by Marshall Vian Summers
November, 2003

from GreaterCommunity Website



In years past, I have always written about Thanksgiving and celebrated it as a special day to acknowledge our blessings in life and to emphasize the need for gratitude. This indeed is a day set aside to take stock of all that we have been given and to affirm the gifts that even life's misfortunes can sometimes bring. Thanksgiving is often associated with images of good food, family and friends and times of celebration. Along with this is the traditional image of the kindness of Native Americans helping the newly-arrived Pilgrims in their struggle to become established in the New World.

The Dark Side

Yet Thanksgiving has a dark side, a cloud of reality that overshadows its otherwise festive quality. Despite all the cultural images that we recognize to honor this holiday, it retains an ominous significance, for it marks the beginning of a European Intervention into America which had tragic and devastating consequences for the native peoples of this land. Many Native Americans today have not forgotten this. What does this holiday represent to them? And why is it important for the rest of us to know about their experience, especially at this time?

This dark side of Thanksgiving stands as one of those disquieting reminders that all is not as it seems in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Yet my emphasis here is not to recount those crimes against humanity which unfortunately accompanied the founding of our country; nor is my emphasis to cast a pall of guilt and recrimination over this potentially joyous time of the year. Instead, I see the need to draw out of the event that Thanksgiving commemorates certain lessons of life and certain dangerous assumptions which have blinded us in the past and which threaten to blind us once again.

Interventions Throughout History

The historical account that Thanksgiving honors is not just one of human kindness and perseverance; it represents the beginning of a long Intervention which, despite its seeming innocence at the outset, proved to be a catastrophe for the original inhabitants of this land and a blight upon our national history and dignity. This Intervention is instructive to us now because we are facing a new Intervention of a much larger magnitude, an Intervention which threatens to displace and oppress not just certain tribes or groups of people, but all the peoples of the world.

What I am referring to is the worldwide Extraterrestrial Intervention that has been building over the past 50 years. This Intervention has been observed by tens of thousands of people worldwide, but the awareness of it remains suppressed under a veil of denial and ridicule.

Because of this, humanity is not ready for this new Intervention. It is as unexpected and seemingly inexplicable to us as the first European visitors must have seemed to the Native Americans. Yet this Intervention may be even more inexplicable because our visitors are not human and the revelation of their presence, which has been concealed, could change our reality far more than the Europeans changed the reality of the Native Americans.

As our own history shows us, Interventions of this kind occur for very practical reasons and are almost always driven by the desire for resource acquisition and conquest on the part of the explorers. History also shows us how rarely the natives of each "New World" were able to recognize at the outset the threat posed by these intrusions and the intentions of their strange new visitors. In welcoming them, the native people did not foresee what would follow. Too often the new conquerors, because of their unusual appearance and behavior, were thought to be gods or spiritual emissaries of some kind.

Whether the intruders were welcomed or ignored, this naiveté proved repeatedly to be disastrous for the native inhabitants and highly advantageous to the newcomers. Again and again, large native cultures who had survived for millennia would fall within a few short years to small groups of explorers who relied on guile and deception to achieve their aims. To overcome larger nations, explorers would capitalize on the existing hostilities between tribes, pitting one against another to weaken and colonize their new subjects. This is how Pizarro with little over a hundred men gained a foothold and dominance in an Inca nation stretching thousands of miles. This is how Cortez with his 550 men defeated the Aztecs, the most powerful empire in the Western Hemisphere.

The 21st Century Intervention

As fantastic as it may seem, now we in the 21st century are facing another Intervention of an even greater magnitude, an Intervention which has the power to displace and oppress an entire world of people. This is an Extraterrestrial Intervention, and it is following strikingly similar patterns of persuasion and deception that have been practiced so many times before within our own world.

The rules of Intervention are the same:

  • get the native people, and especially their leaders, to welcome you; encourage the natives to believe that they are inferior;

  • show that the visitors are superior by a display of advanced technology;

  • convince the native people that they need a superior race in order to be saved from their conflicts and their "savagery";

  • make a show of force, capitalize on the conflicts and competition between tribes and offer the natives symbols of your power, which are usually mere trinkets.

Here the persuasion is the same and the problem of human denial is the same. Let history be our witness. Read the well-researched literature that describes the growing ET-human contact and these similarities will become apparent to you. Though many people see this contact as a mystery, it is no mystery.

We Are the Natives Now

We are the natives of the New World now facing an Intervention that could seem to offer promise and hope for a struggling humanity. Yet we risk the same failure that led to the subjugation of the native peoples of every "New World" that has been discovered and overcome by intervening forces in our own history.

The failure is not recognizing the intentions of those new forces that we are encountering. The failure is not seeing the Intervention for what it is, but yielding instead to the temptation of greater power and technology. The failure is our continued obsession with our own tribal, cultural and religious conflicts while ignoring a common adversary which threatens us all equally. The failure is our unwillingness to face our situation and unite for our own defense. The failure is our blind hope that someone or something else "out there" will save us.

These are lessons of nature. These are the lessons of history. Interventions are a part of nature. They occur all the time in the plant, animal and human kingdoms. They are part of life everywhere. Yet somehow we have lost the "natural knowing" to see the forces of nature at work once again. Have our survival instincts been neutralized? And if so, by whom?

Now, instead of being the conquerors, we are the ones facing conquest, a conquest that is being carried out in a very subtle and devious manner by a small expeditionary ET force. Using subtle means that have proven so successful before, this ET force could secretly overcome the entire human population and establish a new center of power and authority here. It has happened so many times before.

This is the greatest threat in human history. But who sees it coming? We are blind to what lies just beyond our borders. We are like a small tribe in the jungle who is about to be discovered by the outside world. We are distracted from seeing the real threat as we fight continuously with one another. We are sitting on land highly valued by others. Our visitors come promising gifts of technology, hope and advancement for our "primitive" people. And we are tempted to take their gifts, having been impressed by the marvels of their technology and betrayed by our blind assumption of their moral superiority.

Divine Intervention

Into this desperate situation a new revelation is occurring - a Divine Intervention. The Creator of all life has sent both a warning and a gift of preparation. Humanity is at a critical threshold. We are facing the reality that we are no longer alone in the universe or even within our own world. We are facing a direct challenge to our sovereignty and right of self-determination on our own planet of origin. Yet we are unprepared. This has called for a Divine Intervention. It is humanity's destiny to mature and evolve as a free race within a Greater Community of intelligent life. This is part of a Greater Plan. Because we are unprepared and cannot see what we stand to lose, a Divine preparation has been sent, calling now upon all of our inherent abilities and spiritual strength.

The preparation revealed in the books:

  • Steps to Knowledge: The Book of Inner Knowing,

  • Wisdom from the Greater Community

  • Greater Community Spirituality : A New Revelation,

mysteriously connects us to the Divine within. It gives us the ability and the inner authority to see and to know what to do in the face of this Intervention and all future Interventions which we may likely encounter. It is time now to prepare.

Our Friends Reveal the Truth

The briefings provided in The Allies of Humanity: An Urgent Message About the Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today show us that we are facing an Intervention very much like the one the Native Americans faced at an earlier time. These briefings remove the veil of mystery surrounding the ET presence and challenge the illusions and assumptions that render us blind to the Intervention of our time.

The briefings give us a clear and unambiguous picture of our situation, the real Intervention that we now face, and what we must do to begin to build the human awareness and cooperation necessary to overcome it. Yet many people still do no want to see. They see ships in our skies now instead of ships on the oceans, and they are dumbfounded. They think that this is the coming of the "gods." Or they are blinded by the display of superior technology.

Some are foolish in wanting to believe in all the good tidings that the arrival of these "new beings" will bring to us. And they fail to see the deception, the persuasion and the promises that have betrayed so many nations of people before us.

Key Questions

To face this reality, we must address certain key questions:

  • Do we have the strength to ward off this Intervention?
    Yes, we have the strength just as our ancestors had the strength to ward off their Interventions.

  • Will we be overcome by advanced technology?
    No, we will be overcome by our own ignorance, lack of confidence and our foolish assumptions.

  • Do we face a superior force?
    No, we face a small expeditionary force that wants to project the image that it is benevolent and all powerful. This force is gaining a presence in our world with very little resistance from us.

  • Is it our destiny to become directed and controlled by foreign powers?
    No, it is our destiny to become a free race within the Greater Community but only if we can find the strength and will to ward off the deceptions and temptations being offered to us by our uninvited guests. Our fate will be determined by the decisions that we make right now.

  • Do we need ET technology to save us?
    No, we can save ourselves with earth-based solutions to all the problems that we face, without becoming dependent on foreign powers. Humanity has the creativity and the ability to solve our own problems. We now have a compelling reason to do this.

  • Do the intervening Extraterrestrials have a "right" and destiny to be here?
    No, this is our world of origin. It has been given to us by the Creator. The question is whether we will fulfill our responsibility as stewards and protectors of this magnificent planet or give it away for a promise of peace, power or technology.

  • Are humans too violent and savage a race to ever evolve?
    No, humanity is endowed with a strong voice of conscience and a desire for freedom, which have furthered our evolution all along and produced great things of value on this planet. This is what humanity has to offer to the Greater Community. Once we lose sight of our own value and promise for the future, then we have succumbed already and a precious flame is extinguished.


A New Message

Because the well-being of the entire world is at stake and all life within it, God has sent a New Message into the world to alert us and to prepare us for our future within a Greater Community of intelligent life. God wills for humanity to unite and to emerge into this Greater Community as a free and self-determined race.

This is why there is a New Message from God. This is why the Allies of Humanity have sent their briefings to warn us of the dangers of premature contact and the reality of the ET Intervention. This is why the preparation for learning about life in the Greater Community has been given to our world. With this preparation, we will be able to tell friend from foe, build our individual and collective strength and establish our own "Rules of Engagement."

We are facing a challenge that we cannot fully comprehend on our own. We need assistance and that assistance has been sent.

The New Message states, in the audio recording "Understanding the Intervention," that at the beginning of the European incursion into the New World, God's angels brought a message warning of impending danger to the "seers" of the native tribes. Yet that message was not fully understood or adopted by enough of the native people. If it had been, history might have played itself out very differently.

Things did not have to turn out the way that they did

The New Message seeks to alert us to the great hidden danger of our time, to remind us of our value to the Creator and to urge us to end our ceaseless conflicts with one another in order to stand together to preserve and save our world from foreign domination. Can we hear this? Can we see this? Are we able to respond? If not, another race of people, humanity, will be lost and all the wisdom, the art, the spirituality and the meaning that we have accumulated will be lost with us, to be seen no more.

This Thanksgiving let us be grateful, but also sober and alert. Let us learn from our native ancestors and use the tragedy of their experience to enable us to recognize and meet the great challenge of our time. Let us be patient, wise and discerning so that the legacy of all those who have fallen before us will provide the example to strengthen and unify us in the times ahead.

"May the power of Knowledge within us, God's great endowment, give us the courage, strength and commitment we need to take this next step together in protecting and uplifting our human family."