, a few days later, to collect the
apparatus. (This emissary was to he the copyist.)
The University professor, who has related all these details in an
anonymous letter which the copyist distributed among the rest of the
recipients of the reports, did in fact receive a small package. When
opened, it proved to contain a little square box, with no projecting
parts, that is to say, with entirely smooth sides, of metallic
appearance, and of a dull black color.
On one of its facets this
little box had a translucent screen which was joined to the rest of
the box without any dissolution of continuity: that is to say,
without any mark, as thought the union had been effected at the
molecular level. The little box was accompanied by some simple
instructions on its use, providing for the utterance of certain
determined vowels in a fixed order, whereupon the mechanism was
Fearing that the instrument might explode in his hands the Professor
refused to do the test in his own home, and took the little box off
to site Faculty laboratory at a time of the day when nobody was
using the premises. Before doing so, he had borrowed from a
colleague a Canon camera loaded with color film, and his colleague
was asked to explain to him how to work it.
Arrived at the laboratory, the Professor set the little Black box
down on a piece of baize-cloth and, holding the paper in his
trembling hands, pronounced the vowels in the order indicated.
Immediately the translucent screen on the little box lit up, became
transparent, and the Professor was able to contemplate, inside the
box, a histological specimen, greatly enlarged, in color, and
alive, showing a neuron. The Professor filmed the device while it
was in operation and then, following the instructions as they were
given, he saw two more historical specimens appear.
Then, just as he had been told, one fine day a young man with a
heard turned up and stated he had been commissioned to take back the
apparatus. The color film however remained in possession of the
Professor, whose identity it so far been impossible for us to
discover, despite our efforts.
So we proceed with a further selection from the remarkable UMMO
documents which were sent to selected recipients in various parts of
the world by beings, allegedly extraterrestrial, who said they had
journeyed from the planet UMMO to Earth, where they landed in
France, at La Javie in the Department of the Basses Alpes in 1950.
The UMMO documents carried, as authentication, a seal marked with a
thumb-print and displaying an emblem like a letter H, with curved
'arms' and a shorter perpendicular bar bisecting the horizontal bar.
In 1967 the mysterious gentlemen from UMMO announced that on June
10th of that year they would send a craft to land at Santa Monica,
near Madrid. The recipients of this message were three of their
correspondents in Madrid, and they, with many others, were present
to see, on the day in question, a disc-shaped craft perform
evolutions over the San Jose de Valderas suburb of Madrid, and
subsequently land briefly at Santa Monica.

The craft bore a sign on
its under-belly very similar to the emblem of the seal on the UMMO
documents; several photographs were taken of the UFO in flight. This event was recorded by Rafael Farriols and myself in our book
Un Caso Perfecto published (in Spanish only) in 1968, and in my
article The San Jose de Valderas Photograp in FSR (Vol. 15, No.5
September-October 1969).
Our views regarding relations
with Earth' men
"It is not possible to give you a synthesis of our present-day
culture without running the risk that our ideas may seem to you to
be unconvincing precisely because, in a brief resume, they lack the
support of the proper argumentation set forth and developed with the
requisite breadth.
"Our desire is to offer you a surface panoramic view of the
intellectual basis of our social structure on various planes that
will be familiar for you, namely the:
"For us, who view the warp and woof of the Cosmos as a
'whole' which cannot be split up into disciplines or science without
gravely distorting the truth, this separation into such compartments
as Cosmo-philosophical, Religious-Moral, and Physical is of course
artificial and wrong. The links between the various different
aspect: of the Universe are so intimate that the mental projection
of them into separate watertight compartments easily alienate the
"But to set these ideas of ours down and transcribe them for you
really is in truth a difficult task - when you bear in mind the fact
that your fashion of mental portrayal is differently formed from
ours. We are unable to make use of a common language intelligible to
both of us. Even now, when I try to use verbal forms in Spanish that
are familiar to you, I am putting a block upon the flux of ideas
which could otherwise be communicated with ease - for the accepted
meanings of your phonemes cannot correctly interpret my thought.
"In our case it isn't only that we have to search for a Spanish word
or phoneme whose meaning analogous to our own corresponding word.
The position is that, even when we have managed do this, and even
when we have made a comp lexicographic analysis of your language,
the expressions formed by these 'words' of ours would still hold,
concealed within them, meanings I are strange to the topical habits
of terrestrial thinking.
"For this reason the ideas offered, in this communications, to
others of your brethren of different nationalities are bound to be 'geotropical"
- that is to say having a marked flavor of 'terrestrial cultural
orientation' towards this or that area of Earth, but this it due to
the vehicle of so communication selected.
The evocative power of the phonemes that familiar to you hinders any
serious attempt exgeognosological cultural transference.
"What is very far indeed from our minds is idea of offering you
these concepts in order that I might serve for you as a
substitutional doctrinal basis in place of the present-day
foundations your own extraterrestrial human thought.
"Communications similar to these, although with specifically
different content, have been
through the post to philosophers, to the hierarchies of various
Churches, to graduates of varied universities, to technical experts,
to publicists, to persons of average education in various countries
of OYAGAA (Earth).
"We are aware that many of your brethren
- rejected this material
because they refuse to recognize our true identity. This attitude is
the orthodox one from the point of view of normal logic.
"But even those terrestrial
OEMMII (men) who prompted by curiosity,
have retained these duplicated pages in various languages, and who
have been to combine, in an admirable balance, the mental reserve
and secrecy demanded by us plus an open attitude of condescending acceptance
of our testimony - have never been under pressure from us to
substitute our views for their own ideas.
Antonio Ribera
This is the topic which Ribera made as a description on the Ummo-case,
in connection with the production of a half-hour video documentary
on the case/subject and this manuscript/subject was used on a radio-sending in Los Angeles later
I choose to take this in first as an introduction,
because it gives a rapid general view on this UFO-contact case, and
a lot of details will be watched later on; some strange ummo-words
will be used here - which is also described later in the material.
The film/video manus:
1. Opening Scene on the video
production - Antonio Ribera
"I am Antonio Ribera of Barcelona, UFO-investigator and writer on
this exotic subject. About 30 years ago I began investigating the
fascinating enigma of the Unidentified Flying Objects, commonly
called UFOs, which during this entire time - and perhaps for long
be-fore - have been observed in the atmosphere of Earth, including
landing on the surface of our planet.
"In these long years of study I have come to the conclusion that the
UFOs are in fact super-machines based on a technology superior to
that of Earth, and that their origin is without doubt
"Since the year 1965 a small group of Spaniards began to receive
mysterious telephone calls of long duration (some lasting more that
an hour), followed in many cases by dispatch by mail of intriguing
mechanically reproduced information monographs. These papers
discussed divers scientific themes and were distinguished by their
high level of information and their rigorously expositive tone. The
well-informed telephone callers as well as the authors of the papers
called themselves "extraterrestrials" and said that they came from a
planet they called UMMO, which in turn orbits a star they called
IUMMA (provisionally identified by them as that we identify as
424 in our astronomy catalogues, and situated some 14 light years
from Earth).
"In 1967 I, for the first time, came into contact with the UMMO
enigma. Consequently I began informing myself on the various papers
and communications from the UMMOs, and I began to receive
communications directly from them myself subsequent to that time and
became one of their contactees. These papers were submitted to
various nations' scientists as well as some foreigners for study.
The reaction of the scientists was surprise at the high level of
information in the texts. Some of the papers offered ideas truly
revolutionary concerning cosmology and biology for example.
"According to the authors of some of these papers, they were human
in appearance, tall and light completed, such that they could pass
unrecognized among us, adopting identities as citizens of the Nordic
countries. Because of this and much more, the UMMO contact is one of
the greatest enigmas of the UFO phenomenon. Are they from a secret
society? Are they a test of credibility launched by NASA, for
example, to study the reaction of Earthmen confronted by the
presence of a supposed extraterrestrial race? Is it a CIA maneuver
to de-prestige the subject of UFOs? Or are the UMMO beings
authentic extraterrestrial as they affirm?
"They say, in effect, that they arrived on Earth in 1950, in three
disc-shaped spacecraft which landed in the French Department called
Basses Alpes (Lower 'Alps). But wouldn't it be more interesting if
they told us themselves?
(remember this manus was made as a half-hour video documentary on
the case) .......showing special effects to produce the images of traveling
space rapidly, until we finally arrive at a water planet covered by
white clouds and blue sea on which floats a single large continent.
Coming closer until it occupies the whole scene. The camera descends
to the surface of the planet until a scene appears of one of the
gigantic constructions in the vertical style of UMMO. We pass to the
interior where we see a great control room and close in on the image
of a single personality whose face ends up occupying the whole
screen. This personality says:
"I am DEI 98, son of DEI 97. I shall explain how our world of UMMO
came into contact with a sister world called by its inhabitants
Earth - a planet which we call OYAGAA. We are in the same control
room where some years ago our technicians recorded a message from
cosmic space which was not natural. We knew it was not a part of the
natural noise of the Galaxy. We received it in a frequency you call
the 21 cm band, that of natural hydrogen. It was a radio-electric
message in code and its origin was undoubtedly intelligent.
"Our technicians went to work and soon located the source of the
emissions. It was your planet, Earth, 'a cold star of this quadrant
for reasons which we will not now explain. With emotion we
understood this to be a message of great importance. It was
intelligent; a succession of dots and dashes that, as we later came
to understand, corresponded to the emissions in your hertzian waves
that in Earth-year 1934 was launched into space by a Norwegian ship
that was testing the wave reflection of the ionosphere of your
planet. A train of waves penetrated the ether of space and was lost.
Fourteen years later arrived at UMMO and was recorded. Our planet is
precisely that distance, 14 light years, from Earth, and the radio
waves traveled the speed of light.
'We then decided to organize our first
INAYUISAA (also a Ummo-word,
some of them will be used further also) or expedition to the
mysterious planet from which came the waves. Our advanced technology
permitted us to traverse the great distance of 14 light-years a few
months by a method of conversion of the IBOZOO UU, or subatomic
particles of our great spaceships which pass them into hyperspace or
another dimensional frame of reference, leaving their normal
dimension of being.
"Nine months after departing UMMO was produced the OAWOOLEAIDA, or
materialization instantaneously of our ship in a pre-selected place
above your Earth.
3. Scene changes to night in the French Alps.
The peaceful scene is
suddenly illuminated with a strange orangish light, and the ship
from UMMO materializes in a ball of yellow-orange light with traces
of a greenish luminous corona, and remains suspended a few meters
above the ground as a tripod landing gear is extended for landing
and it slowly settles onto the surface.
In a few seconds, as the
luminosity fades, a door opens in the side and the first Ummites
jump to the ground dressed in dark formfitting suits. They are tall
and light completed and among them are two women. Altogether there
are two women and six men in this landing party. They begin to
inspect their surroundings. They are at the foot of the Cheval Blanc
peak. The leader of the mission is OEOE 95, son of OEOE 91.
telepathic dialogue takes place:
Woman - Our leader OEOE 95 has something to say.
Oeoe 95 - Our telemetric apparatus is not mistaken. This planet
could be a twin of UMMO, similar mass, similar diameter, similar
atmospheric composition, though the biological explosion here seems
more important. There are more species, both animal and vegetable,
than on our planet at home.
He advances several paces and examines in turn and recognizes the
features of some plants.
OEOE 95 - Bring the atomic disintegrators from the ship and we will
excavate a provisional shelter.
4. Scene already in the interior of the excavated refuge.
The ship
that brought them is parked in a hiding place near the top of Cheval
Blanc Pew, invisible to sight. It is day and the expeditionaries
leave their excavated shelter with prudence. They advance slowly and
cautiously along the slope of the mountain studying everything with
great curiosity, until they arrive at a meadow where cows are
OEOE 95 and his companions contemplate with
the ruminants, animals completely unknown to them. Soon from beyond
a rock comes an Earth boy about 11 years old, the shepherd who has
been tending the heard of cows. Surprised, he looks at the strange
Ummites, making a visor with his hands to see better in the bright
The expeditionaries imitate the gesture thinking it is
some form of greeting, much surprised in their turn. The encounter
is repeated within the next few days. The boy takes the
extraterrestrials as simply strangers, and when they ask him to say
the names of various objects that they have indicated the herdsman
is enchanted to become their teacher. In this way they learned the
first rudiments of the French language of Earth. One day they
brought the boy a page of newspaper that they had encountered, and
he read it to them with some difficulty.
The affairs were such that OEOE 95 decided to send the three ships
of the expeditionary force back to UMMO. The ships rose majestically
into the night sky and disappeared, passing into another dimension.
The expeditionary team remained on Earth free to pursue their own
5. Night scene of migrant workers dormitory
Ummite expeditionary enter the dormitory Wile all the workers are
asleep and obtain samples of terrestrial objects and things for
examination in their laboratory in the cave they have excavated.
They had selected "La Defense" in Tartone, near La Javie.
four years later the Gendarmeria confirmed to Dr. Claude Poher and
Antonio Ribera that in that place there had been a robbery on there
on the date indicated, and that the thieves had taken, among other
things indicated in the communication from the Ummites later, an
electrical computer, and bars soap (which they took for food),
electric light bulbs, clothes, shoes and other domestic things
including a wig and organic cosmetics of the sleepers.
When the police later tried to locate the robbery victims who had
been living in Tartone at the time, they were found living in the
surroundings of Cannes, on the Costa Azul, in homes denoting
positions economic substance. The Ummites had promised to
indemnify them well for their losses. OEOE 95 then sent two of his
brothers to the neigh boring country, Spain, traveling to Irun
under identification of Danish Doctors.
6. The scene shifts now to Albacete (Spain)
Where in 1952 two
mysterious Danish Doctors introduce themselves to doņa Margarita
Ruiz Lihory, a leading Women of Spanish aristocracy. Doņa Margarita
own a big house at no. 50 Calle Major, Where she kept a large
number animals, dogs, cats, parrots, etc. The two Danish Doctors
gained her confidence and she consented to let them stay in the
house, living there for the time being, Where they performed
vivisection experiments on some of the animals. They convinced her
that they could cure some grave psychosomatic disorders that the
Marquesa de Villasante suffer (the title of doņa Margarita).
Shortly after this there developed a macabre episode concerning the
daughter of the Marquesa, Margarita Shelly. Affected by leukemia,
they later understood, things worsened considerably, and she died
short time later. The body was taken to Madrid by the two Danish
Doctors almost immediately. This then became the episode of the
severed hand. In effect, at the death of the daughter, the "doctors"
amputated the right hand and removed the ocular globes sometime
during the trip to Madrid.
The other children of the Marquesa accused her of a
profanation, and took their mother to court, accusing her of
practicing magic and witchcraft. However it was not her, but the
Ummites who were trying to isolate what they thought was an
extraterrestrial virus that might have escaped control. An Ummite
virus perhaps, about which they did not know what effects it might
have on Earth human beings. Later they could see that it was
incurable by him who was experimenting at the large house in
Albacete. They determined that the infection had settled in the
right palm and behind the eyeballs, and while taking the body of the
young lady to Madrid they performed an expedited procedure to
section the hand, and to extirpate the eyes.
This event plus other complications that came up at Albacete,
obliged the Ummites to terminate their project to study the superior
vertebrates of Earth for which three members of the INAYUYISAA to
France had entered Spain through Irun with passports from Nordic
countries. We should say in passing that Interpol asked the North
American CIA to begin an active search for several tall light
completed men that may be traveling on Swedish passports, or
perhaps even Danish or Norwegian, Who spoke with difficulty and Who
carried an apparatus in the throat.
They began to assemble
"dossiers" on these strange visitors in the offices of Interpol, of
the Deuxime Bureau, and in the security services around the world.
A few years later, When the
Ummites had already brought some fifteen
additional members studying Earth's civilization, two other "Danish
Doctors" presented themselves one fine day at the home of a
professional secretary and mechanical copier in Madrid who had
advertised in the local paper an advertisement saying "We make
mechanical copies".
7 Scene shifts (remember this was the film
manus) to the home of a public stenographer in Madrid
These two "Doctors" (later it was believed that one of them was DEI
98) after making arrangements to dictate material to be typed up by
the copyist and then be prepared in various copies to be mailed to
specific addresses furnished, began to dictate high level scientific
papers to the typist, Who would transcribe and reproduce them as
The public secretary could not contain his surprise one
day When DEI 98 ( the name they used on one of the Ummites) dictated
the following phrase, We come from the cold star UMMO, which can be
found 14.6 light-years from Earth". Perceiving his surprise, DEI 98
took from his pocket a small dark sphere that,
"floated in the air as
it activated in itself a picture, and the stupefied secretary could
see himself and his wife, on the previous day, arguing heatedly.
His wife said, "look, even though these men pay you well, I think
they might be spies. Don't you think you should call the Police?'
Begging pardon - with the
exquisite courtesy of the
Ummites - for this intrusion on his intimate family, DEI 98 said, "I
believe that now you will have no doubt about our identity".
The information that the secretary had - was to be dictated by the
visitor. The Ummites could not make the papers because, among the
several anatomical differences from Earthmen, is an excessive
sensitivity in the tips of the fingers due to having 36 nerve
terminations which make simple things like writing very
painful for the Ummites a well as typing or pushing a button on an
elevator, which in the last case they do with their knuckles).
These papers were sent to some score Spanish citizens, which
represented a cross-section of the Population and also represented
almost all of the professions, doctors , a cartoonist (the late
Alfonso Paso), a police commissioner, a couple of engineers, and
specialized writers on extraterrestrial themes, among whom is
Antonio Ribera and professor Fernando Sesma, who did not delay in
publishing the first book on this case titled "UMMO - ANOTHER
INHABITED PLANET", in which he described the papers that had been
Because Sesma received most of the early paper from the
Ummites, a false impression that this was all the work of Professor
Fernando Sesma Manzano developed.
8. Scene shift to one of the Spanish scientists in his office - on
the telephone - were he has received a telephone call from an Ummite
The reception of the xero-copied manuscripts was often preceded by a
series of mysterious telephone calls in a monotone voice without
inflection inviting questions on distinct scientific themes. The telephone calls were long winded, often lasting more than a half hour!
The callers identified themselves as "a visitor to Earth from the
planet UMMO".
According to civil construction engineer Eririque
Villagrasa, - who was one of the first contacted,
"The voices
sounded like they came from a computer, because of the incredible
precision of response to questions I asked."
These conversations often ended with invitation to the person
called to request information on a theme special interest to him. In
a few days he would receive the information requested in the form of
a copied monograph, sometimes accompanied by surprising drawings,
tables, graphs, and even photographs and microfilm images,
especially prepared for the report, and addressed and mailed to them
in ordinary mail. They were always authenticated by a curious seal
stamped on the margin of the message.
9 Scene change (on the video), Engineer Enrique Villagrasa
describing his conversation about the UMMO spacecraft and subsequent
receipt of the report already described in the earlier pages of this
book. Villagrasa exhibits and describes the documents and
information received, showing the extreme complexity of the UMMO
10 Scene on the video shift, the offices of Doctor .........,
Professor of Histology at the University of Madrid who has also
received a call from one of the Ummite visitors. Believing the call
to be a joke by one of his students, he began to hang up When the
anonymous caller invited him to ask questions about his particular
specialty. So scientific and precise were the responses, that the
professor was amazed, but he asked a question of his caller. "You
shall have your answer. Tomorrow I will send it to you", was the
As with Villagrasa, the answer came almost immediately, seemingly
from a computer as there seemed no time for preparation of answers
to questions asked spontaneously by the Earth recipient of the call.
In this case on the following day a young bearded man arrived at the
house of the professor (it was the public secretary) carrying a
package, Which he delivered to the professor. Opening it the doctor
saw that it contained a dark rectangular box with rounded corners.
Accompanying it, was a note with "instructions".
To activate it, the
note said, he trust pronounce a series of vocal tones in a certain
order. The professor took the box to his laboratory at the
University, since it was a holiday and there was nobody around. He
set the box on a bench on top of a protective cloth in the
demonstration room and carefully pronounced the notes, HE had
brought a borrowed 35mm Canon camera with him to film any results.
A part of the box illuminated at the effect of his voice, forming a
small viewing screen that didn't seem to have any end to continuity
with the rest of the box. No separation or break between the screen
and the finish of the box. In the view appeared a "live" neuron.
Then pronouncing other vocals indicated, the neuron disappeared and
another historical view was presented, also "alive", on the profound
questions asked over the telephone, something that is absolutely
impossible for our science to do.
The following day the bearded
man reappeared to pick up the extraordinary box. The public
secretary then proposed, in a discussion with the professor, to
arrange a reunion of all the recipients f the UMMO papers, to see if they shouldn't
eventually bring the affair to the knowledge of the Spanish
authorities. But the Ummites were aware of the conversation and
expressed violent verbal disapproval. "It is the only time
that I have seen them truly angry", wrote the secretary to the net
of UMMO correspondents.
After all this, the INAYUYISAA (expeditionary team) having succeeded
in opening the contacts with Earth, departed. Other expeditionary
groups with different specialists came and were in turn relieve by
still others. The marvelous UMMO ships "traveled" the WAAM (Cosmos)
utilizing the folds of space and by means of the OWAOLEIDA or
inversion of their IBOZOO UU (supermicro-particle) passed into other
dimensional frame of reference (such as the UWAAM or the
anti-cosmos). Traveling in this way; outside of normal space,
they were able to come from UMMO to Earth (or return) in only 8 to 9
11. Scene shift to various scientists commenting on the UMMO
Because of the high level of information presented, eminent
scientists in Spain began to take notice, and also in other
countries a well.
In France physicists and astrophysicists saw a new
and revolutionary concept to the universe and in the knowledge of
the IBOZOO UU, (supermicro-particle), and biologists were amazed by
the "Biogenetic bases of the being that populate the WAAM", received
by Alicia Araujo (now deceased) of Madrid, which explained nothing
less than the cause of genetic mutations produced by unknown cosmic
radiations of great temporal magnitude.
12. the Ummites bring in sophisticated equipment
...that allows them to
simultaneously monitor all media, radio and television emanations,
an they study our political and geopolitical situation worldwide
They detect the rapid escalation of weapons and atomic potential an
a deteriorating world social situation that raises their probability
estimates of the inevitability of an atomic exchange to an
alarmingly high percent.
They decide to evacuate all their people
from Earth and arrange for evacuation ships from UMMO.
13. The scene shifts back the public stenographer's house and
meeting there to include the typists wife. DEI 98 ( the name they
used on one of the Ummites) and another man arrive and discuss the
assembly of one group of Ummites in Madrid for pickup by an
evacuation ship. Arrangements are made with the typist and his wife
for some of the Ummites to stay in their house when the get to
Madrid to await the pick-up. The neighborhood area is inspected and
area surveillance equipment deployed to assure their security while
The leader of the expeditionary group arrives from Australia and is
introduced to the typist and his wife. Dinner is served to the Ummo
guests that night and a conversation follows. Then preparations for
sleeping are made, and they all turn in. Further preparations for
the departure of the group are made the next day, and another night
is spent in the secretary's home.
Thus developed the conditions that resulted in the observation at
San Jose de Valderas, by dozens of Madrileņos taking the air at a
picnic ground outside the city in the late afternoon of I June 1967.
14. Scene changes to the picnic ground at San Jose de Valderas,
Santa Monica where many picnickers are trying to escape the heat of
that day in the late afternoon shade. Suddenly the groups of people
are stirred by the approach of a strange circular aircraft of
completely unknown disc-shaped design. It is huge, some 70 feet in
diameter and displays a large peculiar emblem on the lower surface
of the ship. The symbol is like a stylized "H" with curved arms and
another vertical bar in the middle, more specifically,
separate spectators in the crowd have cameras and begin shooting
Others scramble for their cameras and more are believed to
have been taken as the object passed fairly close, in full view of
everyone on the park. The large ship made an approaching curve
toward the witnesses and then curved away again and descended and
apparently landed beyond some trees obscuring the further view. Then
a few moments later it took off again and flew away.
The big ship
had landed on the Santa Monica convent grounds, where the witnesses
found tripod landing marks pressed into the ground. They also
discovered some some mysterious metal objects of small size, like
the ones deployed in the neighborhood of the typist's house the
night the Ummites stayed there. These may have been some kind of
area surveillance probe.
At least two sets of black and white photographs have been
identified with that sighting. The two photographers were in
different group locations, unacquainted with each other, using
different cameras, with different rolls of film, slightly different
exposures, with different film processing in different locations and
unknown to each other.
One of these sets of pictures came to
attention when the photographer took it to be developed, and
pictures of the ship were published in the newspaper the following
day. The second photographer, seeing the pictures in the paper got
in touch with researchers anonymously and gave them two of his
photographs. None of the other photographers ever came to attention
if they got pictures too.
This event is reported in great detail in the book
by Antonio Ribera and Rafael Farriols.
15. The scene shifts again the cafe Leon near San Jose de Valderas, where Professor
Fernando Sesma Manzano is meeting with
some 30 friends and acquaintances who had been advised by letter in
advance and were aware that the UMMO pick-up was going to be made,
and were there to witness it. Unfortunately for them the landing
took place a few kilometers away at the picnic area and they missed
the event until spectators arrived at the restaurant excitedly
describing the event.
Thirty six persons present with Sesma signed
the back of his copy the letter from the Ummites advising him of the
anticipated pickup which they had calculated would take place near
the zone of Boadilla del Monte, near by, though they didn't know
exactly where.
16. The face of Antonio Ribera comes on screen again he explain
that the UMMO visitors had watched the development of the
Arab-Israeli war of 1967, and knew of the commitments by each
political faction and what actions were being prepared. Their
calculated probability of atomic war beginning to escalate in the
last days of May as they observed the rapid development of events,
and the evacuation ships were hastily called in. Only the sudden and
catastrophic change of events on 5 June (just 4 days later - the
preemptive 6-day war) changed the course of planning and the
The UMMO returned when the danger was reduced and resumed their
studies of Earth. In 1973 the danger grew to unacceptable
probabilities again and once more they evacuated all Ummites from
this planet. This time they went home, and they were gone for four
year before they resumed their studies on a reduced scale.
17. The camera slowly zooms in closer Ribera explains that these
visitors have taken most of their specialists home, advising that
their ethics prohibit them from giving us anything. Their advance
technologies would be of no benefit to us because we are not ready
to use them wisely. We would turn them to war potentials and we
would be worse off than before.
All efforts at personal
communications have now failed, one reason for now releasing this
information. Perhaps this presentation will serve in some way,
finally, for them... Perhaps We can still learn.....
18. A new scene with Ribera he explains that in 1980 as he was
struggling with an ending for this presentation, the UMMOs
themselves contacted him again and offered a close for the
documentary presentation you will now see.
19 The face of DEI 98 fills the screen as he says:
"For 30 years we have studied your science, your culture, history
and civilizations All this information we have carried from your
Earth to Ummo in our titanium crystals codified with data. We HAVE
DEMONSTRATED to you our culture and our technology in purely
descriptive form - so you cannot convert them or realize them
practically. We have done this because we note with sadness that you
employ your sciences primarily for war and the destruction of your
own selves, which cont. as your principal objective.
You are like children playing with terrible and dangerous toys which
will destroy you. WE CAN DO NOTHING! A cosmic law says that each
world must take its own path, to survive or to perish. You have
chosen the second. You are destroying your planet - annihilating
your species, and contaminating (forerunner) your atmosphere and
your seas until now this is irreversible. With sadness we
contemplate your insanity, and understand that the remedy is only in
We can not look forward a great
distance into your future because your psyche are completely
unpredictable and capricious bordering on paranoia. As your elder brothers
in this cosmos, we urgently desire with all our hearts your
salvation. Do not destroy your beautiful blue planet, a rare
atmospheric world that floats so majestically in space, so full of
[This was the message read over KABC radio Open Mind in
mid-November 1982 when the station was flooded with calls and
letters asking for a copy of the message Some of the callers were
crying. On 29 January 1983 it Was read again by John Erickson,
co-star of the excellent UFO science fiction movie "Bamboo Saucer",
and again the effect was spectacular.
There were hundreds of letters
and calls again and many requests for a repeat, so many that for the
next two weeks Bill Jenkins close his show with Erickson's reading
of the message - as listeners all over Los Angeles recorded copies
of it.]
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