The helicopters themselves have been seen in areas where UFOs were
reported, in many countries. In some of the more interesting
accounts, the mystery helicopters were seen with UFOs or shortly
after UFOs were sighted.
In a documented Mystery Helicopter wave in England, accounts place
oriental appearing occupants in a unidentified chopper. Slant-eyed,
olive skinned, oriental seeming occupants have been a staple at the
heart and at the periphery of UFO accounts for years, significant
numbers of the infamous 'Men in Black' (MIBs) have a similar
appearance, but very often the are seen as very pale and gaunt men
who are sensitive to light.
In "Stigmata", (fall-winter 1978) Tom Adams outlines the most
prominent speculative explanations, accounting for the mutilation
helicopter link, including the following possibilities:
The helicopters are themselves
UFOs, disguised to appear as terrestrial craft.
The choppers originate from
within the U.S. Government Military and are directly
involved in conducting the actual mutilations.
The helicopters are Government
Military and are not involved in the mutilations but are
investigating them.
The helicopters are Government
Military, and they know about the identity and the motives
of the mutilators and by their presence, they are trying to
divert attention to the possibility of involvement by the
Mystery Helicopters and Mutilations
Normally the mystery helicopters belongs to the DELTA/NRO division.
For a normal mutilation research mission they send one helicopter
with a team of seven agents and two Remote Piloted Vehicle, (RPVs).
The RPVs are small devices of look-a-like small saucers of three (3)
feet in diameter and radio controlled.
Surveillance Devices

Airborne Remotely
Operated Device, AROD
NOTE: This vehicle was created by Aerojet Electro-Systems in
The RPVs also carry a surveillance robot Airborne Remotely Operated
Device (AROD). A flying pizza with a tail, three (3) feet across,
carrying a high-tech video camera aboard. Also surveilling the
surveillance device from above, is a device known as a
High-Altitude Long-Endurance Drone (HALE).
HALE is designed to reach altitudes up
to 100,000 feet. The device is powered by microwaves from the main

The Hale
The Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical Corporation is responsible for the
mysterious Helicopters or 'XH SHARKS', as they refer to them.

The TRA, SN-75
I believe a cover-up of the capacity of
this helicopter, is operating which overrides the real and total
capacities and capabilities of this helicopter, but the following
is only what I've been able to learn,
and may not be the total capacity and/or capabilities.
Type Rotor: Advanced Blade
System, Experimental Research Demonstrator.
Engines: One (1), 1,825
horsepower Pratt & Whitney engine, Canada J60-3A Turbojet,
Turboshaft and two (2) 3,000 lb. (1361 Kg) Pratt & Whitney
Dimensions: Diameter of three
(3) blade, double main rotors are thirty six (36) feet oin
(10-97m) length of the fuselage forty (40) feet.
Some helicopters (XH-75D Type) also have
a Gravitational Electromagnetic Projector to create a "Cocoon"
around the helicopter as a disguise. A 360 degree global arc with a
radius of fifty (50) feet, more or less, provides a photonic

A black Helicopter
(XH-75D Type)
When activated, turns into a UFO, as
shown below, with no inertia and no acceleration effects.

This provides 82% Higher protection
against attacks.
When used during a normal Mutilation Research
Mission, the XH-75D Type black helicopter carries a crew of seven
agents, two (2) RPVs, and one (1) HALE drone.
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